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I took a walk and meditated on the creation Psalms. Where I walk is near a reservoir, and God often paints beautiful cloud pictures for me. I started thinking about how interconnected all of God's creation is, and He reminded me that I too am part of His Creation. I was then drawn to think about how we are all part of the Body of Christ, and thus where we are in our spiritual walk affects all of the Body of Christ, so we need to keep walking forward in His direction, for a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I want to keep walking His path for me so that His glory can shine through.


  • 5 months later...
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I meditated on the psalm which allowed me to enter it and experience it with all senses. I could feel the emotions of the psalmist and the wonders that he was describing. It helped me consider it in a new light


I've been using this study in Psalms to help with my ministry in the dialysis department at the hospital. Many times thats all I have, the Psalms reach even the most angry, nasty, tempered person when nothing else will. Many have over heard what I was sharing with someone and it reached them. To often people treat the Psalms as a theological book report neglecting the personal relationship Jesus offers anyone wise or peaceful enough to listen to the songs they sing in our hearts. They are changing my life every moment of every day. If I had no other book in scripture to read I would still find Christ's loving salvation and a hope for eternal life. I'm glad there are more books but still.....

  • 3 weeks later...

My favorite Psalm is Psalm 121. I was insprired to write a Psalm along those lines.

My Help

Why do they prevail against me?

They mock me with their eyes.

They tear flesh from my bones

They slash me with razors

Where is my comfort? Where is my help?

Their words are like stinging bees

They are as woves and vultures

surroundnig me, waiting

Waiting to feast on my flesh

They gnash at me with their teeth.

Where is my deliverance? Where is my relief?

my bones are ground to dust

My heart is torn away

They attack me in the day

They haunt me in the night

They target me with their arrows.

They smite me on the cheek

Where is my refuge? Where is my support?

They stop short of killing me

The smile at me and laugh

"Where is her God?" they ask

But my help cometh

It cometh from above

The Lord God is my maker, my

savior, my help

He is my comfort, my peace

His hand will deliver me

His hand will protect me

He will restore my soul

He gives me victory over my enenies

He is my strongtower, my guide my help

He shields me from th arrows and snares

His word is sure

His hand is steady

He is an always will be

My help

(I know I'm no David, but I'll get there one day! :D )


I've been using this time, and this bible study to reflect on God's greatness, and how He has brought me out of some things so terrible in my life the past two years. I have walked across a vast, deep, valley that I knew was going to take God to bring me through, and to the other side. As I have been meditating on these psalms, certain verses really spoke to me.

Ps 139:1, How God has searched me, He knows me, v2, He knows my downsitting, and my uprising. As I was meditating in prayer I thought about verse 12, Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day. It reminded me of my dark hour, that God's light was shining all around me, though the night seemed to hide me, God's light was leading me through the darkness, that reminded me what Ps 119:105 says, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

I am overwelmed at how much God cares for His people. No matter where I'm at in my trials, He's there. My mind went back to Verses 7-11 of Ps 139, even the darkest night can't hide us from God's presence, it's God alone who can bring us out of our darkness into His marvelous light. I thought about Ps 107:1, Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever, v2, Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; Just like Ps 139:6 says, such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. God's ways are so much higher than ours that we can't even begin to grasp the depth of God's love and mercy toward us, and His power to turn our circumstances around, now matter how horrific things seem. God cares about the smallest matters in our lives, and the things that look like Mt. Everest to us is no more than an ant hill to God. I want to totally surender myself to God, reflecting on Ps 139:23-24. God, search me, and know my heart, see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  • 3 weeks later...
Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

I read and meditated on Psalm 8. It amazes me how an awesome God we serve. He created the whole universe. Everything in it. He created us. He put us in charge to take care of this beautiful place he created. When I look at the stars, moon, and the sky, I can sense His awesome presence. To know that He loved us so much that He created us to be in His image. That He is in control of everything.

  • 1 month later...

I used to teach junior high kids in Sunday School many years ago. One of the songs I taught them, which was a favorite with the kids, was a chorus from Psalms 19:7-11. I still remember it to this day. It's a wonderful chorus. I could sing it here, but there is no audio capabilities here. Just as well :) Also, the last verse (19:14) is a great verse, and I do have it memorized. A battle I have fought over the many years, is the battle with ***********. For 2.5 years now I have not relapsed, and have gone through a continued renewal process, Praise the Lord! This verse has meant a lot to me,

  • 9 months later...

Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.


Jon's Psalm

Father God, I stand in Awe of your creation,

Your majestic mountains, Your flowing streams.

The mighty winds and seas that roar,

The vastness of the sky, the endless vistas of the stars

Father God, thank you for your Creation.

The harmonious sounds of the birds calling,

The gentle sounds of a lamb bleating, the cries of little creatures

The unmistakeable sound of a young childs first screech

Father thank you for the family units, you have created

For the pitter patter of little feet

For the calls of Papa and Mama

For their first words.

Thank you for a loving and caring spouse

For loyalty, honor and love

between a husband and wife

Thank you for the sacredness of marriage

and the love between a husband and wife.

Thank You Father

I Honor You.

This was an exciting excersise as I could express to God how much I love and adore Him. I have never been good at writing poetry but I enjoyed writing this for My Father. :)

  • 1 month later...

Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="http://www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm" target="_blank">www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm</a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

Prayed Psalms 139, I will continue to pray it for the rest of the week. It is really helping me realize how close God is to me and how I am always on His mind. Truly He knows me better than I know myself. As I continue in this prayer, I pray it would become even more real to me and I would begin to walk in who I really am, not what the world says but who my Father says I am. Margie

  • 2 weeks later...

I simply meditated on Psalm 139. No matter what I'm going through in life, it's a comfort to know that we just weren't random, haphazard creations of God. We were well thought out (each of us). I have this image of a loving mother sitting in her rocking chair knitting one of her special creations for a child or grandchild. As the knitter is working they are pondering and thinking though each step careful not to drop a stitch. And she knew how that finished piece should look and what it's intended purpose was. God considered our design from inception to grave and what our lifes were to be fashioned. When we think about how he put us together you must agree that we are wonderfully and fearfully made. His will for us was in the design from the beginning. He sustains us and is is ever present and never far away. In fact, he never goes away, it's us that stray away from his purpose. Considering the entire expanse of God's creation you have to praise him.

  • 4 weeks later...


I prayed through Psalm 19.

Part 1 - Creation proves God exists. Even though the trees, the sun and the moon never talk they shout God's glory. I will pay more attention to God's creation and instead of seeing things the way I normally do when I see God's creation I will rejoice in them.

Part 2 - God's word is priceless. It's a priviledge and an honor to be able to read the very words of God on a daily basis. To apply his scriptures to my life and see them come to life. I will look to use his word in my daily life.

  • 2 months later...

Psalm 8

Our Heavenly Father

Your name above all

Your glory over the universe.

I wonder at your creation

Our ever expanding universe.

Then I ask:

Why me Lord?

Your love everlasting!

I praise your name.

Your name above all

Your glory over the universe.

  • 2 weeks later...

Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="http://www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm" target="_blank">www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm</a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

I meditated on Psalm 139 and noted how God is all-consuming and knows me so intimately. I can do nothing but join with the psalmist in praising my Creator.

  • 5 weeks later...

Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="http://www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm" target="_blank">www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm</a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

I love Psalm 1, Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.

I remember how I memorized this Psalm years ago. Pastor Ryder, a man of prayer, would always refer to this Psalm from time to time. I remember hearing it and decided on one of those times to look into it for myself. I started saying it over and over and than sgtarted to pray it. It encouraged me as it led me on my days. I wasn't judging anyone but knowing what to avoid made me sharper spiritually.As time went on I couldn't wait to become one of those trees planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit in it's season. To me that meant I was being used by God for the harvest. I am truly blessed and seperated by the Holy Spirit.

  • 2 months later...

Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="http://www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm" target="_blank">www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm</a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others.

Psalm 139 Paraphrased

1 God, you know me, you know my heart.

2 You know when I move, and you know my thoughts.

3 You know when I sleep, wake up, and go places. You know my plans.

4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it.

5 You protect me and guide me.

6 Your knowledge is too great for me to have, or even to comprehend.

7 Your Spirit is everywhere. Your presence is far and wide.

8 You are in the Heavens, you are in the depths.

9 Even if I go to the sky, or cross the sea,

10 you will always be there to guide me and protect me.

11 Even if I ask for the darkness to hide me and for the light to leave

12 The darkness is light to you, the night will be lit up.

13 You placed me in my mother's womb; you created me-even my most inner parts.

14 I am so incredibly made, Lord, and I praise you for that! I know that all of your creation is amazing.

15 I was in your sight, even when I was created in a secret place and woven together in the depths.

16 You saw me before I was formed; and all my days were known to you before I was even born.

17 Your immeasurable thoughts are priceless to me, God!

18 Even if I could count them, their number would be larger than the grains of sand. I am with you always.

19 If only you rid the world of all evil! Get away from me, all you vile people!

20 When they talk of you, they plot evil; they misuse you name.

21 I hate those people Lord, and detest those who revolt agains you.

22 They are my enemies, and I hate them.

23 God, search my mind and my heart. See if I have and disturbed thoughts. Find the parts of me that are offending, and guide me down your path for me.

  • 5 months later...

Exercise. meditating-Psa. 23:1-6. Teaches me to trust God, rest in His care, live in the peace and power of His presence, and enjoy the promise of His provision.

1. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (This means He is my Provider)

-- He is my redeemer, protector, a provider of Food, shelter, and stays close. This means NEVER will I have a need that is not taken care of, as long as I accept the promises of the Lord.

2. He maketh me to lie down in green pasture: He leadeth me beside still waters. (This tell us the Lord will give you Rest, Calmness)

-- He promises, through this verse, to lead me into a quiet, restful place, even in the midst of a storm.

3. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His namesake. (He gives us Healing & Guidance)

--He will restore or revive me! Sometimes He even have to carry me when Im hurting. When Im weak

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Psalm 19 9-10 "The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you."

My exercise for this lesson was to memorize these verses. It is the first time I have ever memorized a psalm. This study is a gift for me. I cannot type for a long time because I just recently had rotator cuff surgery. It is the perfect time to heal my body and feed my mind and soul as I recover and gain strength:)

  • 2 weeks later...


God filled me with his joy and strength as i meditated on Psalm 8, 19 and 139. I was greatly encouraged as i read the psalms loudly everyday.

i read the above psalms to my freinds and prayed with them -- Oh Lord, may the words of our mouth and meditation of our heart be pleasing in your sight. As David prayed i made a sincere prayer to the Lord- Search me Oh God, and know my heart.... see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. On one side i have started marveling at God's creation and on the other side God has cleansed my heart in a deeper way to love him and serve Him.

i prayed psalm 139 along with my sister and encouraged her and prayed for her. Giving all the glory to God for enabling me to meditate on these psalms i sang a song of thanksgiving to the God Almighty who created me along with my family members.



After studying the 3 Psalms I meditated on them each day. It has given me a new meaning of God ,His creation and Me who is his creation.

I sang Psalm 126 and memorised it and sang it all the day.

I made a prayer with psalms with my sister and a friend.

Tried to meditate all these 3 psalms and would continue to so .Sang Psalm 91 in a different language.

The psalms have conveyed a deep meaning to me

  • 10 months later...

Psalms 91 is very encouraging to me. I constantly place myself in the Psalm and speak to my circumstances. "I will not fear... For it will not come near me..."I don't know why some people are mean, but I know that God is my refuge. "A thousand shall fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come nigh me."

  • 1 year later...

This exercise has brought the real meaning of the Psalms to me. I had read them a lot of times and had prayed them a few times but I have gotten so much out of them as I have now. It really humbles me when we are but a spec in God’s eyes and that He cares for us so much.

  • 2 years later...

Memorizing- The two vss that really stood out for me personally."Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight oh YAHWEH my Strength and my Redeemer". The tongue is a really hard thing for me to tame and i have a really hard time not to complain about things. And "Search me oh YAHWEH and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in The Way everlasting" (Ps 139:23f). In trials let me refer back to 19:14.

  • 9 months later...

My exercise was a paraphrase and rewrite of Psalm 8

Psalm 8

O God, Heavenly Father

The splendor of Your holy name

fills the planet


Your radiance is higher than the heavens

You have instructed kids and babes to give you prais

They quiet your foes

who were seeking vengence

When I glance at the evening sky and see work of Your hands 

The moon and stars You have mounted in place 

What are mortals that you should consider us 

Mere humans that you should regard us

 For You created us 

Only a little lower than the heavenly beings 

and You crowned us with glory and honor 

You put us in charge of everrything you created

giving us power over all things 

and all the wild animals 

the birds in the air, the fish in water of the sea  

and everything that swims the ocean currents 

O My Lord the splendor of 

Your name fills the planet 



For this exercise, I decided to paraphrase Psalm 8 in my own words.

Oh God, you are holy

Your glory cannot be contained

Your radiance outshines the sun

Or even the stars at night

The sun cannot wait

It explodes across the sky

And its heat touches everyone

It proclaims your name

Creation shouts your praises

Oh, father, it is too wonderful for me

You are beyond comprehension

I am so little compared to you

What am I next to you

I am a mere speck of dust

A little dot on the eath

Why should you care about me?

Yet you gave me a soul

You provided me with a Savior

Your Son is supreme

He is above all the angels

And every knee will bow down to Him

Becuase He is the Lord!

He is the King of kings!

He will reign over all

Every beast, fowl, and fish 

Are under his domain

Oh God you are magnificent

Your name will be proclaimed everywhere!









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