Patsy350 Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? God knows everything about me before I know. He is my creator In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? Ask God to search me for ungodly thoughts Quote
luv4Jesusanu Posted September 8, 2007 Report Posted September 8, 2007 OVERWHELMINGLY is what David must of felt. God has known his plan for each & everyone of us from begininng of life. The wonders spiritually uplifts Daivd. He is deeply moved by the intricate details God created in us. As if to say "You are my special child." In you I created my spirit, sopul, heart, mind. God went to no expense to create us. Yet he created in us a uniqueness of individuality. We are individuals apart from our Heavenly Father. To have a choice between good and evil. An whatever path we choose. Our Heavenly Father is always with us. Even when he isnt in us. In his concluding prayer verses 23-24, What does he ask God to do? To look at his innermost soul, mind. And examine every intricate aspect. To know just how much his love, respect, honor David has for God. Plus to test Davids weak areas as well as his strong avenues. If there is anything regardless of size. That may be offensive, displeasing to God. To remove it and show David the way to Gods love and everlasting journey. At least once David knows areas displeasing to God. He had achoice to change or continue. Quote
csreeves Posted September 9, 2007 Report Posted September 9, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? David begins to relax and reflect on god's love expressed intricacy of his own person creation in his mothers womb. In the prayer David surrenders to god to search his heart, test me, and check out his worries and if he finds anything cleanse it. Quote
emmaus Posted September 10, 2007 Report Posted September 10, 2007 The wonder of God's creation completely envelops the writer. It is everywhere, in his mother's womb, all his days, his thoughts, ways and words. He's grateful and realizes how majestic this is. He is asking God to examine him. He wants to be as pure as possible and pleasing to God. Perfect submission, perfect delight... Quote
Petal Posted September 11, 2007 Report Posted September 11, 2007 David wonders on the intricacy and details that are taken account into creation. God knows from A-Z about a person from the beginning until the end. There is no secret about man that God does not know. And this amazes David and even me. God is a loving father and he certainly takes the pain to know everything about everyone. In the finale of the Psalm, David makes this bold statement for God to search his heart and know his worries. And, then he takes it one step further by asking God to test him to make sure that he is on the right path. Wow! thats boldness. I am not sure how many would come out and ask God to correct one self. It shows' that David is really a humble and a faithful person. Quote
Deb W. Posted September 11, 2007 Report Posted September 11, 2007 When David contemplated all of creation, including himself, he was overwhelmed and awed . . . he realized he could never fully comprehend who/what God is, but he rests in the true assurance that God cares deeply for him. David asked God to search his heart for hidden sins he (David) may not recognize so he could repent and then he asks for guidance to/through eternity. Quote
Momma Carla Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 The psalmist was in awe about the creation and just knowing that God is in control of everything from the beginning of creation all the way through life clear up to the end. Just to know that God knew us before we was even born is so wonderful. Just knowing that God acccepts us just the way we are, and society protrays differently but it dont matter what others think cuz through the psalms and through God's word the only one that i have to think about is the beauty and marel at the fact that God accepts me just as I am. David asked God to point out sin and he wanted GOd to put him through tests. He basically was asking God to help guide him through all that he goes through. The tests that David was asking for are the challenges in life and how through God we can over come them due to the fact that God gives each of us the power to get through them all. He was asking God to give him a pure heart. Quote
Charles t Posted September 16, 2007 Report Posted September 16, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do?He is asking God to lead him on the everlasting path, and to point out anything that would offend God. Quote
Charles t Posted September 18, 2007 Report Posted September 18, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? The psalmist seem to be in great joy knowing that God knows all about him, but he seems he might question wheather he should hate God's enemies or not? I wonder about that? The bible says that we are not to hate anyone? I would like to have an answer to that? In verses 23-24 He wants God to search him and to and point out anything that would that would offend God. Also he want to be led by God. Quote
DEIRDRE INAMDAR Posted September 18, 2007 Report Posted September 18, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? In this psalm I se the Psalmist seeing God as his Creator and realises that God has made him wonderfully well Each one of us has been fearfully and wonderfully mad knitted together in our mothers womb by God and our days are numbered before even one of them comes into existence.Gods thoughts towards each of us is more than the grains of sand how precious we are to God. Knowing this is humbling. Knowing this he makes the prayer of surrender asking God to search him and find out his thoughts and to see if there are any offencive ways in him he wants to be cleansed by God for the Glory of God.How awesome to know God loves us so much.What a great and mighty God we have. Quote
SherAnna07 Posted September 20, 2007 Report Posted September 20, 2007 Psalm 139 I believe David stands in awe at God's creation. To know that God knows everything about him because He knitted all his delicate, intricate parts while in his mother's womb, brings David a sense of security and peace. He would also feel a sense of protection knowing that God always knows his whereabouts and that he can never get away from God or be lost to His Spirit. This Psalm shows that David knows that his God is personal and upholds his human dignity. In verses 23 and 24 David asks God to test his heart and mind and to point out any wrong motives in him and to lead him along the right path of everlasting life. Quote
susie and kelly Posted September 21, 2007 Report Posted September 21, 2007 We are intricately and so wonderfully made in the likeness of our Lord. We are asking him to lead our way to everlasting. Quote
lucy Posted September 21, 2007 Report Posted September 21, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? :DThe psalmist is giving God the glory for his wonderful work he is pouring all his heart to God for whom He is to him. He sees God as his centre of his life. He is saying, ''Probe me, God, know my heart; try me, know my concerns. See if my way is crooked, then lead me in the ancient paths''. Meaning that he is asking God to test his faith and his faithfulness to him in all his ways. Quote
cheastarr Posted September 22, 2007 Report Posted September 22, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? It caused a profound self-awareness as the psalmist sees himself through God's eyes. He invites God into his heart and mind, to know him intimately as only God can. Most importantly, he asks to be tested. It is only in times of trial that we can really know the strength of our faith, the desires of our heart, and the veracity of our relationship with Him. The psalmist also asks God to find whatever faults he has so that he might fix them and thereby follow God and live the life everlasting. Quote
ella Posted September 25, 2007 Report Posted September 25, 2007 The psalmist sees himself as God might see him. He surrenders himself to God. In verse 23-24 he also asks God's help to deal with thoughts and actions that might interfere with God's will. Quote
onye Posted September 26, 2007 Report Posted September 26, 2007 God is omniscient and omnipresent with us everyday and everywhere. The bible says he declraes the end from the beginning and searches the very intent of our thoughts. David wonders at the creative nature of God and acknowledges that everywhere he goes and that in everything he does the presence of God is felt. He concludes by asking God to search his thoughts and ways and refine and cleanse him if there be any wicked way in him and for God to lead him in the path of righteousness. Quote
mags Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 We see that God created each one of us before we can ever imagine. God knew us before anyone else could ever know us - including our parents. He knew us and had our lives mapped out for His plan before we were formed. David seems to be in awe of God's knowledge and love for him. In awe of the fact that God cared so much for him even before he was on this earth. David then asks God to search his heart - check his motives and worries, to test him. To help him fix the problems that need fixed (we all have them - giving himself completely over to God - opening all the closets) and to lead him in everything he does. - Should this not be what we all would want from God? - to be the very thing God created us to be. Quote
renu nair Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 The psalmist is in awe of God as he has created him and nothing is hidden from him. He knows his each and every rise and downfall, even his thoughts are known to him from far. God has laid his hand upon him and he cannot fathom this knowledge and it is beyond his power to understand it. The psalmist also adds that wherever he goes the lord is with him. It is indeed a marvellous feeling to know that our god is there with us at every moment-no matter where we go! It is something to dwell upon. In verse 23-24 he says to check his heart out, his thoughts for any wicked deal and to lead him to everlasting. Quote
linda bass Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 The wonder of creation in psalm 139 seems to affect the psalmist because he is in awe of the fact that God knew him when he was just an embryo in the womb and that there is no place he can escape from God's presense. In the concluding prayer of psalm 139, the psalmist asks God to search his heart for anything offensive and to lead him down the right path. Quote
renu nair Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 The psalmist is in awe of God as he has created him and nothing is hidden from him. He knows his each and every rise and downfall, even his thoughts are known to him from far. God has laid his hand upon him and he cannot fathom this knowledge and it is beyond his power to understand it. The psalmist also adds that wherever he goes the lord is with him. It is indeed a marvellous feeling to know that our god is there with us at every moment-no matter where we go! It is something to dwell upon. In verse 23-24 he says to check his heart out, his thoughts for any wicked deal and to lead him to everlasting. Quote
Jewell Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 The wonder of the creation of him as a human being puts him in awe of what God has done and does. In vs 23-24 he asks God to search his heart and when he finds faults, to cleanse him and lead him back to God's path. Quote
Mrs Brown Posted October 7, 2007 Report Posted October 7, 2007 This Psalms tells me that David was asking God to search and him and see if there is anything that is wicked, evil, or wrong doing in him that God would show him and clean him up. David wanted to walk in the right path of the Lord for he knows that the Lord knows everything about us. and nothing can be hidden from Him. God knows every piece of strand of hair on our head, so we should know nothing we do can be hidden so if we are walking in darkness we need to ask God to search us and help us get into the walk of the light. David wanted to be lead by God because being lead by God David knew would be the right way to go. Quote
Candy Posted October 16, 2007 Report Posted October 16, 2007 In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? I believe it is the vastness of nature and yet it is nothing compared to God's thoughts, love and plans for man. All of nature is so vast yet God focuses on us, knowing every detail about us from way before we were created, down to every thought that passes through our minds. It is an awesome realization that He knows all, He is always present, He loves us regardless of all and by His grace forgives all. To search out all his deepest faults or the things that keep him from living a life pleasing to God, help him to change his ways that he may live a life that will bring glory to God. Quote
plethra Posted October 20, 2007 Report Posted October 20, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? The wonder of creation I believe humbles the psalmist. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, He knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb! While I was yet so tiny that even my mother did not know of my existance, God knew me and was forming me. With all of this we are humbled and begin to know how much God loves and cares for us! Search my heart and cleanse me from every wicked thought. God knows me better than I know myself, so I ask YOU O GOD to examine me and cleanse me. Make me a vessel of honor for YOU Quote
slicwidow Posted October 20, 2007 Report Posted October 20, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? Because of God's awesome creation, David sees how magnificent God is and wants to praise Him and is joyful that he is a part of it. David wants God to search him and know he heart. If there is anything that hinders his relationship with God, he wants it done away with. Quote
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