abbygail15 Posted January 5, 2016 Report Posted January 5, 2016 They question that I had from the lesson is how would I use this Psalm to instruct my children. There is a saying that everyone hears throughout their lives, "treat others as you would like to be treated." This psalm by instructing us in the way to live a God pleasing life always instructs us in the ways to live out this old saying. If I can teach the principles set forth in this psalm I teach two things; how to live a God pleasing life which also transmits into living a people pleasing life. Quote
Ms. Joanne Posted May 13, 2017 Report Posted May 13, 2017 On August 18, 2007 at 10:55 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover? WOW. Psalm 15 gives us the basic rules in which we are to conduct our lives in a straight forward manner. I noted I. My Binle for vs. 3 to watch my my tongue and my words. Keep your word, no matter if it hurts. Stay away from toxic people, give generously, speak the truth. Doing these things is staying in God's prescence. Quote
FrankG Posted May 31, 2017 Report Posted May 31, 2017 A. Study one Psalm with Autumn. Maybe 1 each week or 1 each month? Really break it down WITH her. Try to get input from her. (Maybe before we go fishing or swimming-not long-maybe 5 or 10 mins to start with). B. In dwelling with someone that would mean having a close relationship with that Person (dwell/abide is more than just sharing a room with... its more being at home with). So then how do we have a close relationship with YAHWEH? By being a person of true integrity .Doing the next right thing. Always tell the truth. Doesnt talk (gossip) about others or plot against them or shame them (perhaps to lift ourselves up in anothers eyes).Hates sin and won't have anything to do with those who follow after it (not real fellowship anyway). Wants to be around those who know The LORD, YAHWEH. Those who keep their promises no matter what (Matt.5:37). Not so being concerned about money that its put in front of people (no taking advantage of people who are down or in need for personal gain). Not taking bribes (putting someone above another for personal gain) {can't have 2 masters}. Do these things and you will have a solid foundation that your relationship can be built upon. Quote
Paulhoward Posted August 9, 2017 Report Posted August 9, 2017 If I was using this with a son or daughter or grandchild I would use the structure to make the following points: 1. Choose to live a moral life, to be different, which means being moral in the way of being blameless, having a clear conscience. To be truthful, and to seek be live in a right way. 2. This must then flow into how we relate to our neighbour, maybe even at college, not taking advantage, not speaking badly of them. 3. Verse 4 really is about the people we choose to spend time with, not those who will be a bad influence, but those who will bring God's blessing into my life. 4. To keep your word shows that you are a person that can be trusted. 5. Finally money can always be a snare at any age and therefore to be content & watch out for greed. Quote
Godswriter Posted March 18, 2018 Report Posted March 18, 2018 Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover? I would instruct my children to refrain from lying, slander, to uphold integrity, to never charge interest on a loan if they can’t afford it, to not take bribes, to learn self-control in all areas of their lives. To not let greed control them with money. Learn to speak the truth in love. Learn not to be envious or jealous of those around you and what they have but be thankful for what you have. Do not let anger cause you to fight with someone instead make peace with everyone. Never let your peers tell you what you to do in the area of sexual morality always follow God’s laws and listen to His voice instead wait until the marriage bed for that sacred union between you and man or woman. Never be lazy always be diligent in all you do for the Lord is watching all you do. Never overeat and be a glutton because you realize you aren’t thinking of others more than yourself in this matter. Never be proud for the Lord will not share His glory with any other god or anyone. Quote
Lottie Posted March 21, 2018 Report Posted March 21, 2018 Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover? I would have the children read it with me and then explain what the Psalms means. I would tell them that to be close to God we need to be honest and truthful people. We need to stand up for what is right even if others disagree. We need to lend money or things to people in need and not expect payment for it. We need to watch what we say about others and not listen to gossip. We need to avoid people who do these things and honor the Lord. That God expects us to keep our word to others even if it hurts and that we should never accept money from others for doing something wrong. That if we follow these rules God will take care of us. That like God we should hate evil or bad things and love good or pure things. This Psalm covers truth, honesty, faithfulness, integrity, and kindness. Quote
Rosesam Posted March 17, 2019 Report Posted March 17, 2019 Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover? These instructions are not only relevant to our children but to us adults too. We can instruct the children to hide the word in their hearts, pray for them that the Holy Spirit may stir up their spirits to live according to what is pleasing to the Lord, teach them how to listen to the Holy Spirit in their lives and live as the children of God. Also we can impart them righteous living by living it out ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. This Psalm instructs us in many ways. It talks about the positive ways we are to live and also instructs us the negative ways we are not to follow. We are to walk uprightly, work righteousness and speak the truth in our hearts. We are not to exalt a vile person, and honors those who are in awe of God. He does not backbite, nor do evil to his neighbor, nor listen to gossip. He gives his word and is a man of integrity. He does not take usury, nor take reward against the innocent. 613 commandments of the Old Testament, David concised to a list of eleven. Quote
artempathy01 Posted October 21, 2019 Report Posted October 21, 2019 I would use this psalm as a perfect role model poem of how to handle bribery to people who are innocent. This covers the right theory of ethics. People should have respect for other's integrity. Quote
Francine Douglas Posted April 23, 2023 Report Posted April 23, 2023 How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? To reinforce the character of God as pure, while encouraging that a pure heart is one that is led by an untainted motive. Therefore, continuing to encourage the children to always ask themself what is the mood motivating the decision or action and test it against the word of God if that mood is a good character or a crooked/mean one. Is the mood selfish or selfless, based on a truth or a lie, peaceful or contentious? Which character, vile or honorable before God, is your crowd? What topics of right living does it cover? Truth speaking, honesty, loyalty, fear of God, honouring others, kindness, justice, mercy. Quote
Krissi Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 I had no moral instruction as a child. I don't recall my parents and caretakers ever explaining right from wrong. I was grilled on etiquette and how to socially interact, but no one ever explained how to make moral choices. People without moral instruction seem to have an internal conscience though it's easy to silence or muffle that conscience. Not much prods secular people toward moral behaviour externally. For example, non-politicized moral teaching within one's community and neighborhood doesn't exist -- there are no Ten Commandments on courthouses, for example. And no one knows the Psalms. I don't recall hearing anything about Christ or even morality as a child from those around me, in school or from friends. Thus, there is no Christian "atmosphere" to mitigate the lack of teaching in atheistic families, like my own. If Christians don't talk to seculars about Christ, particularly in the West, secular people will never know about Him. We can't silently "witness" with good behaviour but must explain why we act the way we do. We have to explain Christ Himself, His death and resurrection. This is our greatest commission. -- This psalm teaches that a Christian who tries to live a law-abiding, upright life, doing what he knows to be right and who speaks truthfully, is living righteously. But keeping one's word and always speaking truthfully is a high bar to clear. For many, not being materialistic is also difficult. "He who does these things shall not be shaken." OR, God shakes Christians who do these things. Quote
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