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Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?


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I think the means of Jesus' conception are truly fascinating! The Holy Spirit is to "come upon [her]" and she is to be "overshadowed" by the Power of God; this reminds of of how the Spirit of God moved over the void and formless womb of creation before the details were filled in, as recounted in Genesis 1 and 2.

I have developed a belief that the conceived Jesus was created within Mary's womb much like Adam was created; this draws upon Paul's similar characterization of Jesus as the second Adam. This approach also helps me with the challenges created by the different belief that Mary was without sin; I struggle with this idea because that would mean that Jesus wasn't the only sinless human, and that seems to dilute His value as the unblemished sacrifice.

The belief I have been working with assumes that Jesus was not formed by the union of sperm and egg, so that Mary was not His biological mother. That helps me understand Matthew 1:25 in the context of the virgin birth; if Joseph abstained from sex until after Jesus was born, Mary would still be a virgin when she delivered Jesus. God created Adam without need for union of sperm and egg - or, at least, that is how Genesis seems to describe the creation process - so He would not need that union to occur for Jesus' conception, either. I think this drives home the importance of the virgin conception to the Christian message, i.e. that God is the source of all creation, that Jesus was/is without sin because His human being was created without the stain of "original sin" and that He was/is the only sinless human.

If there are any Roman Catholics participating in this forum, please know that I am not attacking Roman Catholic beliefs regarding the blessedness of Mary. Scripture assures us that she is blessed among women, having been selected by God to be the woman through whom Jesus was delivered into this world. I just think we need to be careful not to attribute too much to any human who is born via the normal route of conception, and who thus carries the burden of sin inherited from Adam and Eve as described in Scripture.


What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

It teaches that His nature is that of God....He was made flesh, but is from God...the Son made into humaity for us.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It is one of the cornerstones....that we believe in the virgin birth...it is one of those acts of faith.


What does the virgin birth teach about Jesus' nature? It was a miracle. Jesus was human by birth, and God by the absence of man's seed in that birth. The sin nature came through man, and therefore Jesus was not a sinner by original sin. (Rom 5:12) Jesus was born sin free, unlike us. Jesus was fully human, because of Mary's humanity, and therefore fully relates to us. Heb 4:15

How important is this doctrine? Critical - It tells us Jesus is fully God and fully man. His sacrifice requires perfection or sinlessness. Our need for a sacrifice requires humanity. The blood of perfect lambs doesn't remove sin. 1Pet 1:17-19 Jesus union of Godly perfection and humanity is the price of our redemption. Without His miraculous birth and life of love to His Father for us, we are all still in our sins.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

That Jesus is God incarnate. That he is God brought to bodily form.He is holy and Divine, He is both supernatural and human.He is supreme!

The doctrine is the beginning of Christianity and is at the core of our belief in Jesus Christ.Without the virgin conception there would be no Messiah.


I think of a couple of things about the virgin conception. First, Mary's body was a holy vessel for carrying God's Son as she had never been with a man. It was also important that she be a virgin so that no man could claim Jesus was the son of a man. Finally, the fact that Mary conceived that which is fully human about Jesus and God supplied that which was fully God made Jesus the perfect God/man to provide salvation.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?


1. What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

It is one of the greatest Miracle ever conceived,and will never ever happened again.

It tells us that Jesus is the MESSIAH,whom everybody is waiting..It was furher confirmed,by the Holy Spirit who was planted in Mary


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

3. a. Conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of a virgin... He is fully God and fully man. Is holy as God the Father is holy having a divine nature.

b. It is central to the Christian message because Jesus came in the flesh to save sinners, to die for our redemption. Because He is God, He was the perfect sacrifice. His sinless blood opened a way for us to have peace with God the Father.

In a way it speaks to me of the Holy Spirit overshadowing me the night I got saved. It was a new birth in me that made me alive to God. I started praising God. The whole world looked new to me, I started noticing how beautiful the sky was and started to talk to people about God. Felt a wonderful joy in my being. How awesome is our God!!


  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus is not only human, but He is devine as well. That is to say, He is wholly God and Wholly human


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It teaches us that Jesus is both God and man.

The doctrine is essential, because it shows Jesus is divine.


The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus is in nature God and human both; He is fully God in that He was not conceived by human sperm, but by the Holy Spirit, and He is fully man in that He is conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary and is of her flesh also. Thus, the Lord Jesus is both fully human and fully God, fully divine, a mystery that is beyond our comprehension, but one that we must accept on faith.

  • 10 months later...

It was a divine miracle, the mystery of incarnation - the divine becoming joined with the human, It teaches us that while Mary was human, her child Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit is Holy in the same sense that God himself is holy. This is central to the christian message of God sending His only begotten Son Jesus to earth as a man to save humankind.


The virgin conception teaches us us that Jesus's nature is divine. the divine wrapped up in a shell of humanity.

He was human in form but inside He was of the spiritual divine nature.

This is central to the christian message because of His divine nature he had theperfection inside to be the perfect

sacrifical victim God could use to die and be the sacrifice to free men from the original sin of adam.


The nature of Jesus' conception implies His divine nature in direct relationship with that of God. His birth is a miracle. There is no doubt that both Crees emphasize the essence of Jesus' uniqueness that never was before.


The nature of Jesus' conception implies His divine nature in direct relationship with that of God. His birth is a miracle. There is no doubt that both Crees emphasize the essence of Jesus' uniqueness that never was before.


Q3. (Luke 1:35)

What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

That he was a miracle, by definition, "an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

If Mary was not a virgin it could always be said that Jesus was not the one in the OT prophesied to come in the NT. One could say that he was not the Son of God. He was an imposter, a hoax.



Mary was a young girl, innocent and full of faith in her God. The virgin conception by the power of the Holy Spirit means that Jesus is God fully holy yet fully human. Any other arrival of God on earth could be seen as alien intervention. It fullfilled prophecy and is at the very core of Christian doctrine.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

With no earthly father, Jesus was truly born of God and Mary by the power of God's Spirit. The angel indicated that "The Holy One born . . ." would be the son of God. Jesus is therefore holy, even in His earthly life. In several places in the Bible we're told that Jesus has the nature of God. Mary was the earthly vessel through which God the Son would come into the world. Jesus Himself told His disciples that if they've seen Him they've seen the Father.

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception is the cornerstone or the Christian message. That God came and lived among us in human form.

Jesus wasn't just a guy born in the normal way as the result of a man and wife having a child, then blessed by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. While men like that were useful to God in the Old Testament times, e.g. Samson, Samuel, etc, no man born in the normal way as the offspring of a mortal man and woman could bring about God's plan for the deliverance of Mankind. God Himself, in the person of God the Son, paid the penalty for our sin that God Himself had ordained must be paid.

Jesus didn't come into the world fully grown. He came as a baby in order to experience life and to set an example by His sinless life of how Christians should strive to live.


(Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It teaches us that Jesus did not have a sin nature because He was not born of a man. It's essential that Jesus be born of a virgin. If He had not then He could not have paid the penalty for our sins. Bye, bye gospel, bye bye Christian message.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

Jesus is fully God and fully human, conceived of the Holy Spirit, the Most High God, and the virgin Mother Mary. There was no 'biological' conception that took place. Just as God created Adam, from the dust of the ground. God planted the seed of conception in Mary's womb through the Holy Spirit, making her baby God's divine gift to the world. As Adan was the first human God created and Adam brought sin into the world. God sent us a savior, by His grace alone we are saved from Adams curse. Jesus IS God incarnated as God's son, made fully human, brought to earth through a miraculous conception to conquer sin and atone for our sins once and for all.

"the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God." (Luke 3:38)

"I believe that you are the Christ, the son of God." (John 11:27)

Bible is the story of the sojourn of the "Son of God" beginning with Paradise lost (Adam) and ending with Paradise restored.(Jesus).

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

It is very nature of Christianity. Jesus is the cornerstone with which we as Christians base our faith. Christ IS GOD. We must as Christians believe in God incarnated as the Son. Jesus unites us with the Father. We are unified with God only through knowing Jesus. Through Jesus' birth,life and death, the veil that separates is torn. As Christians we can now come to God blameless and forgiven because our Savior Lives!


It teaches that Jesus IS God. Conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. Born sinless. It's the cornerstone of the Christian message because of that. Born of a human father would have made Jesus a sinner like the rest of us.


Q3. (Luke 1:35) What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature? How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

The virgin conception teaches us that Jesus' nature is divine. The doctrine of the virgin conception central to the Christian message because it is the miracle of God coming in the flesh to redeem man. Because of this miracle we who have accepted Jesus Christ have eternal life, and the Blessed Hope, for Christians.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Luke 1:35)

What does the virgin conception teach us about Jesus' nature?

How central is the doctrine of the virgin conception to the Christian message?

A.The Virgin Conception teaches us that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born into this world without sin by Mary, and is the Son of God, a divine being

and he fufilled the Bible's prophecy.

b. The doctrine of the Virgin Conception teaches us that Jesus, being born of

the Holly Spirit and Mary, was born "into" sin, not "of sin". Jesus was born of Mary

and fulfilled the prophecy of living among us wihout sin, to die on the cross to

pay for our sins. He came from heaven and returned to heaven.

How can you not believe in God, just look around you.

  • 9 months later...

The virgin conception is the divine becoming joined with the human.  This is the Christmas Incarnation.  Mary, a virgin, was chosen because she found favor with the Lord.  Her child would be divine.  Jesus is God in the flesh.

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