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I find it very reassuring that the Lord is always watching over me, that I can call on Him at anytime.

Psalm 121 makes me feel secure in knowing I am under the Lord's protection.

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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

When God watches over me , along with Him Jesus, the Holy Spirit & all the angelic hosts are backing their protective support! What a reassuarance!!

Psalm 121 makes me feel blessed,loved, secure & lifts up my spirit in adoration & praise to God,my Maker & my Reeemer! It encourages me to keep trusting Him at all times.


What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

God is like the watchful mom and dad that guards us in times of danger and can take us under his wing when we need the protection.He gives us the protection from falling like not letting our foot slip,protection 24/7 like we will not slumber cause He is watching over us.Protection also form the sun and the moon cause God is our shade at our right hand and the protection from the all-hazard policy meaning that The Lord will always keep me from harm.And this protection is from now to forever and that ccauses me to always know that in all times God is looking out for me and all the people that i love


The Lord continuously assures me as to how He will always watch over me. The flesh so quickly forgets but because of His reassuring comfort of protection I can just rest in Him. He knows all, sees all is in control and I must just submit, surrender and obediently keep focused on Him.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The reassurance of this Psalm to me that God keeps me and watches over me 24/7 is found in all of the verses of Psalm 121, and is adequately described by Dr. Wilson, the author of this Bible Study. I especially like verses 7 and 8 in their description of the all-encompassing descriptions of God’s loving care for us. This makes me feel totally secure in God’s arms as a young child would feel safe in his much bigger father’s arms as the child sits in his father’s lap in the safety of their own home when all outside their house the night-time winds howls and darkness surrounds them but never touches them. I have experienced this feeling of complete, total safety in my home as a child, myself, and I think that this is the type of security in the Lord (and only found in the Lord God) the Psalmist is describing to us in these Psalms about God’s protection of His children.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

God will never fall asleep he is always watching over me and caring for me even when I do wrong or go down the wrong path. Psalm 121 makes me feel loved.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

It is very reassuring to know that God watches over me and my household. There have been many times that I have prayed for my children and told God that they are in your care. You keep them and lead them. You know where they are and what they are doing and I TRUST YOU to take care of them. and I KNOW that HE DOES. I feel loved to know that God promises me in HIS word that he will take care of me.


How great to know that the Mighty God keeps and watches over me. It is reassuring and I feel safe in danger. Oh that we should never forget that no matter the danger He is there for us. Inrease our faith in you Lord God.

  • 3 weeks later...

I don't feel like God is a 'mother hen' and resent the watchfullness. I am very greatful that God cares so much for me that He is always watching and protecting. It makes me feel like I can let go of some of my fears and some of the things that I think I am controlling.

  • 2 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you?

Verses 3-8 tells us that the Lord is our protector. That He watches over us vigilantly, so that we do not stumble, He never slumbers or sleep and is watching over our lives, all of our coming and goings both now and forever. He is the shade at our right hand, so that we will not be harmed by the sun during the day or the moon at night.

How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

That God continually guides us, always stretching out His arms to conduct us to safe passage and leading us to the desires of our hearts always.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you?

God is always with me, watching over me, all I have to do is call on Him.

How does Psalm 121 make you feel?


  • 1 month later...


  • 4 weeks later...

Psalm 121

This psalm reminds us that our life on the earth is a pilgrimage. We begin our journey from God, and our destination is also God. It is also a journey with God. It is not a journey from one place to another place as the usual journeys, but it is a journey from one state of existence to another state of existence. It involves a becoming. This journey is a growth from absolute unawareness to full awareness. It is a growth toward maturity and holiness. We need to grow individually as well as collectively. Our goal is nothing less than the perfection of the heavenly father's. The Lord watches over his people and protects them as the apple of his eye"


  • 2 weeks later...
  Tabatha said:
This song expresses assurances and hope in God's protection day and night.He not only made the hills but heaven and earth as well. We should never trust a lesser power than God Himself . But not only is He all-powerful, He also watchs over us. Nothing divirts or deters Him.We are safe. We never outgrow our need for Him

Where ever we are, at home or traveling, we are exposed to danger more than we are aware of; this Psalm directs and encourages us to put our selves in God's hands and our confidence in God, by faith put ourselves under His protection and commit ourselves to His care, which we should and must do, with entire resignation and satisfaction singing this psalm.

This Psalm gives me joy inside in knowing where ever I am God is watching over me. Brings to rememberance the old saying, " better not get into trouble, God will see you He is watching you" Makes me feel good some one loves me so much.

I am reassured by the fact that no matter what the situation that I am going through being a child of God assures me the protection from the Almighty, so I am so thankful to have the Lord God in my life
  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

Knowing that God is watching over me reassures me so much. It gives me freedom from fear. This is one of my favorite psalms and was also my mothers.


Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

I heard once on an NPR radio show about refugee war orphans that children who are separated from their parents, physically or emotionally or both, are forced to make their own decisions prematurely, trust in themselves, instead of the wiser and more experienced decisions of their parents. They have no one to keep them, no one to preserve their coming in and going out. This causes them to always feel doubtful about whether the decisions they make are the right ones. And, not surprisingly, often the decisions are not the right ones.

The child of two loner and consistently absent adults, one now deceased, and on my own for the most part since age 16, it has been a slam dunk almost that I would begin making my own decisions prematurely and would ultimately model my parents' solitude.

My loneliness has been excruciating at times, my mistakes numerous. At one point recently I decided that I'd had enough and didn't want to be the only one making decisions and was tired of being alone. That's when Jesus knocked on my door, telling me "I have always been here and so has my Father." I was so happy to open that door.

Psalm 121 is an echo of what Jesus told me when He knocked. I feel blessed and rewarded, that I know now to lift mine eyes unto the hills, and that help will come. I have nothing but gratitude to be able to let go, hand problems and outcomes over to Jesus and know that He will help me handle everything in this life and the next. Thank You God, Thank You Jesus.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  Craig said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

This Psalms teaches me and reassures me that God knows me, is interested in me and loves me. It gives me confidence that God is there for those that love, honor and call upon Him. It doesn't get any better than that.


Psalms 121 teaches me that God made heaven and earth and everything that is in them, therefore I need to put my trust in him, knowing that He watches over me, my keeper at all time, and the one who will preserve my ways. It is my assurance when my human flesh begins to doubt what the lord could do for me.

  • 5 months later...

Consider Bruce's story: He lay there in the mud waiting for the enemy to come and put him out of his misery

Night came and the sounds of the jungle became intense, waiting wounded and scared. When morning came and without sleep he crawled out of his burrow to meet his fate only to see a company of soldiers flying a very familiar flag. His friends had come to find him. Isn't that like us and how God looks for us to 'rescue the perishing' 'care for the dying'. He left the 99 to seek out and rescue the 1.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

The reassurance to me is knowing that my help comes from God. I can depend on Him where I can't depend on anybody else. It makes me feel good to know that God is my only source for meeting my needs physically and spiritually because He will not fail. I must trust in Him with my whole heart and seek His grace to help in time of need. To know the faithful child of God is always under the Lord's protection, defence, and watchful care. The person who trust God knows where to turn in trouble. With God to guard us, we can come to no harm.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel? Wow to know that God keeps me and watches over me give me the reassurance of True Love, Safety, protection and just knowing that He is always with me day and night I know I can make it regardless of what comes my way. Psalm 121 brought tears to me eyes just reading it and thinking about my life with the Lord is joyful. You see when you know that you just have to look up when those storms come into your life, knowing that He never sleep and continue to take care of me even when I sleep what a Father we have. I wish sometime that I didn't make some of the mistake in life that I did now that I have a personal relationship with my Father, knowing His Love, but I also understand that all my sins are forgiven and I guess I'm just so thinkful and feel so rejoice that I made the right choice especially feeling the Holy Spirit with me daily. I Love you Lord in Jesus Christ name I think you for protecting and guiding me to do your will.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you?

ANS: It makes me feel loved and protected.

How does Psalm 121 make you feel?

ANS: We are greatly encouraged through this Psalm! Like a child knowing that his mom and dad are always there, giving a great sense of security and love.

  • 1 month later...

In my country, we don't have mountains but I've seen them in Germany.

They have narrow roads and deep (diepte) + wild pigs ready to attack.

If God protects you, that is a comfort.

  • 3 weeks later...

To know that God watches over me 24/7 is a relief. He knows me inside and out and knows what I do as i do it. Incredible. Not that it is like spying thats untrustworthy. But as a caring Mother watching the every move of a baby who is learning to walk making sure that there is no sharp edges that the baby can fall and hit their head on. Its out of love that he cares. It funny to think of it cause thats exactly what my parents use to say to me. "Its because we love you, that is why we discipline you" That was a long time ago and now that I am my own mother, I can understand a little better. God really knows how to make you relate to the ones who love you the most. Psalms 121 is also a worship song back in the day that I use to sing at church to. Back then being 16.. oh sooo many years ago, it was just a song with words to sing. Now there is a tremendous meaning that I discovered and learned with experience. Lifting my eyes up naturally seeing my defeat, but spiritually knowing that I have conquered with God is a praise I like to call "HALLELUJAH".

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