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What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm teaches that God's splendor and reputation covers the entire universe. It shows the strength of God and the promises that are fulfilled by clinging to His Word. There is victory in His name for His children. We see evidence of that in verse 2.

The Psalm teaches that God values humans as His most prized creation. God wants to include us in His plan. One of our responsibilities is to surrender to that plan by surrendering to Christ and laying down our lives daily.

This Psalm teaches that Christ was sent because a "boundless" God cares for us so deeply. Another one of our responsibilities is to praise God daily in thanks for what He's given us. We also have a responsibility to, then, share the love that God has with others. We have been given power over all other creation and it is, therefore, our responsibility to take care of it to the best of our ability.

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i am new to this but i will give it a try. i believe that this teaches us that God has given us his the responsibilty to take care of and cherish the earth and take care of it. he loves us so much.


I think this Psalms is teaching us how majestic God is for all of the wonderful creation on earth on to look up to the Heavens and know that He has created that also. We shall praise him starting from birth. God has put us above all living things and it is our responsibility to take care of these precious gifts He has given us.We should stand together to fight all ememies of God.We have the power to keep the planet going by multipling, taking care of nature and God has given Us that power...how special is that gift.

  • 3 weeks later...

God and His creation are so humongous that we have a difficult time as humans wrapping our minds around just how huge. But God has no problem wrapping His personal love right around each one of us, despite our small size in the scheme of things. God made Himself small in becoming a man named Jesus, to accomplish a divine plan to save us each from sin and death through His cross and resurrection. As humans we have the responsibility to multiply and fill the earth and to have dominion as good stewarts of the earth.

  • 1 month later...

QUOTE(Pastor Ralph @ Aug 18 2007, 05:41 PM) 28536[/snapback]

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1). Psalm teaches us that God is the Lord and Creator of the whole world and the universe. He rules over the world with love, power, justice and sovereignty.

2). Psalm teaches that human being bear the very image of God. That we are created to be a worker of God with dignity and value in overseeing His creation. God has created us for a reason, which gives our life ultimate meaning and purpose. We are to obey and be submissive to the One in authority.

3). It teaches us that we owe to our Creator and all glory belongs to God.

4). Our responsiblity is to demonstrae Christlike character and conduct in our task. He wants us to bring Him glory as a faithful manager of the resources and responsibilities He has placed us under His control. We are to find fulfillment and motivation in working with God, trusting and submitting our total dependency on HIm.


Q1(PSALM 8)what does this psalm teach about God? what does it teach about human beings? what does it teach us about Christ? what does it teach about our responsibilities? 1, it teaches us that God is powerful, he can do every thing, he rules over the world with love and justice. 2, it teaches us that, he created human beings a little lower than the Angels,but God still think about us, he also made man ruler over the works of his creation. 3, it teaches something about Christ humbling himself to the death, died on the wooden cross to save us from our sins. 4, it teaches us that our responsibilities is to submit ourselves to God, we are not independent we are here to serve God

  • 3 months later...

Psalm 27: 13-14

"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

Habakkuk 3:19

"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of dear, he enables me to go on the heights."

  • 7 months later...

What does this Psalm teach about God - His majestic fills the earth and his Glory is higher than the heavens. He has made everything moon, sun, animals everything. What does it teach about human beings - we have been given charge over everything God created. What does it teach about Christ - Since Christ walked this earth in human form it states he was crowned with glory and honor, and also put in charge of everything God created including ourselves. What does it teach about our responsibilities - We are to take care of what God has created.

  • 3 weeks later...

Our God is awesome.  He cares for me so much that He sent His Son (son of man) to die for my sins and rise again for my eternal life.  He not only done it for me but all mankind (my friends, relatives,etc).  Oh the wonders that He has made that He gave to mankind to be responsible for.  The beauty of the earth and all the creations on it is beyond my imagination.  This Psalm ended as it begun.... Our God is awesome...  Praise the Lord for all He is doing for me and mankind. :wub:


  • 1 month later...

The psalmist teaches that God is majestic in his name alone and that his splendor is displayed in heaven. it teaches that God thinks of us man and has considered us and that he takes care of Jesus. God has placed all things in Jesus hands and he has given us dominion over those things.It teaches that God has ordained planned everything even the things that seem insignificant to us. the stars and how with God babies or simple weak things can defeat big things. I think my favorite part is where the psalmist says when I consider the works of your hands. Have you ever considered them like when you look at your child whom's face and features Gods hands have made. He is excellent!!!

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

That He made everything; creation and all of its glory was made by Him. Heaven, the moon and the stars, He ordained and established.He made us, the earth and all it contains. He is Elohim, Creator of the heavens and earth, the birds, the seas, etc..He cares for us human beings.He made us a little lower than Himself, and crowned us with glory and honor.We are God's masterpiece, created in Christ's image.We are to praise and worship Him for Who He is, for His greatness and majesty.

  • 1 month later...

"How Majestic" is an excellent title for this. I'm struck by how great and graceful God is. His grace overflows toward us. He had given authority for this creation to us. I find myself challenged when it comes to handing over the keys of something that I have put my heart and soul into, yet God sets an amazing example of this and does it willingly.

  • 4 months later...

What does the Psalm teach us about the Heavenly Father? I learn that His name -Yahweh- is majestic in All the earth. How excellent is Thy name! It is powerful,loving, kind..the great I AM.


What does it teach us about human beings? He loves us with an awesome love for He gave to us dominion over All He created.He put all things under our feet. Through HIM we can have victory.  He even crowned us

with glory and honor and made us a little lower thn the angels. We are the apple of His eye.


What does it teach us about our responsibilities?  We are to honor all He has made by taking care of it and even inquiring as to how to take care of it. We honor Him by taking care of his creation. We seek His guidancefor wisdom and knowledge come from Him.

  • 4 months later...

This psalm teaches us that God is all powerful and that He loves us even though we are but a speck in his universe. We humans are to take care of the creation that God created. This teaches us that Christ was put here on earth so that we could be reconciled to God. We are responsible to take care of the creation that God has created.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). A.)What does this psalm teach about God? B.)What does it teach about human beings? C.)What does it teach us about Christ? D.)What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A & B. This Psalm teaches me about the greatness of God and at the same time the smallness of human beings. Making me wonder how He could possible care for us, but the Psalm reassures us that He does indeed care for little ole us.

C & D. Christ became man and if we are to be like him we have a great responsibility on this earth. Being good stewards of the animals and resources of this beautiful place.


Q1. (Psalm 8). A.)What does this psalm teach about God? B.)What does it teach about human beings? C.)What does it teach us about Christ? D.)What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A & B. This Psalm teaches me about the greatness of God and at the same time the smallness of human beings. Making me wonder how He could possible care for us, but the Psalm reassures us that He does indeed care for little ole us.

C & D. Christ became man and if we are to be like him we have a great responsibility on this earth. Being good stewards of the animals and resources of this beautiful place.


Q1. (Psalm 8). A.)What does this psalm teach about God? B.)What does it teach about human beings? C.)What does it teach us about Christ? D.)What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A & B. This Psalm teaches me about the greatness of God and at the same time the smallness of human beings. Making me wonder how He could possible care for us, but the Psalm reassures us that He does indeed care for little ole us.

C & D. Christ became man and if we are to be like him we have a great responsibility on this earth. Being good stewards of the animals and resources of this beautiful place.


Q1. (Psalm 8). A.)What does this psalm teach about God? B.)What does it teach about human beings? C.)What does it teach us about Christ? D.)What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A & B. This Psalm teaches me about the greatness of God and at the same time the smallness of human beings. Making me wonder how He could possible care for us, but the Psalm reassures us that He does indeed care for little ole us.

C & D. Christ became man and if we are to be like him we have a great responsibility on this earth. Being good stewards of the animals and resources of this beautiful place.


Q1. (Psalm 8). A.)What does this psalm teach about God? B.)What does it teach about human beings? C.)What does it teach us about Christ? D.)What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A & B. This Psalm teaches me about the greatness of God and at the same time the smallness of human beings. Making me wonder how He could possible care for us, but the Psalm reassures us that He does indeed care for little ole us.

C & D. Christ became man and if we are to be like him we have a great responsibility on this earth. Being good stewards of the animals and resources of this beautiful place.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Ps 8 teaches us about how huge God really is and how big his love is for each and every one of us; an infinite amount. His creation was all done for little minute us.

Christ is that connection to bring us to eternal glory.

We should submit ourselves to God and continue his awesome majestic creation that he made for each one of us caring for the world and everything in it as He cares for us.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?


The Lord is Yahweh (v1). He is the Creator, His creation reflects His Glory and Magesty. The LORD not only created the world and the universe- he cares for his creation (v6-8).


David, in this Psalm, percieves his insignificance, compared to the Lord's infinite creation-David can not understand why the Lord is mindful of him (v4).


The writer of Hebrews considers that Psalm 8:4-5, makes reference to Christ-"...the Son of Man, (the very name Jesus refers to himself  in the gospels: Matt 9:6) you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor". Jesus was man (human yet without sin: Hebrews 4:15) came to the world for the salvation of all mankind (John 3:16-17).


Our responsibility is to be stewards of His creation- where he has placed us on the earth and further afield. We are to serve God by ruling responsibility over his creation in submission to God (from the notes).

  • 1 month later...

I love this Psalm, I'm reminded that we need to take the time to admire the creation. It is majestic and vast. He created all of this for us to enjoy. This teaches me that Yahweh is so much more than we can fathom yet He cares for us.

As far as We are concerned, we are small yet can be mighty in speaking God's name.

Yeshua, our salvation, coming down as a man and suffering on the cross for us is overwhelming when you ponder it. The great love He has for all of us.

We are reminded again of the fact God put us in charge of everything and as we take care of things we should do it as an act of worship.

  • 4 months later...


1.       A) What does this Psalm teach about God?

 God’s majesty is expressed through aspects of creation. The Psalmist message of God is that because of his reputation (character), he is deserving of praise and adoration because of who he is and what he has done.

B) What does this Psalm teach us about man?

 That in spite of our smallness in comparison to God’s greatness, we need to know that we have been highly thought of by God and he wants to know us and to include us in his plans. Yes we may be a little lower than angels but God has crowned us with Glory & honor. We are special to Him as His beauty is seen in his love and care for us.

C) What does this Psalm teach us about Christ?

Hebrew 2:6-7 teaches us the “the son of man” was reference to Christ, who submitted to His Father in coming to earth in humility, leaving His Deity to redeem a lost mankind, by becoming a man, then humbles Himself by taking our shame upon Himself, to die a shameful death “even on the Cross”, that he may restore rebellious mankind to a state of fellowship with his creator.

D) What does this Psalm teaches about man’s responsibility?

We should be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Taking care of the forests wildlife, the Oceans and Rivers and each other, not independent of God but in submission to His will and purpose. 

  • 2 weeks later...

What does this psalm teach about God?

This psalm shows that God is the creator of everything in the universe and ruler of all. The thing that is so mind blowing is that he created man to be in relationship with him and rule over his creation.  This is a job we did not do well but in spite of our failure God God loved us enough to send his Son to correct our relationship with him and eventually restore creation to the greatness God first intended.


What does it teach about human beings?

This psalm teaches that God made us, in his image, as part of creation to have a relationship with him and to rule over all of his created creation. We have a responsibility to care for that creation a best we can. One day through Jesus Christ that creation will be restore to its original greatness and because of Jesus work on the cross and his defeat of death will will again have a part in the rulership of his kingdom.


What does it teach about Christ?

It teaches us that God so loves us that he sent Jesus to earth to restore that relationship with us that God so wants. Jesus defeated death and will restore all things.


What does Psalm 8 teach about our responsibilities?

We are responsible for God's creation . It is our duty to take care of creation as best we can because when it is restored we will again have a part in the ruler-ship of God's kingdom.

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