Pastor Ralph Posted August 18, 2007 Report Posted August 18, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? Quote
Tabatha Posted November 8, 2007 Report Posted November 8, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? Great is the anguish of the soul, when first the Spirit reveals sin. Day brings no joy, and night supplies no ease. An intolerable burden oppresses the mind. This is the Lord's hand. Thus He shakes from security's delusive pillow. Thus He directs the footsteps to the cross. But until Christ is seen, What misery is undergone! Feverish heat fries up the pores. The frame is parched, as plains beneath the sultry sun. The body weakens; the bones are tottering as in extreme old age; the howls of grief betray the tortured mind. At length relief is found. God is revealed as pardoning all sin in Christ. The glories of the saving cross is shown. The contrite sinner flies in haste. He lies in deep humility. He pours out every secret of his melted heart. He recounts the train of life long iniquity; He confesses, " Thus and thus I have done." The mass is mountain-high. The stain is deeper than scarlet-dye. The language of the cross is heard- all is forgiven! all is blotted out! Sometimes we resist the truth about ourselves because of pride, also the enemy has blinded us to our own selfishness. We never realize we are being deceived until we are there. Denying our sins at times is just plain stubborness, we don't like to admitt we can be wrong in the life we have chosen. If through grace we have received Christ. There is redemption through His blood, repentance brings forgiveness of all our sins. His cross redeems from transgression, inquity, and sin. His righeousness hides all guilt, that God's omniscient eye no more discerns it. His blood wipes out all record of iniquity. For the believer's sin may be searched for, but thet shall not be found. Such blessedness is the fruit of faith. The honest mind, the truthful heart, the honest purpose, are the fruits of repentance. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 9, 2007 Report Posted November 9, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? Self-deceit operates with sin to enslave us by keeping us from confessing our sins so that we are freed to enjoy forgiveness. Instead the guilt of sin destroys our feedom and drains us emotionally. How does confession enable us to get free from sin? When we confess the sin God promises that He will forgive us of our sins and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [b[Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? [/b] W sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because of pride, and not wanting to be seen in the eyes of others as one who has committed a particular sin. But when we realize the freedom of sins forgiven we repent and is washed cleaned. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted November 10, 2007 Report Posted November 10, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? Deceit causes us not to be honest about what God is dealing with us about. It causes us to not want to admit to the truth concerning our sin. Deceit causes one to try and cover up their sin. This enslaves us by not allowing us to live truthfully for we are perpetuating a fraud. How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Confession requires that we face up to our sin, acknowledge it, and not try to cover it over or hide from it. True confession, would have to include a Godly sorrow for the sin, repentance, a turning from the sin. True confession causes us to have to be brutally honest before God in the confrontation regarding sin in our lives. Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? Our pride can stand in the way of being willing to acknowledge the truth about ourselves. Many times we don Quote
charisbarak Posted November 10, 2007 Report Posted November 10, 2007 We are enslaved by sin & self-deceit when we make excuses or rationalize our behavior. Yes, carrying this guilt hurts us over a period of time. "If we confess our sins God is faithful & just & will forgive us our sins & cleanse us from all unrighteouness. I John 1:9" We confess, repent--turn away from sinning--and we will feel freedom because we are cleansed by Him! He already knows anyway--so for our healing we need to confess. I think it hurts to face the truth about ourselves. We can see other's thoughts about us in their faces. I think pride comes in here as well. Sometimes it takes being "found out" to turn us, or, a friend might confront us. The Holy Spirit can & does convict us. Praise God! Quote
JustJeff Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 Deceit means we deceive ourselves in to believing that we are in control when in fact we are not. It is sin that is reigning in us, causing us to do things we know that we should not. Addicts are a good example as they spend years in denial while the devil is having a heyday with them. I was one and I know. Once one admits that they have sinned we are able to allow the Lord to deliver us, take the burden from us. This give us the ability to repent, to turn to God. Pride causes us to overlook that which we believe to be a shortcoming. The truth is, we are all human and we are all subject to sin, no matter how long we serve the Lord. Oftentimes it takes someone who truly loves us to make us see. That most likely could be the Word, the Holy Spirit or a true brother or sister. Quote
Stan Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? It leaves us open to futher and more harmful disobediance. We fail to ask God's forgiveness and also refuse to admit we are wrong making us in effect in placeof God. We need like David to always admit to God that we are sinful and seek His forgiveness and mercy like David. God is just like John said and He will forgiveour unrighteousness. Confession allows us to recieve the forgiveness that Jesus shed His blood so that we might be free from our sin and come closer to God with a renewed faith. We resits be cause of guilt and not wanting to admit that we fail. Sin is easy confession hard,sin is of the world and confession from God. We need confession tocomeinto our newness of life that Jesus promised we would have when we admit our sins. God's word will leads us there if we read and believe but if we refuse to read then we need some one to consel us and direct us. If we continue to live in sin then Jesus will pierce our hearts and have something to enter our lives toredirect our steps. We must accept that Jesus lovesus and will not leave us and be drawn to a willingness to confess first that we are a sinful people and need His mercy every day. Quote
davidjjj Posted November 12, 2007 Report Posted November 12, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? It protects sin! Sin is safe and well in our lives when it is intentionally or unintentionally unnoticed. David talks of no longer covering up his iniquity (32:5), while it is covered up its effects are at work within us. The Scripture speaks of the conscience, and when our conscience is calloused or seared we are less aware of the reality of our sinfulness How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Confession invites God Quote
EuniceC Posted November 12, 2007 Report Posted November 12, 2007 Self deceit makes us feel that we have done nothing wrong, and makes us want to justify what we have done. The Holy Spirit speaks to us, but we deny Him audience in our hearts and continue to make ourselves believe that what we have done is okay. The heaviness in our hearts when we have sinned and know it, can only be taken away when we confess. As long as we don't confess, the Holy Spirit is not free to move about in our hearts and to live with us, and we feel alien to Him, Confession frees us by letting us come to terms with the sin and dealing with I, we need to admit our wrong, and get the reconciliation we need from God, for without Him, we are nothing, and with sin ruling our lives, we don't have Him. We feel too proud to admit our wrongs, we feel we know it all, we are justified and we are right, so we do not see the sin in God's eyes. Sometimes, God brings us to a place where we realize that we cannot go on: deep conviction, heaviness, a sadness that cannot be relived by anything. Here, we begin to see with God's eyes, which is the Holy Spirit in us. Sometimes, like the prodigal son, we come to the realization that disobedience has brought us to this place and if we had been obedient, we wouldn't be suffering like this, and that makes us go back for confession. Quote
Patricia A Posted November 13, 2007 Report Posted November 13, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? Happy the people whose God is the Lord. They have work to do, temptations to grapple with, and afflictions to bear, and are weak in themselves; but his grace is their strength. We become slaves to sin when we believe we can defeat sin in our own strength. We deceive ourselves when we believe this. How does confession enable us to get free from sin? When we confess our sins and ask God to give us His strength to overcome sin, we become free. We can know this freedom from the bondage of sin by asking forgiveness and asking the Lord to with us as we strive to live holy lives. Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? We sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because we are slaves to sin and try to lives in our own strength. We must ask God for His strength to overcome sin and live righteous lives. We often have to deny ourselves temporary pleasure to overcome sin and until we realize temporary pleasures are nothing compared to eternal life with the Lord, we may resist the truth about ourselves. What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? In order to see the truth at certain times, it may be necessary to deal with trials and struggles. In dealing with struggles and temptations, if we turn to God, we may be made aware of our sinful nature and the need to have God in our lives at all times. It is important to pray to the Lord to help us to learn from our trials and to grow stronger in wanting to glorify and serve Him. We need to study the Word and perhaps get advice from strong Christians to help us see the truth about ourselves and our actions. Quote
ella Posted November 13, 2007 Report Posted November 13, 2007 Self deceit joins withsin to trap us. It uses guilt to prevent us from confessing sin. Guilt entraps us and steals our joy. By confessing our sin, God forgives us and we are made righteous in his eyes. Pride and shame cause us to resit the truth about ourselves. the Holy Spirit uses his power to confront us with the truth about ourselves. Quote
nerradb Posted November 13, 2007 Report Posted November 13, 2007 As people we can fall into sin, we try to justify it, we fall into self-deceit and say its not that bad, no one will know or we say its too late, it wont matter or we say we are only human, thats the way I am. Sometimes we can think it is easier to sin. satan uses these lies intentionally to bring us down. The fact is we have sinned and satan has power over the situation and he will push it as far as he can a little more each time. By confessing our sin, we give the power of the the situation over to God, he washes it away. We need to pray for God to show us the truth and also pray against any further situations and ask God to keep satan far away. God does not put us in a situation we can not handle, especially with God on our side. Quote
Loisb Posted November 13, 2007 Report Posted November 13, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? 1. Self-deceit keeps us burdened with a guilty conscience. 2. Confession and prayer frees our conscience from guilt. 3. Confession to a minister or someone else enables us to see our mistakes. Sometimes we can't see them ourselves. Quote
Helen Williams Posted November 14, 2007 Report Posted November 14, 2007 Self deceit can enslave us when we keep quiet, fail to admit the truth and confess our sins. It is hard to admit quilt when it is "self." We are quick to point out others sin. Maybe we are thinking it will just go away, wishful thinking. Confession and true repentant releases us, and set us free. We have to admit that our principle offense is against God. We resist the truth about self because sometime it is hard to think that we could not do such a thing. It is even harder when we have been in it for so long. As we know the truth will set us free. When we measure our self against another individual we don't look so bad. But when we measure self according to the word of God then we realize we are in need of a Helper. We need God's forgiveness. It might be that God has to allow trouble, hard times, or maybe a word is planted for us to see the truth. Quote
csreeves Posted November 14, 2007 Report Posted November 14, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? Self-deceit is a downward spiral keeping us stuck forever causing confusion. Confession frees up from that cycle and esp. clears us from sin. Most times we resist thinking we can control our own life and another life is so foreign that it is totally unbelieveable-something that can't be imagined isn't "trustworthy" unless a dramatic and shocking experience or awakening happens that shakes our world and opens our eyes and then we believe. Quote
emmaus Posted November 15, 2007 Report Posted November 15, 2007 When our conscious tells us we have sinned and we brush it aside thinking it's not important, we're lying to ourselves. When I've done something I shouldn't have or not done something I should have, I can't get it out of my mind until I confess it and ask God for forgiveness. Once I confess it I am free of the burden of it. I think we deny the truth about ourselves because of pride. We just don't like admitting we've messed up. When we see someone else in the same circumstances then we might see what we ourselves look like. We need to examine ourselves to make sure we are right with the Lord. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. Quote
KelvinJC Posted November 16, 2007 Report Posted November 16, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? 1) It is this self-deceit in our inner person that is so self-destructive. We might know deep down that we've done something wrong, but at the surface level we rationalize our actions, refusing to admit the depth of our guilt. The result David describes from personal experience in verses 3 and 4 -- a physical and emotional drain that takes its toll on the life. The key is to apply truth to the self-deceit. When we apply lies to mask our sin, the result is ultimately unsatisfying. There is no secular substitute for forgiveness. The inner soul of a human being cries out for relief from guilt at some level. We should allow self-deceit operate with sin. 2) Confession and repenting in the name of the Lord, our sins are then washed away / forgiven by the blood of the Lamb. 3) We resist the truth about ourselves is because we are living in a complecancy world and we love what we are doing. There are times that we know we are sinning but we kept on doing it because it gives us pleasure. However, we need to face the truth of God that we shouldnt do it. 4) Sometimes, in the worst case, we will need to face the consequences before we can see the truth. Perhaps, we can counsel the pastors, teachers and other fellow believers. Quote
Ms CJ Posted November 17, 2007 Report Posted November 17, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? * We rationalize our sin and make it someone else fault or we justify it. How does confession enable us to get free from sin? * We know that we are forgiven first by God and when we know that then we release our self from the sin and the guilt and shame. Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? * Pride, flesh and wrong thinking What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? * David stated, his bones were wasting away and the hand of God was heavy on him. Quote
Cheni Posted November 17, 2007 Report Posted November 17, 2007 (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? We often try to rationalize what we've done and sometimes even switch the focus and blame someone else for the consequences. This is self-destructive because we truly can't justify our actions or sins, we are only justified through Christ. This creates a physical and emotional drain upon our lives. We can never be satisfied when operating at this level. How does confession enable us to get free from sin? We become healed and thus forgiven. We no longer have to hide from ourselves or others. Repentance brings God's forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration. Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? Shame. Defeat. Worthlessness. Battered, beaten, scorned. What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? An emotional or spiritual breakdown - a God encounter! Burning bush, vision, etc. Quote
Don W Posted November 18, 2007 Report Posted November 18, 2007 Many times self-deceit operates with our sin in order to enslave us by making us feel Quote
linda bass Posted November 23, 2007 Report Posted November 23, 2007 Self-deceit operates with sin to enslave us by trying to make us rationalize and minimize our "weaknesses" and "mistakes." Our confession enables us to get free of sin by allowing us to confess our faults and receive forgiveness. We sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because we don't want to face how black our sins really are. Sometimes what it takes for us to see the truth is for another Christian to point out our sin to us eventho it may hurt. Quote
masika Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? If we are not truthful about our sins we make God a liar. In admitting our sins and receiving Christ Quote
Patsy Laycoax Posted November 28, 2007 Report Posted November 28, 2007 If we deceive ourselves that we have no sin or that it isn't that bad then it will lead to more sin and we will never confess our sin in order to be forgiven. Confession enables us to get free from sin because when we confess our sin God cleanses us from our sin and we receive forgiveness. We sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because of our pride. We do not want to admit the truth about ourselves that we sin. We think we are better than that. Sometimes it takes a shock of some kind to get us to see the truth about ourselves. And then we are faced with it and have to admit it is true. Quote
mags Posted December 3, 2007 Report Posted December 3, 2007 Self-deceit enslaves us by the guilt and shame that we are left with in our soul. We tell ourselves that it doesn't matter but it starts to eat us up inside. Confession brings freedom from this because it releases the chains and bondages that self-deceit has tied us up by. We sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because we like to believe that 'we are all that' and that we didn't do things wrong. Sometimes it takes us to step out of the situation - to see others doing the same thing - to understand or realise it is wrong. Also conviction goes a long way to understanding ourselves and our sin. Quote
Jewell Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 When we're not honest with ourselves, when we rationalize our sin (or any action) we become a slave to the sin and the deceit, because it then controls us instead of us controlling it. Admitting our sin to someone else eliminates the self-deceit. Resisting the truth about ourselves is a form of pride, a sin in itself - sounds odd, but that may be because we don't want to admit that we are "human" and make mistakes. Quote
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