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Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

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Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength?

To "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength means that we are rendering to Him that which is appropriate because of who He is.

What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him?

When we fail to ascribe glory and strength to God we rob God of that which is due to Him. Only when we keep the focus on ourselves do we refrain from worshipping God. We need to drop the selfishness and turn our eyes to the Great I AM and worship Him.

In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

Praise to God is "fitting" or "worthy" in that it is the reasonable thing to do for a God who is Great and worthy of it.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

Ascribe to God atrributes of glory and strength mean that we look upon God`s glory of creation and the power of natural phenomena. Ascribe to the Lord is the worship and adoration to the Lord realizing that He created the heaven and the earth. He created us and deserves all our allegiance and our complete obedience. We praise His power and mighty in nature. We glorify His name that He is God all powerful. We acknowledge He is greater than all things.

When we fail to ascribe such quality to Him - we fail to give Him glory and ignore Him as our God of life.

He is worthy of all our praises. Worship the Lord in the splendor of His Holiness.

Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

( #1 ) What does it mean to " ascribe " to God attributes of Glory and strength?

To give back to God what is due Him. Behold the greatness, the supermacy, the Glory of our God. Heathen idols are utter vanity. Let us call the poor heathen to cease to bow down to stocks and stones. Let us teach them to worship Him who has made Heaven and earth. This worship is mighty to enliven and sanctify. It is beautified with all the radiancy of heaven's Glory

( # 2 ) What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to God?

Surely the very stones would rebuke our silence. When we ourselves are hopelessly ego-centric do we deny to God the worship that is befitting Him.

( # 3 ) In what sense is praise to God" fitting' or " worthy"

Who can describe the pure delight of spiritual worship? ! Let us draw near to Him who is a Spirit in spirit and truth. Let it be our choice of joy, to magnify His Holy Name, to ascribe to Him the Glory ahich is so greatly His, and to acknowledge the Omnipotence with which He is invested. Let it be our delight to consecrate to Him all the resources with which we are endowed; to present to Him ourselves, our bodies, souls, and spirits, which are His by every right of creation, redemption, conquest, and our surender. Let us reverently seek His hallowed courts, and offer Holy service. There is no beauty to be compared with Holiness, which is the reflection of our God.


Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

1) Ascribe to God means to give back to God what belongs to him. We should render back to Him cheerfully and joyously in a laudatory recognition, as it were by an echo, His glory and might, which are revealed and to be revealed in the created world. We will need to glorify his name and acknowledge that he is the all mighty God.

2) If we fail to ascribe such qualities to Him, we will not experience all the many blessings that God is about to give us. We will not be able to experience his great presence. He may even rebuke us for not being a obedient child of God.

3) We should praise God because the Lord reigns - to reign that is to be and exercise the functions of a monarch. Jesus is the King tat has come to his Kingdom. We shoudl declare in the most joyous and unmistakable term that God is the King. He is worthy of our praise, our obedience, our best, our whole lives.

To ascribe to God attributes of glory and strength is to credit Him with the glory that is His. He is glory, He is strength. As Delitzsch wrote, it is "to render back to Him cheerfully and joyously in a laudatory recognition, as it were by an echo, His glory and might, which are revealed and to be revealed in the created world.
Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?






Ascribe to Him glory & strength is to repeat back to Him what He has revealed to us--He only is worthy of our praise and the glory goes to Him. He shows His strength & power which cannot b duplicated--there is no one higher, stronger than God.

When we fail to ascribe those qualities to Him, we run the risk of forgetting, of falling--we become self-centered.

Praise to God is fitting because He deserves the glory & likes that offering from us. He alone is worthy.


Ascribe is to give God His due and it is by His glory that we must bow and worship as it is by that glory that the whole world is illuminated. It is by His strength that He has created all things and cares for and protects His own so to Him belongs all honor and praise.

When we fail to give God His due we lose sight of who He is and what He has done. It usually means that we are ascribing vain glory upon ourselves.

For His great love for His creation. For His great sacrifice to save us. For all things, He alone is worthy of our praise


Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

It means to me that we should admit to our selves and others that God is all powerful and is our provider. That He is in charge and that we should submit to His leadership and not seek to go out on our own trying to take credit for what only Father God does at His will.

When we fail to give Him credit for working through us pride may arise and we start forgetting who our Lord is and go about our lives as though we are in control, causing our faith to weaken and then we take on a worldy attitude and lose sight of the real purpose for our life.

Praise to God is always fitting, as scripture says give praise and thanksgiving in all things. God is all powerfu and in Him alone we have our being, with out Him we are nothing. He is Holy and we are not making Him truly worthy of our praise. He is our maker and for this we should praise and worship Him. He is our provider and saviour we can not save ourselves and this again makes Him more than worthy of our praise. He is good and faithful He is there when we call and again is worthy.


God has given us everything, including His precious son, all that we may live. He deserves all the glory and more. We need to be mindful of God in all we do and thank Him as he has provided and created everything. If we start to neglect doing this we become more selfcentred and more easily tempted by satan. It is all part of our relationship with our Father in heaven. God alone is worthy.


Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength?

* As it is stated in the lesson; "to render back to Him cheerfully and joyously in a laudatory recognition, as it were by an echo, His glory and might, which are revealed and to be revealed in the created world."

What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him?

* We accredit our self or we accredit the devil. The glory or praise will go somewhere other than to our God.

* We take away the vision in some ones mind including our own of who He is when we fail to give glory and honor to Him.

In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

* In every sense! From heaven to here on earth, from here to heaven, " let praise ring out". For He is worthy to be praise. It is fitting to praise the Most High God, Creator of the universe. There would be nothing in creation but a void if it was not for our God. (Gen 1)


Ascribe means to attribute, source, author. God IS glory and strength, that is just what he is. Jehovah is the only true God. No other god can claim to have glory and strength and do. Whether we ascribe glory and strength to God does not change the fact the he is glory and strength.

Psalm 96 is a call to prasie God, a celebration of God the creator, a celebration of God the King and a celebration of God the coming one. When we fail to ascribe such qualities to God, we fail to acknowledge who God truly is and give Him the praise.

Praise to God is fitting and worthy in every case because he is worthy and almighty. He is the only TRUE and LIVING God. As it is stated in Psalm 96, "The Lord Reigns!"

Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

1.To give or credit to God with glory and strength for who he is and what he has done. The whold nation should praise him for he is more than worthy.

2. When we fail to do this, we are being disobedient for he deserves all of our honor and praise. We might as well say that we don't believe in God when we fail to worship and praise him and acknowledge him as Lord and Savior.

3. Praising God is fitting because he is our Lord, our only God and he is worthy of all the praise. There is no one else that deserves all of this honor or glory.


:rolleyes:(Psalm 96)

What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength?

Everything we have is from God. All glory and strength is from Him and to ascribe means to give credit God for everything we have both tangible and intangible .

What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him?

When we fail to ascribe such qualities to him we lose the joy of the special relationship which comes from being at peace with Him. We start to think more of ourselves than we do of giving God all the glory.

In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

God is worthy as we owe everything to Him. He made us to glorify Him and to spend eternal life with Him. He sent His son to save us and our true joy and peace comes when we glorify Him.

Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

Ascribe to the Lord means giving all glory to the Lord Due his name. God's glory gives us strength when we surrender. If we don't praise him we think we are doing all the tasks forgetting God and his fittingness or worthness. We get "I" centered instead of God centered


To ascribe means to give due credit to god. Joy, love, glory and strength.

by failing to ascribe qualities to him, we may not experience the many blessings that God bestows on us. These blessing are a resullt of having a personal relationship with God.

He is worthy because he is the creator and he sent his son to redeem us.


What does it mean to "ascribe" to God arributes of glory and strength?

It means to render unto God what He deserves because of who He is.

What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to Him?

We deny Him what He desires from us and is worthy of. We also deny ourselves the privilege He has given us to worship Him through His Beloved Son.

In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

As others have said "in every sense". He IS worthy of praise and adoration. It is our duty and privilege to praise Him. He has saved us for all eternity. And we will dwell forever in the house of the Lord.

O Come Let Us Adore Him!

God Bless!


Numbers 6: 24-26


Q2. (Psalm 96) What does it mean to "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength? What happens when we fail to ascribe such qualities to him? In what sense is praise to God "fitting" or "worthy"?

It means God Majesty and Goodness, when we think of what God Has done in our lives we have to sing songs of praises to God.

If we do not give Him the Honor He deserves it shows that we do not have any appreciation.

Witnessing comes naturally when our hearts are full of appreciation for what God Has done for us. God Has chosen to use us to


We are acknowledging that God is the source of glory and strength when we praise him. When we testify of what he has done, we are saying this is what God has done, not man.

If we don't give God the glory, there will be those that will. Jesus said in Luke 19:40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

It is fitting and worthy to praise God because he is the King. He is deserving of all our our praise and blessing.


To ascribe to God glory and strength means to cheerfully and with joy praise God for the glory and might that is revealed and to be revealed in the created world.

When we fail to ascribe these qualities to him we become hopelessly ego-centric.

God is worthy of praise because he is our reigning King and he is coming to judge the earth. His kingship and judging of the earth will have its complete fulfillment at His Second Coming.


To "ascribe" to God attributes of glory and strength means to credit God with the glory that is His alone. These qualities conform with His name, His reputation, His very character.

When we fail to ascribe such qualities to God we deny Him the worship that is rightfully His.

Praise to God is "fitting" or "worthy" because He reigns from His throne in heaven and one day He will reign on the new earth.


To ascribe to God attributes of glory and strength means to give Him or credit Him with all glory and strength. If we don't, we deny God the worship that is appropriate to who He is.

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