Pastor Ralph Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? Quote
Commissioned Posted September 23, 2007 Report Posted September 23, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? David was able to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah because he knew that God is merciful. David knew that a repented heart will find forgiveness from a God who forgives. When we make a request of God it is always based on his graciousness and never because we deserve it. And since we can rest on the unchanging character of God's love we are secure in that love as He waits for a repented sinner to petition Him. How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? God's grace and mercy is lavished upon us because of the love that He has for us. Because we are his children, even when we sin, his attitude towards us is compassion and deep love. Quote
Tabatha Posted September 27, 2007 Report Posted September 27, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? David cried out until he was physically exhausted. With A Parched throat and blurred vision.Yet he still trusted God to save him. David could look back on many times and remember the mercyfulness of God in other times when he was in trouble and his life threatened by danger. He knew God personally and knew God as a loving and forgiving God. When devasted by death or tradgy , We need not collaspe or despair because we can turn to God and ask Him to save us And help us. The tears will still come, but we will not be crying in vain When we are completely beaten down, we are tempted to turn from God , give up, and quit trusting Him, When our situation seems hopeless , determine that no matter how bad things become you will continue to pray . God will hear your prayer, and He will rescue you. His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and faithfulness to us is always right there for the asking when we cry out to Him. In Jeramiah it says "call on my name and I will hear and answer" When others reject us, When we need God most. He leans His ear and responds. ( Jer. 29: 11 ) I am so grateful I have a God who loves, cares, forgives, and protects me even when I sometimes do dumb things. Praise God. I love Him so. Quote
nancychua Posted September 29, 2007 Report Posted September 29, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? David was able to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah because he knew that He is a forgiving and merciful God who never keeps records of our sin. If we truly confessed and repented our sin, he will forgive, care and embraced us back to His compassionate love. God will hear our prayer, and He will rescue us. In the midst of our sorrows and trials, we need to pray more so that we can be rooted to His word and draw mre closer to Him to lead the Spirit guide and protect us. His unfailing love, amazing grace, tender mercy and faithfulness will bring peace & joy to surpass all our understanding that there is no condemnation in Christ. He will cover us under the shadow of His wings that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom that will lead us to walk in the light of His word. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted September 29, 2007 Report Posted September 29, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? David, like any of the rest of us, dared to approach God simply because of God's great mercy and grace. What a loving, tender, compassionate, caring, forgiving, Father we have. His grace, His mercy still avails for you and me today as it did for David. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) Quote
Patricia A Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? Our God is truly merciful and will forgive all of our sins if we only ask. We have a gift beyond conprehension in being assured that in Christ all sins are forgiven. May be live in grateful appreciation of God's love and unlimited mercy. How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? God's will forgive any of our sin if we only confess and ask for forgiveness. God's grace and mercy is unconditional and unlimited and is a gift beyond our understanding but what a blessing. Praise be to our loving Father.[size[/size] :rolleyes[/color]: Quote
KelvinJC Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 1) David knows that no body is sinless. He also knows that God is a God of second chance. Even though, David had committed adultery with Bethsheba, he knows that God is merciful and will be willing to forgive you as long as you have the heart to repent and admit that you have done wrong. 2) Even though we have sin against God, due to his unfailing love and mercy, he will forgive us as long as we have the heart and desire to change our old habbits. We need to confess and beg for forgiveness from God and promise him that you will never ever do such sin again in the future. God will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Quote
Jezemeg Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 How could David dare to ask anything from God...he could ask because he already knew God intimately, David approached God not by boasting of his own good, but instead he acknowledged how much his sin with Bathsheba had cast shame onto God, and onto other members of His family. His approach to God was not one of a mighty warrior and King of Israel, instead he humbled himself completely, fully acknowledging the sin of what he'd done and its consequences to his followers and to God Himself. Our Loving Father knows of our weaknesses, we can hide nothing from Him, yet He welcomed us into His family despite our failings. None of us can approach God on our own merits, in our own is by God's mercy and Grace that we can come into His presence at all. Quote
JustJeff Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 Once convicted of our sin who else is there to turn to? It is only God whom we can sin against and it is only He who is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. David, a man, did sin as recorded in the bible with Bathsheba but that is recorded. How many sins are not recorded and, how often did David throw himself down before Yahweh and repent? Based upon his writings I would say that David was well versed in Adonai's grace and mercy and left us the word that His love is boundless, and is a very present help in our time of need, no matter how weak we are or how often. Quote
Roxanne Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? because he had no where else to turn to ...he knew GOD LOVED HIM AND EVEN THOUGH HE SINNED ..HE KNEW GOD WOULD STILL EXCEPT HIM AS HIS OWN.....GOD'S MERCY ..HE FORGIVES US BECAUSE HE LOVES US. Quote
Roxanne Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? because he had no where else to turn to ...he knew GOD LOVED HIM AND EVEN THOUGH HE SINNED ..HE KNEW GOD WOULD STILL EXCEPT HIM AS HIS OWN.....GOD'S MERCY ..HE FORGIVES US BECAUSE HE LOVES US. Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 David could go to God on God's merits of grace and mercy. He knew God is always willing to forgive sins and help those who call on Him in faith. In the face of our sins,God's grace and mercy function when through God's grace we are forgiven and by His mercy He forgets and cleanses us from our sin. Thank you Jesus! Quote
davidjjj Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? As I read this Psalm I am aware that David is very mindful of his sinfulness, he is aware that God knows all about his sin and folly (5), and he is aware that God is disciplining him because of it (see verse 26 i.e. God has wounded David), on top of all this David is aware that his sins are affecting others. We see in this Psalm that David is repenting, humbling his soul in fasting, weeping and sackcloth (9-12) and people are mocking him because of his act of righteous repentance in the face of God Quote
Loisb Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? 1. David admits that he he was wrong and has sinned, but he also know that God is a merciful God and that he loves us inspite of the sins we have committed. It is similar to our raising our own children. David humbly went to God and repented for his sins and prayed for mercy. 2. Even though we commit sins, God is willing to forgive us if we repent and are humble and decease from sinning. In His word, he says that His grace is sufficient. Without his grace and mercy, many would be lost forever. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 David had a deep relationship with the Lord. He knew of His mercies and forgiveness. David also knew holding on to sins devastates the sinner. Confession & repentance is the only way to become healthy again. He also didn't want the separation from God that he felt. The same way. God knows our bent to sinning. We need to keep a clear account with God--confess & then repent. His mercies are new every day!! Praise Him! Quote
Cheni Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? Our God is an awesome, he reigns from heaven above. Because of David's repented heart and God's lovingkindness toward His children, our God will lift us up in our times of trouble. How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? We are neither abandoned nor pardoned, we will be called to pass through the fire to be tested and refined as a result of our sins, but God remains with us through even the fire (see Daniel 3) as he was with the disobedient children in the desert for 40 years and with Jesus in the wilderness 40 days. Afterwards we restored and often rise above our former state - and this He does for His greatest glory! Quote
Stan Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? David a man after God's own heart knew that he had a relationship with God that would last even when he sinned. He knew that all he had to do was call apon the Lord confess his sin then the mercy of God would pour out on him and cleanse him of all his unrighteousness. He prayed for that cleansing in Psalms 51:10-12. David had called out to God before and knew that He ould answer his prayer if they were from a sincere heart. God's mercy and grace reach out to us as they did David when we sin as all humans do we need to fall down on our knees and ask our Father God to for give that weakness then with a true knowledge of his love for us we can recieve that forgiveness and know He has move it as for as the east is from the west. He remembers it no more all due to His grace and mercy. Praise and Glory to God the Father through Jesus Christ His Son, He is our salvation and there is no other. Quote
csreeves Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? Because he repented and was truly sorry and he had the faith in Jesus Christ. It convicts us and we eventually repent. Then we must suffer the consequences like David did with the death of his child. And we stand tall know with a repented heart we can face anything. As long as a lesson is learned...Jesus holds us............. Quote
aray1967 Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 I have been told from the beginning of my journey as a Christian that if I truly believed and repented - I could ask the Lord's forgiveness and that it would be given to me. I believe that the same is true for David and anyone else who believes. Quote
EuniceC Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 David had come to know the mercy and love of God, and knew he could apporach Him if his heart was truly repentant; "If you O LOrd, would mark our guilt, who would survive? But with you there is frgiveness, therefore you are to be revered...". He knew that, and we also, must know and accept that. Like David, we have come to know the power of the resurrection, the meaning of the Cross, the power and depth of God's inifinite mercy, in that whilst we were yet sinners, He died for us. Why? because He has loved us with an everlasting love. How gracious and merciful! That is why we dare approach Him; Our sins are numerous, we need to approach Him every time for forgiveness, truly, there is none rghteous, no, not one! If we dont accept His grace, His mercy, then we cannot approach Him. Isn't God good! Quote
nerradb Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 God knows your attitude of your heart and mind, he knows us better than we know ourselves. If we go to Him with our concerns and sins with a true heart then with Gods mercy and grace we can be released and only God can do this. Man is sinful by nature and our realisation of this shows us how much we truely are in need of God as nothing we try do in our own strength will clear our sin. Quote
Helen Williams Posted October 3, 2007 Report Posted October 3, 2007 We can always look at someone else mistakes and faults and think I am not so bad. When we compare our self to others we will always come out on top because then we don't look so bad. We look at David and wonder how dare he ask anything from God. We can look at self and ask the same question, how dare we ask God for anthing? When we compare ourself to God's standard we don't quite measure up. We all are in need of a Savior. He is our ever present help in the time of need. If we look back over our lives we all have a story. I for one thank God for his grace and mercy. God is ready to receive and restore a repentanat heart. No matter how bad thing become, we should continue to pray and call on the name of Jesus. God will hear our prayers and rescue us. We always need God. He is always faithful. We should never turn from him. Quote
Petal Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? I have never found it easy to talk to God after sinning. There are times when I have condemned myself rather than being open to God although I know he knows what I have done. But like David, there is no way out rather than going back to God. Sins separates man from God but in Romans 8:39 says "Nothing can separate us from the love of God." So, it is God's love and mercy that keeps us together and washes our sins. All we need is to be frank to God about what we have done and seek his forgiveness and deliverance. He wants to hear everything - our frustrations, disappointments, bitterness and our pleas. Quote
Ms CJ Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 69:12-18) How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? How could David dare to ask anything from God after the shameful things he had done with Bathsheba and Uriah? * First of all it is my opinion that Psalms 69 has nothing at all to do with David and Bathsheba. In the reading of the psalms I never got the impression that David was even in that place of asking for forgiveness again concerning his sin with Bathsheba. Now I do know that David had learned true forgiveness and it changed him greatly, but as you read below I think you can see as I did the reason for the Psalms. For example: Ps 69:5-7 5 O God, You know my foolishness; And my sins are not hidden from You. 6 Let not those who wait for You, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed because of me; Let not those who seek You be confounded because of me, O God of Israel. 7 Because for Your sake I have borne reproach; Shame has covered my face David is praying and asking God deliver him from the reproach he has received because of Him. What David is faced with and suffering from is a Religion mind set of many people. Read the Psalms again and see that he is under reproach because of the way he worship, he speaks, he lives and he loves. And if you want to take it farther, place his words and prayers at the cross and you will see Jesus and the words that He spoke and the words of the prophets such as Jeremiah. I believe that God taught David by the scriptures and his suffering such as this to teach him who the coming Messiah would be, the King that would be coming from another kingdom. It has proven out, that it is by trial and tribulations we get revelations of who Jesus truly is and in some spheres we walk in their conception of God is different, that when the real face of God shows up it angers them, threatens them and convicts them. This is why prosecutions comes not because we serve a true living spirit-filled walk with Him, but because they like their own made up ones and they choose to denied their own hearts and convictions which in turn they are refusing Him and hating ones like David. ( Jesus, you and I) How does God's grace and mercy function in the face of our sins? * Tenderly, lovingly and forgiving, provided we truly face Him face to face and admit our sin. Remember, He is just and faithful to forgive our sins. * He sheds abroad His love in our hearts and to feel that forgiving love is awesome, especially when you thought you have done the worst one yet and it takes you time to go to the Throne of Grace to receive that mercy. Our God is a good and merciful living and loving God and can we praise for His goodness, may we always keep ourselves in the place of looking at Him face to face. Quote
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