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  • 2 months later...
Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

( Ephesians 2:20 ) Built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. ( verse 21 ) In Him the whole builiding is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.

( 1 Peter 2:7 ) Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe,

" The stone the builders rejected

has become the capstone. "

( verse 4 ) As you come to Him, the living stone---rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him--- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a Holy Priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

( Psalm 118: verses 22-23 )

Christ is again manifest. He has been, and He still is, the despised and rejected of men. But He is The head stone of the corner. He is the foundation on which His Church rests, and the ornament of the beautiful fabric. It was a glorious day when, rising from the dead, He was displayed as the Son of God. It is indeed to each believer a glorious day when He shines in their hearts as all their salvation. ( " See, I lay a stone in Zion,

a tested stone,

a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation;

the one who trusts will never be dismayed. " ) ( Isaiah 28: 16 )

( verses 25- 27 )

Shall we not bless Him who comes in the name of the Lord? Shall we not bring our hearts and souls as a willing sacrifice to Him? While we live let us bless and serve Him. This will be our glad occupation throughout eternity. Let the song now begin which can never conclude, " His mercy endures forever." You are my God and I WILL praise you forever, I WILL exault You!


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

1) The "chief cornerstone", "capstone", "head stone of the corner" (KJV), is the stone that crowns the building, the most prominent and important stone of the entire structure.11 Jesus and Peter interpret the builders as the leaders of Israel -- the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees. They rejected the Messiah, "the stone," while Yahweh has designated him the Capstone, Keystone, Cornerstone (depending on your translation of the word)..

2) "O LORD, save us;

O LORD, grant us success.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD.

From the house of the LORD we bless you." (118:25-26)

"The LORD is God,

and he has made his light shine upon us.

With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession

up to the horns of the altar." (118:27)

It is saying that for those people that come to worshop him will be blessed. As God says he will blessed everyone that believes in him. - His love endures forever


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah?

* The "chief cornerstone" (NRSV, NJB), "capstone" (NIV), "head stone of the corner" (KJV), is the stone that crowns the building, the most prominent and important stone of the entire structure.11

Jesus is also referred to as the "a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall."

What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

* With the words of this psalm the crowds welcomed Jesus as the Messianic King into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, while throwing palm branches on the road before him. But the leaders rejected him and had him crucified. Just before his crucifixion Jesus addresses the city with great sadness:

Just as Jerusalem's leaders rejected him, Jesus cannot enter and reign in our hearts either until we acknowledge him for who he is: "The one who comes in the name of the Lord Yahweh."

Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

The stone the builders rejected isn't a perfect stone it is the Messiah everyone rejected except his people. Yahweh has designated him the Capstone, Keystone, Cornerstone. Jesus is referred to as the "the stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

It speaks of the rejection of Christ by those of His day as the chief


The Stone the builder rejected is the Messiah, Jesus. His people rejected Him. They were waiting for Jesus to come as King to save them--they were looking forward to Him being the next king.

Jesus is the most prominent & most important part of Christianity--Jesus is the capstone of Christianity.


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

Jesus is the capstone (cornerstone see quote below) He is foundational in all that God had done, and was going to do, the builders, who were those who were leading the people of God (Mat 21:42) were building without this stone that gave true alignment for all the other stones, thus all that they were building was crooked and unstable. Paul talks about how foundational Jesus is in all that is done in building God


Our savour Jesus is the capstone the builders rejected the rock of our salvation. Jesus was rejected by the people of the time, due to sin of people putting themselves first (jealousy, envy, hate, afraid of the unknown, lead astray by others etc) Jesus was thrown aside and hung on the cross. Jesus is the light given to us sent to us from our Father in heaven to be our salvation and save us.


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

Jesus the Messiah is the start of the church He is the head, as the corner stone is the start of a house Jesus is our start toward God the Father. He is the way the truth no one comes to the Father but by Him. We must accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour just as a good builder must accept the best stone for the corner, with out Jesus we are nothing.

25Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

26Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD.

27God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar

The Messiah is our link to God the Father as in the verses of the corner stone. Here we seek the Lord for our own prosperity, we praise the one who come in the name of the Lord and we thank God whom has shown us the true light His Son Jesus and broken and bound the sin that keep us apart from Him.


Q2. (Psalm 118) :rolleyes:

What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah?

  • Jesus is the cornerstone (the most important stone). The leaders rejected Him as the Messiah even though the Father had sent Him as the most important stone
Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?




Jesus quoted psalm 118:22-23 in 3 of the 4 gospels. Peter also quoted these verses in Acts and 1 Peter. Both Jesus and Peter interpreted the builders as the leaders of Isreal-the chief priests,scribes,and pharasees. They rejected the Messiah, the stone, while God has appointed Him the Capstone.

Psalm 118:25-27 were quoted by the worshippers during Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jeruselum on Palm Sunday. With these verses, the crowds welcomed Jesus as the Messianic King.


Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith and by rejecting Him, they rejected the foundation of the New Testament. To the Father, this cornerstone set in place a way back to Him that has stood firm for two thousand years. It is marvelous in His sight.

Verses 25-27 have everything to do with the Messiah. Verse 25: He is Jesus, God's salvation. By Him we grow spiritually, true prosperity. Verse 26: He came by the Father's will, in His name and was blessed by the Father. We lift up holy hands in our assemblies and bless His Holy Name. Verse 27: Jesus is Lord, God made manifest in the flesh as the Son. He is our sacrifice, bound to the altar of the cross.

Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

1. This statement represents Jesus as the cornerstone being rejected by the priests, scribes and pharisees. The cornerstone is the most important stone.

2. Even thought the priests, scribes and pharisees rejected Jesus, the people still believed that this must be the Messiah.

Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

The stone the builder rejected (verses 22-23) The Savior is pictured as a discarded stone that is then reused as the most significant stone of all the Chieft cornerstone. Jesus is also referred to as the "stone that cause men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall".

Verses 25-27) Have everything to do with the Messiah; it represent his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord are the words the people used, as God only son he is the one who come in the name of the Lord and reveals God the Father. (John 14:8-11).


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

The cornerstone unites two walls at the corner of a building and holds the building together. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, but now Christ Had become the cornerstone of the Church. Without Him there would be no Church because it wouldn


The Messiah is that stone that the builders rejected. Jesus,the Messiah is the chief cornerstine that crowns the building which is the church and the leaders of Israel rejected Him.

Verses25-27 are speaking of the Messiah,and His worshippers are welcoming Him with palm branches,shouts of joy and proclaiming Him King of Israel.


Just as the stone mason chose which stones he would use in a building, and rejected the stones at his discretion - so to did the leaders of Israel. They looked at Jesus, some wanted to accept Him but ultimately they chose to reject Him. Not only did they reject Him - they cruicified Him.

Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation, to us as Christians and as such we can't reject Him. He is vital and everything built without Him as the foundation is unstable and shaky.


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah?

"The stone the builders rejected" in verses 22-23 is liken to the rejection of the Messiah by the Jerusalem leaders.

What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

These verses are prophetic of the triumphant entry of Jesus, the Messiah, as He enters Jerusalem. The crowds with palms in their hands they shouted Hosanna, as they welcomed the Messiah.


Q2. (Psalm 118) What does "the stone the builders rejected" (verses 22-23) have to do with the Messiah? What do verses 25-27 have to do with the Messiah?

As Messiah -- Savior, Jesus came to be the capstone or keystone (a stone used to align the corner of a wall), that all God's people could align themselves with in building the Living Temple of Yaweh. Jesus is Savior and God's standard. Head and model for the Church. But the builders, His people, the Jews, rejected Him -- the capstone. Paul talks about this in Ephesians, Chapter 2.

'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord ..." Jesus was "Yahweh Saves." God send His only begotten Son into this world to save not only the Jews, but the gentiles from their sin.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Messiah is referenced as the cornerstone, that which supports and upholds, the most important stone in a building.

Vs 25-27 reference Jesus' ride into Jerusalem prior to his crucifixion.

  • 3 weeks later...

They are rejecting Christ who is the head cornerstone. He is our rock and eternal salvation.

When we come to the Lord-he is blessed and we are to love and serve him inconditionally so that he will be honored by our life.

  • 2 months later...

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