charisbarak Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 The recognition that God loves me is the basis of all my faith in Him. Knowing He loves me enough to send His Son to die for me, encourages me that He will act on my behalf--He knows everything about me & wants the very best for me. I can trust Him wholly. I may go through some hard times, but He is there. There is nothing I will go through that hasn't passed through His hands to help me grow to be more like Jesus. He cares. Quote
nerradb Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 I for one struggle with faith as my head more than often gets in the road of my heart. But without a bit of faith there would be nothing and no reason to carry on in my christian walk. We can not see God directly, but we can see the effects of God in other people and in nature. When I look back on my life there has been so many times that God has stepped in and guided me and protected me, for it to be any coincidence, which helps build my faith in there being something bigger than all of us, God and for that I thank Him and Praise Him. God shows his love through these interventions, he has shown me that my life matters, that he has not put any situation before me that I can not handle (that is with His help) Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? I know that God loves me because he has told me so in his Word and I have faith in his Word. I know that he loves me because he has shown me over and over again. This brings about the knowledge that I know he is with me through out all my life. I know he is apart of my everyday life and that I am never without his love. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Recognition that God loves you is the basis of all faith because on this my recognition I start our faith and continue our faith. We believe God love me very much, and then I should love him as a response. Because he loves me, I believe that God plans the good things to us, so that I should do what he wants me to do. Because he loves me I believe whatever happen to me is for my good, so that I should be thankful in all circumstances. . Because he loves me I believe the race marked out for me will bring about eternal rewards, so that I should run with perseverance. In my life this realization brings about lips that glorify him, prayer, and singing praise. Quote
emmaus Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 When I realized that God knew me and loved me I trusted him. That is the basis of my faith. I trust in his love, his promises, and in his judgement too. I have a healthy fear of him because he is the one that will have the final say. But it's the trust, knowing that he never changes that's most important to me. Quote
Petal Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 Life is meaningless without God's love. It is His love that keeps me going. His love helps me to understand and accept things that are beyond my comprehension. It is because of His love so free that I am able to walk in faith. Because His love is so precious and given so freely for sinners like me - I can't help but value and appreciate it in the best way I can. His love re-energize my dry soul. I cannot imagine life without His love for me. Quote
Sophia M. Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 I believe that without knowing that God loves you then why would you put faith or trust in something that wouldn't care about you. God created me, because he loved me. I try to think of an artist, or a construction worker. the artist paints, what he thought to be a beautiful painting, when he is finished he stands back and looks at it and is so proud of it and says you are so beautiful to me, I love you, now picture the painting changing its own colors and shapes slowly before his eyes and slowly he sees the words appear in the corner and says, you don't love me, this is what I want to be. How would you feel if you were that painter? A construction worker lays out the blueprints and builds a house and stands back and looks at it and you can see a smile form on his face, it says you are beautiful, I love you, and then slowely it starts to change its shape and on the door you see the sign, You don't love me, This is what I want to be. How would you feel? Anybody who does not know that they are loved will walk away in search of love, which in turns there would not be any Faith or trust. I feel sorry for God he continually creates and how many of his creations walk away from him. Think how would you feel if just one picture or house out of all the ones you created would say Thank you for creating me, I know you love me and with you I will stay. Now how would you feel? Quote
Patsy350 Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? When I understood that God loved me I could trust and put my faith in Him. Without the love of God life for me meaningless. He has given me His love freely Quote
Loisb Posted September 14, 2007 Report Posted September 14, 2007 1. Knowing that God loved us so much that he gave his only Son to die for us is all the proof you need that he loves us despite all of the things that we have done that may not be pleasing to him. We have the assurance that God's love is life-changing. Quote
luv4Jesusanu Posted September 15, 2007 Report Posted September 15, 2007 The basis of all faith is Gods love for me and you. For with Gods love I have the knowledge of confidence; kindness;trust;honestly;mercy;peace;joy;satisfaction;fulfillment; loyalty within my very sould and heart. Faith is believing within. God leaves the knowledge up to us what we do with it. The realization of Gods love for me in my life. It allows me the satisfaction of knowing. That our Heavenly Father loves me with his infinite love for eternity. Makes me feel fufilled;at peace;alive;complete with God. It brought about change for the better. PTL Turned my anger,bitterness,self doubt,insecurities to the opposite with Gods lead. Have released them from my soul into Gods loving arms. Surrendering them all to Jesus. Which in turn I received love;compassion;peace; for others. It is amazing the way certain situations would anger me. Now they don't bother me. Or maybe some just alittle. When that happens I just turn them over to God. PTL God does just as he says he will. Quote
csreeves Posted September 16, 2007 Report Posted September 16, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? To know God loves me gives me a extra indescrible feeling of knowing that I know. God had to watch me go through many stages in my life as I tried everything but him. This realization that if I contine to repent and asking him to search me and all my heart and change anything that is not of him gives me strength, courage, and love for myself which passes to others and my face is his. Quote
cbcrna1 Posted September 18, 2007 Report Posted September 18, 2007 Oh holy God who loves even me! Wow it is the basis of rock faith, not bring it on faith. I can believe because I know he waits with open arms. Not as the world, as God. Oh Lord I love you too. It gives me less ownership in this world, more light to pass on, a job to tell those around me. It is apostleship. Quote
Don W Posted September 24, 2007 Report Posted September 24, 2007 When we recognize that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us to be saved and resurrected into eternally heavenly glory to be with the Lord forever; and then we act upon our beliefs, then this is the basis of our Christian faith, and it should govern from then on everything that we do and say Quote
Linda Stanley Posted September 24, 2007 Report Posted September 24, 2007 It is the acknowledgement in knowing what John:3:16 means."For ~GOD~ so loved the world,he gave his ~ONLY~ Son. God loves us.This is the recognition of all faith! "God Most High is my salvation".Jesus bore the cross so that we alll have life eternal ,with Him ,if we only believe.His love has been poured out.There is love at the altar. Quote
SherAnna07 Posted September 27, 2007 Report Posted September 27, 2007 Psalm 63 If we don't recognize how much God loves us, then how can we truly trust Him, or put our faith in Him? By understanding and knowing His great love for us, will cause us to recognize the ways He is helping us, guiding and protecting. God not only loves us, He is absolutely passionate about us and will go to any great lengths to chase us down and bring us to Himself. God sending Christ to die on a cross and shed His blood should tell us about what great lengths He has, and will go to just to reconcile us to Himself. To realize that He loved me enough to die for me and to continually and tenderly care for me causes me to want to obey Him. Knowing that He loves me causes me to want to be obedient to Him and serve Him which spills over into loving others and wanting to serve them as well. Quote
DEIRDRE INAMDAR Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? God knows us and what we are made of and if we want a relationship with the lord we need to know Him and when we seek Him with all of our hearts we will find Him and we will know that He loves us. Experiencing the love of God drives out all fear and gives us that tremendous confidence in God our Father.We will long for His presence and will stive to grow our relationship with the God who loves us. Quote
Jewell Posted October 6, 2007 Report Posted October 6, 2007 It is in the recognition of His love that draws us to Him, creates a desire within us to be close to Him, and as we grow closer to Him, gives us the capacity to return that love by being the person he means us to be. It makes me want to be a better person, one he is pleased with, in what I do, say, think, and feel in my heart and soul. Quote
linda bass Posted October 6, 2007 Report Posted October 6, 2007 Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? We love God because He first loved us. Other religions are based on man trying to reach out to God. However, in the Christian faith, it is God who reaches out to mankind. God's love is more than obligatory loyalty in a covenant relationship. His love includes acts of kindness and mercy. What does this realization bring about in your life? It makes me want to keep on in my faith, to not give up. Quote
mags Posted October 7, 2007 Report Posted October 7, 2007 Without love there is nothing. God has done so much for us, gave us so much, just because He loves us. He has told us the greatest thing of all is love (1 Cor 13). We need to believe, recognise God's love so that we can begin to understand why He has done so much for us. Through realising this love, we realise we matter to God and that He can continue a work He has started in us - to the fullness He meant it to be. Quote
Craig Posted October 9, 2007 Report Posted October 9, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? The knowledge that God loves me assures me that God is really interested in me. Therefore, I have faith that what He promises He delivers, i.e. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt. 5:3), etc. This realization impacts my life in that I can trust God to work in my life in a positive way. I pour out my soul to Him and I trust His way in living my life. I trust His way in obeying Him. Quote
Helen Vipond Posted October 16, 2007 Report Posted October 16, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Without love we are nothing. Love makes us feel alive, feel special and makes our hearts sing. Knowing that God loves me gives me deep. deep hope whilst my life is falling apart. What means much more is that I don't have to do anything to earn that love that he just loves me. Quote
Mrs Brown Posted October 18, 2007 Report Posted October 18, 2007 Luke 17:5 that the apostles asked something of Jesus. "Increase our faith." They felt that if they had more faith, they could do what Jesus did. So they decided to go the easy route and ask Jesus to increase their faith. What better person to ask! Jesus was full of faith Quote
plethra Posted October 20, 2007 Report Posted October 20, 2007 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? If you are not confident that God loves you then you will be filled with doubt, fear, and unbelief. You eventually take of the attitude that God will do it for some one else but not for me. God is no respector of persons what He does for one HE will do for YOU. You must KNOW that GOD LOVES YOU! How can you have faith in some one if you aren't sure they love you? To know that God loves me brings me great joy and power. To know that HE loves me helps me to know that GOD will fight my battles and HE will take care of me and of what is mine. It also give me the boldness to share the love of Christ with others. How could I do that if I questioned HIS love?? Quote
Candy Posted October 25, 2007 Report Posted October 25, 2007 I think that if you recognize and accept that God loves you, then it is easier to have faith. If God loves you, you can believe: that He wants what is best for you, that He will protect you and provide for you, that He would send His son to die for you, that He wants a relationship with you, and the list goes on. Change, when we truely realize that God Almighty loves, truely loves us it has a powerful impact. Personally, I struggled most of my life with this. I knew God loved me but I couldn't really accept it. Why would a Holy God love someone like me! As God has showed me repeatedly His love, I began to recognize His love in everything and accept His love, it began to change me starting with the purpose of life itself. Quote
renu nair Posted October 28, 2007 Report Posted October 28, 2007 God has created us and we are his creation. So God loves us very much, for which he gave his only son to redeem us. When you have faith in beleiving that he was sent for us that itself should tell you how much he loves us, how special we are in his eyes. It makes me realise that I am very special in his eyes. Not only me but each and every person is special for him. Quote
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