Pastor Ralph Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Quote
Tabatha Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. COME SIT AT MY FEET The Master beckons......... " Come, my Beloved.... sit at my feet and learn of me! Bask in my love and let thy spirit be one with me! Oh come my child and come away with me, I have precious things to reveal to thee... There are deep things that you must see!" But Lord, I can't, I'm to busy... can't you see? I'm working for Thee to supply your needs... A class to teach, sick to see, pews to dust, and many good deeds! Besides cleaning and cooking and in the garden to plant seeds! And then there's errands to run and I must pull weeds! " But, oh my child... YOU are all I need! Come sit at my feet.... rest from your toil and feed! Let me anoint you with the oil of joy... for mourning there's no need! Allow the strength of my joy to refresh to your soul and you'll succeed! Away ' spirit of heaviness'.. the garment of praise' is what you need! Come!... by LIVING water be refreshed and on the Bread of Life feed! But Lord, I can't... there's so many to lead! Lord, ask Mary to help me to this work take heed! All she does is laze and sit at thy feet.... While I work and toll and feel defeat! " None of your excuses my child.... STOP being busy! NOW... Come away with me! There are heavenly visions that you must see... OH my child, I want to show you my majesty! Come... SIT my child and receive from me; Enter MY rest and delight in my love and joy ..... and whole you will be!" " ALL these things which you desire are noble... I see! But, oh my Beloved.... come and sit with me! My disciple and friend I'll teach you to be... And with my own Holy Spirit... I'll empower thee. THEN you may go forth filled with me. And the sick and halt by my power you'll set free! The Lame will walk and the blind will see! And this my child... because you have been with me! Come away, my beloved, and find strength in me!" Oh my SAVIOUR, such ecstasy... DELIGHT!... I finally see! All I want is found in thee: Of all my cares and load You've set me free! Oh dear Lord... I long to sit with thee ; To bask in your presence fills every need as I sit at your feet and from Thy Word I feed. In Thee is ABUNDANT life, but as I look around Thy Spirit shows me that people are bound! But as I draw close and gaze on Thee The Spirit within me cries... " I'm FREE!" Now, oh Lord... Perfectly clear I see; The needs of the world are filled in Thee! He beckons still!... "Come Beloved and sit with me!" Ahhh! What DELIGHT! ....To be enveloped in Thee! Quote
Tabatha Posted October 4, 2007 Report Posted October 4, 2007 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. COME SIT AT MY FEET The Master beckons......... " Come, my Beloved.... sit at my feet and learn of me! Bask in my love and let thy spirit be one with me! Oh come my child and come away with me, I have precious things to reveal to thee... There are deep things that you must see!" But Lord, I can't, I'm to busy... can't you see? I'm working for Thee to supply your needs... A class to teach, sick to see, pews to dust, and many good deeds! Besides cleaning and cooking and in the garden to plant seeds! And then there's errands to run and I must pull weeds! " But, oh my child... YOU are all I need! Come sit at my feet.... rest from your toil and feed! Let me anoint you with the oil of joy... for mourning there's no need! Allow the strength of my joy to refresh to your soul and you'll succeed! Away ' spirit of heaviness'.. the garment of praise' is what you need! Come!... by LIVING water be refreshed and on the Bread of Life feed! But Lord, I can't... there's so many to lead! Lord, ask Mary to help me to this work take heed! All she does is laze and sit at thy feet.... While I work and toll and feel defeat! " None of your excuses my child.... STOP being busy! NOW... Come away with me! There are heavenly visions that you must see... OH my child, I want to show you my majesty! Come... SIT my child and receive from me; Enter MY rest and delight in my love and joy ..... and whole you will be!" " ALL these things which you desire are noble... I see! But, oh my Beloved.... come and sit with me! My disciple and friend I'll teach you to be... And with my own Holy Spirit... I'll empower Thee. THEN you may go forth filled with me. And the sick and halt by my power you'll set free! The Lame will walk and the blind will see! And this my child... because you have been with me! Come away, my beloved, and find strength in me!" Oh my SAVIOUR, such ecstasy... DELIGHT!... I finally see! All I want is found in thee: Of all my cares and load You've set me free! Oh dear Lord... I long to sit with thee ; To bask in your presence fills every need as I sit at your feet and from Thy Word I feed. In Thee is ABUNDANT life, but as I look around Thy Spirit shows me that people are bound! But as I draw close and gaze on Thee The Spirit within me cries... " I'm FREE!" Now, oh Lord... Perfectly clear I see; The needs of the world are filled in Thee! He beckons still!... "Come Beloved and sit with me!" Ahhh! What DELIGHT! ....To be enveloped in Thee! Quote
KelvinJC Posted October 7, 2007 Report Posted October 7, 2007 God has reminded me as he is the ultimate God! He do watches us and do protect us from all evils Quote
charisbarak Posted October 9, 2007 Report Posted October 9, 2007 I am reviewing Ps. 121. I had it memorized some time ago. Now I'll renew it. I memorized it in the King James version: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven & earth." Look up to Jesus!! "He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he who keepeth thee will not slumber Behold, he who keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." When I awake in the middle of the night He is there & waiting for me! "The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night." This reminds me of the children of Israel--how the Lord kept them day & night for 40 years! The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; He shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. How wonderful to start & end each day with communion with our Lord! Praise Him! Quote
Jen Posted October 15, 2007 Report Posted October 15, 2007 It seems as though I always find something different that stands out when I read scripture and this time I thought about God never sleeping. If I don't sleep I am tired and sluggish. It just amazes me that God never sleeps. Our God is awesome. God Bless!! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
csreeves Posted October 17, 2007 Report Posted October 17, 2007 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I decided to sing a song unto the Lord. I sang him as only he can be my very own capative audience. Quote
masika Posted October 17, 2007 Report Posted October 17, 2007 These Psalms of Protection have really encouraged me, and I have come to learn and trust God whenever Am faced with any danger. There is no else who can protect us better than God can do. God Quote
linda bass Posted October 26, 2007 Report Posted October 26, 2007 Some of the verses of the protection psalms I have heard put to music and sung in worship services. "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I"-psalm 61:2C "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I will trust.' "-psalm 91:1-2 Quote
slicwidow Posted November 29, 2007 Report Posted November 29, 2007 I have been sharing what I have been learning with my son who is in the army. It has been a blessing to him since he is so far away from home. Quote
Don W Posted December 10, 2007 Report Posted December 10, 2007 I wrote a song awhile back using the first two verses of Psalm 122 for a Christian friend of mine who told me this was her favorite Psalm because when she looked towards the hills surrounding her house, this reminded her of the Lord’s protection for her family and herself. Sometimes the Lord reminds me of the same thing about the Lord when I see some hills at a distance. Praise the Lord!!!! Quote
allyann Posted March 20, 2008 Report Posted March 20, 2008 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I chose to meditate on Psalm 121. We always open our Sunday morning services with the following meditational hymn. This is just an excerpt. " I will lift my eyes to the hills , knowing my strength is coming from you. You are the source of my strength, you are the strength of my life, I lift my voice in total praise to you knowing that my help is coming from you." Thats not all, but that is the most relevant to me as this is what psalm 121 is saying to me. I am forever grateful that the Father who watches over me never slumbers or sleeps and that he keeps me from all harm and that he will watch over my life, all of my comings and goings forevermore. Quote
Sarah43 Posted July 31, 2008 Report Posted July 31, 2008 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms. These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I work every night with the incarcerated, yet must maintain an absolutely professional demeanor toward them in order to maintain order and security within my area of work. I am prevented through professionalism, from reading Psalms, or any other scripture, outloud. If I were chaplain, that would be different. But I am not chaplain. I am only what used to be called a keeper. And what I must keep is order and safety. And that means keeping my personal distance. No supervisor has told me that I cannot read, but I know that I cannot establish the closeness that such a reading would create. And given the propensity for the incarcerated, most of them spiritually and mentally ill, to adopt what they have told me is called "jailhouse salvation," I know that the distance I must keep is a wise and necessary distance. "Jailhouse salvation" is used to describe the spiritual behavior of those who listen to God on the inside but abandon Him at the door to drink senselessly, smoke crack, shoot heroin, abuse Oxycontin, lie, cheat, molest, rape, murder, and steal (See Luke 8:5-15 re jailhouse salvation). I pray to the Father and the Son constantly about how to let the light shine through without the Word being spoken among us. And I have heard an answer, which is, "Show the light by example." And so I read Scripture every night I am at work and keep my Bible on the desk for all to see. And I try to treat all, without being naive about dangerous people or danger, as human beings worthy of respect and capable of righteous behavior, toward God, themselves, and other people. I do not share the Gospel outloud, but I believe I spread it in my own way, and am always joyous to work on a Sunday morning and ask, "Who wants to go to church today? Surely more of you must want to. I understand the pastor is very helpful." I keep a few Bibles and devotionals and books on Christian meditation on the library cart, new ones every week if I can, and tell my charges, "This one's pretty good. It helped me understand a lot." A woman came up to to me the other morning and told me, "My husband came to visit me yesterday and brought me the Bible he used in Church when he was six years old." Her face was radiant with love. And I love to walk by cells on my watchtours and see people on their bunks, reading the scripture, or down on their knees facing away from me, facing God, praying. Those praying and their prayers are candles in the darkness of life on the inside. Quote
maynd Posted June 20, 2009 Report Posted June 20, 2009 A Psalm for Help I feel most of the time inadequate to express what is going on in my mind. So I use scenes from movies or words from a book I Quote
servant for Christ Posted July 25, 2009 Report Posted July 25, 2009 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. To me Psalm 91 is special. As I read out loud, to self, and meditate on this Psalm, it is awesome to me. When I am going through trials and troubles, I turn to this psalm. It really shows me God's protection for me. It does not manner how bad things get, God will never leave me. There is nothing or no one that can ever take me out of God's hands. He is my everything. I can turn to Him with everything that concerns my life. He is my Rock, my Fortress, my Shelter, my Protection, my Refuge, my Strong Tower, everything that I need is in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do not have to worry because I am sheltered in the arms of Jesus. Quote
charchar Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Wow it seem like the book of Psalms is being talked about much more than before around me. Psalms 91 is also one of the my brothers Psalm. He sheared it with me on Friday. This was the Psalm his wife gave him when he deployed over 6 years ago and he still carry it with him everyday. There are so many Psalms that is very meaningful to me. Psalms have blessed my heart and spirit. Never really looked at it like I have been since this teaching. In Jesus name I'm truly greatful for all the Psalms that have been reveal to help us understand that you will go through but know that God is with you at all time. Quote
Paul G Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. ANS: As the wife and I travel to Portland this week we will completely trust in Him for His travelling mercies, to give us peace and joy in our inward heart and spirit that there will be no harm or accident. Quote
royk Posted December 24, 2009 Report Posted December 24, 2009 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. In deed if I feltclever to write a beautiful Psalm poem, I'd do it. Instead what I feel is the need to share a song "I Love my Master." Go onto Youtube, search this for Kristy Nockles, then sing it with her to our God and Savior, then you'll know why I wanted to share this with you on the day of Christmas Eve. I'm filled with tears of joy and I pray that you will be also. The day You heard my plea, You looked right through me You saw the pit I was in And You came and pulled me out... You set my feet upon a rock And put a new song in my mouth Then You called me Your own And I'm never turning back I love my Master, I will not go free... I take Your name and live in liberty My life is Yours forever I'll serve You faithfully I love my Master, I will not go free... You're a love I've never known And Your faithfulness has shown No matter what I'm about You always find me out And You lovingly remain Age to age the same And for all of my days I will tell of Your ways..Your mighty ways... Covenant Keeper You are, You are Merciful, Kindness You are, You are Passionate Father You are, You are Lifeblood redeemer You are... Quote
tammie7 Posted July 8, 2010 Report Posted July 8, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. The psalms that I like is 120 and 91 They let me know the protection that God have for me and his children. If we would only read his words. We will know all of his protection that he have for us. We can call on him look to the hill where our help come from. Quote
jon burke Posted July 11, 2010 Report Posted July 11, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms ( These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Jon Psalm 6. Father, You are my shelter in the storm My light in the darkness I will look to You. Father my protector in times of danger My healer in sickness I will trust in You. Father you are my provider in times of drought My strength in times of weakness I will hold on You. God is our strength, our hope, our joy. He will never let us down. We should be looking to Him at all times. God wants us to trust in Him and him alone. I adore you Father God. Amen Quote
Seeking His Face Posted August 7, 2010 Report Posted August 7, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Meditated on Psalms 91 How wonderful are His thoughts for you and me. Quote
Glo Posted August 30, 2010 Report Posted August 30, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Psalm 116 is a reassuring Psalm that lets us know that God wants us to cry out to him.. The psalmist says that he will call on him as long as he lives. Even in the face of death, the psalmist he was able to call on the Lord and he was rescued. Many of us can attest to circumstances that could result in death; but our confidence in God and his protective power overrules anything that Satan has planned. Quote
hanks Posted November 26, 2010 Report Posted November 26, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson - or another psalm with a similar theme - do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms. These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I Quote
Moody Grad Posted December 10, 2010 Report Posted December 10, 2010 Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I am memorizing Psalm 61. I am enjoying seeing the images in this psalm in a new way. The words are becoming my own as I place them in my heart. I pray that these words will stay with me and strengthen me. May they also be available to me to share with others who are longing for Christ's protection. It is my prayer that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever and abide in the shadow (shelter) of his wings. Quote
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