Pastor Ralph Posted March 28, 2003 Report Posted March 28, 2003 What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. Whichever it is, what does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us? Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted March 29, 2003 Report Posted March 29, 2003 The Passover and the blood placed on the doorframes foreshadowed Jesus' work on the cross. The Lord's Supper commerates Jesus' death on the cross for our salvation. The broken bread is a remberance of His body that was broken for us and the wine to remind us of His shed blood. Each time we participate in the Lord's Supper we must prepare ourselves so that it serves as a reminder of what Jesus did for us. The Jews were not allowed to even eat meat with the blood in it so this was a real challenge for them to accept Jesus' statements concerning drinking His blood. We must be able to recognize the symbolism that is brought out in the body and blood to be able to take part in this blessed sacrament. Quote
Peter Huang Posted March 30, 2003 Report Posted March 30, 2003 Jesus asked his disciples and us to eat his body and drink his blood in remembrance that He died for us.We are to do this this as often as we shall drink wine and feed on him in our hearts with gratitude and thanksgiving. It was a radical idea for his disciples who were forbidden by Jewish custom to drink the blood of animals and offended many of them who took it to mean literally. It should also be a radical idea for us as it is an unusual way for us to remember that Christ died for our sins Quote
Peggie Posted March 31, 2003 Report Posted March 31, 2003 The significance is that we are to remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for us. This was a radical idea for the disciples because the Jews were to never drink the blood of animals, and they did not fully grasp what Jesus was trying to tell them here. It should be a radical idea for us because Jesus said that as often as we do this, do it in rememberance of Him. As we participate in the Lord's Supper, we should always relfect back to what Jesus went through on that cruel Roman cross for us and how His love alone held him there. Quote
nelda huffman Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 The blood (juice) is a symbol of Jesus conenant which was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin and the body(wafer or bread) is to take it and eat in remembrance of Jesus. The significance is that we remember Jesus , that only He can forgive us of our sins, he is the only one that can cleanse our bodies and make our hearts and bodies clean, if we only ask. The act of communion is a remembrance that Jesus loved us and wanted us to realize that he loved us and died for our transgressions. Quote
nelda huffman Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 The blood (juice) is a symbol of Jesus conenant which was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin and the body(wafer or bread) is to take it and eat in remembrance of Jesus. The significance is that we remember Jesus , that only He can forgive us of our sins, he is the only one that can cleanse our bodies and make our hearts and bodies clean, if we only ask. The act of communion is a remembrance that Jesus loved us and wanted us to realize that he loved us and died for our transgressions. Quote
retired Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 First of all, the Jews did not drink blood or consume blood at all in those days. Also, the thought of partaking of Jesus flesh and blood at first might have seemed to them to be cannibalism. They would have been shocked to say the least. Just think, out of the blue, during the Passover meal, Jesus took the bread and said this is my body, eat it. What would you have thought? You would have been surprised. Then he took the wine, remember, offering the wine was the ceremonial offering of betrothal to the Jews at that time. He said, this is my blood, drink it in remembrance of me. He was asking them, in essence, to be His bride. I know the Church is considered to be the Bride, but think of the Wedding supper of the Lamb. The ceremonial offering of the wine. It all fits. If we accept the wine. We are accepting the offer of the prospective groom. Today. the same. If we drink the wine (or blood) and eat the bread (or body) we are accepting the proposal of the prospective groom, Jesus and his redemptive work on the cross. We give our lives in return to him each time we have our hearts properly prepared and we partake of the Lords Supper. We are accepting the invitation, I believe, to the wedding banquet of the Lamb. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 Drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh is a continual remembrance of His death and the benefits which we receive. It is more, however, than just a memorial. Eucharist is one of the deepest mysteries of our faith. Christ in some way unknown to us imparts to our souls the life-giving gift of His broken body and shed blood. Through the Eucharist we are united with Him. This was Jesus' last meal with his disciples. What He was saying was a shocking message for them. They were forbidden (Leviticus 17:10,11) from drinking blood. Somehow they knew that Jesus was saying something radically different from the previous meaning of the Passover meal. Because they did not understand some disciples "turned back and no longer followed Him." We partake in the Eucharist because Jesus commanded us to and something miraculous happens to us when we do. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 Q3. What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. Whichever it is, what does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us? Exposition Jesus had made it abundantly clear that if we <believe>,we gain eternal life.By partaking in communion and believing,we then have life in Him.John<verse 56>.He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me,and I in him. John 6: 29,35,40,47,.These verses teach that the benefits of Jesus,death must be appropriated,by faith,by each individual. It was such a radical idea for Jesus disciples because the thought of eating flesh and drinking blood,because they were Jews,and were forbidden to even taste blood.They could not comprehend what Jesus was saying.So many walked away and did not follow Jesus any longer. I would say for us,we should be radically saved.Everything we do for Jesus in His name we should be radical,bold,out front with what we believe.Really think about what Jesus did for us.HE GAVE HIS LIFE,!SO WE MAY HAVE LIFE! Quote
shadylady Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 The significance for me is that we are not Jews but Jesus invites us to take part in his passover celebration - it's the inclusion for all, to be part of his body and to sup from his cup. Quote
leo Posted April 1, 2003 Report Posted April 1, 2003 The law that forbids the Jews from drinking blood stems way back to the Old Testament times which is why the contemporary idea that the disciples were to eat and drink the body and blood of Christ was very radical. Nowadays, we are used to this concept (literally or figuratively) of partaking of the body and blood of Christ especially the Catholics since they do it every week. We are aware of the concept that we do this as a reminder of the price that the onle begotten Son of the Lord had to pay for our redemption and liberation from sin and we accept this wholeheartedly. But we can just imagine the shock that the disciples felt when they first heard this idea coming from their Teacher. I think the Lord really intended to shock them to ingrain the idea into their hearts and minds so they will always remember and to keep them from backsliding into their old and sinful ways. Also, I think the Lord intended to make the idea as contmporary and as shocking as possible to remind His people of the gravity of the sacrifice that was paid to free us. In fact, now that I think of it, the very idea of eating and drinking someone's body and blood would have shocked even the people nowadays had Jesus was alive today and this was the first time He stated this idea to His disciples. Quote
Peter Huang Posted April 2, 2003 Report Posted April 2, 2003 when we eat Jesus' body and drink his blood we are partaking in his sacrifice for us.We commemorate his redemptive atonement for our sins and we look forward to the Final banquet together with Him. To the disciplesJesus' invitation to eat his body and to drink his blood was a radical idea because the Jews were not supposed to drink the blood of animals. In fact many of his disciples were so offended by the idea that they left Jesus.It is also a radical idea for us modern day christians as it is a unque but memorable way for us to remember that Christ died for our sins and we are to feed on him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving Quote
Kris Ann Posted April 2, 2003 Report Posted April 2, 2003 Q3. What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. Whichever it is, what does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us? Eating of the flesh and drinking of the blood of Jesus has always meant for me: remembrance of His sacrifice to save me, and growth as I learn to become more like Him. Just as we eat food to sustain ourselves, we must also allow ourselves to change toward Jesus' ways in order to sustain a life free from sin. The eating and drinking of the flesh and blood seems gorish to anyone. But it was even more radical for the Jews. They where prohibited by belief/custom from drinking blood. Yet now there is this Jew who claims to be the Son of God, telling them to drink his blood. For us today, the eating and drinking of the flesh and blood should still be a radical event. As we learn Jesus' ways, we need to be ready and accepting of radical changes within our lives. This is the only way we can really become more like Him. It is the only way we can sustain a life free from sin. Quote
jaunita Posted April 2, 2003 Report Posted April 2, 2003 What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56)...What does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us? The significance of the blood & the flesh is to me, a rememberance of all that Jesus did, for all man-kind. As we have been learning, the sacrifice demanded by God for sin, was the spilling of blood. Under the old covenant this was done by the slaying of a spotless lamb, offered up upon the alter. Blood, as many have already brought out, was forbidden to be consumed; For blood, once spilled, was considered to be corrupt..."The life is in the blood" It was dead, un-clean. This would have caused many to re-act in horror at the words of Jesus, & in fact did, as many turned back from following him. When he asked Peter & the rest "Would you too, leave me?"Peter responded with"Where would we go Lord for you have the word's of eternal life"! To partake of the Blood & Flesh of Jesus today, is to enter into death, with him, so that we may enter into eternal life!We remember what he did.....& we remember we are dead to this world & our old selves. Is this radical? Yes! For to die, is life! This is radical, to the worlds way of thinking. "For unless a seed, falls unto the ground, & dies, it cannot bring forth life" His Body, broken for us.......His Blood, shed for us! Quote
Helen Williams Posted April 3, 2003 Report Posted April 3, 2003 What is the significance to us drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh? Drinking of Jesus' blood and eating his flesh shows that we believe and share in the truth that a perfect lamb(Jesus) had to be sacrifice, and blood poured out for many for the forgiveness of sin. He wants us to remember! Radical to rhe disciples because Jews were prohibired from the drinking of blood. This caused some to leave Jesus and no longer follow Him. It should be radical to us in that we remember his death and resurrection and continue to forever follow him. His disciples did not fully understand what Jesus was saying. I wonder do some of us understand in this day and time. Have we walked off and left Jesus or are we willing to follow him. In all that you get, get understanding. Quote
Julie Posted April 3, 2003 Report Posted April 3, 2003 The importance is to remember to do this in Remembrance of Him, to me it is not to be done in haste, or with little thought, it is to be done remembering that Jesus poured out His blood of the covenant for the sins of many (blood-sacrifice), His body which He gave for us (bread-suffering). It may of been a radical ideal for the disciples for Jesus was with them in their sight they may have not been able to comprehend what He was telling them, it wasn't complete. For us it is complete, finished. Quote
Julie Posted April 3, 2003 Report Posted April 3, 2003 "Would you too, leave me?"Peter responded with"Where would we go Lord for you have the word's of eternal life"! To partake of the Blood & Flesh of Jesus today, is to enter into death, with him, so that we may enter into eternal life!We remember what he did.....& we remember we are dead to this world & our old selves. Is this radical? Yes! For to die, is life! This is radical, to the worlds way of thinking. "For unless a seed, falls unto the ground, & dies, it cannot bring forth life" His Body, broken for us.......His Blood, shed for us! AMEN, Juanita Quote
gail m Posted April 3, 2003 Report Posted April 3, 2003 What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh?What does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? In what way should it be a radical idea for us? The significance of us drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh is that he is our sacrifice..he is the lamb we are "eating" . We do this act because he said to drink and eat in remeberance of him. We take the Lords Supper to remember that Christ was our lamb and that he died for us..he died for me. I think it was a radical idea for the Jews because of the blood thing. Drinking blood of any animal went against the Laws of God, so can you imagine here is the Messiah in front of you saying to drink my had to be shocking to say the least. I think it should be a radical idea for us in the sense that we are consuming the flesh and blood of the man/God who saved us. In one sense it is a happy thing to do to remember Christ and what he did for us. On the other hand it is sad to to remember what Christ had to go through for us because of Sin. Quote
luray mcclung Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 Our small country church outside Millsboro, DE, like most churches, has a table in front of the pulpit and the pasor's sacred desk. On the table is carved "Do this in remembrance of Me." We partake of Holy Communion as a remembrance of what our Lord did for us. This was a radical idea for Jesus' disciples during that last week because he was still with them. Also, the 12 had not yet come to full understanding of this "holy mystery." Later, Judas betrayed Jesus; Peter denied any association with Him; Thomas doubted Him. Yes, the act of partaking of Christ's body and blood was a radical idea for the disciples. Today, it truly is a radical idea for us in that no other faith has a risen savior who died on a cross and was resurrected from the grave. Just like the songwriter said, Come and dine, the master calleth, come and dine. We can feast at Jesus' table all the time. He has fed the multitude, turned the water into wine, come and dine the master calleth, come and dine. lmc Quote
luray mcclung Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 It is so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper. Our hearts must be right with Him and our brothers and sisters in Christ before partaking of Holy Communion which must be entered into prayerfully and reverently and holy. The Lord's Supper and unforgiveness are definitely incompatiable as we are all reminded of Jesus' words from the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." lmc Quote
luray mcclung Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 oops...I answered question 4 in the wrong place...sorry about that...lmc Quote
Omie Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. Whichever it is, what does that act signify for us? Why was this such a radical idea for Jesus' disciples? (John 6:60, 66) In what way should it be a radical idea for us? + Jesus had been feeding the Israelites bellies, as they reminded him in John 6 30 -31. Now he speaks of the "true Bread" in John 6: 33. This Bread and Blood to Christians is that which we need to partake of to have eternal life. To me, this is so much more then just swallowing the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine. It means that I accept ALL He has given for me, even if there were no one else but myself. That I remember and never forget. What an awe inspiring Savior. + It was so "off the wall" that everyone wondered what was going on.... He asks "do I offend you?" Many at this time left Jesus. To a Jew to drink blood was an abomination. I do feel a bit squimish with the idea of eating raw flesh and blood. I am blessed that I have the Bible, God's Word, to help me understand the principle He was teaching His disciples. Quote
linda bass Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 Jesus associated the red wine with His own blood. His blood is identified with the institution of a new covenant. The wine would represent the blood which Jesus would pour out for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus compared the bread to His body. Jesus was asking His disciples to feed on Him.He wanted them to unite themselves to Him and to His death. By comparing the bread to His flesh He was giving them an image that they would remember. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted April 7, 2003 Report Posted April 7, 2003 Q3. What is the significance to us of drinking Jesus' blood and eating his flesh (John 6:53-56). Let's not argue whether this is meant literally or figuratively. As followers of Jesus, we symbolically take part in the precious sacrifice He paid for our sin when we Quote
Mary Beth Whittam Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 When we drink Christ blood and eat of His flesh, we become part of Him & He lives in us. The jew were taught that it was wrong to drink blood. Quote
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