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Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

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Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

Worship is a universal privilege. Worship is a duty we are commanded to fulfill. It is not supposed to be burdensome or oppressive. Exulting in the exaltation of God is an unparalled privilege that is permeated by joy and satisfaction.

There are no people who are excluded, or place where praise is not proper. The whole of the celestial or heavenly universe is called on to praise God and it extends to the whole terrestrail or earthly universe.

God is to be praised both " from the heavens" and " from the earth" "All His ANGELS" FORM AN INNUMERABLE CHOIR AND JOIN IN THE SONG ( Rev. 5:1 ) Even the "sun by day and the " Moon" by night declare His power, never leaving their Creator with out a witness.

All "Shining stars" add their voice to the chorus of praise! Billions and Trillions and Quadrillions of thriving heat and energy and blinding brightness testify to His immeasurable power and artistic skills.

All that have " breath " ( Psalm 150: 6 ) should praise Him with every breath until they are out of breath.

" We sing the greatness of our God that made the Mountains rise,

That spread the flowing sea abroad and built the lofty skies.

We sing the wisdom that ordained the sun rule the day,

The Moon shines full at His command and all the stars Obey. " ( Isaac Watts )

The focus of such adoration is always and ever God alone for who He is and what He's done. We do not worship the world or revere the reflection. We fix our hearts on the Original, the source, The First Cause of all subsequent causes.

We are to " praise Him for His mighty deeds" and "according to His excellant greatness" ( Psalm 150: 2 ) There is no limit to praise only if there is a limit to God. But there is an infinite plenitude to His greatness that our worshup could never exhaust.

After reading out loud this psalm. This how I felt " Worship is an exhilarating experience, both for God and us! We are to " be glad" in our Maker and to "rejoice" in our King. We are to "exualt in Glory" and "sing for Joy", Even while on our "beds" . Whether as we go to bed, or laid prostrate from affliction, let praise fill our hearts and mouths. There can be no mistaking the extravagant and exuberant nature of Godly worship of God. It involves not only singing but also dancing and a wide array of musical instrumentation. Even worship when arising in the morning with our instrument of our tongue. and raised hands.





Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise?

This psalm teaches us that every living creature should praise the Lord and with all musical instruments for His many acts of power and for His surpassing greatness,

Where should praise occur?

This praise should occur in His sanctuary.

With what should praise be conducted?

Praise should be conducted with instruments and dance .

Who should praise?

Every one living should prais the Lord.

What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

After reading this psalm out loud it maks


Psalm 150, Q. 1

(Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

This psalm reveals that praise to Yahweh belongs throughout his creation, in all time, and in all places. We are to praise God for what he does "2Praise him for his acts of power; " and we are to praise him for WHO he is: " praise him for his surpassing greatness." We are to praise him with all that we have and all that we are -- withholding nothing.

I personally felt like "shouting" after reading this Psalm. Shouting out praise and honor. Since it is only 6 a.m. this Saturday morning, I'll "whisper-shout". God can hear me anyway.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

This psalm teaches us that all living creatures should praise the Lord and worship Him at all times and in all places using all kinds of musical instruments to sing for joy & dance to rejoice in His presence.

We are to praise & give thanks in His Holy place and sanctuary.

Every thing that has breath shall praise His goodness, faithfulness, good deeds, mighty power and loving kindness.

After reading loudly the psalm, I can experience His presence overflowing His love and joy over me.

What a Mighty God we serve!

Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

This Psalm shows us the importance of "praise"...as it mentions it 13 times in 6 verses. I believe praising Him will be our finest and usual activity in heaven.

Praise should occur anywhere, anytime and in any way, but in keeping with the words of the psalm, in His sanctuary, which sort of tells us that maybe we ought to be a little more "praiseful" to Him when we go into His sanctuary and not be so concerned with visiting with our fellow Christians; in His might expanse...perhaps we need to look around us as His great beauty and try to help keep it beautiful. He made the heavens and the earth for our enjoyment and we all but trash it at times, sending all kinds of vile things into the heavens and leaving even more vile things on his earth.

This psalm says we are to praise Him with musical instruments and dancing. The trupet, harp,lyre, timbrel, stringed instruments, pipe, loud cymbals and resounding cymbals are mentioned. Dancing would be very "foreign" to me in my Church, I don't think I can quite do that yet...although I've been known to sway to and fro at times! :o) Maybe I should work on my dance steps!

Actually the question "who" should praise might better read "what" should praise...the answer "everything that has breath. At one time even the trees will praise Him...but it's comforting to think that maybe even the animals should be praising Him. Do they have souls or even a brain to think about God...who knows, but God!!! I choose to believe animals may be a bit closer to Him than we. God had to love all animals and creepy crawly things, otherwise why would he have created the spider, or the fishing worm, or the roach? He had a purpose for them all...maybe it's to praise Him when we're too busy!

We should praise Him because He says we should...but this psalm says because of His mighty deeds and His excellent greatness. We need to praise Him because He is God...and we're not!

Maybe this psalm has a 'wakening' effect that tells me I've been lazy and lax in my praise. I would imagine He gets pretty disappointed when I go to Him with petitions so many times and forget to praise Him for Who He is and What He is...the Creator of this universe, including ME. As we often forget to thank our parents for giving us life and taking care of us as we were children, we forget to thank and praise Him for the same thing!

Yes, Psa 150 makes me think a bit more about praising Him!


Psalm 150 reminds us that as we are all creations of God, we are all to worship Him, the land, the plants, animals, sea and most importantly, we humans. While this praise should be universal and constant, it should also be without feeling compelled. God doesn't want our 'mindless' worship, where we merely repeat words without actually meaning what we say. Nor does He want us being compelled by circumstance or by another, He wants us to worship Him freely and without restriction!.

It is not important where we give our praise to God, there is no specific building or place, as everything is created by God, worship can happen anywhere. Neither is there any specific form of worship, we are called to worship as each sees appropriate. This means that some will feel led to dance and clap their hands, some will sing, some will praise with words, still others can praise God silently. God knows what is in each of our hearts, and this is what is ultimately important, not the way in which we choose to worship Him.

This psalm causes me to celebrate my worship of God, because it recognises that there are many different ways to do it. What matters is not the ritual, but the fact that we feel led to worship and praise God, our Universal Creator.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

1. This Psalm teaches me that it is a privlidge and honor to Praise God and that it should occur everywhere at anytime, by everyone. THis Psalm is bursting with energy, it creates joy and sadness as I remember all the times I don't give praise and should. When I talk to God about all my sniveling complaints instead of remembering his goodnes.

blessings to you all


Praise is something which God expects from His creation. It should be a natural, common expression or response, from our heart, for all He is, all He had done and all He is doing for us. It is something that should be done at all times in all places, in all circumstances, using whatever

This psalm teaches us that we should be a praiseful people, using voice or instruments, always blessing the Lord.

Praise should occur, of course, in the church as we assemble as a body, but it should come from our hearts--where the Holy Spirit dwells, any time, any place!

Praise with instruments, voice.

Anyone with breath should be praising the Lord!

After reading it, I feel like I want to praise Him more!!


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud? we should praise the Lord with everything we have. praise should occur anytime or any place.praise should be conducted with instruments bells word of mouth....eve3ryone should praise God because he is the LORD....IT JUST REINFORCES TO ME THAT JESUS IS LORD!


1) It shows us the importance of praise. It also tells us when and who should praise the Lord.

2) Praise should occur at all time. Praise can happen anytime, in any form, while waiting for bus? Just it is mentioned in Psalm 150, we can praise him in His sanctuary, which sort of tells us that maybe we ought to be a little more "praiseful" to Him when we go into His sanctuary, for his acts, and with music form of praising.

3) Psalm 150 says that we are to praise with musical instruments and dance. For example, trumpet, harp, timbrel, tambourine, strings, cymabls, etc. We should praise him with a joyful heart.

4) It reminds me that we should praise Him at all time. Not only at church or bible study, but instead it should occur 24 hours, 7days.


Hallelujah! All praise goes to God who made us, provides for our every need, who guides us and loves us. We can not fathom his wonder, He created everything in the universe, what immense greatness. Everywhere we look we see the creation of God. He made man to rule the things of the earth, what a mighty act. And he gave his son to die for our sins, so we may live, what an act of great love. He gave us all sorts of gifts and talents, so that we may give back to our creator a little of what He has given to us, let us all that have breathe praise Him with the gifts he has given. Hallelujah!


Psalm 150 teaches that praise is an obligatory token of our awe for the Creator. We should be able to offer Him sacrifices of praise at any time, in any place without second thought. Any available noisemaker will do from a hambone to a full sympony orchestra, He is worthy. In it's way, every part of creation must praise the Lord. After reading Psalm 150 I feel like praising Him always, in valley and on mountain top for He Lord God Yahweh, El Saddai, El Elyon, Yahweh Nissi, Yahweh Yireh, El Elyon, El Tzava'ot, He is Jesus, He is Lord.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

It teaches us that every living creature should praise the Lord and using musical instruments for His many acts of power and for His surpassing greatness,

It should occur in His sanctuary.

With instruments and dance .

Every living creature should praise the Lord.

After reading this psalm out loud it makes me want to praise the Lord with song and dance.


This psalm teaches us that there are many, innumerous ways to praise the Lord and if we know how to play a musical instrument, we are to do so with praise in our heart-felt playing of it towards the Lord God who made everything for us in order to praise Him for who He is and all that He has done for us as His people of praise. And even if we don

Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?







1a---everyone should praise God for everything

b---Sanctuary, yes, but also everywhere. but I can see the congregation coming together on the Lords day all singing praises to him for the entire service

c---all instruments, including our voices and dancing

d---everything that has breath

e---singing a song, I don't know the title but it has the words

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to worship


What does the Psalm teach us about praise? We are to be deeply grateful to God, praising Him in all things. Where should praise occur? In the sanctuary or whereever God is present. With what should praise be conducted? with instruments and with our mouths. Who should praise? Everything that has breath. What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud? Like dancing and leaping for joy :D

:D It teaches us that everyone should praise God at all times. Praising God should be done anywhere and everywhere. We should praise with our hearts, our voices, with dance, and musical instruments. If you can breath then you should praise God. After I read it out loud it made me feel extremely happy and ready to praise with all of my heart. :)


This Psalm teaches us that God loves all kinds of praise that comes from the hearts of those who love Him.

We are to praise Him in holy places which if we are holy would be anywhere we are and in the heavens.

We should praise Him with all kinds of instruments and dance that is for Him.

Everyone that has breath should praise the Lord!

When I read this Psalm aloud,it makes me feel the Lord's presence and I have been praising Him and want to keep praising Him.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

That we are to give all our praise to God. It is to occur every where that we are in the sanctuary, in the heavens, in the firmament or the lands. We should give God praise in all that we do with the instruments and with our voices lifted high. Everything that has breath is to praise the Lord for He is worthy of all our praise. It lifts our spirits and makes use want to continue to give God praise and the glory and honor that He alone deserves.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

This Psalm tells us that we can praise God anywhere, anytime and for anything. And we can praise him using all kind of instruments - even it means using an electric guitar in these modern days. There is no restriction to where we should or should not praise God. We should praise him for all the good things he has done on earth - and for the wonderful promises made for us in heaven. And God wants every living creature in this world to praise him. He did not single out anyone. To him, all are the same.

After reading it out aloud, the Psalm motivated me to praise God for all the wonderful things he has done for me in my life. There was just this awesome joy in my heart. In the busyness, we tend to forget that God is in control and in charge of everything. I just praise him for loving me for the way I am.



Q1. (Psalm 150)

* What does this psalm teach us about praise?

It teaches us that we can praise God in many different ways but what is really important is what is in our hearts.

*Where should praise occur?

Praise can occur any time and should occur often and at any place.

*With what should praise be conducted?

It's not important as to how praise is done--with much activity or in stillness and quiet. What is important is what is in the heart as we offer our praise to the Lord.

* Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud

Everyone is blessed and all should praise God irregardless of the circumstances in life. When reading the poem aloud, I feel full of joy on the one hand but also sad that I don't praise God as often as I should.


Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud?

This psalms tells me that we should praise God all the time from anywhere. We can do this with instruments and dance. This makes me want to praise the Lord even more than normal. Praise be to God

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