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Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

What attracts me of this small Psalm is the first verse. "It is good and pleasant when God's people live together in peace!"

Dwelling in unity is difficult because everyone has different ways of viewing the same picture. We all have different opinions and ideas.

If we are to dwell in unity we should stop the me myself and I syndrome. We are to help one another, and pray for one another as God himself says in His word.

The Lord said for us to love one another...

I seem to be boggled with the pinciples of unity and purity. I could not seem to put my answer to words. Sorry.

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Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

It attracts me because it gets right to the point. Unity is so precious to God, it is how er can experience Gods blessings.

Dwelling in unity is difficult because we have not learned to put ourselves aside and let God work through us. We have so many differnt personalities, prejudices feelings and emotions and we let them keep us in the "Me Facotr". We have not learned the true meaning of "to serve"

Unity requires us to remove ME from the equation. If we can conquer that 2 letter word, we will see our ourselves becoming more like Jesus

Unity is oneness-the body has many members, but all the member are one body, Purity is freedom from anything that contaminates, its cleanliness, spotless. We must have purity so we can have unity. In unity we will not always agree because we have manyn opinions but when theres purity we can agree to work together for God.

Reconciliation and unity are high values in Jesus teaching because Gods intentions is for his blessing to flow to his people.

  • 2 months later...

I love this Psalm for it is another way of showing Jesus prayer that we would all be one just as He and His Father are one - and we are told that we are one Body IN CHRIST. What we have today is divisiveness, legalism, denominations, and personalities - a good illustration of how we are not giving ourselves wholely to Christ. We need to remember that Jesus is the head (when the whole Body of Christ is mentioned - the head is not one of the parts mentioned, for that belongs to Jesus). We need to love one another. If we sincerely loved one another there would not be the disunity and divisiveness that is so prevelent today. We are to be the living stones in the temple of God, and how can we fit together closely if we are not acting in a unified and godly manner? When we grate against each other it is God's way of smoothing the rough edges, the problem is, the only way that will happen is if we really seek to love one another.

It saddens me to see so many denominations and points of view. When I first got saved seven years ago I went to a website bulletinboard and they asked me to define what kind of Christian I was, pre-trib, post-trib, and many other divisions some of which had 14 or more letters. As a new Christian I knew none of the terms that seemed so important to those people. I never joined that bulletinboard - I wanted a spot that simply said, "Christian." I think that says it all. One of the missionaries I know has a son in college and he was telling me that there are over 5,200 denominations (defined as a group with 2000 or more members). He, the college student from India, was puzzled for there is one Christ. Where he lives, Indians are losing their lives for Christ - and right now there are threats of beheading if they meet for prayer or church. Already many Christians in their area have lost their lives for Christ - and he can't comprehend the denominationalism prevelent today. We really need to get back to basics.


  • 4 months later...

When those who were spoken of in the upper room on the day of Pentecost got in 'one accord' God in His Spirit was able to use them to His glory and for His purpose. God doesn't work through our differences, He does work with us when we set aside our differences and come into His sameness, His way. Without our being on the same page at the same time we are just a bunch of wanna-be's. Not worth the bullet to shoot us.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

I think what attracts me is David talking about unity. I tdhink why it is difficult because we look at faults and not God's love. Unity requires fervant love for God and for one another, sanctification in the truth of God's word. It is grace working in us. The Holy Spirit cannot operate in the the midst of us if there is division based on sin and selfish ambitions. It is important to God because it is pleasant and pleasing to Him. Our brotherly love must be with a pure heart devoted to God. Loving people are blessed people. When we dwell together in unity, the Lord commands the blessing. Blessings according to the promise are commanded blessing for his has commanded his covenant for ever. The blessing which God commands on those that dwell in love is life for evermore. Those that live in love and peace shall have the God of love and peace with them now and they shall be with him forever in the world of endless love and peace. HEAVEN.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you?

ANS - The emphasis on the blessing of unity.

Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult?

ANS - Because we are sinful and imperfect mdividuals to often bent on living our own lives, and satisfying our own egos, without concern of serving others.

What kinds of commitments does unity require of us?

ANS - To put aside our own self desiresw, and to love others as ourselves, and to have an attitude of serving one another.

How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other?

ANS - Purity can mean "not combined, nor comprimsed with something else, to stand alone; and unity mans standing altogether as one

Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

ANS - Because he understood the sinful nature, and knew that in order for the Kingdom of God to move ahead there must be basic principles of love, forgiveness, and unity. . As he said - "By this shall all men know that you are mind, if you love one another.

  • 2 months later...

Psalms 133:2 is the verse that stands out for me. Knowing that there is a complete pouring of perfumed oil pouring all over us when we unite.

The effort behind the unity is to me a huge deal. I find sometimes when I want to tell my other friends from others churches about the things that I learn, there is this halt in my heart because I know they would not be opened to such things and sometimes one minded to what they have been brought up with. I have been to different types of churches in my life and different denominations. Take the good leave the bad that's all.

Unity and purity conflict each other due to our own doctrines and how they are different to others. And simply because of this, people are not wanting to unite together. Purity comes from the heart, and when there is no purity there is no wanting to unite

Reconciliation is extremely huge for the body of Christ. God doesn't want to see his people separate and alone. He wants to see families together in harmony, marriages reconciled, friendships united and churches united.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

Well, I used to have chicken.

Chicken have a (pikorde, in Dutch), meaning that there are very strong layers of hierarchy.

The only way to achieve a good place is to pick the lower chicken.

People tend to behave like this too because we don't want to be equal - we want to be the best.

Therefore, many people buy the most expensive things to show that they are 'better' than other people.

Besides this, they verbally downgrade others - to emphasize that they are better.

Jesus wants us to unite, to be one body in Him.

If we behave like chicken, we can't be of one body

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

Reconciliation is work, and it is God's work. Work requires effort and focus to do things right in the eyes of God.This motivated me to call back my brother and sister, to be sure they got some "unity" from me. To be sure we're feeling it as family members. i wish i could be a spiritual influence on my brother, but I have to be careful, go slow and cont on th holy spirit to do his/its work. i pray this unity we speak of will become a glue to help stick spirituality to the heart of my brother.

The commitment of unity is in every type of communication we give and get/evaluate. It requires real-time meditation on how to respond to keep unity and help it folurish. It requires the hand of God to make all such communications work this way for me and my family members who are non-believers

  • 2 weeks later...

I am blessed because this psalm is a picture of the church to which I belong. We are a community church and an interdenominational church. A distinction is made that it is not a non-denominational church. We have baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, 7 Day Adventists, Episcopals, and no doubt many more, yet we worship together in unity. Bound together by our profession of faith in the saving grace of Christ's sacrificial act on the cross. While there are differences in our specific beliefs, for the most part, we 'dwell in unity'. Yes, there are struggles but it works and is 'precious and lovely and flows over us abundantly as precious oil poured all over Aaron'.

To me, the word purity implies things left out/removed while the word unity implies a pulling together or inclusiveness. On first glance these do seem to be words with conflicting meanings yet when pulled together will a common bond (the purity of Christ's love) there really is no significant conflict. Praise God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

The descriptiveness about this poem attracts me. It has me meditating on what the psalmist was thinking, and how I might be able to apply it to my life. There's a calm, tranquil, peacefulness in imagining the application of this in my life. I find the understanding of this psalm makes it very temptingly and excitingly doable!

I believe dwelling together in unity can be difficult because each of us have our own set of thoughts, and along with them, our priorities in life, our own perspectives. We are all different, and different things appeal to each of us in a varying degree. Because we are different, it can sometimes be difficult for us to see things from the same POV.

To dwell in unity, I believe I must be able to totally love my neighbor as I love myself. Because I have a prideful nature with this fleshly body, that oftentimes can be difficult to follow as Paul taught: "the things I DON'T want to do I find myself doing, and the things I DO want to do I find myself NOT doing" (paraphrased). Unity also requires, I believe, that we live a totally surrendered life and allow Jesus to live in and thru us so that we might love others the way only our Lord can... with His whole heart.

I believe reconciliation and unity have such a high value in Jesus' teachings because He knew how easy it would be for us to go astray if we did not have others to lean upon, thus the importance of unity. . . "forsake not the asssembling together..." Reconciliation, I believe was important in Jesus' teachings because He wanted us to learn to forgive others so that our hearts would NOT become hardened, our soul filled with bitterness, and hatred, as a result of the pride in our life. .. all of which (bitterness, hatred and pride) are forms of bondage. Jesus came to set the captives... *US* ... FREE!! Praise the Lord!

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

It has a freshness and truth which seems to revitalize my mind with only three verses. I like the way that this psalm is short and straight to the point so for me it is easier to understand. We all have different vies and believe we are right most of the time, not wanting to step out and test something for ourselves but rather stay in our comfort zones. Also there can be inner issues we need to deal with but do't really know about or don't want to think about that can prevent us from being unified with others. We must step into unity with our whole heart and whole mind being ready to see from others eyes and be willing to find the best answer for the problem or situation. It does require a lot of effort, but one that is greatly rewarded.

You can be unified but not pure (eg, you can have sex with someone but you will not be pure). Some people's views of purity may differ thus preventing unity. Purity is freedom from immorality, unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. God is unity personified. Reconciliation is how you get to God to obtain unity with others, and to be united with Him.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?


  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

I like verse #2 The oil running down the head to beard to the collar. It reminds me of a covering at type of protection. Unity is difficult because we all want our own way, our own opinions etc. We need to accept others just as Christ accepted us. But some still have issues and we want to judge and separate from that. I am incapable but Christ in me is able. My job is to love and it is Christ's job to change.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

This psalm is attractive because it helps us to visualize what a fellowship unified should look like. Unity is difficult because everyone desires their own way. When pride is put above reconciliation disharmony results.

Each person must desire to put God first. Man's idea of purity can cause them to be judgemental which pushes others away; while unity seeks to share the love of Christ in a way that draws and forgives imperfections.

Reconciliation and unity are significant values in Jesus' teaching because they represent the love that is Christ. Reconciliation and unity are about losing oneself and putting the needs of others ahead of yours. God forgives us and is always seeking to bring us into a right relationship with him and that's what we should do with each other. God showed his love for us by putting the needs of his creation (us) above the need to have his son with him. And Christ put our lives ahead of his when he fulfilled the desire of his father by sacrificing his life for us so that we might be saved.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

Q1 - Unity attracts me to this Psalm. This world is in desperate need of Christians to unify. Christianity will soon become a persecuted religion because more good people are doing nothing about evil taking over.

Q2 - Unity is difficult because after all, we are all sinners with different influences in our lives. It is hard thing to overcome our pride, be humble and change.

Q3 - The commitments we need are humility towards one another even when it's hard, obedience to Christ, and a commitment to each other no matter what.

Q4 - Not sure

Q5 - Reconciliation is important for us to have a relationship with God and Jesus knows that. As disciples we must be unified because the world is evil and if we are not unified the world will pick us apart. In many cases, it already has. In the book of Acts you see one church in many cities, today there are thousands of different churches in any one city and there is no unity at all.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

A3. (Psalm 133) For gods people to live together in unity is an attractive proposal. That might be hard if i don't have enough forgiveness in my heart. This would require that we all consciously work at maintaining godliness. I think Reconciliation and unity are signs of having forgiveness, which is a valuable thing to Christians.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133)

What about this short psalm seems to attract you?

The way unity among believers is depicted; it is good and pleasant, fragrant, refreshing, and a sure guarantee of God

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

I am attracted by the beauty of unity described in this psalm through the oil dripping down over Aaron and consuming him. We can be completely covered in blessing when we live in unity. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to "dwell in unity" because we hold so many different beliefs. We must choose to disagree about lesser things so we can commit to unity on the key issues of the Christian faith. Unity and purity seem to conflict because unity requires compromise while purity must not be compromised. However, I believe it is possible to be unified without compromising in the areas of purity. I believe reconciliation and unity were so highly valued by Jesus because without reconciliation it is difficult to experience the beauty and joy of unity in the body of Christ. Oh God, may I be a man who promotes unity among your people that many people would see Jesus and desire Him because of the message of Christ alone.

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you?

It is refreshing to read about the peace and harmony that comes from relationships which are in unity! I long for PEACE in the midst of all of the turmoil around me! We were created for "connection" and relationship....we're at our best when we are living in harmony and unity with those in our lives, and especially with our Lord!

Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult?

I think it's because as fallen people we are selfish by nature...we want what we want, we think our ideas are better than the next guy's, we have different personalities, so we are like sand paper to one another. It takes maturity and a surrendered will to the Lord Jesus Christ to make compromises, to overlook faults in others, to give up the desire/ need to "be right", "number one", etc.

What kinds of commitments does unity require of us?

The commitment to love one another as much as we love ourselves. To settle disagreements quickly through peaceable means, and to offer love, acceptance and forgiveness.

How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other?

:huh:I'm totally stumped! I can't find that in the Psalm so I won't even try to comment as I have no context...am using the Amplified version today.

Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

These qualities bring Him honor and glory, because they are only possible through His work in us as we abide in Him. He's a God of peace who reconciles the fallen to Himself...so because that's Who He is, He desires that environment for us. He commands us to live in unity and brotherly love! We thrive in peace and unity. Ego is suppressed when we live in consideration for others. Our heritage as God's children is "Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!".....He loves us and wants us to have the best possible lives!


Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

Dwelling in unity together tends to be difficult, because we tend to forget that the world does not revolve around our own wants and needs. Unity requires us to make God our sole purpose and to forget that the person next to us is anyone other than another child of God.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think?

I like this Psalm as it promotes and emphasizes unity and does so in such a picturesque manner. I love peace and unity and unfortunately it is difficult to find today as complications arise when people are intolerant to other's ideas and beliefs and resist unless one is willing to switch to their mode of thinking.

Reconciliation and unity merit such high values in Jesus' teachings because we are to love on another, a concept lost when we distant ourselves from one another for whatever reason. Its important that we fix this problem and once again become brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • 3 months later...

This short psalm attracts me to the beauty and joy that comes when brothers live together in unity! It may be our biological brothers and sisters and our brothers and sisters in the Lord. When there is a spirit of unity it is very pleasant . This unity is compared to the sweet annointing oil which was used to annoint Aaron and the dew which falls on Mount hermon and Zion. The fragrance of the oil and the moistness of the dew both bring about a freshness on man and nature. when dew falls on the plants they grow. Similarly when brothers and sisters dwell in unity, there is a fresh breath of the Holy spirit which brings about growth and prosperity in our lives.

Dwelling together is difficult for the very fact that God has created each person different. Each person has his own personality and character his oipinions . Each one has thier own thinking too. Therefore remaining united on all things and matters becomes difficult unless you dwell in the house of the Lord.

To have a spirit of unity amongst us we have to have certain commitments. They include praising and thanking God each day, spending time in prayer, reading the word of God,practising the word of God etc. Only when we abide in the Lord and He in us we will have the grace to overcome all barriers and remain in unity.

The spirit of unity and purity can conflict with each other. One has to remain pure and holy before God to remain united . You cannot be a person who ca n unite with others if you do not lead a pure life before the Lord.

The essence of the Lords teachings are Love and forgiveness. If i do not love my brother as he is or have anything against him,I leave all at the altar and go back make peace and then I go to the Lord.In every teaching the Lord has given us through his word he speaks about brotherly love and unity. In his prayer he has shown us that we will be forgiven only when we forgive our brothers. The kingdom of God belongs to those who are pure in heart and show mercy to others. Only when we follow the commandments of Jesus to love and forgive we can dwell in unity.


For there the Lord bestows his blessing even life evermore... This line has always attracted me as i have read this Psalm. where brothers and sisters live in love and peace there is a commanded blessing of God over their lives. living in unity becomes the cause for every good blessing that God has pronounced in His Word.

In Romans Chapter 8:5 -8 we see those who live according to sinful nature their minds are set on what sinful nature desires and their minds are hostile to God. Those who live in accordance with the Spirit of God have their minds set on what the Spirit desires and their minds are controlled by the Spirit which produces life and peace. Dwelling in Unity is becomes hard for a person who is controlled by the sinful nature because their life is filled with hatred, envy, jealousy and strife, A person who is under the control of the Holy Spirit - his mind is set on the things what the Spirit desires and such people bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit- love, joy , peace , patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control. when brothers and sisters in Christ live under the control of the Holy Spirit, they automatically dwell in unity .

The commitment that unity requires is to be led by the Spirit of God. As mentioned above we have crucify our sinful nature and live in accordance with the Spirit of God. Our minds have to submit to the voice of the Holy Spirit constantly which enables us to say No to sin and we get the grace to live in unity within our family and live in peace with brothers and sisters in Christ.

Purity is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. when we live our lives submitting to the Holy Spirit we lead pure and holy life that leads to unity. when there is sin present in us and we try to gratify the passions of the sinful nature our lives become impure producing disunity.

Jesus' prayer in John chapter 17 verses 20 to 23 is a prayer of unity. Jesus's himself prays to his Father that may all the believers brought to complete unity to let the world know that Jesus was sent by His Father and loved the world even as God loved his own Son. Hence we living in unity fulfils the word of God- FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. when we live in love and peace with each other we enable the unsaved to come to the knowledge of Christ.


Ps 133 tells us how good it is to live in unity this means when we children of God are guided by his spirit , we live in unity following the ways of God, when the spirit of God guides us there is no conflict in our ways , we live in unity when we live in unity God is pleased and he pour out his blessing on this, living in a community we have to live and be led by the spirit of God which helps us grow with each other. Jesus asks us to love one another as he loves us, because we are all made in the likeness of God , so we have to love each other with the love we carry for God. Here the oil and dew refers to God's presence dwelling amongst us which gives us a feeling of the fresh dew , the freshness of the expensive oils when poured on he head to give the soothing feeling. Hence we all have to live in unity that when God looks at us living in his unity he is pleased and we are all blessed.

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