haar Posted December 17, 2007 Report Posted December 17, 2007 Revive me o Lorsd. Restore, heal, bring back. Quote
Don W Posted December 31, 2007 Report Posted December 31, 2007 My prayer has the same elements as the author Quote
katef Posted January 1, 2008 Report Posted January 1, 2008 I think that when a person and a nation has drifted that far away from God, it will take a lot of prayer and work from the people to show God that their heart is true. When I am that lost, my first prayer is to help me see my sins. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" psalm 139:23-24. I have to admit I am wrong, but may not know why. After willingness and recognition, I would pray for forgiveness. My strongest prayer is always to pray for God's will instead of something specific, I have a hard time believing that I could have a better idea. I know the bible tells us to pray incesessantly and specifically, to ask and we shall receive, but I am still afraid of what I want. 2 Chron 7:4 says to pray, humble, and truely seek God by leaving all evil ways. I think I covered all of that. The prayer for a congregation would be the same, but I would have less ability to humble the community. It would require the effort of the whole church through a good leader here on earth. Quote
allyann Posted March 7, 2008 Report Posted March 7, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? My heart is fixed O God, my heart is fixed. Father please search and know my heart, please test and know all of my anxieties, expose every wicked way Father, so that I might confess, seek forgiveness and be placed on the path that lead to your way everlasting. Your power is amazing dear Father, You spoke the universe into being, You sustain it by your word. Who am I to serve you? Please help me to learn to bow to a king, Father, I'm so used to making my own decisions and going my own way. Father you are so deserving of my allegience. Your Word tells me that you are good. As I follow you, open my eyes so that I might see your goodness poured into my life. You are wisdom, and your ways are perfect. You are love. You paid the ultimate price to buy me back from the kingdom of darkness and bring me into your kingdom of light. Because of Jesus, I can come before your throne right now. So here I am God. Accept my praise and worship now and lead me to follow you todays and always. Amen What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? Surrender, service and sacrifice, spirituality, humility, and integrity in our heart's response to God's call on our lives. We must surrender ourselves totally to God's service, willing to make any sacrifice. Coming to God openly and honestly with no hidden agendas, not doing anything that would be displeasing to God, longing to please Him in everything we do and not doing anything without giving consideration to the Godliness of our actions. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? God is desiring men and women whose hearts are completely His. We must be real in our spiritual walk and we must be as servants. Servants hearts are humble, doing as they are told, they do not rebel, they respect those in charge and they serve faithfully and quietly. They have one goal and that is to make the leader more successful, they dont want that person to fail, they dont want glory, they just want to get the job done. What does this mean? It means that we continuously seek God's face and place Him first in our lives. That everything we do , we do to bring glory and honor to God. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Paul expressed the wish that God who gives steadfastness and comfort will enable Christians to live harmoniously according to the teachings of Christ. God has laid up spiritual blessings for us in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, but requires us to draw them out and fetch them in by prayer. By this we mean that it is Christ, the Savior who supplies all the necessities to those who trust him and gives them all the blessings in the richest abundance. And by be partakers of Christ, we can be filled with the fullness of grace and glory in him. Quote
Moses 4 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Posted May 24, 2008 Psalm 80 O Lord God of virtues, how long will you be angry with the prayer of your servant? This Psalm is well adapted to our prayer during Advent: so deep is our wretchedness that we await the coming of the Lord. He alone can turn us to himself. Pax Quote
normanrhicks@yahoo.com Posted May 29, 2008 Report Posted May 29, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place?O God, My God You are my shield and my buckler, It is you that I lay hold of. I sing praises to You. I offer my thanksgiving for what you have done, even in my wicked ways. I thank you O God for your grace and your mercy. It was You O God who called me out of the darkness and into your marvelous light and I honor You for that, My God I do not take it lightly what you have done for me, So I ask in the name of Jesus that You sanctify me right know to do your very good work. I praise you today Lord for what You are doing and what are going to do in my Life and I give you the highest praise in Jesus name amen Hallelujah. my prayer deals with the fact of my wicked ways, God has turned me around, I now have in me the desire to open my mouth and talk to God and God says in 2 chronicles 7:14 if we would only humble ourselve and pray and turn from our wicked ways then He will hear from heaven. I can take this scripture as a blueprint to grow in God- We must humble ourselve and pray if we are looking for any restoration that will last-I dont want temporary restoration, I want permenant restoration Quote
Sarah43 Posted July 26, 2008 Report Posted July 26, 2008 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Below is the prayer for revival and restoration. My God, raise us up to meet You from where we have fallen, mourners bleating by the roadside in the dust. Help us again to find Your steps, the ones we abandoned somewhere behind us at a rest stop, such fools, as the big trucks whizzed past us stinking of diesel, hauling destruction, when we walked on ahead to nowhere, squinting to see the faded mirage of carnival tents, shimmering ether. Our own steps brought us to nothing but empty, nothing but crying and darkness, and we are lost and have become as strangers again on Your gift of earth. We rounded a curve in the highway and the mirage was gone, scattered by a thundercloud and the clean lonely wind of spirit, We sent scouts into the desert, and walked faster, but we could not find it anywhere, then we saw the nothing and began to wail, our women sank down and begged for water, and the flies whined and settled on our quiet children. We were hungry, but all that we knew inside us was an absence of You. Turn us, my Jesus, and cause Thy face to shine, We ask again for Your blessing, to know You again, to see You, to meet with You, We pray that You lead us on the path You showed us long ago. Show us now, O Lord, forgive us and show us now. Turn us, Our Shepherd, and cause Thy face to shine, Then will we know where we're going, Then will we know why we're going, Then will we know to praise You, each morning when You make the sun rise, and each night when You make it slip behind the hills, bringing us rest, and sleep, in Your pastures, our home. The elements that should be present in a prayer for personal and congregational revival and restoration are a lament, which includes acknowledgement of backsliding and accompanying remorse, followed by a plea to the Lord, and upswing of hope. Seminal to this are the terms revival, to bring back to life, and restoration, to make as new. My prayer is like to 2 Chronicles 7:14 in that I ask the Lord humbly to show us the way home, because we need his leadership to get there, acknowledging to Him that our ways of walking are wicked, praying for him to find us on the roadside and correct our direction. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a promise of the Lord to Solomon, son of David. The Lord promises to forgive his people who humble themselves, seek His Face, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways. If they do, He promises, He will hear them from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Quote
Joe Ogilvie Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 How would I word it? I would say things such as, Quote
wondering04 Posted June 10, 2009 Report Posted June 10, 2009 God, cleanse me of all idols and things that I might put above you. Let the waters of your Holy Spirit fill me to overflowing. May I be so filled with Your Presence and love that I can share this with others. Let no one be untouched by Your love. God let my walk be what you want me to do, not one step to the right or to the left. In Jesus' name, Amen Quote
maynd Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 My prayer is, was and will be that of Jabez in 1 Chr. 4.10 'Oh that thou would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou would keep me from evil, that it might not grieve me! And the Lord granted him that which he requested.' My message to the ppl is get off your duffs and do likewise. Quote
servant for Christ Posted July 23, 2009 Report Posted July 23, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? The prayer for my life and my church is that God will draw each one closer to Him. Help us realize that we have to get back to our first love. I pray for God to anoint our ears to hear what God is saying and our hearts to receive what He is saying. To teach and guide us to the point to where we will be in unity, ready and willing to do His work in the world. To let the Holy Spirit move in the way He should. That our hearts will be on fire for Him, to get out and reach a dying and lost world. I think the elements should be worship, praise, and humbleness. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says it all. Word for word what we need to do. I think it paves the way because we are getting our heart and mind on God. Quote
Paul G Posted September 6, 2009 Report Posted September 6, 2009 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? Prayer - "Lord, revive us again, bring us back O Lord, we have sinned, we have truly strayed from you. We are so consumed with our own selves, fighting and bickering that we have lost total focus of your vision for our lives. Rekindle our hearts and our churches, our community, our nation, once again. Remove the dross from our lives. We repent before you, we ask your forgiveness. Renew us in our hearts and spirit. Turn us towards you and drive the Spirit of Babylon from us. Set us on fire again, and prepare us for your soon return." Quote
chillsey1 Posted December 1, 2009 Report Posted December 1, 2009 " God Sorry for the things I have done today that wasn't cool. Forgive my sins lord and revive the fruit of self-control to be birthed in me so that I might be stronger to resist the temptation the next time. God you have been there through thick and thin with me and my husband and I ask that you continue to show your glory in our families. The broken people that have trouble coming to you God that are in our families, we bring their faces to you. You know who needs to come to you God and I ask for a way in to their lives. A way to communicate to them that you have not forgotten about them. God I pray that restoration comes to those who want it and that revival sets a blaze in our hearts to see the generation of youth grown to their full potential, know who they are in Christ, speak your word to others, heal the sick, raise the dead, deliver demons from your people and see signs, wonders and miracles happen before their eyes, Bring revival to Monteal God and let your lion roam the streets to devour the unwanted spirits of this land, this city, this province and this nation." AMEN The "recipe" for renewal and blessings : humility, prayer, commitment and repentance. and of course the holy spirit. We cannot come to God asking for things with an impure heart. Repentance and forgiveness " then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) Quote
Nancy Palmer Posted December 23, 2009 Report Posted December 23, 2009 My/Our Dear Lord, your anger and disappointment with me/us is well know and justified. In your infinite wisdom, mercy and grace I/we plead with you to cause your light to be sight to me/us. Light my/our path and lead my/our hearts to follow you. May the memory of desolation as I/we were separated from you be distant yet fresh so that we may always and forever through all generations to come seek to always be in your favor. May I/we never reject your truths. From 2Ch 7:14 'If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.' As I reflect on the words from this piece of scripture, it seems my prayer contains parallels as I recognize His Lordship, in humility know my transgressions, ask for vision to see and turn toward His light and beg for restoration in relationship with God never to be separated again. Quote
AKSquires Posted April 25, 2010 Report Posted April 25, 2010 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? I would humble myself/congregation before God, telling him how wonderful and amazing he is to lift him far higher than humans or anything else. I would then ask him to create in people a clean heart, washing us of all our impurities so that we can stand before him pure and worthy. Then I would begin to ask him for revival, the fresh anointing of Holy Spirit and I would speak in tongues, praising him and asking him for revival through healings and miracles but also in the refreshing of people's commitments with him. Then I would praise him again. Definitely the cleansing of the heart, and lead everyone in praise and thanks giving, putting God higher than anything else in their lives ('humble themselves') and people need to be led in what they pray for. I would encourage them to seek God for their hearts' desires. They need to be reminded of their sins so they can ask for forgiveness. It sets out a guideline or process of how to go about getting a revival. Highlights some important things such as humbling yourself and having a clean heart that we always need to be asking God for. It gives me a better understanding of how revival and restoration takes place. Quote
tammie7 Posted July 2, 2010 Report Posted July 2, 2010 On 8/18/2007 at 6:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? First of all I would ask my father to forgive me from any sin that I have done because we sin everyday, Then i would praise him and then I would cry out to him for a refreshing of his spirit. For the congregation; I would tell them that we need to humble our self before him,that we need to repent from our heart we also need to seek and look for his guidance. We have to be humble and pray seek God face and turn from our bad and sinful ways. Quote
jon burke Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=671 Psa 80:1 Listen to us, O Shepherd of Israel; hear us, leader of your flock. Seated on your throne above the winged creatures, Psa 80:2 reveal yourself to the tribes of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Show us your strength; come and save us! Psa 80:3 Bring us back, O God! Show us your mercy, and we will be saved! Psa 80:4 How much longer, LORD God Almighty, will you be angry with your people's prayers? Psa 80:5 You have given us sorrow to eat, a large cup of tears to drink. Psa 80:6 You let the surrounding nations fight over our land; our enemies insult us. Psa 80:7 Bring us back, Almighty God! Show us your mercy, and we will be saved! Psa 80:8 You brought a grapevine out of Egypt; you drove out other nations and planted it in their land. Psa 80:9 You cleared a place for it to grow; its roots went deep, and it spread out over the whole land. Psa 80:10 It covered the hills with its shade; its branches overshadowed the giant cedars. Psa 80:11 It extended its branches to the Mediterranean Sea and as far as the Euphrates River. Psa 80:12 Why did you break down the fences around it? Now anyone passing by can steal its grapes; Psa 80:13 wild hogs trample it down, and wild animals feed on it. Psa 80:14 Turn to us, Almighty God! Look down from heaven at us; come and save your people! Psa 80:15 Come and save this grapevine that you planted, this young vine you made grow so strong! Psa 80:16 Our enemies have set it on fire and cut it down; look at them in anger and destroy them! Psa 80:17 Preserve and protect the people you have chosen, the nation you made so strong. Psa 80:18 We will never turn away from you again; keep us alive, and we will praise you. Psa 80:19 Bring us back, LORD God Almighty. Show us your mercy, and we will be saved. 2Ch 7:14 if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again. I would word it very simply. I would ask God to reveal to me areas in my life that required attention or change, I would then repent of these, seek God Quote
Seeking His Face Posted July 30, 2010 Report Posted July 30, 2010 On 8/18/2007 at 6:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? [/quot Dry and parched,my heart grows weak,only your face God do I seek. Refreshing sweet refreshing. Because of your love poured out through your Son. Food for my soul, now I am made whole. Refreshing sweet refreshing. realizing our error, humility, realize my need for a Savior. As I/we seek His face humble ourselves before Him he will lift us up and stir the embers within us. Quote
Glo Posted August 6, 2010 Report Posted August 6, 2010 On 8/18/2007 at 6:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? ACTS If I were to formulate a prayer for revival I would begin by acknowledging God as creator and sustainer of all things. Then i would need to confess my transgression and admit that I have not always done what thus saith the Lord. I'm a sinner saved by grace. Next, I would thank God for being the keeper of my soul and the forgiver of all my sins and for the redemption of my soul giving up his son to die on the cross for me. Lastly I would ask God to not take he hand from and to lead me into his way everlasting. I'd ask for guidance and direction. My prayer would be like 2 Chron in that going to God in prayer should always be our first action. role of taking all of our concerns in prayer, confession that we have not always made the right choices, repentence including the turning away from knowingly doing wrong then we can look toward God for forgiveness. This type of prayer honors God and leads the ways to revival and restoration from the God of "another chance". Quote
cheeky82bloke Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 On 8/18/2007 at 6:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? A5. (Psalm 80) Father Jehovah please show your love to me. I am lost in the hurt of my heart. Holy Spirit please help me back to what is right. Lord Jesus please forgive me, I need your forgiveness. God I want to be right with your purpose, it is only yours. I want to be part of what is good to you. That is the only thing that is right. Please redeem me, I am nothing without you. I know you love me. I know you are helping me. I know you will forgive me. Please keep me. I completely lost. Guide me back to your path. To not make a long prayer, I will finish with saying: I know you are redeeming me. Please keep me, only you can. I love you God. Thank you. Amen. Quote
hanks Posted November 18, 2010 Report Posted November 18, 2010 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Restore us, O Lord; make your face shine upon us, that we may again be shining lights for you. Recharge us with your power, that we may do things to bring glory to your name. Keep us as your humble servants. Restore us, O Lord; make your face shine upon us, that we may turn from our wicked ways. Forgive us our sins, and keep us close to you. This we pray in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? We need to ask for forgiveness of our sins, we need to turn from our sinful behaviour, we need to humble ourselves before God, we need to seek God continually, and ask Him to revitalise us with a new energy to be able to serve Him better. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? It will have the same elements. What is required is not only true repentance but also a changed behaviour. How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? God will answer our earnest prayers. Quote
Moody Grad Posted December 2, 2010 Report Posted December 2, 2010 On 8/18/2007 at 6:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? My prayer would be this: Oh, Lord, we cry out to you. We need you to save us from ourselves for we have sinned against you. Restore us. Renew us. Then we will call on your name and not forget you. You are our God. Remember us so that we may shine again in this land. Humility, repentance, persistence, and hope are all parts of a prayer for revival. As in 2 Chr. 7:14, those who cry out to God on a regular basis in humility and repent of their sins will find salvation and healing for themselves and/or their land. This kind of prayer works because it recognizes that only God can revive and restore. Man must surrender Himself to Christ to be changed and saved from himself. Quote
JanMary Posted June 23, 2011 Report Posted June 23, 2011 Q5. (Psalm 80) If you were to formulate a personal prayer for revival for your own life or for your congregation, how would you word it? Dear Father, my love walk has grown cold from disappointment, rejection and long trials and hardship. I repent and ask for Your forgiveness. I pray for my heart to be softened and pliable once again. I ask for a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to fill me. I surrender ALL to You. I cast my cares upon You now for You care for me....I've tried to carry burdens too large which have left me exhausted....ones You never intended for me to carry. Unbelief crept in and I forgot Your Promises to me. You are the Mighty God of all Creation! You saw this day in my life before you flung the first stars into space! Thank you for bringing my condition to my attention so You can heal and restore me! I love you Father! Thank you for loving, teaching and training me! Thank You that I'm your precious and beloved daughter! What elements should be present in a prayer for personal or congregational revival? Confession of sin and repentance and a cry for God's Forgiveness and mercy, for having a cold or hardened heart (or for whatever has caused the need for revival). Revelation of where I've gone astray and what needs to change, and for the grace needed to do so. A fresh anointing and filling of the Holy spirit and the desire to follow Him with a whole heart and His power to walk faithfully with Him. Thanksgiving to Him for the valley and for loving so much that He cares about the "heart condition", and His willingness to always forgive and restore when we / I come to Him in humility and repentance. What would this prayer have in common with 2 Chronicles 7:14? How does this kind of prayer pave the way for revival and restoration to take place? It's our fallen nature to look at what others are doing or not doing and place self righteous blame. It's His nature and desire "For My people " to humble themselves and pray and seek HIS face and turn from OUR wicked ways. I believe if the Church / body of Christ were walking in holiness and love, those we want to blame for the condition of our nation / the world would see Jesus in us and want to turn from their wicked ways and join us as brothers and sisters in Christ. I think in large part, we look pretty much like those we look down on...and have not turned from our own wicked ways and repented...when that happens, I believe true revival will flood the earth. It's good to remember where I came from, and what I was like when He redeemed me! The unsaved have no means of "doing or being better"...they don't have the King of Glory living inside them, as I do. I want them to be drawn to our Precious Lord, not repelled through judgment and criticism. Lord, help me to live out your love so they'll know the real You! Quote
jesus Posted November 18, 2011 Report Posted November 18, 2011 Loving Father, I come to you standing in the need of your love mercy and grace upon my life. Father I thank you for finding me when I was lost and went astray. I have now come to you knowing well there is none other than you Father who is with me at all time. I praise you O my God, because you are my Maker and Creator. You have fearfully and wonderfully made me and made me liitle lower than the heavenly beings.How precious are your thoughts to me O my God! I pray to you to fill me with your Spirit and revive my drooping Spirit When the waters engulf me and I feel I am sinking in the miry depths ,answer me and rescue me .Answer me O lord,out of the goodness of your love . Restore me O God,and make your face shine upon me. Do not withhold your mercy from me but may your love and turth protect me. I will proclaim your love and goodness to all around me. I am poor and needy ,You are my help and deliverer. O God do not delay to help me. I will put my hope in you . Your are my rock and redeemer. Lead me O God in the way everlasting . Amen The elements that are required for personal or congregational revival Humility Repentance Faith A broken and a contrite heart. An attitude of praise Surrendering oneself to the will of God Recognition of our faults and confessing them. Responsibility of our actions without blaming others 2 Chronicles puts down the above elements of humility , forsaking evil ways and seeking the face of God to bring about revival in our life. When icome before the loving God forsaking my old ways repent of them , humble myself and seek Him in truth , I am revived. Quote
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