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Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? (Consider Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:27; Matthew 6:14-15; 5:23-24; James 5:16.)

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;) The whole purpose of Jesus' death was to bring us God's forgivenss and according to Jesus' Words unless we are willng to forgive others we don't receive forgiveness.. Mark 11:25 warns that if we are praying and remember someone who has aught against we must go to them and receive forgiveness before you will be able to continue your prayers and have them answered. This does away with these people who claim they have not been able to forgive people for things they have done to them for years and years. Be quick to forgive that you may be forgiven quickly.

Because we are told to forgive before taking The Lord's Supper. Unforgiveness and partaking in The Lord's Supper is a complete contradiction. The whole purpose in Christ shedding His blood was for the forgiveness of sins, when we drink the cup in remembrance, we must forgive those likewise who have sinned against us. If we are not willing to forgive those who have wronged us, God says He will not forgive us our sins.

Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? (Consider Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:27; Matthew 6:14-15; 5:23-24; James 5:16.) Exposition

Before partaking of the Lords Supper we should examine ourselves.If we have "sin" we need to ask for forgiveness.We should not partake in communion in an unworthy manner.In order to be forgiven by the Father we should also forgive others who may have offended us,as well as us seeking their forgiveness also.We should always make peace as soon as possible.We should meet the specific needs before communion in prayer and confession,making ourselves worthy to receive the Holy Communion.of our Lord and Savior.


Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? :unsure: As I set here thinking over the question for today, I am remembering all those I've known, & or worked with while being a member of a deliverance team. The word tells us, "To give no place to the devil" When we harbor resentment & un-forgiveness, against another, we are opening the door to the enemy. God has set certain law's, into effect...."You reap what you sow"..."If you sow to the wind, you'll reap the whirl-wind" etc, I believe these "Spiritual laws" are for everyone, Saint & sinner alike. When we choose (and it is a choice!) to hold un-forgiveness in our hearts, toward anyone, it is sin. :( I have been witness, to many Christians, whom have been taken "prisoner" by satan, because of this. It stops your spiritual growth, & progress, to be sure! You are in bondage. While working with people, in this type of bondage, I remind them of the great price Jesus paid for them, & of how He cried out, on the Cross "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" How can we...who have been forgiven so much, not forgive others? "Forgive", Jesus said, so that you may be forgiven! You don't have to feel it, just say it! I myself, try to remember that "Hurting people, hurt others", & ask for discernment for the one lashing out. Its not always easy.


When Jesus taught us how to pray he said to "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" in the Lords' Prayer. We are also told in the Bible to settle all problems with our neighbors before going to Church.

Romans 17-21 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. (18) If it is possible as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (19) Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. (20) On the contrary "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this you will heap burning coals on his head." (21) Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
and then again in Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have  against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Finally on the cross was the famous quote of Jesus when he said to "Forgive them as they know not what they are doing."

So when we go to the Lords Table we have Jesus example, Jesus instructions, instructions from the Bible which is the inspired work from God. We must have our hearts in the right place. And stop to think about it, if we do not forgive someone for something, who is being hurt, usually not the other person, maybe children, certainly us. God knows this. He wants us to have right hearts, if we are vengeful we cannot receive His love because our hearts are hardened with vengence. We must let it go so our hearts will be in the right attitude for God to be able to work. Of course God can work miracles and can change a person's heart, but He gives us a choice. We can choose to be vengeful or forgiving. If we choose to be forgiving we then are open to Him and can accept His offer, His sacrifice for us on the cross. We are in an attitude where we can give our lives to Him in return.


The Lord's Supper is the time of sharing of Christ's great sacrifice for our sins. We shouldn't partake of communion if we hold something against someone. We should take care of the problem before partaking. It takes a big person to go and ask for forgiveness.


Before we can boldly go before the throne of grace we have to forgive others before taking the Lord's Supper. We are under a new covenant. Under this covenant their is forgiveness thru the the blood of Jesus. His blood was poured for many for the forgiveness of sin. How do we expect Jesus to frogive us when we do not want to forgive. We as christian have a heart of flesh, a forgiving heart. The Lord's supper is all about what Jesus did inorder for us to be forgiven.


Forgiving those and letting go of resentment is the right thing to do and this is what God wants us to do, we give it all to the Lord and he will help us let go of this sin and especially before we take The Lords Supper (Comunion.) If we don't forgive then how can a person expect Jesus forgiveness for their sins..

When you forgive, then you will feel a lot better and I agree whole heartedly with everyone who has replied to the question so far.

The Lord's Prayer tells us how we should be and do.


When we approach the Lord's table we need to be open hearted & open handed so that we may receive his love & gifts. We can't be like this if we have sin in our hearts & being unable to forgive our brothers/sisters closes a part of our heart to God. When I was in hospital four years ago there was a lady who had not taken the sacraments for years because she was unable to forgive people in the church for abusing her son. She was still a believer and a lovely praying Christian. I found out her story when I was organising for our small ward to receive the sacraments at our bedside the following Sunday. She felt she could not join us because of the unforgiveness in her heart - I said to her - Come over here and let's talk to Jesus about this, and together we prayed. We asked that Jesus showed her how to forgive, not the sin, but the perpetrators - those who had since been punished by the law. When she knew that Jesus had taken hold of her hurt, the tears just flowed - we wept together for a long time. But she had the most enormous smile on her face at the end of it all. Totally filled with Jesus joy. The following Sunday was very special - four of us sitting by my bed with the lady minister - we were all different denominations sharing the love of Jesus - and our friend who had forgiven in her heart receiving the sacraments for the first time in probably 15 years. What a celebration!!


If we take the bread and wine without forgiving others and asking forgiveness for ourselves we dishonour God and bring condemnation on ourselves.

Jesus established the feast.

He provides the reason for the bread and the cup - His death.

He is right in the midst with us (Matthew 18:20)

Jesus poured out his blood for the forgiveness of sins for all. Jesus tells us that unless we forgive others God will not forgive us. So one cannot take the Eucharist unless we have made ourselves clean. If we do we in fact sin against the very body of Jesus.


Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible?

Because the whole meaning of the Lord's Supper hindges on FORGIVENESS. (God forgiving us for our sins..doing this in rememberance of Christ..) I think sometimes people may take the Lord's Supper without understanding completely what it means..I know I have..but no more..I have learned that I am not worthy of this gift until I learn to be more forgiving, less selfish and do it in the right spirit in which it was intended. Thank you Father and thank you for Pastor Ralph's study..I know it had made a huge difference in my life..All Glory to you Lord...


We celebrate the Lord's Supper to remind us that Jesus offered His life on the cross to to atone for the sins of mankind. With this in mind, it is only right that we should forgive those who have offended us before we partake of the Lord's body and blood as we celebrate the Lord's Supper. We have no right to hold a grudge against someone because we should follow Christ's example of forgiveness. If He, as a human being who was suffering under the hands of the people who captured Him, was able to forgive Peter denying Him thrice thus sending Him to His death alone, then why should we hold a grudge against others?


For it would be unreasonable to think we could be unforgiving when Our Lord granted us forgiveness for our sins, how could we deny the forgiveness to others, when someone sins or tresspasses against you by violating scripture, they should be forgiven, no forgiveness for others means no forgiveness for us. :huh:

Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible?

+ I would want to come to Jesus with my heart being free of animosity towards anyone. Yet, all too often I am not even aware of what is hiding within me. Which is only one reason I am blessed by the Grace of God. In 1Cor. 11:27, Paul chastizes those who were self centered, and even drunk as they took part in the Lord's supper, which seems to have been part of a meal. Paul disciplines them for their unworthyness of this most Holy Meal. :(

Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? (Consider Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:27; Matthew 6:14-15; 5:23-24; James 5:16.)
The Lord's Supper is in recognition and acceptance of Christ being our Saviour. As we eat the bread and drink the wine, we are to remember that Christ died on the cross in order to save us from sin. As we accept Christ, we are forgiven.

Since Christ has paid the ultimate price so that we may be forgiven, it would be contradictory to partake of this forgiveness without forgiving others. In fact, when we do not forgive others, we suffer from pain and anger. Yet Christ died to take pain and sufferings from us. How can He save us from pain and suffering if we are not willing to let it go?


Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper?

Taking part in our Lord

Giving grace is good practice for realizing how wonderful it is to receive. Giving grace is hard work and we are much more grateful to receive when we have struggled to give. B)
:) It is important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper because we will by unforgiveness forfeit the reason why Jesus has to die for us, it is for the forgiveness of our sins. If we will not forgive others, the Father will not also forgive us. The Bible says: "For whoever eats the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord." By doing so, we bring judgment to ourselves.


He that forgives is forgiven.

He that has a hard time forgiving, need be prayerfully considering Forgiveness.

Pray fervently for the individual who you have a hard time forgiving.

Bless those who curse you.

It is hard not to forgive one who you pray so fervently for... eventually an understanding

to which only God can show you will take place in your heart and healing will allow you to

forgive wholeheartedly.

Trust not your own heart, seek God and ask Him to reveal to you what has not been forgiven.

Partake of the Lord's Supper knowing and understanding it's thorough meaning. I was ignorant of His word while as a babe, but because I know now... I am held responsible while partaking of Him. Love in Christ, Sunshine.


Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible?

How can Jesus' work on the cross be sufficient to cover our own sin but at the same time be insufficient to cover another's? Jesus already paid the price to redeem the person who wronged us from sin. If the person is a Christian, he has exchanged his sin for Christ's sinlessness. If we, then, harbor unforgiveness because of a sin he's committed, aren't we, in a sense, harboring unforgiveness towards Christ?

Couldn't unforgiveness be a form of idolatry? In choosing not to forgive someone that God has already forgiven (whether or not that person has received God's forgiveness), aren't we actually saying that (1) our ways (standards for acceptable behavior) are higher than God's ways and that (2) we were more offended/harmed by that person's sin than God was? That person's sin cost Jesus his life. However awful the effect of another person's sin in my life...it cost God more.

Finally, the blood and the wine of communion signify our identification with/submission to Jesus. He bore the cost of our old sinful life...we now bear His sinless life. If we refuse to forgive what He's already forgiven, we are out of submission to Him....thereby choosing to bear our own sinful life with all its consequences. Not fun. :)

For the Christian, unforgiveness really doesn't have much to do with the other person or the offense, however awful it may be. I believe many struggle with forgiveness because of a misunderstanding of what it is/means. But...that's another topic. :) Forgiveness is choosing to relinquish one's "right" to exact punishment on someone; refusing to hold the sin against that person; asking God to bless the offender and restore the offender to Him; NOT to be confused with reconciliation or denial/forgetting of the event. Forgiveness is an initial decision of the will...and a process/attitude in which we walk daily.

Whew...I'm long-winded this morning! :) Thanks for letting me share my heart.



Q4. Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible?

God has given us intructions to examine ourselves before partaking of the Lord's supper. If there is unforgiveness in our heart it is far better for us to discover it there ourselves and take care of it (with God's help). If we don't, God will judge us. God is merciful, but He is also just too. This is clearly illustrated in the parable of the unrepentant debtor who did not want to forgive a small debt after he had been pardoned for a huge debt. If we can't forgive after being forgiven ourselves than God will judge us and hopes that we will learn our lesson.

The Lord's supper is all about remembering Jesus' sacrifice which was given in order that we might be forgiven. It would be a slap in the face to God to participate and look like we were one of His people, when really we were harboring a grudge against a brother or sister in our heart. It would be like saying, "I really don't care how much you forgave me God, I don't want to remember that, It's more important to me that x person has done me wrong". :angry:

Are we lost if we struggle with forgiveness even if we have accepted Christ? I don't think so, but we have a clear responsibility to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives so that we can be more forgiving.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why is it so important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking of the Lord's Supper? In what sense are the Lord's Supper and unforgiveness incompatible? (Consider Matthew 26:28; 1 Corinthians 11:27; Matthew 6:14-15; 5:23-24; James 5:16.)

I suppose that taking of the Lord's supper and being in unforgiveness would be taking the Lord's Supper unworthily.

The Lord's Supper is taking in Jesus and unforgiveness is taking in sin.

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