Robert Blannin Posted March 10, 2010 Report Posted March 10, 2010 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? Sin is darkness. Forgiveness is to see the light and joy that only comes by beliving in Christ Jesus is total washing of one's sin, buying us with His blood, and freeing us, is in this Joy. Sin came into the earth in doing so brought sin on us. We at first were free of sin then knolage came in to us of sin convecting us to deth. Look at this angel may be off but I will try to bring some light to this idia... Think! Your in prison forsomething you did do but would not have dune if it was not for sin in the world you fill remorce you wish you never did it you ask for forgiveness. Jesus is now your Loyer and frind who you trust and beleve in. He payed the price to free you from deth, and forgot your transgression, would you not be overjoyed in this. Prase to the Father from all good things come. Quote
bokchoon Posted March 10, 2010 Report Posted March 10, 2010 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? We feel sorrow as Jesus die for us on the cross and shed His blood to redeem us from sin. We filled with joy as our sin have been forgiven and we have become children of God as we can go directly to God and close to Him. Quote
Pearl Posted March 10, 2010 Report Posted March 10, 2010 Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? This should fill us with sorrow because of the death that Jesus died to pay for our sins. This blood covenant should fill us with joy also because we now have a savior who has died in our stead. He has paid the ultimate price for our sins. Quote
dgc1957 Posted March 11, 2010 Report Posted March 11, 2010 That statement brings sorrow to me because of what Jesus had to suffer. It brings me tremendous joy because of what His sacrifice did for me. Jesus became the sacrificial lamb that was slaughtered, He shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sins. In Exodus 24, Moses sprinkled blood on the people and said, "This is the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you according to all these words." In Matthew 26, Jesus revealed that He was the blood of that covenant. What joy that brings my heart. The fulfillment of God's Word. Quote
janel Posted March 17, 2010 Report Posted March 17, 2010 Q3 If fills many believers with sorrow to see the suffering Christ who is without sin going through the torments at the hands of the persecutors and to be hung at the cross. To bear it all so that the world will be saved. It truly filled our hearts with joy to be redeemed by our Saviour Christ Jesus. Out of love for mankind He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Which God would do that. As He said: "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." He came not only for the Jews but for all. We are not only assured of the forgiveness of our sins but enjoyed eternal life through Him. He has opened heaven for us and we can one day be reunited with God the father in the new Jerusalem. Quote
esther414 Posted March 18, 2010 Report Posted March 18, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? I think this should fill us with sorrow because our sin's price is so great, the blood of an innocent, perfect person was needed to cover it and allow us to be re-communed with God. It should fill us with joy also because we are free from our sins now and no longer held to that bondage. Quote
JanMary Posted March 23, 2010 Report Posted March 23, 2010 Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? The sorrow is a solemn and grievous reminder that my sins could only be cleansed by the shedding of the blood of the Son of God.....the reminder of the great cost, and the agony and suffering which were rendered for me. Why should they fill us with joy? There is great joy in knowing that He would rather die than to live without me for eternity. That He loves me enough to pay that enormous price to redeem me. Sin without forgiveness brings despair, hopelessness, brokenness, and damnation. To know that I'm free from all of that brings unspeakable JOY and gladness!!!! Jesus was willing to suffer, "for the joy that was set before Him".....He saw me when He looked into the future and felt joy knowing that I would "choose to be chosen"...HIS. Knowing that His gift was freely given and done with joy, brings me joy. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 20, 2010 Report Posted July 20, 2010 I am filled with sorrow when I hear those words because I think of the innocence of Jesus, the undeserved pain and suffering. I think even today how good He is to me and all the times in one week that I forget Him and go my own way only to see Him and what He did at the cross when I finally run back to Him. All those things I chased after even for a moment seem so ridiculous in light of Him. I'm filled with sorrow that the person whom I love and who loved me most, was so tortured, and because there was no other way, went willingly to die for the sins I was responsible for. I sorrow because I'm reminded how briefly and lightly I and so many others ponder on all He did. I'm filled with joy though, because I know the rest of the story! I know He rose again and I know He lives! I know I am saved through His death and I'm never going to die either! I'm joyful and amazed at Father and the whole plan from the beginning and I can say, "You were thinking of me! You saw me! You didn't ever forget me! You wanted me so much!!!" I'm joyful at the connectedness I have through Jesus' blood! I'm joyful I was loved that much! More than I can ever ask or imagine! I'm joyful and marvel that through Jesus I've found my family, my history, my belonging! From ancient times to today, through Jesus I find who I am and what my purpose is. I'm joyful I've known love...... real love. Quote
Kerneydr Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? The price that Jesus had to pay for the covenant was very high. When He spilled His blood for us, it cost Him his life. It is also sad that such a great sacrifice is valued by so few, many scorn or reject what He did for them. Why should they fill us with joy? This is the source of life for us and eternal life. What else is there? Quote
Kerneydr Posted February 25, 2011 Report Posted February 25, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? We join Him in the great agony that He experienced in Matthew 26:38. We sorrow because it was our rebellion and sins that required this "pouring out of blood" on behalf of the perfect, sinless Son of God. Why should they fill us with joy? Our great joy comes because Jesus was "obedient unto death" our sins are forgiven and we can now know God and have eternal life with Him. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 27, 2011 Report Posted March 27, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Because it was real blood, shed by a real man, for a real people. This was made worse by the fact that many of the people for whom He suffered, participated in His death, though unknowingly. Why should they fill us with joy? He set us free, gave us hope, and positioned us to go forward and do the same for others. Through the power of repentance, we can live with the knowledge that the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus will guide us to all Truth and empower us to empower others. Quote
Jubilee Posted March 27, 2011 Report Posted March 27, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? The words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow because Jesus who pays for the penalty of our sins does not commit any sin to deserve such a horrendous punishment. These words fill us with joy because we are freed from the dominion of darkness and the slavery of sin. Sin and death have no authority over us anymore. Quote
Jubilee Posted March 29, 2011 Report Posted March 29, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? The words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) should fill us with sorrow because Jesus gave himself as our substitude. He was crucified without any sins of his. We should be filled with joy because he has triumphed over sin and death by his resurrection from the dead. Quote
haar Posted April 10, 2011 Report Posted April 10, 2011 Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? The words quoted above should cause us sorrow because it was because of our sins that the sinless son of God had to die by pouring his blood to save us from the resultant punishment for our sin. However, the words should cause us joy because we are now redeemed because of His sacrificial pouring of His blood for our redemption from sin and death. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted April 11, 2011 Report Posted April 11, 2011 Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? This statement would make us sorrowful because the act of pouring out blood must mean certain know that our Lord Jesus willingingly shed His blood as an atonement for our is beyond words...He did this even if only for me.....He loved me that much. It fills us with joy because we are now forgiven and stand with Christ Jesus as an heir to the Kingdom of God. Quote
Greta Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 The words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fills us with sorrow as we think of Jesus dying a horrible death on the cross for our sins. BUT, they fill us with joy because Jesus chose this path, willingly, because He loves us so much that He wants to rescue us from sin and death, and be alive with Him, Holy, Righteous and Best Beloved. Quote
hanks Posted May 22, 2011 Report Posted May 22, 2011 Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? These words remind me of how Jesus suffered for my sins. We have the bread symbolizing the breaking of Christ Quote
Member Posted June 21, 2011 Report Posted June 21, 2011 Becuase death is fearful and death is sorrowful. You know when you visualise that someone died being agonised, murdered it realy brings sorrow in every human being. Worse in the case of Jesus Christ being murdered for the penalt He didn't deserve.It becomes joyful in us because knowing that the agony of death is no longer required of us the sin bearers,the penalt has been paid and Our God Father when looking at us is now seeing His sons and daughters, sure it is joyous. Praise God for His Beloved Son Jesus Christ who bore our sins on the cross of Calvary. For bible says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. This is the joy that feels us. To God be the glory forever and ever. A-A-A-Amen! Quote
UNCLE PAAPA Posted July 12, 2011 Report Posted July 12, 2011 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? Quote
t-c Posted March 16, 2013 Report Posted March 16, 2013 Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Because the price for "forgiveness of sins" was the life Jesus Christ; beaten beyond recognition, spat upon, humiliated, rejected and crucified on a Roman cross. His separation from God for 3 days is an angony that we can't really know or comprehend. His sacrifice and suffering for us should bring us sorrow. Why should they fill us with joy? Because on the 3rd day He arose, alive, victorious over death; just as both Jesus and prophecy that predicted His coming said He would. Satan was defeated and we as Christ followers now have forgivess of our sins; the veil was torn and we have access to God in a way never experienced before that moment. Hebrews 4:16 Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive grace and find mercy to help us in our time of need. Quote
tgandy Posted April 15, 2014 Report Posted April 15, 2014 The words, 'This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fills me with sorrow because he sacrificed his life or his blood for the forgiveness of my sins. He died for me. They fill me with joy because no one loves me as much as He does that He lay down His life for me. Quote
JoanG Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 Jesus had to come to earth as a human to ultimately die a horrible death for my sins. I do feel sorrow because I caused the death of an innocent person for my sake. I am also filled with joy as well. I am important enough to Jesus that He wanted to make sure that my sins were forgiven. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted March 26, 2015 Report Posted March 26, 2015 On 3/28/2003 at 5:45 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? The sorrow of Jesus words that he is going to shed his blood for a new covenant is a testimony that is almost impossible to comprehend. The Son of God has come to earth to die for our sins, God has truly proved his love for us by sending his Son to earth to declare Gods truth and die. However, this profound statement knowing Jesus had to die to ransom us from God's wrath of the sinful world shows how much God loves us. We can rejoice that our God has provided us a way back to him. Quote
hinckster Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? We should be filled with sorrow because of the horrific type of death that Jesus had to face for our forgiveness. The beating and mocking that he took shed His blood "for many." We should be filled with joy because we know, as He told His apostles, He will returrn one day to claim His people and that they will be brought up to Heaven witrh Him and the Father and live in peace and harmony for eternity. Quote
Guitar Jim Posted August 25, 2015 Report Posted August 25, 2015 Q3. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Because Jesus had to die for us. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness from sin. That's what God ordained. Jesus paid our penalty for us and died in our place. We still suffer physical death, of course, but are spared the second death, which is eternal separation from God in hell. Why should they fill us with joy? Well, for the exact same reasons outlined above. Quote
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