bokchoon Posted March 7, 2010 Report Posted March 7, 2010 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The blood of the lambs was used to paint on the door post and the top of the door of all the Israelites household to prevent them from angle of death to enter the house to kill the 1st born. LIkewise, all of us today will be spared the eternal death if we have the Jesus's blood to protect us if we believe in Him as the son of God. Quote
HeidiW Posted March 7, 2010 Report Posted March 7, 2010 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The lamb was killed and prepared for a feast. Its blood was smeared on the doorposts, and anyone who wanted to survive the destruction of the firstborn in Egypt, must be inside a house with blood on the lintels. God was going to kill all the firstborn in Egypt, but if He saw the blood, He would not touch those who were firstborn, if they were inside the house. Jesus protects us from death by His blood. Blood is the primary point of comparison: the lamb's blood in the Passover protected them from death; the Lamb of God's blood, shed for us, protects us from eternal death. Quote
dgc1957 Posted March 8, 2010 Report Posted March 8, 2010 When the destroyer passed over the doorpost of the people of Israel, God would not allow him to enter their homes and kill their first born. This was because they had applied the blood of a sacrificial lamb over their door. When we are saved, God applies the blood of Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, over us and does not allow the evil one to destroy us. Quote
Pearl Posted March 10, 2010 Report Posted March 10, 2010 In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The lamb from the first passover protected the families of God's people from the same destruction that was brought upon the Egyptians. The first passover lamb eliminated destruction of God's people just as Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb has eliminated destruction from our lives. Quote
esther414 Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 The blood was a sign which protected the Israelites from the destruction God was bringing to unbelievers. The blood was a symbol that the house and those in it were protected by God. We as believers have experienced a day of deliverance from spiritual death and slavery to sin. God has delivered us by the blood of Jesus and gives us a new life with HIm. Agree with this. Its exactly what i would have typed. Quote
janel Posted March 17, 2010 Report Posted March 17, 2010 Q1 God heard the cry of the Israelites by sending Moses to free them from Pharaoh but Pharaoh refusal made God sending the angel of death to them by killing all firstborn in Egypt. However, God protect the Israelites from the plague by asking each household to slaughter a yearling male lamb and to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs so that the angel of death will bypasses them and will not slay the firstborn there upon seeing the blood. The first Passover lambs are to protect the Israelites from the angel of death which God had intended for the Egyptians. Whereas Christ as our Passover Lamb is a sacrifice of love for atonement of our sins which He bore at Calvary. Quote
Craig Posted March 18, 2010 Report Posted March 18, 2010 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? /quote] The blood from the lambs that was applied to the door lintels of the participating households set those households aside so that the destroyer angel would not touch their first born. The blood of the lamb saved those believing households from death, the consequence of disobedience and sin. Likewise, the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, saves those who call upon His name and claim His blood for the forgivenss of sin from death and eternal separation from God. Quote
JanMary Posted March 20, 2010 Report Posted March 20, 2010 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) A yearling lamb without spot or blemish was selected for each family from their flock. It was kept and examined until the 14th day, then killed in the evening. The blood was to be placed on two sides of the door posts and on the lintel above the door posts of the houses where the lamb was cooked and eaten. When the angel of death moved throughout the area, He passed by the blood and the first born sons (& the first born animals) inside were not killed. What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The primary comparison is that Jesus is our Passover lamb of sacrifice. When we are "marked" by His blood, we are delivered from bondage from sin, and from the second death which leads to hell for those not cleansed by the blood of Christ. There is much symbolism as well. The lamb was selected on the 10th day and examined each day for defects then killed on the 14th day. Jesus was "examined" by the spiritual leaders of His day in 4 trials. The meat at Passover was to be entirely consumed at the meal, none left until morning. Jesus body was taken down from the cross" before morning" or the beginning of the Sabbath. The killing of the first born of Egypt was a judgment against the false gods of Egypt, to demonstrate their powerlessness. Jesus death was judgment upon all sin. The wilderness Passover was to be celebrated each year at the same time as a memorial forever. Jesus told us to eat the bread and drink the cup (Communion) in remembrance of Him and His death, burial and resurrection until we are with Him in Heaven. The unleavened bread symbolized freedom from corruption. Jesus body was perfect and sinless, He died on the 14th day and said " I am the Bread of Life". The Passover was to be told to future generations "This is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover". Jesus sacrificed His life and shed His blood to cleanse our sin and "Passover" each believer from being Judged. The blood on the wooden doorposts, is a type and shadow of Jesus blood on the Cross. Moses told them to spread the blood with bunches of hyssop, a medicinal, cleansing herb. Jesus was offered wine with bitter gall on a stalk of hyssop, when He cried "I thirst"....then cried "It is finished", and gave up His Spirit. God is a God of great detail, so that no one can say "I didn't understand". Thank you Lord for Your great Sacrifice for me! Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 19, 2010 Report Posted July 19, 2010 The lambs of the first Passover, were offered as a substitute for the first born of the households that were obedient to do as God instructed. He told them to sacrifice the lamb and as an outward sign, to put the blood of the lamb on the door posts of their dwellings. When the angel of death came to take the lives of the firstborn in the households, their dwellings would be "passed over" because of the obedience to offer the "substitute" offering of the lamb. Primary points of comparison for us with Christ would be that Jesus was offered as the passover lamb, His blood shed as a substitute for our lives. We are obedient to believe in faith, that Jesus blood is our protective covering. When our faith is intact, we know we will not die, but be given life. Also, when I, or others sin, I know the power of the blood and plead the blood of Jesus over me and for my family or church. By faith we are saved. Another point of fact is that Jesus met every criteria to be the spotless lamb. Just as specific instructions were given to have a particular animal brought for the sacrifice, Jesus fulfilled every aspect to be the perfect sacrifice for the new covenant. This is so wonderful to understand the old to see what came to pass to fulfill the new! Quote
Kerneydr Posted February 22, 2011 Report Posted February 22, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) It protected them from the angel of death that was send to punish the rebellious Pharaoh. What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? His shed blood applied to our lives figuratively excepts us from judgement. Quote
IvoryEagle Posted March 27, 2011 Report Posted March 27, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) Their blood and their very lives served as a sign and a substitute so that the people of God would be passed over in the passing of the death angel. What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? Same deal, blood shed for the eradicating of sin for man; only this time, it was not an animal. The lamb was God's only son, a man, and it was the ultimate sacrifice; He was not one of many, or the best and perfect. He was "IT" for all and for all time..John 3:16 Quote
Jubilee Posted March 27, 2011 Report Posted March 27, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The lambs on the first Passover protected the families of God's people (Exodus 12). The people signed the blood of the lambs on their doorposts so that when the avenging angel/angel of death sees it he may pass over the house. The blood of the lambs signified protection for the members of the household. As long as they stayed in the house they are safe from death/destruction. The primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb is that the blood of the first Passover lambs served as a protection against the avenging angel/angel of death. When the avenging angel sees the blood on the doorpost he will pass over. Christ is our Paschal Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the earth. He was slain for the redemption of the world and his shed blood protects us from eternal damnation. Christ is our new Paschal Lamb. Glory to God. Alleluia!!! Quote
jr4624 Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The blood of the lambs that the Israelites put on their door frames protected their firstborn from the avenging angel of The Lord. As well as keeping their children and livestock from being killed, this was the thing that finally affected Pharaoh enough to cause him to release the Hebrew people, thereby delivering them from their exile and slavery. The primary comparison that I see is that Jesus shed His blood to protect us from the spiritual death that is due to us all as the wages of our sinfulness. A secondary point is His deliverance of us from our exile from God and our slavery to sin. Quote
Jubilee Posted March 28, 2011 Report Posted March 28, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people from their slavery in Egypt. The first Passover protected and liberated the people from slavery. Christ became our Paschal Lamb who protects us from the bondage of sin. Quote
haar Posted April 7, 2011 Report Posted April 7, 2011 The lambs of the first passover protected the children of God through the blood of the slaughtered lamb that was smeared on the lintels of the doors. The messenger of death saw the blood and spared the first born of the family where the blood of the lamb was on the door lintel. The blood of Jesus Christ was shed on the cross to protect us (those who believe in Christ) from judgement of eternal death as result of our sin just as the blood of the first lambs protected the first born of the Israelites in Egypt from God's judgfement over Egypt.. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted April 9, 2011 Report Posted April 9, 2011 In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? During the 1st Passover in Egypt, the blood of the Passover lamb that was placed on the doorframe at the tops and the sides protected the first born of the people of Israel, so the death angel passed over their house.The first Passover lamb was a type of the second Passover Lamb....the living, Son of God made flesh for us. Jesus shed blood covers us.....from a certain death of sin. Maybe it is not applied around the doorframe.....but covers rather our heart and gives us salvation. Quote
Greta Posted April 12, 2011 Report Posted April 12, 2011 The lambs of the first Passover were slaughtered and their blood painted on the doorposts as a covering for the Israelite families, that the angel of death would pass over their houses and not kill their first born. Christ saved us from death by dying in our place and he covers us with His blood that a righteous God does not look on our sin. Both Passover lambs seperated God's people from the people of the world. Quote
hanks Posted May 20, 2011 Report Posted May 20, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 12) In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? The Israelites followed God's instructions by smearing the blood of a lamb on the doorframes of their homes. This sprinkled blood provided protection from death when God destroyed the Egyptian firstborn. What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? In the same way that the blood of an animal was the means of deliverance and of escaping death, so Christ Quote
Jeffb Posted June 30, 2011 Report Posted June 30, 2011 Q1. (Exodus 12) In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The children of Israel Quote
UNCLE PAAPA Posted July 10, 2011 Report Posted July 10, 2011 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The blood of the lambs of the first Passover protected the families of God's people from death. With the lambs' blood smeared on the door-postood, the Angel of Death passed over such houses with blood on the door-posts. The primary point of comparison between the first Passover and what Christ did for us is the fact that blood was shed in both instances to save lives. With the shedding of the blood in both instances, the lamb died and so was oir Lord Jesus Christ. Quote
t-c Posted March 11, 2013 Report Posted March 11, 2013 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? Each family slaughtered a yearling lamb and put the lambs blood along the tops and sides of their door frames. They also ate the lamb they slaughtered as a meal. The destroyer, sent by the Lord will see the blood and not enter the house to strike down the firstborn of the family inside. (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The shedding of His blood and the blood of the Passover lamb was to protects us from God's coming judgement. To be a sign that we are His. Quote
tgandy Posted April 15, 2014 Report Posted April 15, 2014 The blood on the doorframes of the houses protected those in the house. We are saved by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. He died and bled for us. He saved us from the sins we will commit today tomorrow and next year. We belong to Him.  Quote
JoanG Posted March 1, 2015 Report Posted March 1, 2015 The lambs of the 1st Passover were sacrificed so that God's people would be protected. They were a sign of a covenant between God and His chosen people. No matter what the sins the people had done, they were still God's people and He wanted to keep them safe. Â Christ was sacrified for our sins. He was the bridge between us and God. He united us to God the Father as only Jesus could do. He wanted to keep us safe from the eternal torment of hell Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted March 24, 2015 Report Posted March 24, 2015 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb? The lambs of the first Passover protected God's people because they were instructed to place the blood of the lamb over the top of the door and it's sides of the outer door. When the angel of death saw it he would not enter that home. The comparison of the first Passover and what Christ did for us is in the first Passover the blood of the lamb kept death out of Gods people homes and all that were in it were saved alive. Christ came to be a Passover lamb for his people, his blood paid the ransom of the penalty of their sins forever. As the first Passover lamb was slaughtered for Israel to be spared and left alive physically so Christ shed his blood for Israel to be saved spiritually, to pay the penalty for their sins and redeem them back to God the Father. He became sin for their sins and spared them from the wrath of God's judgement of their sin. Believing in Christ, his sacrifice for sins, we now have eternal life with god in Heaven. Â Â Â Â Â Â Quote
Guitar Jim Posted August 23, 2015 Report Posted August 23, 2015 Q1. In what way did the lambs on the first Passover protect the families of God's people? (Exodus 12) What is the primary point of comparison between the first Passover lambs and what Christ did for us as our Passover Lamb?  The blood of the first passover lambs was put on the sides and the top of the door posts of every Israelite's house. In addition they were to eat the meat together in their homes and discard what was not eaten. The blood wiped on the door posts was a sign. God's angel of death would see the blood and not strike down anyone in that household. He killed the first born of every household in Egypt, right down to the farm animals in every household that did not have lamb's blood on the door posts. Thus the blood saved everyone under its protection. The primary point of comparison between the first Passover and Christ's sacrifice is that WE come under the protection of His blood. If we accept Jesus as our Saviour we are protected from the wrath of God. We are saved from the consequences of our sin. In addition, I believe the first Passover also introduced the concept of eating the flesh of the passover lamb. We partake of the Lord's Supper as a symbolic way of eating His flesh and drinking His blood to remember His sacrifice until He comes again. I agree with Pastor Ralph that Jesus did indeed see Himself as the final Passover Lamb. He was indeed the perfect sacrifice in every way.  Quote
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