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Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)

We Christians always live in anticipation towards that day when we will join Christ and the heavenly host to celebrate the future Passover meal. According to Jesus, at the Lord's Supper he made it clear to his disciples that he will not eat this meal with them till they meet in heaven to celebrate it. To me this means that the celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal.

Glory to God!!!

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Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)

One day, we will sit togather with our Lord at the Great Supper in heaven. I will be there.

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In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)

I think it anticipates that final banquet when we gather together with our loved ones....our Jesus.....when we see face to face our Lord and Savior. He loves us so much that He lay down His life for us....shed His blood, gave His body.

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  • 1 year later...

Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal?

Each celebration of the Lord's Supper draws us all closer to going home to be with our Lord and enjoying that meal with Him in person. The Wedding Feast of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Amen!

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  • 1 year later...

This is most important!  Celebrating the Lord's Supper in Heaven with Jesus.  If we are believers, true believers with saving faith we will live in eternity with the Father.  We will celebrate this wonderful Passover meal with Him.  He has said he will not drink of the fruit of the vine until he celebrates with us in His Father's Kingdom.  AWESOME

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  • 10 months later...

Each time we partake in the Lord's Supper, we are remembering that Jesus died for us and rose again. We are also to remember that we are to do this till Jesus comes again. And at that time, all the saints will celebrate the Great Passover together as the Glory of God is revealed to all that are worthy to attend it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)

The celebration of the last supper reminds us of Jesus words at his last supper, that he would not drink the fruit of the vine again until he drinks it with us in the Fathers Kingdom. As Christians we look forward to being in Heaven with Jesus and the Father to celebrate the feast that will come when Jesus has put death, sin and Satan under his feet.  

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  • 5 months later...

Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)

During the Last Supper Jesus told His disciples that He would not drink wine again until His ressurection and returns to the Father. Whenever we have communion, we must remember to proclaim the Lord's death until He comes again. People will come from all over who were blessed and join in the feast in the Lord's Kingdom. We will eat and drink with and also meet for the first time patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob just to name a few.

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Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26) 


​The Lord's Supper is a remembrance meal to commemorate the Lord's death till He comes again. As we remember His death, we also remember and rejoice at his resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ assures us that we who believe will also be raised from physical death at His second coming. Those raised from death will sit at the wedding feast of the Lamb in Heaven and be united with all the saints from the very beginning of Mankind. So when we partake of the Lord's Supper we do so with a great hope.

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  • 3 months later...

Q5. In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal? (Matthew 26:29; Luke 13:28-29; 14:15; 22:30; Revelation 19:9; 1 Corinthians 11:26)


When we celebrate the Lord's supper we remember the celebration that will come when we eat at the wedding supper of the Lamb as His bride.  He died for us that we might live with Him.  And so we shall forever live with the Lamb of God, our Lord and Savior.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13

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  • 2 months later...

In what way does each celebration of the Lord's Supper anticipate a future Passover meal?

The Bible shows of a great banquet. I can honestly not say in what way we anticipate a meal when we celebrate a sacrifice. It does not compute for me.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q5. Heavenly Feast
  • 9 months later...

When He held that bread before them the disciples were already familiar with what it represented. They had been keeping the Passover and Feast of unleavened bread since they were kids.  The unleavened bread itself did have the meaning of partaking of that which is clean and undefiled.  So what do we part-take of when we take the bread? It represents His body which was broken for us. His unleavened, sinless body. His body which lived to do the will of His father...to fulfill the holy word of His Father. His holy, dedicated body which was broken for us.  The breaking of it represented the act of giving Himself FOR us.  Then He gives it TO them for them to take into themselves.  The bread we partake of as we celebrate our relationship with Him, it does indeed represent what He gave for us, mainly meaning He gave Himself .  As we partake of it we feast , we celebrate and worship Him.  What have we been given in Christ?  What have we received? Romans 5:11 – the reconciliation.  Romans 8:15 – the Spirit of Adoption – we call Him Abba (family).  1st Cor 2:12 – the Spirit of God

In receiving Him it would seem we've been given a new identity. According to Titus 2:14 – why did He redeem us and purify us?  So we could be HIS OWN SPECIAL PEOPLE.


During the Jewish keeping of the Passover there was a cup that everyone present would drink from. It was just one cup or chalice that was used, but there were four different times they would drink from it, and each time it meant something during the course of the evening. 1st - cup of sanctification.  2nd – cup of deliverance.  3rd – cup of redemption.  4th – cup of praise.


Also in the Jewish observance of Passover a custom had developed where wine be poured into the cup and left on table. It was said to be for Elijah at his reappearing, but our Lord knowing that John the Baptist had already fulfilled that prophecy does something different.  Jesus had often used references & illustrations of marriage & weddings.  After Jesus spoke abt the cup of redemption He said something that His disciples had probably heard before and it was associated with rejoicing & celebrating...but in a different way. In Galilee, when a man was going to do his betrothal ( which was basically an engagement proposal) it was usually done openly with family there. The bridegroom would be given a cup of wine. He would sip from it and then hand it to her. If she drank from it it would be viewed as the sealing of a covenant. They were legally married.  A promise had made and sealed even though no wedding event has occurred.  Then the bridegroom would go to his “fathers house” to prepare place. The bride would be getting ready for the grooms return. When he did he would take her back to his Father's house where there would be a marriage supper.  It was here that they would again share a cup of wine. Let's go back to the public betrothal for a moment, when he handed her the cup and she drank of it, gave it back, he took it and wouldthen say "I will not drink of this fruit of the vine again until I drink it with you in my fathers house.”

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