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Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

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Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you?

Compassion: God's compassion extends from eternity to eternity. It is His compassion that made possible redemption.

God loved mankind so much that He put a plan in place to provide for us an escape from the penalty of death unto eternal life.

Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God?

They needed to know who God is and how they can place their faith and trust in him.

According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

According to Psalm 103:10-12, the limits to God's forgiveness is failure to 'fear' Him, not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

( 1 ) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? ( verses 1-12 ) God forgives our sins heals our diseases, redeems us from death, crowns us with love and compassion, satisfies our desires, and gives righteousness and justice. We receive all of these without deserving any of them, No matter how difficult your life's journey, you can always count your blessings -- past, present, and future. When you feel as though you have nothing for which to praise God.

( Verse 12 ) East and west can never meet. This is a symbolic portrait of God's forgiveness ----When He forgives our sin, He seperates it from us and doesn't even remember it, We need never wallow in the past , for God forgives and forgets . We tend to dredge up the ugly past , but God has wiped our record clean. If we are to follow God, we must model His forgiveness. When we forgive another we must also forget the sin.Otherwise we have not truly forgiven.

( 2 ) God's law was given first to Moses and the people of Israel. God's law presents a clear picture of God's nature and will.It was God's lawtraining manual to prepare His people to serve Him and to follow His ways. Review the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 20 ).and the History of how they were given , asking God to show you His will and His way through them.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

Which aspects of God's character stand out...? I am particularly grateful for verse 4 "who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion."

Regarding the Exodus: I think one aspect was that Israel was being transformed from a slave population to a faithful, chosen people. They left a land of idol worship and occult beliefs for a desert where they were commanded to put their trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

For those who ask to be forgiven, there is no limit to God's forgiveness.


Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

1) What really stands out to me is that God can completely forgive us and have a strong compassion for us. As it is written in Psalm 103:3-5:

"3... who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

4 who redeems your life5 from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,

5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

I have tasted of God's forgiveness, his healing when I was sick, rescued me from life-threatening experiences. I have felt his love, sensed his compassion, found that he supplies my physical needs. All these, the psalmist affirms, are the benefits that Jesus bestows on us, and for all these we bless him.

2) Because they needed to truly know who God is and be able to have the trust in Him inorder to have the passion for him. The Isrealites was able to see the Judeo-Christian faith which is a revealed faith. God speaking to and through men his truth as well as demonstrating his faithfulness in his actions. It is also do demonstrate to those people how much he loves us, how gracious, merciful he is to us. Lastly, he also illustrated that he will forgive everyone which truly believe in Him.

3) There are no limits to God's forgiveness. As you can see from verse 10-12, he has used two similes to explain how much he is willing to forgive us:

Height -- "for as high as the heavens are above the earth...."

Distance -- "as far as the east is from the west...."

I know that as long as we do have the faith in him and are willing to repent for our sins. We are cleansed through his blood and we are forgiven.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?





To me, mercy and grace are the standout characteristics of God. Without either, I would cease to exist as a man, a man who has reason to live a righteous life.

I don't know that Israel's Exodus did much of anything to give them a foundational understanding of God. Moses, Joshua and Caleb did get it. The rest perished in the desert. Why? Moses put it down for all the generations to read and yet, do they understand? Not according to Isaiah, 6:9-13. I speak as a Jew and my prayer is that all Israel would be saved.

There is no limit to God's forgiveness, execept perhaps blaspheming the Holy Ghost.


Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

For me I guess what stands out the most is verse 10. His mercy! As in the song by Ray Boltz the only thing I am praying for is His mercy.

The exodus showed in no uncertain terms God's love for His people and all who call to Him for help and His power to help. "'God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this that power belongeth unto God." Ps. 62:11.

In Christ Jesus there are no limits to God's forgiveness. Romans 8:1

God Bless!


Numbers 6: 24-26


Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you?

His attributes are somewhat intertwined in this Psalm( see verse 8 compassion, love, slow to anger, gracious…which as a whole seem to lead to verses 9-10 not keeping His anger, or accusing, treating us as our sins deserve…)

God’s compassion stand out most of all I think especially seeing it is linked with the father/child picture which as a parent gives me more understanding

His love also is emphasized-and seems to be linked directly with His forgiveness (see how it ties with 11-12) and could also be a summary word for all the other attributes

Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God?

In the Exodus God showed His intentions towards Israel, He revealed His power, Love etc in His glorious acts of redemption… as this Psalm says He revealed His ways to Moses and His deeds to the people of Israel and God through the Passover told them to remember this period of His activity-something was unique about it, His Character was seen in a unprecedented way …the same is true of the incarnation and the cross (hence communion as a focal reminder)

Through Israel’s constant grumbling and unfaithfulness God remained faithful, He provided, forgave, led, Israel saw God character 1st hand!

According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

We read in verse 3 that He forgives ALL our sins and in verse 10 He does not treat us as our sins deserve, in verse 12 we see that in His compassion and love He has removed ours sins from us- as far as the east is from the west.

















  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?
Blessed! I am blessed for God blesses me all the time. Because we all go through an exodus in all our lives. Completely.

Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

"The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:6-7)19

"10He does not treat us as our sins22 deserve

or repay us according to our iniquities.23

11For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is his love for those who fear him;

12as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us." (103:10-12)

God's faithfulness, and abounding Love, how could anyone continue to bless us when we continue to sin against Him and try and take credit for what He gives us.

They could see for their selves that their God was the true God, they did not have to be told the story they lived the mircles that He preformed in their behalf. They were there when He devided the Red Sea and delivered them from their enemy.

God has no limits when it comes to His great love for us He is ever renewing that love and forgiving our sins and short comings, He not only for gives but forgets, I sure wish I could forget some times when my sin come back to haunt me. God is good and faithful not reminding me that I sin just that He continues to love me in spite of them.


Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you?

1) The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

2) He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever...." (103:8-9)

Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God?

* "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation." (Exodus 34:6-7)19

According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

* "10 He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. 11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." (103:10-12)

David employs two similes to illustrate the completeness of God's forgiveness:

Height -- "for as high as the heavens are above the earth...."

Distance -- "as far as the east is from the west...."


1. He is forgiving, He is so compassionate that He cannot even remember that we have sinned, what manner of love is this?

He is a King, can we ever imagine that a high ranked person such as Him would have so much concern for His little subjects? We are that important to Him, because He gave us His breadth.

2. The knowledge of God and what His very nature was like, how He wanted to relate to His people was the very essence of the Exodus. They had to go to a quiet place with Him, be there alone with Him, before they would be able to understand Him intimately

3. Limitless!! Complete forgiveness, to the extent that if we went to look for those sins, we would never find them again! And still loving us despite our sinful nature. :)


What stands out to me is that He has forgiven our sins--all of them--even future ones. Oh, how Merciful He is! His Compassion & Graciousness to us are indicators of His awesome love for us!!

God's character was shown to His people over & over again and especially to those He loved the most--Moses.

No limits--east from west--always a circle--not ever meeting

High as heaven from earth--we have no idea how far that really is--we're in awe of galaxies near ours & that is close compared to heaven.


God's love for me has always stood out. Sometimes I struggle with the whole worth thing of His love - 'why me?', 'what have I done to deserve His love and blessing?' Even though I know in my head that it's only by grace that we enter I struggle at times, putting that head knowledge into a heart knowledge. This character of God goes hand in hand with forgiveness - we don't deserve any of it and never will - yet He still loves us and cleanses us of our sins because of this.

I believe the Exodus was so foundational because of the time of teaching that God used it for. He taught His people about Himself, His character and His requirements for them (us) - the foundational things for our faith, even today, thousands of years later! There are no limits to God's forgiveness - His grace abounds forever!

What a mighty God we serve!


Gods mercy and the way he forgives our errors of our ways, that as unworthy of forgiveness, we are loved so much that upon asking with a humble heart we are forgiven. God wants to see the best for us and even though we stumble, He wants to bless us with His love, supply our needs and be a part of His plan expanding His kingdom. God wanted to reveal Himself to His people, bring deliverance and salvation to them. He wanted them to form a community of Godly people and learn His truth, the knowledge of God. God has no limits in anything as He is God, creator of all. His is not interested in payback or the likes, He wants us to be His people, His children, learn His loving ways and have a heart for people. God will have mercy on those that ask. Amen for that


Q1. (Psalm 103) :rolleyes:

Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you?

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

1. Actually, all of them stand out to me, because these characteristics are far above man's characters; but the ones that really stand out are His mercy and his forgiveness. Man would never be able to live up to these aspects the way our God does. We would allbe dead if it wasn't for the Lord's mercy and forgiveness.

2. The Exodus laid the foundation of God from the beginning and will remain the same forever. He does not change.

3. God's forgiveness has no limits. He love for us is limitless and in His Word it was stated that he would forgive us 70 times 70.


What I hear most, is the forgiveness and healing. I know for me, I needed to know these two things first and foremost from my Lord. After I received and accepted these, I could understand the redeeming and crowning of compassion. I am still learning the greatness of my Lord, and I am still trying to understand all He offers and expects of me.

Exodus is important because God showed his faithfulness in his actions. People have to be shown things sometimes in order to believe.

The Lord has no limit on his forgiveness - even if he is angred.


I guess nothing about God amazes me more than his love. Since the beginning of my Christian walk I have felt his love and knew that it was real.

The reason why the Exodus is important is because God revealed himself to Israel during it. Speaking through Moses and Aaron, being in the cloud and the fire, providing manna, quail and water.

God's limits of forgiveness is as high as the heavens and as far as east is to west.


The two aspects of God's character that stand out to me are His compassion and His forgiveness. It is hard to comprehend a being so powerful and majestic as God and yet has this tender compassion for us lowly sinners and such a willingness to forgive and forget.

The Exodus is foundational to Israel's understanding God because they got to see who God is, His caring for them,His leading them,His love and His power.

There is no limit to God's forgiveness to those who ask, the east and the west never meet so there is no limit.


Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness?

There is no word I can describe how great is Our God. God

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