Pastor Ralph Posted March 28, 2003 Report Posted March 28, 2003 Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) Quote
Darleen Nelson Posted March 29, 2003 Report Posted March 29, 2003 Jesus has promised each believer a place at the wedding supper in which every believer will be a partaker. The disciples faced the temporary loss of their leader but the promise of being together again in God's kingdom would help them through this time. Also the mission given them, and also handed on to us, to bring others into the kingdom, gave them the incentive to work in the Lord's business. We are reminded of Jesus' sacrifice each time we take part in the Lord's Supper but also of what His death purchased for us. Quote
Peggie Posted March 31, 2003 Report Posted March 31, 2003 The celebration of The Lord's Supper should remind us that we will someday eat at the table prepared by God for us in Heaven with Jesus! Quote
Helen Williams Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 Each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal. We look forward to Jesus' return to share in this celebration. We are remembering our redemption through Christ's atonement and His coming again. Jesus told us he was going away to prepare a place for us and where he is we will be also. We should make ready for his return by being obedient to His word Quote
luray mcclung Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 Each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipates a future Passover meal in that the dining with Jesus not only brings us into remembrance of Him but also gives us hope of that Great Banquet and the ultimate Passover in the Kingdom of God. lmc Quote
jaunita Posted April 4, 2003 Report Posted April 4, 2003 I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29) This day, should be something every believer should be looking forward to! To know, without a doubt, that this awaits celebrate with our Lord. What a sight we will behold,...the saints of old, those who have gone on before us, & those here now! Every time we partake of communion, we are one day closer to the "Great Banquet" with our Lord. I think of all those, I've known...fathers & mothers, in the Lord, who will be there, & it fills me with joy un-speakable. My own natural father, sister's & child, will be there....I can't wait! I believe the table has been set, the place-cards have been readied....we only wait for the Father to tell His Son, to go get your Bride! I'm looking forward to "seeing" & meeting all of you there! Quote
leo Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 Celebrating the Lord's Supper reminds us of the promise that we will one day join the Lord in His heavenly banquet to receive our blessings. Quote
retired Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 This question is a summation of the whole week. So I will summarize what I have said this week. In Jesus time the future bridegroom offered the wine to his proposed bride. If she accepted it, she was accepting him and his livfe with him. Also at the Passover meal they ate the bitter herbs, the perfect lamb, the unleavened bread to remember the exodus when the angel of death "passed over" the houses of the children of Israel who had put the blood of the lamb on their doors. They ate in haste, with their sandals on, stooped down, their staffs in their hands as the Children of Israel did so long ago. At the First Covenant God had Abraham dig a trench and divide the carcas of animals and let the blood of animals run into the trench. He said when the covenant was broken, he would pay the price. So now we are up to the Last Supper. Jesus, the Perfect Unblemished Lamb created a New Covenant. He broke the bread and said it was his body and told the Disciples to eat in remembrance of Him. Then he took the cup of wine, remember the wedding proposal, and said this is my blood, drink in remembrance of me. As I have said before, this would have been quite a shocker to the Disciples bucause Jesus was saying to them that he loved them and wanted to marry them. He is still saying that to us today. If we accept Him and His atoning work on the cross and if our hearts are in the right attitude and give our lives to Him in return we can then go the the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. What a glorious time that will be! Quote
Linda Stanley Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 Q6. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) Â Exposition Matt:26:29,In the verse Jesus is saying he will not drink of this fruit of the vine,from now on untill that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom.~~Jesus intercedes for us as He is seated with the Father on His throne,soon Christ will reign on the throne of David.Luke 13:28-29,People will come from all corners of the earth for entrance into Gods Kingdom.Rev.19:9,Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb,1 Corinthians,It says here for as long as you eat this bread and drink this cup,you proclaim the Lords death,"TILL"~~"HE COMES AGAIN"! Each scripture is telling us there is going to be a Marriage Supper!"Christ is coming back to get His Bride."We are the Bride"We must be ready or we will miss the " Banquet "~~ "BEHOLD!!The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World."!Amen. Quote
Omie Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 + I answered this in Q5. Where in Matthew we are told that one day Believers will celebrate the Lord's Supper with our Lord and Savior in Heaven. I assume we will also be singing hymns and that He will improve my voice so it may do Him justice. I look forward to that day - a day of being surrounded by all those who accepted Jesus as The Messiah. To join in with all to have a true joyful Love Feast. How wonderful to be so loved by my Father. Quote
gail m Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? Each celebration of the Lord's Supper gets us ready for the ultimate Passover..."I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29) The day we will be at the Lord's banquet. Quote
shadylady Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 Not wanting to repeat what everyone else has said re banquet in heaven, future wedding feast, return of the bridegroom, I remember the promises of eternal life and his words to the sinner on the cross - today you will be with me in paradise. Having once been invited to share a Passover meal with a Jewish community, I rejoice with them at the toast "Next Year in Jerusalem" - for me it's "Next time in the New Jerusalem" Rev. 21 v 2 Quote
linda bass Posted April 5, 2003 Report Posted April 5, 2003 Jesus referred to a future passover feast in the kingdom of God. To the Jews of Jesus' day this would be a final passover celebration with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other old testament patriachs and prophets. As Christians we look forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Quote
nelda huffman Posted April 6, 2003 Report Posted April 6, 2003 We are preparing ourselves for the the ultimate passover when we participate in each celebration of the Lords supper. Quote
mindy Posted April 7, 2003 Report Posted April 7, 2003 I hesitate at the thought of a Passover meal in Heaven because death will be abolished in heaven. So I guess the notion is that the "passing over" has become permanent. The angel of death won't be invited to the bride's supper and so maybe "passed over" for an invitation. Yeah, maybe that's it!!! Quote
Kris Ann Posted April 8, 2003 Report Posted April 8, 2003 Q6. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) Before I partake of the Lord's Supper, I must consciously and actively forgive others. As I partake of the Lord's Supper, I must consciously and actively ask for forgiveness so that I might learn. As I forgive, seek forgiveness and learn and grow, I become closer to the person God made me to be. It is the person that I wish to be when I am welcomed to the feast at the table in God's kingdom. The following quote is from Darleen's response. Â Thank you Darleen! Jesus has promised each believer a place at the wedding supper in which every believer will be a partaker. The disciples faced the temporary loss of their leader but the promise of being together again in God's kingdom would help them through this time. I am reminded that although we need to be open and accepting to learn the lessons and teachings of God, it is faith and acceptance of Christ as our saviour that will be our invitation to the final Supper. And when we partake of this final Supper with Jesus at our side, we will be complete as one body in Christ. As a member of this body, we will be able to serve God completely. Quote
Mike Dickinson Posted April 8, 2003 Report Posted April 8, 2003 Q6. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) Each time we partake of the Lord Quote
Bob Wardrop Posted April 8, 2003 Report Posted April 8, 2003 LESSON # 4: Ques. 1: The killing of the lambs or kids not only gave the Israelites the source to mark their doorways so they will not meet the destroyer, it also gave them a meal that would help to sustain them until they had a chance to prepare for the next meal. This feast commemorated the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt and established Israel as a nation. Ques 2: Traditionally, Jews remained after a Passover meal for many hours talking about God. Although Christians may remain for a time after the meal, I doubt that the main topic of conversation is about God or Jesus. For the Jew, eating of the Passover is cconsidered a reliving, not a memorial. For the Christian, they think of the Last Supper as more of a symbolic communion eucharist than a full festal meal. Ques. 3:This allory has had immeasurable consequences for good and for evil. It also alienatged many who had been drawn to Jesus and seriously thinned the ranks of His followers. As an allegory, the saying lays down what is precisely and exactly the plain tgruth. In order for us to receive what Jesus the Christ has tgo give us, in order to truly have experience of Jesus; saving power, we must feed on Him. I don't believe there is another word that expresses it with accuracy--we must absorb His teaching, His ways, His mind, etc., until His mind becomes our mind--a very radical thought. Ques. 4: Just the words "The Lord's Supper" should in itself answer the questions. It is His table. It is His table because He alone can give the gifts of redemption-only He can forgive.for forgiveness is of God. We have been told in Scriptures that to receive forgiveness, we must forgive; if we don't forgive, we won't be forgiven. When we are ready to forgive we are opening the door to God who always waits ready to forgive. Ques. 5: Actually, Jesus' words in Mt. 26:28 should not fill us with sorrow in our time. His declarations were symbolizing that He was giving Himself to death for His people. The sorrowful aspect of all of this is that God had to give Jesus up to the cross in the first place. It only tells us that mankind-you and I- were incapable of obeying the Creator. The joy has to come to us when we realize that the love of God has given us a way to become a child of His. Ques. 6: Jesus' words here are not only a farewell but a pledge that the kingdom will be established. Shalom, Bob Quote
Dennis Hatlestad Posted April 11, 2003 Report Posted April 11, 2003 It is such a special time when we partake in the Lord's Supper and aren't we blessed to be able to partake without having to worry about being persecuted for it. We should examine our hearts when we partake. we can partake until our time on earth is done then we will be in the great banquet room of Lord. Omie,it says we should make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Quote
Mary Beth Whittam Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 The first Passover is to celebrate the freedom be a slave to the Eygption. The Lord's Super is to celebrate the freedom of the slavery of sin. Christ is the Passover Lamb which was sacrifice, we are invited to partake both of the sacrifice and celebrate our redempttion through Christ atonement and His coming again!! Quote
Emy Oliveros Posted April 12, 2003 Report Posted April 12, 2003 Each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal by remembering what Jesus had said that He will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when He drink it anew with us in the Father's kingdom. As Jesus looks forward to the ultimate Passover in the Kingdom of God and so are we. What a glorious day would that be! "Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!" (Revelation 19:9) Quote
Sunshine Miller Posted April 15, 2003 Report Posted April 15, 2003 I believe our Last Supper/Passover meal will be forever being fed by the Shepherd who has invited us to Join Him in His Home. Each time this is our invitation to partake in Remembering, but we will never have to call it to rememberance... and we will never be able to forget. Thank you Jesus. Mindy... I believe you said it ... the Angel of Death is passed over for invitation... this made me smile. Omie... I loved what you said about Singing. We will sound beautiful to God's ears. Quote
debs4jc Posted April 28, 2003 Report Posted April 28, 2003 Q6. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) The Future Marriage Supper of the Lamb No little cups of grape juice here our cups are filled to overflowing No thin wafers of bread our baskets have many pieces left over And the Bread of life stands at the head of the table no bitter herbs or saltwater tears all tears and suffering have been washed away no Angel of Death someone forgot his invitation sweet fruit, sweet fellowship, sweet drink, sweet love and the sweetest gift of all--being in the prescense of the Lord Jesus Forever Amen Quote
DebChats Posted May 4, 2003 Report Posted May 4, 2003 In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) When we eat of the Lord's Supper we are honoring both the past and the future. The past being what the Lord has done for us .. the future is where it will take us .. To the meal that we will share with Jesus. Quote
Liza Posted May 7, 2003 Report Posted May 7, 2003 We are reminded that Jesus also said that He will not drink of this fruit until that day He drinks it with us in His Father Quote
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