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Q3. (Psalm 63)

Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?

When I am able to recognize how much God loves and admires me even when I deep in despair.....those are the moments when my faith is tested. When I can seek, know and feel God's compassionate care when in some kind of a pit, my faith is renewed, my trust is renewed and once again I have hope.

What does this realization bring about in your life?

God's love and compassion for me fosters love and compassion for myself which in turn enables me to be of service to others and share gifts of love and compassion. It gives my daily life joyful meaning and purpose.

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Thanks Bean for the song!

There is another song by Jesusculture based on Psalm 63:


Why is God's love the basis of faith and so important?

hmmmm. The Ancients worshipped golden calves, objects that just "are".

Our God is different. Our God, loves us.

When you know this, the rest of faith and God and his Kingdom makes sense.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am able to recognize God's love for me because He has created me in his own image and likeness. i feel His love strong for me when i come into His presence and worship Him. He shows his love to me by filling me with his strength and joy when i spend time with Him. my faith grows stronger as i see Him blessing the work of my hands, answers my heart's desires and also when i proclaim his goodness and mercy to others He works wonders. i have felt his love for me deeply through His Son Jesus who died for me, paid for all my sins and interceding at God's right hand for me.

God is my everything!!! He is my Father to whom i can run in good times to share my joy and in times of need as i seek his face-- He is always there to comfort me, to cheer me up and enables me to be a blessing to others. God is my provider for he has provided for all my needs and made be to be a blessing to His people who are in need.

God is my protector for he has protected me and my family from all dangers. He is defender, my refuge my fortress and my God in whom i trust. To Him be all the glory and honor.

Serving Him and fulfilling his desires gives me immense joy. My life has become purposeful as i abide in His presence and make him known to others.


The recognition that God loves me is the basis of my faith. My entire existence here on earth is becasue the good Lord created me ,wants me , loves me cares for me and provides for me. He loves me unconditionally. My faith in him is because He created me and He loves me. I know I am loved by him and this is the basis of my faith. I simply go my God as a child with a firm belief that He loves me and is there to understand me. God is the source of my existence and my well being till the end of my life.

This realisation that God loves me simply allows me to cast all my cares upon Him. Through the ways God works in my life He proves his love to me.This make me worship Him praise Him love him more and more. I know and I know though anyone here may forsake me the Lord will never leave me. So i just firm in my faith that God is there with me He knows me I can trust Him ever more.

  • 2 weeks later...

Love is always the basis of faith, and where there is faith there is always love, when i love my parents if trust them completely , i am confident of their every act, faith is the confidence we have , when we love our Loving father in heaven we trust him completely and our confidence in him is immense we know is he is control of everything. This confidence and faith is built only when i has love for another. In Ps. 63 David's confidence in God is immense because of his love for God, he trust's God completely , he is confident God will rescue him from all the situations around him, he is confident whatever his enemies try they will not succeed because God's love him and he will never allow David to be overtaken by his enemies. His this trust and faith in God is so strong that is what he means when he says mu soul clings to you, his inmost being, his mind his intellect he does not allow to move away from God's presence and love.

This realization that God's loves me gives me the confidence to run back to my father in heaven each time in need, also when i experience joy or when my prayers are answered and i run back to him to share this joy my happiness doubles up in his presence.Because God loved me first so i love him and this love gives me the confidence and increases my faith in God and his word.

  • 4 months later...

Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?

Recognizing that God loves us beyond all else gauges our response to everything else in the Bible and everything else in life. If I don’t recognize God’s love for me, I cannot possibly accept it. If I don’t accept it, I cannot have the benefits or responsibilities or promises of it. Basically, I would be living my life in a constant state of despair and loneliness without the possibility of finding even a glimmer of hope or a sight of Salvation.

This makes me realize how blessed I am to have God call me a friend. I know that He loves me in spite of myself. I can run and He still loves me. I can doubt and He still remains. On the flip side of this, then, the realization compels me. If God can love me and remain in and with me through all my struggles, sins, and doubts, then I should be—and am—compelled to act and testify on His behalf. This means living a life of total surrender: surrender of my mind, will, emotions, life, future…surrender of everything I hold dear, of the things I have yet to see, and of the things I assume to be mine. When I realize that someone loves me the way God loves me, surrender is my only choice, my only answer.

  • 4 weeks later...

Why is the recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?

If I didn't know that God loves me I would not trust Him. Lack of trust is the same as lack of faith.

What does this recognition bring about in your life?

It brings me peace and assurance that no matter what the circumstances God is with me and loves me. When I feel separated from Him by sin, I still know He loves me, and He will forgive me if I am truly repentant.

  • 1 month later...

  • Q3(Psalm 63)Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?---IF you recognize and accept that GOD LOVES YOU, THEN IT IS EASIER TO HAVE FAITH. B,What does this realization bring about your life/?------I realize that his eyes are always upon me

  • 1 year later...

Yahweh loving me, tells me I am valuable to Him, enough to send His son to die on the cross for me. That creates in me a thankful and grateful heart, with  a mouth that is filled with praise to Him and humbles me to think that the Creator of heaven and earth had a plan to redeem man and make a way to commune with Him like He did with Adam and Eve.

Father may I earnestly seek you with all my heart and be filled with the fullness of You.

  • 4 months later...

To know that God loves me is to know that he will not harm me. He will always be there for me and I have faith in that. When I love somebody I know that I don’t want any harm to come to them. This is the same as God’s love for me.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) A.) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?

B.)What does this realization bring about in your life?

A. & B. By recognizing that God loves us brings with it a change in our beings. It makes us want to be like Him, to please Him.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?


I suppose we have to go back to the creation, God created mankind in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26,27). However when Adam and Eve sinned, God put a curse on them, a consequence of believing and acting on a lie from the devil "...you will be like God" (Genesis 3:4-5).


God had a plan to redeem mankind-Jesus the "... resurrection and the life" (John 11:25). For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:17)-For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

So God's love for us is great, greater that we will realise while we are still in the world (1 Corinthians 13:12). But knowing that God loves me, gives me purpose and a motivation to live my life for him. The apostle John exhorts, because Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, then we must love with actions and in truth (1 John 3:16-18).

  • 1 month later...

If I did not know that God loves me, what would be the point. The remembrances of God doing special things in our lives helps us believe and have faith for the future. When I get discouraged...I remember and let my heart be comforted. Spiritual blessings and miracles are a result of this knowing God's love.

  • 3 months later...

1st question recognition of gods love the basis of my faith


The basis of my faith is rooted in the knowledge that God loves me. Gods love for me means more than life itself. His mercies kindness is everlasting His love transcends all other , such love that He sent his son to  die in my place so as to ,reconcile me unto himself. this knowledge strengthens my devotion to Him, the promises and His protection displayed in my life enables me to keep on trusting Him.i;s with this knowledge I'm devoted to him and will continue to trust and depend on him by faith,constantly giving him praise of adoration for who he is.


2.....this knowledge of Gods love gives me strength to live a life of confidence. It enables me to be bold in declaring my faith as a Christian, Gods love is a life changing experience. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?


As believers we have changed our entire life from serving ourselves to serving Jesus Christ. This is based on his word which describes God's love for us. When someones truly loves they only want the best for the object of their love.  God wanted the best for us so much that he sent his only son to die and rise from the grave in order to reestablish God's relationship with us. This only comes to us through faith.




What does this realization bring about in your life?


The realization that I have eternal life because Jesus Christ overcame death and defeated Satan. I will live forever with God.

  • 1 year later...
On August 18, 2007 at 10:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?

Without seeking out God, what kind of hope do I have.  I have or have seen others who are in the desert.  God is our oasis in that desert.  A good worship time is better than the best chocolate cake in the world.  While in worship, raising my hands up, I am in another zone.  My mind and heart are totally focused on Him.  This is when I am most aware of his love.  This love is what I cling too.  This is my faith, this is my basis of my faith.

  • 2 months later...

If we havn't experienced God's love then we have nothing to long for, we wouldn't know what we are missing. It's when we have tasted that we want more, we don't want to lose what we have. We want to connect with that Presence even in the middle of the night. 

But we need to get a thirst up. Just like running a marathon gets a thirst up so giving ourselves to praise and worship, gets our thirst going for more of God and to experience more of Him. Going into the "sanctuary" for us may be like entering into Revelation chapter 4-8

  • 7 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?

The recognition of God’s love is the basis of all faith because God is Love and God gave His one and only Son for us. Not only did He do that; Jesus then rose again to give us victory over sin and death and give us eternal life. Without Christ’s death and resurrection we would be in a sorry state indeed. God’s son did what we could not do ourselves which was free us from our sins and sin nature. We must be willing to recognize that He loves and cares for us enough to answer our prayers all the time. It brings joy and gladness to me and makes me realize that I truly am a sinner saved by grace.  Being as such I must give my all to Him and worship him with my whole heart and learn all I can about Him through reading His Word.


Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?

I believe that recognizing that God loves us helps us to believe He is doing everything for our spiritual growth. If we doubt that God loves us; then we become fearful or afraid and start to doubt His goodness. When we know that He loves us we can be confident and assured. When we remember times when we felt close to Him and felt His love then we are more able to face trials and difficulties. Because we know that He loves us and that He will never leave us.

It helps me hold on in the face of pain and adversity in my life. In the face of problems that never seem to go away; I know God is still there. If I reach out to Him; He will reach out to me. Unlike people God never gives up on me; He never fails me. I am not alone because He is with me.

  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? 

John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. It is His loved that extended salvation to us. It is His love that pulled us out of miry clay and deep pit that I was in. It is His love that spared not His only Son, but gave Him up willingly for us. Now what else will He possibly withhold from us. It is His love that translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. His Son is the object of His love and because of that great sacrifice on Calvary, we have the assurance that we too become the object of His love. That’s a mind boggling thought. The Creator and the Sustainer of the universe loves me!!!

The realization that I am precious to the Lord had become a deep impact in my life. I used to consider myself worthless and so insignificant. But one day the Lord reminded me the verse from Isaiah 62:3, “you shall be a crown of crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” This was a turning point in my life. To realize that He holds me precious in His sight was so freeing of my deep rooted thought of my worthlessness. If God considers me of value to Him, who am I to consider myself to be worthless. He found me of enough value to sacrifice His Son to call me His own. Words fail to convey to Him of my gratefulness to the love He has expressed to me through His Son.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith?  

Because we love Him because he first loved us.  He sent his perfect son to die for my sins so that I could be forgiven and have a relationship with him for now and eternity.

        What does this realization bring about in your life?

It should bring about profound gratitude and a love that stems from his love.  And it should bring about a desire to live a life pleasing to God and serving Him.

  • 1 year later...

Being loved by our Creator is a gift. We love because he first loved us. Once we know this- either through a life altering experience, transformation, or teacher, the assurance can propel us forward on our journey ever closer to the Divine. 

  • 10 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life?

Who would want to seek God if they were unsure of his love for them?   A relationship without love would certainly destroy the growth of faith.  Knowing that God loves me makes me want to seek Him all the more thus allowing my faith to grow.   

  • 1 year later...

Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? God's love is one with His faithfulness in all things and His faithfulness gives hope which inspires faith in all circumstances. God's love is my light which dispels the darkness around me. God's love for me remains forever, when things and people leave throughout seasons. 

What does this realization bring about in your life? realization of God's love for me brings me satisfaction, joy and peace in the storm and calm of life.

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