Pastor Ralph Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Quote
Tabatha Posted September 27, 2007 Report Posted September 27, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? For my own life I would do as David cried out, " search me Oh Lord, Create a Clean heart, renew a right spirit. Purge me with hysop, burn out the dross. I would weep in repentence from my heart. No lip service. God Forgive me for sinning against you and man. Forgive me for any hidden sins. Forgive me when I am in the flesh and not walking in the Spirit. Forgive me for not showing love to the unlovely. Holy Spirit help me where I am weak and Lord give me strength to overcome. When sin as a congregation and personally there are four conditions: ( 1 ) humble yourself by admitting your sins, ( 2 ) pray to God, asking for forgiviness, ( 3 ) seek God continually, and ( 4) turn from your sinful ways, True repentance is more than talk --it is changed behavior . Following these steps will lead to forgiveness God will answer our earnest prayers. Deep remorse from the heart, God doesn't want an outward display of penitence without true inward repentance. I want to be sure my heart attitude is right before God. God promises to meet the deepest needs of those who love Him --- by loving us, forgiving us, giving us purpose in life, and giving us a caring Chritian community. Quote
KelvinJC Posted September 30, 2007 Report Posted September 30, 2007 1) "Father God, Search my heart Lord, may you allow me to realize the sins that I have in my life. God, do send revival in our lifes and in the church. Take away our pride as we have done in the past. Revive all the different tribes of people in the church. We need your revival, your life, your power, your glory, your holiness. Forgive us for our sins and the wicked heart that we posses. I repent of our gradual drift away from your purpose for us. Father God, I pray that you will help us to focus our eyes and desire again on our love towards you. God, so send revival in our life, in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen" 2) Elements such as: humbling ourself, repenting our sins, asking for forgiveness, seeking for guidance, turning away from evil and seek God's way of life should be part of our prayer and God will hear us and answer our prayers. 3) 2 Chronicles 7:14 says "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." My requirement of my prayers has all the element of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thus, i should say we should pray just like what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. We need to 1) Humble, 2) Seek God, 3) Turn away from wicked ways, 3)Seek for forgivness. 4) For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever shall believeth in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. God has promised us for those that sincerly believe in him, and have a repentant heart, he will succeed. However, God has promised us that he will love us unconditionally. Quote
Roxanne Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place?I WOULD CRY OUT LIKE DAVID AND BELIEVE GOD IS GOING TO SEE ME THROUGH. FOR CONGRATIONAL REVIAL ..GET ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE CHRUCH AND HAVE THEM FLAT ON THEIR FACES CRYING OUT TO GOD TO DELIVER HIM. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted October 1, 2007 Report Posted October 1, 2007 Father, we come seeking audience with you. We pray it is with true humbleness of heart, soul, mind and spirit that we enter your presence. Our desire is that we come with more than just mouthing words but that we come with a truly broken, contrite and open heart seeking your very face, seeking your will and way. We pray that you would reveal in us anything that would hinder true revival from taking place. Give us the courage, strength and grace to truly repent, with Godly sorrow, for those areas in our lives that need revival. May the Holy Spirit continue to purge and cleanse our inner being and empower us to be what you so desire. May The Holy Spirit continue to be our teacher leading and guiding into all truth that we might become more like Christ. In HIS name, Amen. Some of the elements I feel that need to be in such a prayer for revival are a true humbleness of spirit, a teachable heart, an open mind, a willingness to truly repent when God speaks and a desire to continually become more like The Master. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 Oh God, I come to you today with praise for Your Holiness. I lay my sins before you, please cleanse my heart, my mind, my thoughts. I repent in sorrow. I want to humble myself before you, knowing I can do nothing without you. I pray for a movement of Your Holy Spirit in my heart and the hearts of my fellow Christians. I pray that you would revive us today, that we would not hinder your Holy Spirit's work in our hearts. Use us and all we have for your will, oh Lord. We come before you as servants. We praise you and are sure that you have a plan for us and for those whom you have put into our lives. May your perfect will be lived out in our lives--that we might be a light for you to the unsaved. Humbleness, confession, repentance, looking for the Holy Spirit to work in us according to His will It would be the same for II Chron. 7:14--humbleness, pray, seek His face, turn from wicked ways so He will hear, forgive their sin & heal their land. Revival would take place when our sinful ways are confessed & repented of & as we look to God for restoration. A real movement of the Holy Spirit would be evident. Quote
Cheni Posted October 2, 2007 Report Posted October 2, 2007 (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? "I know my God that you test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. We willing offer the uprightness of our heart with great joy. Keep this forever in the intent of the thought of the heart of Your people and fix our heart toward You. Give us a loyal heart to keep You commandment and your testimonies and Your statutes; to do all these things for which provision is made. Bless you O Lord. Thank you for great mercies and grace. (1 Chronicles 29:17-19). What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? Repentence, healing, acceptance, deliverance, forgiveness, salvation. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? I pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 over areas, regions, countries, cities, etc., to bring down the strongholds of the enemy. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Corporate praise and prayer must reach the gates of heaven in order to open them and allow the glory of the Lord to pour out into the heart of those whom God has chosen to receive. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Father, please forgive me I have not been faithful to do those things which I should. Revive me O Lord. Let your will be done in me. Revive my prayer life, my times of meditation and devotions. May I go out and be a witness to my Savior. Do in me, Lord, that which will cause me to stay revived and in labor for the kingdom. What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? Contrition, humility and a willingness to obey God. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? In 2 Chron 7:14, Father is saying to us that if we would humble ourselves, pray, seek Him and turn from wickedness, He would hear us, forgive us of our sin and our prayers for a revival in the land would be answered. This is the pattern of prayer that will bring a revival to our churches and our country. It calls for Christians to be humble and honest before God. Quote
JustJeff Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Oh Lord, I humbly beseech you to hear my cry. I am a sinful man among a sinful people. The lusts of this world have called us and too often have we responded. This day, in this moment, I throw myself at the foot of your throne and plead for your love and mercy. I pray for the strength to repent of this evil and for the power of your Holy Spirit to fill us that we do this no more. Hear, oh Lord, this cry and let your water flow, that we may be revived. Yeah Lord, revive us again and fill our hearts with your love that we may prove ourselves worthy to be called your people. Amen. We must acknowledge our sin, ask for forgiveness, the strength to turn from sin and clean our vessels that the Lord may revive us. Quote
Loisb Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? 1. Dear Heavenly Father, We praise you, we honor you, we glorify you and we come before you humbly to ask you to forgive us for our sins and to create in us a clean heart. You know the hearts of your people and what they are in need of and we ask you to bless each one. Lord, deliver us from bickering, jealousy, gossiping and other things that keeps our eyes from you. Lord we repent of all our sins and ask that you revive us and restore us back the way we were when we first gave our lives to you. In Jesus Holy name, Amen. 2. Thankfullness for what he has done, humility, forgiveness, request for revival & salvation, and praise for what he will do. 3. This prayer is similar to 2 Chronicles 7:14 because it is humble and it asks to be delivered from their wicked ways and to be forgiven from sin. 4. We are being obedient and praying the way God's Word asks us to pray--in humbleness and sincerity. Quote
Patricia A Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Most loving, kind and gracious Lord, we beg your forgiveness for not keeping you first in our lives. Guide us and give us the strength and will to keep You foremost in all our thoughts and actions and may our lives be truly dedicated in serving You. May be know true joy in we look forward to eternal life with you. What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? This should be a prayer asking for forgiveness for our sins and for strength from the Holy Spirit to strive for a life of righteousness. We need to ask for strength to be humble, loving and faithful to God's Holy Word. We should give praise to God and glorify Him. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? Quote
nerradb Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 1 Cronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that you bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. This may sound like a selfish prayer, but no, this is praying for spiritual blessing that Gods territory is enlarged by using us, we are guided by God as it is impossible to do this without God (humbling ourselves before God), that evil is diverted before we encounter it (This giving God the power to help against sin which tempts us) and that we have wisdom not to cause pain with the people we are meeting. So this prayer is a very daring prayer, not selfish at all. Quote
Petal Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Father, I am tired of letting you down again and again. I am truly sorry. Forgive me of my sins O Lord. I am completely drained out - physically and mentally -. I am losing focus of you in my life. I am busy with the things of the world that I am missing the lover of my soul. Restore my soul O father. Help me to get started all over again. Take away this bitterness and help me to show unconditional love to others as how you have showed it to me. I praise you O father. Thank you for your constant presence in my life. Don't ever let me go. Love you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. The elements: Repentance, humbleness, forgiveness, sensitivity to the need of others, love, desire to see changes Common with 2 Chronicles 7:14: humbleness, seek God's face, turn from their wicked ways (repentance). When God hears this kind of prayer, he forgive their sins and begin to heal the person or the people. It brings a positive change. Quote
davidjjj Posted October 5, 2007 Report Posted October 5, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Father in Heaven, Thank you for the favor You have shown us in Your Son. Thank You that You are my Shepherd- You will not leave me where I am and You will not leave me to my own devices. Thank You for the confidence we can place in You because as the great Shepherd of the sheep You will not leave us to wander- but Your rod and staff will guide us back on the way everlasting when we stray Father I don’t know all the details of what is wrong in my life, but I am aware that I am not walking in the fullness of what You have planned- with a heart that is wickedly deceitful I struggle to discern all my errors- please forgive my hidden faults as well as my willful sins, please show me clearly what is not pleasing to You so I might truly repent and bring You joy and glory- and please show me day by day what pleases You, so I can live for you walking in the good works which You prepared in advance Please Father work an indelible change in my heart so that I might live as You intended and bring You glory As Moses prayed- because of I know Your favor- teach me Your ways-so that I might find further favor Lord help me become more and more confident in You- increase my faith Lord, and please, I ask this with all respect, do not answer that cry the way You did with Your disciples saying… if you had faith…but Lord may faith truly come, and be ever increasing as I hear and live and breath Your word- the word of Christ Lord, revive me, restore me, may my life be transformed from glory to glory, may my life cause You joy, help me Father to truly be a man after Your own heart Lord help me to get past my own problems, so that I can, by the power of Your Spirit, truly make a difference in this world for Your glory Lord please revive me, I long for a undivided heart- I long for the peace of knowing my walk is pleasing before You, I long for clarity not confusion, I long for the deliverance Paul spoke of when, with conflict in his dived heart, he cried out, oh wretched man that I am who will save me from this body of death- thanks be to you God for Jesus Father help me live in Romans 8 not just Romans 7! I need You so desperately and I know that in realty I need You more than I know! Lord I realize that I get caught up in all my problems, and often cant get beyond praying for myself- please change this, help me become what You have called me to be- God focused and kingdom focused- not just David focused, Lord help me be a weapon of righteousness, help me grow and advance You kingdom- planting and watering and believing for Your increase Lord please forgive me for all the ways I have let You down, for all the pain I have brought Your heart from my sinful thoughts and actions, Lord I thank You that in my heart I know that there is something deeper at work in my heart than the wickedness that resulted at the fall – Thank You that You are at work within me to will and work for Your good pleasure Lord I ask for Your continued work of grace, I ask for this work of indelible change, and I know I can only ask it according to Your mercy and grace- I believe what I am asking is according to Your word and I thank You in advance for all You are going to do my great Shepherd Love David What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? Asking God for clarity- what is truly holding us back from the fullness of the life He has planned for us Confession of sin- absolute honesty of our present state and how it is not pleasing to God Confession of need-humility and acknowledgement of our desperate need of God to see transformation Basis of request- the mercy of God, the glory of God, the promises of God Asking specifically for outcome- i.e. revival or restoration, asking for ongoing work- a deep indelible change at the heart of who we are rather than a surface change Affirmation of our responsibility– God has provided the wind we must raise our sails (Augustine) Asking God what we need to do in order to see What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? Prayer Humility Seeking God Turning from sin How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? God gives grace to the humble! He forgives the penitent! He shapes the pliable! He guides the seeking! He answers the asking! Quote
csreeves Posted October 6, 2007 Report Posted October 6, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Lord I praise you for every blessing you have give me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Forgive my unbelief. Bring revival into my life. May I countiualy praise you. Prayer always invites God's will into you life before any event or individual revival. It gets me off my mind and him directlly in the center of my thoughts. Quote
Ms CJ Posted October 6, 2007 Report Posted October 6, 2007 (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? * Father, I come submitted, humble and in faith through the name of Jesus and ask for forgiveness for myself. Father, I have come to realize that I have left my first love in such away that my life and things in my life have pushed you and your love over to a corner of my heart and in doing that the goodness that once was operating my life has left and the troubles have appeared more. I see that you have allowed things to come and things to take away, in order to get my attention to this and I thank You so much for it. You love me and I love you and together this fire will rekindle and together we will come to that place of revival. What is revival Father? Is it not when I have come back to my first love and is it not when I have come into submission, humility and in faith allowing You to have first place in my life. Is it not when Your will is leading me in the way I should go. Is it not understanding that You are my Healer, Deliverer, Supplier and my Eternal Salvation. Come quickly to the place where my fire and has but come to a kindle and add the wood that will cause the flame to become a consuming flame. I await my Beloved, I await! Revival is to revive something and when my heart has become waxed then the fire is but only a kindle. Our trouble starts when we move away from the Flame of God where the warm and love is. What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? * Faith, Hope and Love What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? * If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray! I will hear them! When our hearts cry out in faith, hope and love and we our knees are bowed then and only then will He hear us. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? * It is like adding wood to a once warm, huge bright flame that you could feel heat from a good distances. Remember in standing in front of this flame that if you stand to close than you would get so hot that you had to move. Well, that's how His presence is in revival, it causes you to move as not away from Him, but for Him. This is when the works Jesus said we would do become alive again and we are fired up to work again and love again and seek Him again. It fires up our spiritual life, our walk and we cause signs and wonders to follow us. The fire of God burns for us day and night! Quote
emmaus Posted October 10, 2007 Report Posted October 10, 2007 Heavenly Father, I come before you with praise and thanks. Forgive me for the times I've failed you. Help me to grow and learn from those. Lord sometimes I grow weak and I must ask you to renew my spirit. I have to set aside the worries, riches and cares of this world to come before you, so I can be revived in spirit and faith. Lord, I ask you for more faith that I can be pleasing to you. I pray for the holy spirit to cover me and to work through me, dear Lord. Revive me, oh Lord, that I may bring glory to your name. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen. Humbleness, admitting your sin, asking for God's help in prayer. Things in common: Humble ourself, seek God, turn from our sin. We have to make God our king, admit we fail and ask for mercy. God hears ours prayers then and will be with us. Quote
masika Posted October 11, 2007 Report Posted October 11, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? This is how I would have prayed. Oh God help us all Believers so that must draw near to You and be re-filled with Your Spirit, so that we may become ministers of revival to lifeless Christians. Unless the Church is revived first, sinners will not be "born again." No soul is ever "born of God" unless someone goes down in the valley of spiritual travail for him. And no one can cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this way unless he seeks and finds a deeper experience in the Holy Spirit. Many Christians have experienced so little of the Holy Spirit, that when we lose Him we feel no great sense of loss or need. We measure ourselves by contrasting ourselves with the world: and we conclude that it is the world that needs God. But the truth is, the world is so godless because Christians are so empty of God. We must, therefore, when we think of revival, ask the Spirit to convict us of our own desperately unspiritual condition. Unless we are willing to see that we are spiritually dead ourselves and are satisfied to remain as we are and will not open ourselves to the Holy Spirit that He might awaken us to see ourselves Quote
lulu 1931 Posted October 12, 2007 Report Posted October 12, 2007 I would ask GOD for help to protect all of our Christian Churches all over the world and help restore them from the people who do not believe in GOD. I would ask him to give us strength to bring peace into the world and the ability to send love and faith through out the world. I would hope that we could all cleans our souls and make the right choices as we travel down the right road to our final resting place. Chronicles2 7:14 gives a guide to get all of this done. We need to spread this word through out the world as we practice it ourselves. Quote
nancychua Posted October 13, 2007 Report Posted October 13, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Oh Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, words and deeds by what I have done and by what I have left undone. I acknowledge my dependancy on you who is able to do immeasurably beyond my expectation and You are the one who is far greater and stronger than anyone else. Lord change my desires, open my eyes to your true delights. How many times have I let pleasures of life capture my imagination and distract me from the peace and purpose of my life? Forgive me Lord for my selfish gain and pride to do my own strength and knowledge. The enemy is so subtle to lie my attention with something my flesh felt so delightful in self-denial, self control, entice to quick bucks, greediness, hidden gossips, hatred, anger, hot tempered, cursing, insulting and blaming othrs. I ask fro true repentance not to do it again. Grant me more grace, patience, wisdom, love and power to overcome my weaknesses in life. I thank God that He is willing to accept and love me again and see me as clean and brand new to the splendour of God. May your precious Name and sing worship songs cheer up my spirit to get in tune with you again. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, I will hear them . When our hearts cry out in faith, hope and love and with our knees bend down for repentance, He will hear our prayers. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? God gives grace to the humble. He forgives the penitent. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be open. Quote
Craig Posted October 17, 2007 Report Posted October 17, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Our Father in Heaven, hallow be your Name, I pray for a passionate desire, both personally and for my congregation, to know you, to honor you and to serve you. To humbly walk with you in submission to your will and in your service. I pray for a passionaate desire that we would all have a passionate desire to study and grow in your Word and to applicate in all areas of our lives. I pray Father, for the movement, inspiration, and stirring of your Holy Spirit within the congregation. I pray that we would abandon ourselves for Jesus Christ. Aman. Quote
scabral Posted October 26, 2007 Report Posted October 26, 2007 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? 1. My Personal Prayer for Revival Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of your glory.You O Lord are seated on the throne, high and exalted, and Your train of Your robe fills the temple! I praise You & worship You! Open my eyes so that I may see You.....I seek Your face Lord Jesus...... O Lord my God, have mercy on me! I have sinned before You! My love for You has grown cold.Forgive me O Lord & do not spew me out of Your mouth ! My bones have dried; my walls have broken down; I am lying in the midst of ruin & shame! Because of me Your name is being disgraced! Have mercy on me O Lord!Break me & mold me & have Thine way in me once again.Ignite within me Your Holy fire! Burn away all that is unclean; all my fleshly desire; all that is evil in Your sight. Revive me O Lord! Fill me with Your love. Make me holy as You are Holy! Let Your Glory shine through me once again! Quicken me O Lord!..... 2. When we Christians humble ourselves before the Mighty hand of God and pray and seek God's face and turn from our wicked ways, then God will hear our cry from heaven and will forgive our sins and will heal our land. Quote
mags Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 1 Cronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that you bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested. I would use (and have and do) the above prayer. This is such a powerful prayer for ourselves and our congregations. If we pray such a prayer then God will honour it. This prayer asks for God to bless us, expand our opportunities for Him who loves us, that God will remain with us and strengthen us, and that He would help to keep us free from the sin and temptation that satan gives us. Quote
slicwidow Posted November 26, 2007 Report Posted November 26, 2007 There cannot be revival with out the Word and prayer. I would give the Lord permission to work in my heart, challenge my heart and change me life. I would make sure that nothing is in my life that would hinder the Lord bringing revival to my life. I have to turn from sin and focus wholly and totally on Him. Quote
slicwidow Posted November 26, 2007 Report Posted November 26, 2007 There cannot be revival with out the Word and prayer. I would give the Lord permission to work in my heart, challenge my heart and change me life. I would make sure that nothing is in my life that would hinder the Lord bringing revival to my life. I have to turn from sin and focus wholly and totally on Him. Quote
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