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Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

In this psalm we have a promise that if we live with God's Word in mind, so that it guides us in our decisions and influences our behaviour every day, we will experience good things in our life. It is also a warning, as it tells us what will happen if we won't live according to God's Word.

I like the line in which the psalm says that the righteous has delight in the law of the Lord. This word " delight " is special for me.

I would like to change my way of reading the Bible so that it is not plain reading, but that I would realy delight in God's Word.

I think that this image of a tree planted by the stream is also beautiful. I imagine the cool, fresh water of the stream...

I need to change so that I would bear fruit in my life and this psalm gives me advice what I should do.

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We are human and can easily fall away. That is human nature, we need to be constantly reminded of the narrow way that we have to walk in, the distractions of the world are so many, that we can easily fall.

Just as the beginning of the psalm suggests, the move away from the Lord is gradual, so that if we are not careful, we do not see it until we are on the other side;

First, we are urged to meditate on the Word of God, instead of the World of Man, but we begin by walking in the way of the wicked, thinking that because we are saved, we can walk through without getting scathed. But before we realize it, we are actually stopping to listen to the ways of the world, so we find ourselves standing with the sinners, and then as the gradual corruption goes on, we actually sit with them to deliberate on the matters of the world.

I love verses 2 and 3. We can really only stand firm in the world when we meditate on the Word of God. It is our lifeline, our peace our hope, and once we meditate on it, we find ourselves being nourished every time, our roots go deep, and when the tough times comes, we find that we are able to stand firm, that is how our leaves do not wither.


1) A review of that is important because it can allow us to think it through what is being said in the Bible. It also refreshes our mind that only the righteousness will succeed and the wicked one will fall. As we are human beings, we always fall short from what is expected from us. We are born to be sinners, thus, God knows that we do need constant reminders from believers and the Holy Spirit to keep us from walking the wrong path.

2) I like verse 3. I like it because it reminds me that God is the mighty God. For it is said in the verse that he will have fruits throughout the season, the leaf will not wither, and will always prosper. I want to be like Him. I want to follow him as i know he will guide me, protect me and nothing can take away my love and passion for him. As long as i am under his wings, I will definitely succeed.


We need to be reminded of this so that we can continue to walk upright and meditate on God word day and night. We as christians are not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Lifw offers two paths, the way of the righteous or the way of the wicked, we must chose who we are going to serve. This Psalm is remining us to follow the faithful path knowing that God provides, proctects and nourishes the righteous and that God's rewards supersede the benefits of the wicked.

The lines of this Psalm that stand out to me; verse 3,"And whatever he does shall prosper". and verse 6," For the Lord know the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.". I like those verses because I know that if I continue to delight myself in the laws of the Lord, regardless of what other is doing, I shall prosper for the Lord know the way that I am going.


Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

I need to be reminded because how quickly I can let other things step in the way.

Vs 3 stands out to me. It leaves such a wonder reminder that if I am planted and have roots in God I will yield fruit. I will stand strong like a tree in Him. It is such a wonderful picture I have in my head, that brings me back from my everyday stuff.


We need to be reminded when we are down cast so we will remember our hope. Sometimes it does seem like the wicked prosper and God's people struggle. But Matthew 23:32 says, "Wicked people have a measure of iniquity to fill up. Then God takes vengeance on them."

I like verse 3, it's interesting to watch as a tree grows over the years, to see it through the seasons. The verse says we are like a tree. With God's grace we yield fruit, do not wither, and prosper.


We all need reminders at one time or another in our lives. As we go from day to day we see the wicked getting away and getting worse. We might wonder when will it all end and is there any justice. We know that God is the just judge and the path of the wicked is destruction. In Psalm 1 there is the contrast of life's two roads. We have a choice of which one to take. One leads to life and one to destruction.

The lines that stands out to me in Psalm 1 are: For the lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. It is good to know that regardless how things might look God is still in control and He watches over the godly. I like it because they are verses of hope. We are to keep living godly lives even when wickness might be all around us. They will be condemned at the time of judgement by a true and just God.


This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know:the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish.Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint,what lines in this psalm stand out to you.Why do you think you like them?

We need to be reminded that God is always protecting us and He does watch over us,the wicked will perish eventually even though it seems like they are in victory right now.The first and the second lines are very powerful and are moving in the heart because we are blessed when we follow the Lord plus follow his laws day and night.WE should not want to go back to the way we were before we accepted salvation from the Lord,to me it shows that i want to keep following the Lord cause then i will be blessed by my father.

Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

I love Psalms 1 because it reminds me to keep my oil lamp full and ready. The parts I love the best are the images it conjures up in my mind.


Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

I have to be reminded of his to know that God does not judge people on the basis of their race, sex, national origin or wealthy status. He judges them on the basis of their faith I Him and their response to His revealed will. Those who diligently try to obey God

Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

1. We need to be reminded because it is so easy to be tempted to be led astray. We can be led by things that we used to do; following our friends; or just little things that we do and think are not important. Since we are human and can be tempted, it is so good that we are reminded in this verse that God is above and always watching. As long as we read our Bibles and meditate on the Word, we can remain strong.

2. When I think about verses 2 and 3, it gives me the assurance that as long as I meditate on his "laws" and live right, I will be prosperous no matter what problems or storms come my way.


We are reminded of this fact because we often forget and just as the Psalmist did in Psalm 73, we sometimes get envious of all the riches and seemingly prosperity in the world of the unbelievers (wicked); but we needn


Ps 1. I used to be the wicked, my heart goes out to the lost. This psalm makes me sad. I don't care so much about revenge, or them getting their "just deserves". I do like the tree planted my the water metaphor. I also don't understand Verse 5. I guess those are my thoughts on Ps. 1.


It reinforces what we know already that the righteous succeed and the wicked perish. We are provided a basis and guide on how to live a godly life. Being successful in God's eyes is more important than worldly success.

It is easy to let the wickedness of daily life get the best of you.

The Lord is watching over us and only he knows what is best.

Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

1. We need to be reminded of this [ the righteous will succeed] so that we can be focussed & be motivated towards our goal & our walk with the Lord after we are saved or are born again.

2.Emotional standpoint:

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers." (1:3)

When I visualise this mighty,majestic ,evergreen tree laden with fruits in each season I'm so overwhelmed ,encouraged & blessed to be reminded of the effects of righteous living!I feel so secure!I'm also reminded of my Righteous Saviour & Master who is towering over me & surrounding & sustaining me & nourishing me as I read & meditate on His Word & commune with Him & walk with Him daily!

Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

1. We need to be reminded of this [ the righteous will succeed] so that we can be focussed & be motivated towards our goal & our walk with the Lord after we are saved or are born again.

2.Emotional standpoint:

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers." (1:3)

When I visualise this mighty,majestic ,evergreen tree laden with fruits in each season I'm so overwhelmed ,encouraged & blessed to be reminded of the effects of righteous living!I feel so secure!I'm also reminded of my Righteous Saviour & Master who is towering over me & surrounding & sustaining me & nourishing me as I read & meditate on His Word & commune with Him & walk with Him daily!


We need to be reminded that the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish because often it seems as if the opposite is true. Those who are wicked and who defy God seem to prosper, while those who are righteous have to struggle just to meet their daily needs.

The lines in Psalm 1 that stands out to me is

He is a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.(1:3)

I like this verse because I liken the tree planted by the water as a believer reading or studying the scriptures.

As long as I abide in God's word, I can make it through times of spiritual dryness in my life.


Psalm 1:We need to be remindedthe righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish;those who deligently try to obey God's will are blessed.There are only two paths of life before us.God's way of obedience or the way of rebellion and destruction.

We must take God's word and meditate on it.Not just read it ,but apply the word to our every day life,because the "Word" is life.We follow God more closely and learn to know who God is.Like a song I know,I Want To Know You More.

~~Psalm 1:2 But Hhis delight is in the law of the Lord,and on his law he meditates day and night.Verse 2, is the core of this Psalm.We must stay in Gods word,because the word shows us how to live.


Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

Christians, like all people, have short memories. We need to be reminded constantly of Godly principles and ideals.

Verse 1: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers."

I like this verse because it assures me that following Godly principles, ideals and alining myself with God is the right thing to do and will bring about shalom in my life.


Life is difficult and often unjust - we need reminded that everything will work out fairly and justice will prevail. We need to make sure our focus is on the things of God and these reminders help us to do just that.

Verses 2 and 3 stand out to me because they remind me and reaffirm the importance of reading God's Word and immersing ourselves in Him (not to the exclusion of non-Christians as we are called to minister to them). Also verse 6 reminds us of God's watchful hand over our lives in every situation. What a mighty God we serve!


Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

We need to be reminded on this because we have a sinfull nature and we must be aware of this nature in us and strive to have our

have our strength and behavior reflect in us from the Holy Spirit's being alowed to work in our lives. Not let our sinfull nature get an

upper hand and show in our behavior and actions thus ruining our testamony. We do not always succede in this but hopefully as christians

we succede more than we fail.

The words that emotionally stand out to me are Verse 2 " But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night

I am emotionally touched by this because I would like to have the time to meditate on God's word day and night. But the truth is that I

do not meet the standard I would llike to have. I read the Word often but it is sparatic one day morning ,, next day night perhaps skipping

2 days then mid afternoon ..... I am not consistand and I feel this is a failure ... I should at least have a strong committment to one time

each day be it am or pm.... but stick to it. This is convicting me a bit and I am determined to work on it.

I am going to the Holy Spirt to ask help to do this.... God bless you all.... All Ears.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them?

I need to be reminded of this psalm to let me know that there are many people who are out there that is not saved. They will say things to upset you and get you to think that there is not a God, but I have experience first hand that there is a God because He came to me one night and saved my life. We have to know that the wicked is out there. We have learned that anyone who is wicked will not make it in this life nor the next, they may think they are making it but then they have to realized that GOD is always watching and they can not hide anything from HIM they may can hide from the world but they can not hide it from GOD.

What stands out to me is that like I said in my answer I know there is a GOD and I know that HE can help me over come anything that comes up against me. I love the line that says the righteous will succeed. No person is perfect and if we say we are we are a liar, but however we should strive every day to be like Jesus.


We need to be reminded of this because it so often seems like the wicked are succeeding.

verse 6 stands out to me:

"For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,

but the way of the wicked will perish." (1:6)

because it is another reminder that helps me see through the negative things around us.


We need to reminded of this all the time because Satan will try his tricks and we have to be always be alert of his doing and knowing that if we follow our lords words and his ways we will eventually succeed and will be prosperous.

Emotionally, I like verse 3

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers."

where God says that he will bless those who abide by him and lives by the word of God.

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