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Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm teaches us that God is the Creator amd maker of all the universe. The Heavens and earth were created by Him for mankind. God has given each of us talents, gifts and abilities to use to Glorify Him. God Has a plan for our lives.

Human beings were made a little lower than the Angels. They did not evolve, they were made in the 'likeness' and 'Image' of Himself. Through the Sin of the first Adam,we gave control of the earth to Satan. However, praise be to God through the second Adam (Jesus Christ) God has made provision for eternal Redemption (Romans 8:19-20).

God gave us the authority over the earth and everything in it. Our Responibility is to be Obedient to the will of God.

We are to conduct ourselves as children of God. We are to press toward the 'Prize' of a 'Higher Call'.

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Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God is the Creator of all things, the heavens, earth, everything on or in the earth and heaven. God created man and placed him above all things. He gave man dominion over all things. God is an awesome God. What a mighty God! God is excellent! Wonderful! There will never be enough words in the dictionary to describe how Great God is. He deserves all honor, praise and glory.

Human beings are God's handiwork, He adopted us as His own sons and daughters. He gave His best for us. We owe Him, we will never be able to repay the debt. God made us with honor, aas children of God we are important and we need to conduct our lives in a manner that is pleasing to Him. In man's smallness God has crowned him with splendor.

Christ gave His life for us. He wants each of us to be saved. He loves us and tells us to love each other.

Our responsibility is to believe in Him, confess our sins, ask for forgiveness and Salvation. After being saved we must live a Christian life. We serve God by serving others. Life without God is not worth living. We are to share the "Good News" with everyone we meet who don't know "Jesus Saves".

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God is so far above and beyond our capacity to understand, that it makes us seem very insignificant. With our sinfulness and selfishness, HOW is it that he even bothers with us? Still, he has left us in charge of the earth, to care for it and each other.

God often uses children, and the child like, to speak for him, or to show his humility and innocent character traits. Which is why it is so crucial that we not squash their willingness to believe, and their trust.

I try to understand what is meant by "how majestic is your "name" "in all the earth." And I take his name to be his character, his glory, as revealed in Ex. 34. Those character traits are reveared throughout the earth.

  • 2 weeks later...

It teaches us that God in all His majesty still finds it in His heart to care for lowly man.

That we as humans pale besides the greatness of all that God has created.

That Christ, being God the Son, give His life that we can come back into relationship with our Father.

That even though Adam messed up when he was in the garden, we still have to be responsible for all that God blessed us with here on earth. [/font]

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Psalm 8v1 shows us how majestic and great our creator is .V2 reminds us of the love that our Lord has for us from the time

we are infants . V3 shows us the greatness of our Lord thru his works.This Psalm reminds us human beings of the authority

given to us over all other living things.

  • 3 weeks later...

This psalm teaches us about God s awesome power and HIS majestic attributes. About how HE is a wonderful maker and creator of the heavens and the earth.

God is all powerful and man is weak.

Yet GOD in all HIS wisdom and care for man, has made man only a little less than a heavenly being and made HIM ruler over all the earth and everything in it.

We have been created for a purpose and HE has plans only to prosper us. And the purposes of HIS plan add glory to HIS kingdom.

Our responsibilities are to acknowledge that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, submit to HIS will, never boast of any wisdom and claim it is of our own, and praise HIS majestic name.

More than anything, never reject HIM, forever believe that without our Redeemer, we never could have earned salvation by our own deeds.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God?

This psalm teaches that God is our Lord (master, ruler, King of Kings, Lord of Lords). He alone is Majestic and Glorious and is above all of His creation. He can be seen in His creation as we look at the Heavens, stars, shooting stars, planets, galaxies, the sun, and moon....all the handiwork of His awesome power and creativity. It teaches that He loves beauty and symmetry. He is a God of order. It tells us that He has revealed Himself in creation and desires to be known by His creatures. He tells us that praise is due Him, and that we are strengthened as we praise our God, and that praise silences our enemy. It teaches that He has delegated His authority to have dominion over His creation, through His Son (v5), to believers in Christ, ultimately. (by implication...v6) It teaches that He loves and cares for His Son and for us, and for His creatures.

What does it teach about human beings?

Psalm 8 teaches that man has been created to recognize our creator through His glorious creation, and that we are created to know Him and to make Him known (v2: to our children first of all). It teaches that we are created to and capable of praising Him. It teaches that we are weak and in need of His strength (v2), which comes through our knowledge of Him and our praise to Him. It tells us that we are fallen and have a deadly enemy who needs to be silenced. It teaches us that we are His created ones and that we are on His mind (v4) and that we are to be mindful of Him (v3), in meditation and careful consideration of what we see and know about Him through His creation. It teaches us that contrary to what many seem to believe, we are not God! We are not the masters of our "ships".....He is!

What does it teach us about Christ?

Verse 5 tells us that His Son Jesus (Who is creator God, second Person of the Trinity, (Gen.1:1 Let US make man in OUR image), lowered Himself to become flesh and dwelt among us, (and by implication, died, was buried, rose again) and was crowned with glory and honor as our Savior and Lord.

What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This whole Psalm teaches that I am to recognize, know, submit to, worship, honor, and praise my God and Creator, and to make Him known to the next generation (v 2; infants and children) who must be taught about God before they are taught in school that they are nothing more than a freak of natural selection....and an accident of "mother nature" when fish decided to grow feet and walk up on land....and other utter nonsense, such as what I was taught in public school. I still remember the depression I felt when I was told this stuff, and how utterly alone I felt, until age 30 when He revealed Himself to me, and that I'd been taught lies.....oh the joy of knowing I have a Father who not only created me, but who is involved in every aspect of my life, and Who loves and cares for me, Who died for me and redeemed me from the enemy, and claims me as His own daughter.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

I believe that this psalm is teaching us about how much God really does love us. Not only did God create us, but He gave us this awesome place to live and gave us the responsibility to care for it as He takes care of us.

I believe that it is a reminder that all human beings were created out of love and that God has given each of us a chance to live our lives for Him. Sometimes us humans can take for granted all that God has given us and we forget to thank Him for letting the sun shine on our faces.

This psalm teaches us once again how loving Christ is. Jesus became a human being, one of us sinners who can take God's many gifts for granted, and saved us all.

It is our responsibility to tell the world of God's love and the many gifts He has given us all. It is our responsiblity to use the gifts He has given us in a manner that is pleasing to Him. We also should be getting down on our knees everyday and thanking God for His love and all the things that we take for granted in life.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Psalm eight teaches of God's majesty on Earth and His glory in Heaven.

Despite the vastness of God's creation he cares for man whom He made lower than the Heavenly beings.

The teaching regarding Christ is that God allows His Son to stumble Himself to become lower than a heavenly being ( becoming man); humbling farther to die a shameful death.

Our responsibility is that we take an active role in the Creation through a) the perspective and B ) the purpose this Psalm helps us to gain.

  • 2 weeks later...

1). What does this psalm teach about God? Psalm teaches us that God is the Lord and creator of everything. He discipline, loves, justify with authority.

2). What does it teach about human beings? Psalm teaches that human were form in the likeness of God. That we are created to be an instrument that God use whenever & wherever He needs us. We are to obedient God and His Word.

3). What does it teach us about Christ? It teaches us that we are to reverence the Lord at all times. He is the one that made us and everything under the Sun.

4). What does it teach about our responsibilities? We are responsible for listening to the voice of the Lord and take care of His creation. We are to be joyful & steadfast in God

  • 3 weeks later...

1) Yahweh is Majestic and establishes His name in all the earth and into the highest heavens. He exists without us. (We do not exist without Him.) In His sovereignty, and because of HIS power and HIS work, He gives the weak the ability to "silence" Satan. The contrast between who God is and what He has done with His attention to man is mind blowing! The contrast only emphasizes His grace and mercy all the more.

2) Yahweh, Adonai, Sovereign One .... and yet "Our". We are 'defined' by our relationship (or lack there of) with Him. (Once we understand this relationship, everything else in life follows.) The LORD cares about us and cares for us. Even though in the eyes of others, in the eyes of Satan, and in the eyes of myself, I am a nobody, in the eyes of my Creator, I am somebody.

3) Christ was made a little lower than the heavenly beings by the covenant making and covenant keeping LORD and it was His honor and glory (and my salvation).

4) I am to know Him, praise Him, draw strength from Him and complete the work He presents to me.

  • 3 weeks later...

What does this psalm teach us about God?

God is AWESOME in the true sense of the word :rolleyes: high over all things

He is ultimate the Sovereign - the One Who created all things, holds all things together & will one day 'wrap it all up'

What does this psalm teach us about human beings?

We were formed in Hid likeness - but we are much-much lower than him ... in comparison insignificant! But, surprisingly He cares for & loves us

What does this psalm teach us about Christ?

That God made Him to be lower than the angels - so that He could become our Saviour

And we should worship & serve Him

What does this psalm teach us about our responsibility?

We are to listen for God's voice, love & serve Him - & care for creation

Worship the Creator not the creation


Looking forward to completing this study - although I am very busy over the next couple of months ... will complete when I can B)

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sisters!

I read Psalm 8 with new eyes today. Thank God for His Spirit that fills us with his wisdom. I couldn't help but sing in my head "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth" (the Keith Green version) as I was reading it. You too? I have sung this song so many times as just a praise song and today it took on meaning for me.

The way it spoke to me was that this is a Psalm about God's majesty...his Kingship. Which is interesting coming from David who was also a king.

God is King of the earth and King above all the heavens (v1.)

As King, he cares about his children and protects them from their enemies (v.2).

The remarkable (surprising) thing is that God isn't like the kings in David's time who hogged all the authority. God IS the sole authority but what this Psalm says is God wants us to rule with him (in submission to him, but with him). We rule the earth by our order in creation.

Of course we don't really. We don't have "power" over the fish in the sea or the birds of the air or all the wild animals....but "power" is the wrong term for ruling. Look at verse 2. How does God rule as king? He protects. Hmmmm.

That's an incredible responsibility.

Who am I that God takes care of me? Maybe, at risk of stretching God's intention in this psalm, I am wondering: maybe some insignificant river....or bird, or seal, or snowy white owl or forest says the same thing. Who am I that your should care for me? But nothing in God's creation is insignificant...not a child, not a bird, or the flowers of the field and it is not just God's job to do the care giving, he has given us a job. Interesting. Living in a country where many people are trying to get by on a few dollars a day, feed their children at least twice a day, and avoid disease, the endangered animals of Argentina do not seem all that important. But God is saying, be good stewards, care takers.

Peace, sisters,



The Psalm teaches that God has dominion and power over all of us. If we praise him, he will bring justice to our enemies. The Psalm teaches about God's attributes to the universe. Even in the midst of God's heavenly plan, he also included us. It teaches us as human beings, that we ought to always magnify God.It teaches us that Christ will rule the world, and was made lower than God's heavenly beings. Made in God's own image, all of God's creations were placed under his command, and even though he died a horrible death, he was crowned with glory and honor. The psalm teaches us as human beings, that we are to be submissive to God.


I wrote Psalm 8 in my own words.

8. LORD, You are amazing; even just Your Name is majestic and known throughout the universe. The sky is filled with Your splendor.

You have commanded even children and infants to praise You, to silence Your enemies.

When I look at the glory and the vast display of Your majesty in the sky -- the galaxies, the stars, the nebulae -- I have to wonder...

Why do you care about such little insignificant us, on a planet smaller than the size of a period to an elephant?

But You gave us a special place in creation. You made us specifically, and no other creature, in Your image,

and You gave us dominion over this earth You made.

LORD, You are amazing. Your Name is majestic and known throughout the universe.

it helps :)


God, Human beings Christ responsibility

This Psalm teaches me that God:

Is majestic

His name alone has power

Deserves ALL the glory

Fights His enemies

Is an amazing Creator

Has established a clear heirarchy

People are:

Made to wrship Him

Lower than the angels

Crowned with glory and honor

Rulers over the works of His hands

My responsibility is to:

Worship and praise and remain in awe of Him

Rule His handiwork,

*TAKE AWAY: * I do not spend enough time marvelling at all God is.


Psalm 8 helps me to remember the awesome MAJESTY of God and and all of His Creation. To remember that even though He is the sole authority over everything that I also have responsibility to remember who is in charge (and it is not me) and that without Him I am as weak as a child. And like a child, when I follow God's will my weakness actually becomes my greatest strength.

  • 2 weeks later...

Psalm 8 shows us that God is our Creator and His name is supreme and majestic over alll the earth. God is our maker therefore He is to be honored and worshipped. He deserves to be praised and glorified. He is our Father .

Psalm 8 shows about our status as human beings in the eyes of God. though we such weak creatures compared to His Majesty, he has made us rulers of the earth and put everything in charge of us. Even the small infants and children are able to praise His name. He has ordained us to praise Him.Among all the creation He has given Man the most honorable place.

Psalm 8 teaches about Jesus Christ the son of God who took a humble place on earth as a Man. God the Father crowned him woth glory and honor and made Him our redeemer.

Our responsibility as human beings is to thank praise and worship our Creator. We have to be so humble before such a majestic God and submit to his will. we also need to use his creation in a worthy manner.


Psalm 8 shows us that God is Almighty Creator of the whole earth. it shows the beauty of God's creation.

He has given honor to us human beings by making us ruler over the works of His hands.

God Almighty has honored Christ by crowning him with glory and honor.


God is majestic, He is our and creator.

Human beings are God's creation and God has given the privilege by giving us to rule and take care of his creation and enjoy it.

Christ is God's own son, and Christ willingly gave himself to His father's will and also God loved His son so much that he crowned Him with Honor and glory.

Our responsibility is to praise and worship Him & serve Him.


Pslam 8 Our God is an awesome God and his creation is awesome.

Human beings are a beautiful and valuable creation of God.

God is far beyond our imagination and yet he being so great is still concerned about us.

We have been given a responsibility over all he has created, we are privileged to be part of his creation.


Q1. (Psalm 8). 1.What does this psalm teach about God?, 2. What does it teach about human beings?, 3. What does it teach us about Christ?, 4. What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1. the mighty God whose glory is displayed across the face of heavens, appoints the praise of his children.

2. the heavens are handiwork of God evoke wonder for what their Maker has done for human beings, who are here today and gone tomorrow.

3. vs. 4-6 applies that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God is both the representative human being and and the one whom humanity's appointed

destiny will be fully realized.

4. the power to rule over some of God's creatures is a part of humanity's 'glory and power,' -is not absolute or independent. It is participation,

but not as equal, in God's rule; and it is a gift, not a right.

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