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Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1?

Because He was made to be our sin. God hates sin and turned His back on Jesus at that moment.

What was he seeking to express?

How alone He felt without His Father.

What was he feeling?

Separated from God, just like we would be if our sins weren

  • 2 weeks later...
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Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1?

Because Christ was literally forsaken by God, because He willingly bore our sins so that we may never be forsaken. God punishs sin and because Jesus willingly took our sins upon His shoulders, He was forsaken by God.

What was he seeking to express?

" But You are Holy, who inhabit the praises of Israel." The love of God demanded that the wages of sin be paid. God's love provided what Holiness demanded. That the cries of believers will always be answered when they ask for deliverance, in spite of their sins, God will never forsake or leave.

What was he feeling?

He felt what it wasl ike to be scorned and rejected by the very people He had come to save. Yet He still trusted in the Lord. On the basis of His past relationship of love from a Father to a Beloved Son, He appealed to God to draw near in this His hour lonely suffering.

How did God answer his plea?

"You have answered me. For He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him, but has listened to his cry for help." The suffering of Jesus is over. He has exchanged the cross for the crown. Down through the ages, the good news will be passed from one generation to another with praise and thanksgiving that Christ paid the ultimate price for our redemption. "Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told of the Lord. They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn- for he has done it."

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus was in his death agony, in tremendous physical pain. Such agony caused his words. God answered his plea by ending his suffering with death.

  • 11 months later...
Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus spoke these words because he was feeling alone. Jesus uttered this dreadful cry on the cross when His heavenly Father's caring and protective presence was withdrawn. Jesus was forsaken by God because He suffered in the sinner's place, having become a curse for us.By quoting this verse, Jesus was also claiming the entire psalm as a description of Himself. God answered his plea by releasing Jesus from his suffering and pain by His death. His death results in help for the afflicted, eternal life, the preaching of the gospel. His rul over all the nations, and ultimate exaltation and glory.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea? Whenever I read and heard this Psalm I felt that at this time Jesus was feeling all the sins of this world on Him. He was expressing to His father that the burnen was heavy and painful but if He had to carry it than Let His will be done. God answer was that He will Honor Him and all the descendants of Jacob. He has not ignored the suffering fo the needy and He has listened to their cries for help. He will praise him among All the people and the people will bow down and will serve him along with future generation. He will never be forgotten. Thank you Jesus

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus felt completely abandoned by God.

That moment, He felt all sin ever - and sin leads to the absence of God.

Jesus felt pain, lonelyless, ...

God ended the suffering with death.


Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1?

ANS - To fulfill scripture.

What was he seeking to express?

ANS - He was expressing the agony of separation from God, because of the sins of the world, including mine, that was laid upon Him.

What was he feeling?

ANS - In addition to the above, he was feeling God's wrath and punishment upon sin. He took our punishment and our shame upon Himself. I think of the song "The Old Rugged Cross".

How did God answer his plea?

God, the Heavenly Father, did not leave His son on the cross, or in the grave, but raised Him from the dead, and gave Him total victory over satan, the grave, death, and sin. Praise the Lord!!

  • 1 month later...

Jesus spoke those words because God had lifted his hand off of him during that time. God is sooo holy and Jesus, at that time, was bearing all sin of the planet, he was untouchable, And so Jesus knew at that time that God was no longer and So he felt every feeling possible, Forsaken. He expressed the pain and hurt of separation from God. God tore the tabernacle, he trembled the earth, and raised Jesus from the dead 3 days later.... Thats what our God did


On the cross, Jesus had the weight of my sin and that of the entire world and felt entirely separated from and abandoned by God for the first time. Throughout his sinless earthly life, Jesus was in constant communion with God - seeking always God's guidance and leading. When Jesus accpted the burden of sin, the cold severing of this precious bond with God must have been devastating. To be such perfect love and be separated from God would leave Him empty, alone, isolated.

God stepped in and answered Jesus' plea on our behalf by tearing the veil in the temple forever choosing to dwell with us, be available to us, and through the Holy Spirit - to live in us. Because of Jesus sacrifice, we never have to know the despair of isolation that He felt on the cross.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

When Jesus took on our sins, God could not look at Him anymore because He was not pure. It would have been a disgusting site to see all of the worlds sins on one man. God forsook Jesus, but still Jesus chose to cry out to Him as the only person that could save Him was God.

What Jesus would have been feeling would have been indescribable. To be with God for his 'whole life' and then to be separated from Him with such an awful situation is hard for us to comprehend.

GOd answered His plea when Jesus rose from the grave. Jesus got the keys from Satan himself and has the power over death!

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

I think that Jesus speak the word because he was feeling that his father have for got all about him.Jesus was feeling that God was not hearding his prayor he have left him.His feeling was like you have lost the one person that you can count and depend on.God let jesus know that he had left him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Because this was the only time He felt separated(caused by his acceptance of the sins of man)from His Father. I'm sure he was feeling how we felt as humans, alone and separated from God. He is now at the right hand of the Father.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 2:1 to fulfill prophecy and to express his humanity. He was both man and divine. As Christ he had to bear our sins and die this torturous, painful death. As a man, he was feeling alone. God answered his plea by allowing his original plan of sacrificing his Son to be carried out so that we might be saved and have a place in eternity with him.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1)

Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1?

Here we get a glimpse of what our salvation cost our Saviour; the agonies He endured for us; His sufferings we can never comprehend; and all this done through love, grace, and mercy. In gratitude, all we can ever do is to accept Him by worshipping and submitting to Him anew.

What was he seeking to express?

Jesus was indicating that by reading Psalm 22 we would have a better understanding of His death on the Cross.

What was he feeling?

Loneliness and spiritual separation from God.

How did God answer his plea?

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had identified Himself with our sins and was paying the penalty in full, and God in His Holiness could not associate Himself with sin. God is holy, righteous, and just, and therefore must punish sin. For this reason God remained silent; He had forsaken Jesus Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus was feeling the anguish of the sins of mankind that separate us from God. I think that he was trying to show us how totally our sins remove us from God. I believe that He was feeling our pain just as much as He was feeling His own pain and anguish. God answered His plea by raising Him from the dead as an example of the new life God wishes to give us when we ask Him.

  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1?

Jesus had always called Him Father. That moment on the cross was the first time He called His Father, "My God". He took my place on the cross.I believe He spoke those words so that I can call Him "Father", as His child, rather than My God, from afar.

What was he seeking to express?

Jesus had been in intimate fellowship with His Father forever. When He hung on the Cross carrying my sins, God the Father could not look upon Jesus, so He turned His back on Him. It was the first time their intimacy had been cut off and broken. I was the most lonely, forsaken cry ever heard in all the Universe!

What was he feeling?

Alone, forsaken, cut off, abandoned, rejected by His Father; Vile and reviled, filthy, degraded, humiliated, shamed, despised, mocked, "like a worm", rejected, misunderstood, alone, helpless, afraid, tortured from pain and disfigurement, miserable, thirsty, complete exhaustion, depleted, vulnerable, attacked, heartbroken from watching His Mother's brokenness and confusion, unutterable woe and despair. Focused on surrendering to God's will in those final hours to complete His work/assignment of saving the world from Satan and sin. Compassion for the sheep without a Shepherd, and for the repentant thief next to Him who asked for mercy (How like God to provide Jesus with that comfort...the comfort of a believing heart beside Him in His final hours!!! What an amazing God we serve!!!!!) Love for you and me! Perhaps, relief that He was going to be reunited with His Father after His final "It is finished" cry of completion!

How did God answer his plea?

He didn't! He allowed the fullness of suffering and separation from His Father, so that I will never have to go through that horror! He turned His back and stayed silent, so that I am never denied access to Him and I can hear His voice with no limits.

  • 3 years later...

I think that the reason that Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1 was to indicate that he was fulfilling the prophecy of the Psalm. He was seeking to show how much he wanted to be with the Father. Jesus was feeling very low at that point. God answered his plea by placing him at his right hand.

  • 11 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?


This verse is of course, the prophecy of the words that Jesus uttered when he was on the cross (Matt 27:46). He had taken the sins of the whole world on himself for the redemption of mankind (Col 1:14). God had abandoned him at this point, therefore. Jesus must have felt utterly alone and abandoned by God. "...God placed the sins of the world on Him – and because of that had to “turn away” from Jesus. As Jesus was feeling that weight of sin, He was experiencing separation from God for the only time in all of eternity..." (www.gotquestions.org/forsaken-me.html). God answered his plea by raising Jesus from the dead, therefore conquering death, the penalty and curse of sin (Acts 5:30).

  • 1 month later...

Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

I believe Jesus spoke the Psalm to help us understand how the Old Testament relates to current times. Also Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. I think Jesus was feeling rejected by His Heavenly Father. God answered Him because He realized. God did not answer.

  • 1 year later...



Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

While Jesus was on the cross he was suffering for our sins. Sometimes as we suffer we feel separated from God. So he was crying for help from God in bearing the sufferings of the world


  • Jesus was feeling aloneness, separation from God. 


  • 4 months later...
On August 18, 2007 at 3:07 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

Jesus was speaking to God as an appeal for reassurance that his father is still there even though he felt greatly separated.   He wanted some hope as he was suffering.  He was expressing a need for his father, like a young child crying out for his parents to come rescue them. Jesus was feeling alone and abandoned.  His father did rescue him by taking him up into heaven.  As any father, God had compassion on his son.

  • 9 months later...

Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1 because He was forsaken by God because of the world’s sin and God could not look upon His Son as He suffered on the cross and died for our sins. He was hurting because His Heavenly Father could not bare to gaze upon Him as He bore our sin, shame and guilt. He was seeking to express His utter despair at the thought of being separated from His Father for even a moment for the sins of the world. He was also expressing sorrow at the loss of companionship between them as well. He was feeling sorrow, despair, heartache and hurt as well as the sense of loneliness by being forsaken by God. God alighted a dove on him upon him at the time of his death.


Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

I think that Jesus spoke the words to describe how he was feeling at the time and what anguish he was going through. God had turned His back on His own Son. God could not look at Him because of the sin of the whole world was on Jesus. Jesus felt totally alone and separated from God. He was seeking to express how utterly alone and abandoned He felt. God and the Son had always been together they were apart and distant from each other. God was totally silent and did not answer Him at all, but after He died and rose again He was reunited with the Father.

  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea?

It is our understanding that our sins which separated us from God, was transferred to Jesus as He hung on the cross of Calvary that gives us life. As Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1, it is to say that, because He is separated from the Father, if I believe what He did, I don’t have to be separated from the Father any longer. Moreover, the rabbis had a tradition of quoting the first portion of a passage, so that their students could do their homework by reading the entire passage. Likewise, as Jesus quoted this passage, He was telling them to do their homework and read the passage where His crucifixion was described in gruesome detail even before it was invented, which was about 800 years after this psalm was written. Thus He was not only expression His sorrow of being separated from His Father, but also instructing His disciples to read the scriptures and understand that He is the fulfillment of the scripture and thus realize that He is their Messiah.

Verse 2 says that God did not hear because Jesus became sin of the mankind. He was sinless, but every sin of every individual from the beginning of creation till the last man, was upon the Lord Jesus. And God who is too holy to look upon sin, turned His face away from His beloved Son and this is expressed in verse 3. It was God’s holiness that made Him to turn His back on His Son. But He who knew no sin became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

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