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Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgins conception teaches us that the H.S. came upon her and the Power of the Highest over shadowed her. Her child would be Holy and be the Son of God. No man had anything to do with this conception therefore it was all holy. This birth was foretold, that God would send His own Son and be born of a virgin and He would walk the earth and teach of His Fathers word, that He would live a PERFECT life and would die a death for our sins, for He had none,and on the third day He would be raised from the dead unblemished. A conception by man would be just that. The child would be without deity, maybe a prophet, but certainly not a saviour as we have in Christ. Thanks be to God. :rolleyes:

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therefore ,also,that holy one who is to be born will be called the son of god.here we have a sublime statement of the incarnation.mary son would be god manifest in the flesh.language cannot exaust the mystery that is shrouded here


Q3 God chose Mary to bear His Son, Jesus. Mary being of the flesh resulted in Jesus also

born of the flesh. As Mary is conceived not by man but by the Holy Spirit, this made

Jesus holy and divine. Thus Jesus' nature is both human and at the same time holy

and divine and will be called Son of God.

Our faith professes that Jesus is fully human and divine for He is the incarnation of

God himself. Thereby making Jesus to be God the Son, the second person of the Holy



The virgin conception teaches us that the nature of Jesus is divine. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. His concepcion was a miraculos event, engineered by the Supernatural God. He wasn't a generic copy but the 'real thing'...God in the flesh. Eugene Peterson, in The Message, says that we could paraphrase John 1:14: "The Word (God) became flesh and blood, and moved into the neigborhood."

The teaching of the virgin birth is central to the Christian message. Only a divinely orchestrated Messiah could have fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies from 2d Samuel 7:16 through Daniel 7:13-14 and Micah 5:2 to Mary, without violating anyone's freewill. Therefore, to say "Jesus is Lord" is to say "Jesus is Divine" That's what got the early Christians in trouble with the Roman Empire at the end of the First Century. They refused to say "Ceasar is Lord (divine)" because they believed that their discipleship to and belief in Jesus required trusting that he and no other was Divine.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus' nature is divine. The doctrine of the virgin conception is central to the Christmas message in that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit.


Jesus is of a divine nature and being born of a virgin means that he was conceived by a miracle of God. Being a miracle of God means that Jesus is not predisposed to have the sinful nature of man. Further, I think it shows how much God wanted reconciliation with man.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

Jesus is of the same nature, same essence, one substance as God. [homoousios] God in the flesh, incarnate, made real. It was necessary for him to be born of a human woman so he could experience our life and pain, and to die as a human. That Jesus is 100% human and 100% God.

This is the central message of the doctrine of the virgin conception. That Jesus as begotten, not made, from the substance of the Father. It fulfils the Old Testament prophecies. That we must have faith in God and his miracles. That the Christian faith revolves around this fact.



Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

Jesus' mother was a person and therefore Jesus was completely a man.

Because the conception was done by the Spirit, Jesus is also the Son of God.

We are Gods children because of His grace.

Jesus is called the only begotten Son, because He is Gods son naturally (all other people have two earthly parents).

That's the essence of the gospel: that God came in the flesh to live and die for us.

John 3:16


What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

That the seed planted within her would be of incorruption and clear a path for all mankind to follow. (The path of rebirth and regeneration and justification and sanctification.) That Jesus Christ was and is pure and sinless and this is the nature of God Himself.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It gives us knowledge into the very nature of Jesus and the very love of God, toward mankind. That God would give His very best to a sinful and corrupt world, to offer eternity in Him and with Him


Jesus is fully devine and born of the HOLY SPIRIT. He is the son of God and he is God. He came in the flesh, yet remained sinless. This is one of the greatest central facts of Christianity.


The angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:

therefore also that holy thing (Hagios..Strongs 40...awful...full of awe...awesome...sacred, blameless, consecrated one)....the key building word here is therefore....therefore,this Holy One, Jesus, Who is to be born shall be called..........

Called...(Srong;s 2564..to call properly aloud: bid, call forth, call by name)....the son of God.....The name is SOOOOOOOOOOOO important. An Old Testament study on "The Name", or "to be named" or "called"....brings an understanding of all that is represented by one's name. He shall be called....by name, hence, by attribute and character....the Son of God.

So, the sign of the virgin birth is the sign that Jesus' attributes and character...His Name...is truthfully and rightly...the Son of God.


What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

That the seed planted within her would be of incorruption and clear a path for all mankind to follow. (The path of rebirth and regeneration and justification and sanctification.) That Jesus Christ was and is pure and sinless and this is the nature of God Himself.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It gives us knowledge into the very nature of Jesus and the very love of God, toward mankind. That God would give His very best to a sinful and corrupt world, to offer eternity in Him and with Him


What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

That the seed planted within her would be of incorruption and clear a path for all mankind to follow. (The path of rebirth and regeneration and justification and sanctification.) That Jesus Christ was and is pure and sinless and this is the nature of God Himself.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It gives us knowledge into the very nature of Jesus and the very love of God, toward mankind. That God would give His very best to a sinful and corrupt world, to offer eternity in Him and with Him

This is Theresa. Debra, I like the way you used the words...the seed planted within her would be of incorruption and would clear of path for all mankind to follow. It paints a word picture of new life, deepening roots, maturing strength, and a fruit filled vine.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? The Oxford English Dictionary first definition of "Incarnate" is "embodied in flesh esp. human form". This was the nature of Jesus following the virgin conception. He was, always had been and always would be divine and one with God, but for our sake, He became embodied in human form and the divine co-mingled with the human. In the words of the Nicene Creed "for us men and for our salvation [He] came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man", but also, remained "of one substance with the Father".

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message? It is crucial and central. If Jesus did not become a man, then he could not have taken our sins on himself and the crucifixion would be meaningless. On the other hand, if He did not remain divine, then the resurrection and ascension could not have happened, both of which are central to the Christain message and without which we would have no salvation.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus is divine. The only way He could be sinless was through a virgin birth.

It is central to our Christian faith because He had to be sinless. Also it was necessary that He was born to Mary in order that the bloodline was from David as stated in Matthew 1:6. This proves that Jesus was fully divine and fully human.


The virgin conception shows us that Jesus is truly God's son. I think this is important in Christian doctrine in that it is one of God's miracles. This is an important event in the Bible. We need to believe it along with everything else in the Bible. As my minister says: The Bible does not contain the word of God, but is the word of God. All of it; we don't get to pick and choose what to believe.


Q3. (Luke 1:35)

What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

Jesus will be born sinless and holy. Being born of a woman He was a human being, but He is also the Son of God, and therefore without sin. He is both human and fully divine. As stated He is God in the flesh, God incarnate! This had to be so, as in God


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus is divine the son of God. The central doctrine to the christian

is the message of hope He came here to save us.



Some people say God used a virgin conception mainly because there is something inherently dirty about natural conception and Jesus had to be set apart from that. I don't believe this to be the case. The divinity and humanity of Christ are so important that God wanted to make it clear, literally, from day one. There would be no denying the divinity of Christ, being that he really came from God. But unlike the detached mythological gods who had no earthly bearings, Christ went through the whole human process. All God and all man--this is what sets Christ apart.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It teaches me that God is what he says he is, as he accomplishes the imposible.

Without the doctrine of the virgin conception. Christians would have no foundation. It is the foundation of our Christian Message. God coming to us in the flesh.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception shows us that Jesus is of a divine origin, seeing as there is no human man that impregnated Mary. He is both human and divine, although it is beyond our capacity to explain and understand; He is the Son of God, yet He is also God in the flesh, yet there is only one God; so mysterious, yet it is. The virgin conception is one of the most important of the Christian message, because it points to the fact that Jesus is more than just a mere man who was pious and morally upstanding; it shows that He is divine, in addition to His humanity; it is His divinity that makes it possible for Him to live a sinless life and take our sins upon Himself. Without having God as His Father literally, He would be just another human who, even if pious and moral, would not be able to live a sinless life, and would not be a satisfying sacrifice for the sins of the world.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The Virgian conception teach us that Jesus nature is Holy and that He is the Son of God, and it tells us that he was born sinless.

This is acentral to the Christain message, because it tells us that His birth is a supernatural conception in the womb of Mary with out the seed of a man,

The birth is verified by the statement that she was virgin.

Jesus had the human nature of His mother and the sinless divine nature of His Father.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

By being conceived on a human virgin girl, we know that Jesus, conceived by supernatural means only available to God through His Holy Spirit, is at one time fully human and fully God.

It is the central fact of the Christian faith. Without the virgin birth there would be no sinless example for us to follow as disciples, no atonement, and no salvation for all of us who choose to accept God's great gift.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches that Jesus is both human and divine. He is sinless. If not for this, we would not have a way to heaven. That is the central message! That we have a way to a glorious union with God.

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