Cherie Lynn Posted June 6, 2009 Report Posted June 6, 2009 I believe that we have to recognize that God loves us, before we can realize that He will help us. I was thinking about my own father. I knew for a fact without even having to think about it, I knew that my earthly father would help me out of any problem that I had because I knew that He loved me. If I had had any doubt about my dad's love, then it would have been hard for me to know if he was going to help me or not, but I didn't have to doubt because I knew he loved me. That's how God is. We have to recognize that God loves us, when we can accept that, then we will have the faith to know that God is there for us no matter what because a father's love is unconditional. This means so much to me because I know what God has done for me, and that I couldn't have made it without Him, or been able to go through things without knowing that He loved me, and was walking beside me. I can remember right after my dad passed away, people who I thought I could trust turned on me. I was already devestated becasue I had leaned so much on my dad all my life, but I still had my heavenly father, I was crying, and praying one day, and just needed a shoulder to cry on, I remember telling God that I just needed to put my head in his lap, and cry, I felt such a peace, I imagined in my mind that my head was in His lap, and His hands gently on my head telling me, "I'm here child, everything is going to be alright". Quote
servant for Christ Posted June 19, 2009 Report Posted June 19, 2009 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? God's love is the hope of our faith that we can believe and stand on. The realization in my life is that I know I have love that is real, will never let me down, a love that gives me peace, hope, joy, forgiveness of sins, eternal life. A love that cannot be destroyed by the world or satan. It is a love that has helped my faith grow stronger knowing that is is on a firm foundation. Quote
charchar Posted July 10, 2009 Report Posted July 10, 2009 . (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?If you can't understand and recognized that that a God whom you have never seen face to face love you so much that He gave love by send his only gotton son Jesus here for our love than how could you not have faith. Without faith how could you please God? how could you go through your days of good time and bad? How could you do anything? As for me my life is totally real with God. Jesus Christ have pave the way for all of us. My life is nothing without him. I love him because I no He love me even when I wasn't save He still Loved me. Now I'm trying to continue that love by loving others and helping whenever God led someone in my path. Quote
Majockus Posted July 22, 2009 Report Posted July 22, 2009 Faith is a GIFT of God by His love for us. Before we "knew" Him, He loved us and bestowed on us that gift that enables us to love Him. There is nothing more foundational when it comes to faith. We may not "feel" as though He loves us or is close to us, but by the mere presence of faith, His love is demonstrated as we could not have it otherwise. Quote
Paul G Posted August 12, 2009 Report Posted August 12, 2009 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? ANS Because he has loved me before I was even born, and knows my every step and breath. He loves me in spite of my sins, and blesses me in spite of my short comings. He loved me so much he would die on the cross for me. Therefore I can love him and put my complete faith and trust in Him. What does this realization bring about in your life? ANS: My complete love, faith, confidence, and obedience in Him. rolleyes: Quote
chillsey1 Posted October 21, 2009 Report Posted October 21, 2009 There is nothing more warming than knowing that God loves you. He simply loves you. Just like a mother to a child. the child would then gain the confidence and faith to grow in life and know who he is simply based on the fact of his faith in his mother's love. No matter how far we stray he will always love you and just that brings faith up from inside of me and I gain confidence and control to do the things he has asked me to do. To see healing in people and restoration in families. Just knowing God loves me, my faith builds and gets more bold. I will not be afraid to step out any more and I will try my best to continue to have faith in the things that God asks. Even though I don't see the outcome or the way to do it, I will accomplish what I need to do, cause I have faith in God because I know that he loves me...praise God Quote
Marloes Posted November 19, 2009 Report Posted November 19, 2009 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? If God shouldn't love me, there was no use in looking for Him. Why should He take care for someone that He just doesn't like? When I realize that He loves me, I can trust He wants to take care for me. Then I can trust that He wants the very best for me, then I can pray boldly, with faith. Why should I love God if He didn't love me? With this recognition, I can love Him too and try to do as He pleases. Otherwise, we couldn't have a relationship. Quote
royk Posted November 24, 2009 Report Posted November 24, 2009 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? God is the giver of life. The sun "comes up each day" or we would have no life here on this rock. We take a breath of air and should be thankful that He created it so that it would stay near to the earth's surface. This was done in love and great wisdom, a perfect plan to sustain us evry moment we breath. God is love, and nothing else. Anything evil is not from God. Although breath gives life to our entire body, as oxygen or other things goes though the blood into all our cells, Psalm 63 goes further and deeper into the spiritual notion of life and breath. It is through calm deep breath that we can focus on God and the spiritual domain he has created. It is here we can feel our need and thirst for him "because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." Psalm 63:3 When we realize we have found this in our soul, we sing in our hearts "Hallelujah, you have found me, it is by your blood I am saved." There is nothi9ng better than our salvation in Christ! Hallelujah! Amen Quote
Nancy Palmer Posted December 2, 2009 Report Posted December 2, 2009 To receive the sacrificial gift of Christ, one must know the giver, the Father. As the Father is love, His gift is also born out of love. There could be no other response but to recognize God's love for me as I reach out to accept Christ. The life and death of Christ has no meaning except that God first loved (me). This realization brings me to a state of amazement, gratitude, awe, and eagerness to live up to His desire for my life. Quote
CathyLovesJesus Posted December 22, 2009 Report Posted December 22, 2009 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Knowing that God has showered me with His enormous love, creates an unbreakable bond with Him. I feel assured, and accepted. And, because I feel assured, loved, and accepted, I love Him in return. I know my Father will never let me down because He has promised that. And I believe every single promise He has made to me. With love and trust in my Father, I find faith in Him comes very easily to me. The realization of the enormity of His love for me brings about in my life a faith that is unshakable, and a confidence that, like David, can lift my soul from the lowest valley to the highest mountain peak! No matter what is going on in my life, or where I'm at... in the desert, on the mountain peak, or in the valley, I know my Father is right there with me, gently guiding me through the challenging times in my life which stretch and increase my faith in Him. Praise God for ALL He does!! Thank you for putting this online course together, I am SO enjoying it!!! Quote
Bisobio Posted February 11, 2010 Report Posted February 11, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? God's love for me is perfect. His love is always there whenever I turn to Him in prayer. He really does restore my soul. Only He can satisfy my deepest longings for acceptance, security and peace of mind. I am better able to serve Him by helping others when my own needs for Love have been met. Quote
AKSquires Posted March 29, 2010 Report Posted March 29, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? One would struggle to trust someone they do not love yes? Especially if it was with your life, and when that person you don't love, asks you to (for example) move half way across the world for a reason you do not understand, why would you do it? When you love someone, you trust them. Recognizing that God loves you is the basis of all faith because it is then you become willing to let him move in your life. You trust him with the small things, like always being there whether good day or bad, and you trust him with big things, like providing enough money to make it through the week. This realization allows my confidence in God grow, and gives me the inner confidence to go about my day. I agree with what someone said earlier on this forum, 'if God is for you, who can be against you?' Quote
jon burke Posted June 3, 2010 Report Posted June 3, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? If we do not recognize that God loves us and that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us Joh 3:16 (16) For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. then our beliefs are empty and without substance. By being obedient to God we are returning that love. We can Quote
tammie7 Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Recognition that god love you is the base of all faith because we have to have faith without faith how can believe what God had his apostle to write this faith we have to have to believe what is in the Bible and also we have to have faith to beleve that Jesus went on the cross for our sin we have to have faith to believe it because we was not there. This realization bring about hope. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted July 6, 2010 Report Posted July 6, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Then what would be the point, If God did not love us there would be no need for our relationship. Everything God has planned and done was so we could commune with Him. It tells me no matter what has happened in my life, I am loved by my Father. And He loves me so much he goes out of His way to call me to His side. To speak with me, to teach me, to use me to further His Kingdom. Words can not say all that is in my heart for my Lord. Quote
rockytopron Posted August 10, 2010 Report Posted August 10, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Q1: Without some idea of how great God's love for you is there is no reason for faith. Why would I have faith in a God whom I didn't think loved me unconditionally. I've been there and my faith was weak at best. Knowing how much God loves me allows me to have the kind of faith in him that moves mountains. Q2: This realization brings about peace and hope. I am so happy that I know that this life is not all there is. There is a real heaven and a real God that I can spend eternity with. No more tears, no more sorrows, no more pain and death. It's awesome! Quote
hanks Posted October 27, 2010 Report Posted October 27, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? God is love, we read this in 1 John 4:8, Quote
cheeky82bloke Posted November 1, 2010 Report Posted November 1, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? A3. Lesson 2. (Psalm 63) The recognition that God loves me helps me accept that everything is for the good. That helps me accept that what is good will prosper, what causes hurt will be in failure. Quote
Moody Grad Posted November 9, 2010 Report Posted November 9, 2010 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? In God's love, we find peace and protection. I know that because He loves me everything will turn out for good for His glory. Quote
Mildred C Posted January 13, 2011 Report Posted January 13, 2011 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Knowing that God loves me gives me hope, it enables me to keep going no matter how difficult life can be at times. God loves me in good and bad times. His love is "real". God does not pretend. Knowing that He loves me calms me when I need it most. When family and friends forsake me, I find peace by knowing I am safe in the arms of Jesus. I have to keep on praising Him. He is my portion, there is no one like Him, no love like His. Realizing God loves me is all I need to know when life's troubles try to get me down. Faith is trusting in God to do what is best for me. What a joy it is to know He loves me, even when I don't deserve it. Quote
JanMary Posted May 31, 2011 Report Posted May 31, 2011 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? I would say it's because Love is Who God's His nature, and character. God IS love. His Word declares that's Who He is. If I didn't recognize that He loves me, it wouldn't be the God of the Bible that I believed in and know, but some concocted fictional entity, with whom there would be no believing in the the man in the moon! It wouldn't be the Loving Father, Savior, Holy Spirit, Creator God, Who is the Word become Flesh. But because Love first drew me then lifted me out of the miry pit and set my feet upon the Rock of His Son Jesus, His love is the basis of my faith and the reason that I trust in and rely totally upon Him. What does this realization bring about in your life? He IS my life. If I didn't know that God loves me, I'd either be dead or sitting in a mental institution in a corner sucking my thumb! It was the knowledge of His love for me that drew me to respond to His wooing! In Him I live and move and have my being. He's the air I breathe, as the song goes. His love makes sense of the world, even in the mess it's in. His love has made me whole. He is the reason I want to wake up in the draw close to Him, to hear His "voice", to see what kind of day He's made for me to live in. When I think back to my B.C. life, broken and wrecked from abuse, divorce, neglect, hopelessness and despair, I marvel at what His love has brought about in my life! I'm nearing the end of my life and I have all of eternity to look forward to....of completely unbroken fellowship with my Lord, and with the other beloved children of God. I love Him because He first loved me! Words fail me to adequately praise I do that in a Heavenly language when I run out of words. Quote
amycath Posted June 15, 2011 Report Posted June 15, 2011 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? Recognition that God loves you is the basis of all faith, because everyone wants to be loved unconditionally for who they are. God made you and loves the person that you are. Also, knowing how much God loves me and everyone else makes me love Him even more. Quote
Bec Posted August 29, 2011 Report Posted August 29, 2011 Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? God created me so that I could have a relationship with Him (and therefore demonstrate His glory to the world). The fact that He loves me demonstrates His incredible care of an individual. But my faith isn't based on His love of or for me .. its based on who He is, irrespective of me. The fact that He loves me is certainly a bonus!! (and an incredible fact.) But I love and trust Him quite apart from His creation of me, His care of me, His love for me. I love and trust Him because He is worthy, Holy, Righteous, Immutable, Wise, Powerful, Sovereign, Omnipresent and Omniscient, the One and Only, Eternal. What does this realization bring about in your life? The realization that the Sovereign God of the universe cares for me gives purpose to my life .. to glorify Him by relationship with Him (through His Word and through prayer and meditation) in order to live as He directs and by glorify-ing Him in living like I know Him and by speaking of Him to others. Quote
jeannethebean Posted October 9, 2011 Report Posted October 9, 2011 Knowing, believing in, and depending on God's love for me is all I need. Please see this song "Oh how He Loves us." by Kim Walker, below: Quote
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