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Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

As the son of a carpenter, Jesus would grow up observing the value of work and of using talents which God has given us to live as a good citizen in the world. He would have observed Joseph carrying out honest transactions of business with those who needed the services of a carpenter. He may have helped Joseph around the carpenter shop and thus knew the satisfaction of contributing.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Growing up in His earthly father's carpentry shoppe, Jesus would have been exposed to being taught the skill of carpentry, working with wood, a solid work ethic, getting things just right, not leaving a job until it's done, and perhaps working on a deadline, fulfilling orders and working to specificiations. Jesus would also have been exposed to Joseph's business dealings with other's and his way of dealing and handling people. Children pick up more than we realize, most often than not, and so much more would it concievable have been for Jesus. Jesus would also have seen first hand what it was like to have to budget time and resources, to care for tools, and inventory.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

As the son of a carpenter, Jesus would have learned many different life skills. First and foremost, He would have learned how to build things using his hands and the tools of carpentry. Jesus would have learned patience as it takes patience to fashion wood into something that is useable, such as furniture, and of good enough quality that others would want to buy it.

Also, He would have been exposed to the experience of how to deal with different kinds of people as He watched His earthly father Joseph deal with his many different customers. Undoubtedly some were satisfied & kind customers, while others may have been unsatisfied & not so kind customers.


Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter?

Carpentry is a learned skill, developed through hard work, with the results seen in the work of ones own hand. Hard work does not always bring wealth as seen by the worlds standards, but when a person uses the strength that God gives to better the world and those around him, money can't buy that kind of wealth, for it is the inner joy that comes with using what gifts God as given to us to be used. God is often symbolically portrayed as a master builder, He built the throne of David (Ps. 89:4) Jesus is our chief cornerstone.

What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Under Joseph's leadership as a righteous man, Jesus learned many important things pertaining to life as a human, one of them being, things don't just come about on its own, it takes a leader, one who is not afraid of hard work, one who is thankful for the gifts they have been given by God, and uses them. Joseph set a good example to his family, living a life of trusting in God, Joseph set an example seen in the way he provided for and loved his family, as a righteous man he taught his family the Torah, and the importance of having faith and obedience to God. Jesus, our chief cornerstone, set the example, set the foundation for us on how to love one another, build on this, love one another.

Jesus would have learned people skills as a carpenter. He would learn how to deal with people and what it would take meet their expectations. He would have learned a skill that would help provide for him in the future. As a son of a carpenter he would learn how to deal with the various situations that come up through life

as a carpenters son Jesus would have been exposed to different people who came to place their orders from joseph and all the situations that may have involved greatfull and not so satisfied costumers .from joseph he must have learned the discipline of preparing for a task and all the attention to detail in exsecuting the projects to be accomplished, the hard work and perseverance to complete the task at hand and accuracy in every detail .he must have learned every skill necessary to be a master craftsman and the satisfaction of a job well done inspite of the hard work required


Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What

experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus could have learnt more from Joseph, His legal and earthly father. Joseph was a man of integrity. He trained his Son Jesus in the trade of carpentry, and am sure Joseph also made sure that Jesus had good spiritual training in Nazareth. This is because he took the whole family on the yearly trip to Jerusalem for the Passover, which Jesus continued to observe during His adult years.


Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus would have learned from Joseph personal and trade skills in contracting carpentry work in the community. They would include: patience; attention to detail; the abililty to see and solve problems; effective communication with others; general carpentry skills and techique; assessing the cost of material and labor as well determining the time to complete a project.

No doubt Joseph shared the Scripture and his spiritual values with Jesus on a daily basis.

In living the carpenter's life, Jesus would have been exposed to the community as a whole on a regular basis, i.e. he would have interacted with all social/economic levels in the community. He would have experienced the pressures of meeting dead lines for projects; working with different personalities in contracting and completing jobs; experienced the joy and pride in workmanship/craftsmanship; the joy of completing jobs and meeting the satisfaction of customers. He would have been exposed to local economic cycles that impacted the carpentry trade for good and bad during his time.

He would have been exposed to tradtional Jewish religious life in family and community and all that goes with that.


Jesus would learn to work with the wood. As a carpenter He would let the wood take shape as He applied the tools of His trade to it turning it into what He had planned for it to become.

This experience would show Him that not all wood is alike. Hardwood, difficult and time consuming to work with, requires patience. Other wood is soft and when handled harshly it could break and be destroyed. Still there is wood that is exactly what He needed, to be exactly what He expected it to be.


What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus was willing to do what his parents wanted, even when it didn't seem directly related to his purpose on earth. He was patient with the apparent mundane tasks of this life, realizing life experiences have value. While he never intended to be a carpenter, he would have had exposure just by the fact he was Joseph's son. Since the Bible says so little about Joseph, we are not sure how long he was alive and involved in Jesus life. So, it's hard to guess how much experience /exposure Jesus had to the trade of carpentery. But, he probably did have some experience just by living with Joseph and spending time with him. As belivers we can take comfort in knowing Jesus was doing the will of God and God was pleased even though every minute of his life wasn't directly related to ministry (especially in his growing up years). There are many things we do in our day to day life that do not relate to eternity directly, yet we can have peace and joy if we know we are in the will of the Father. God sees behind the scenes and is using tasks and jobs that seem of no eternal value to shape us and teach us.

The Mark 6:3 passage points to Jesus being a carpenter, I think the significance here is in Jesus being ordinary, from an ordinary family. Obviously Jesus was a teacher/Rabbi as his main purpose here on earth. The people who were having trouble with this were the people from his home town who remembered Jesus as "a carpenter" or ordinary. I think this applies to us, who have a past this is not impressive. While we may be a changed person now, it is often the people who remember us from years ago who have a hard time seeing us for who we are now.


:P Jesus would learn from his father Joseph the trade of capartenry. He would learn by an early age how to saw, smooth the wood to the touch. He would also learned how to plane the wood so that it was just so. He would also learn how to deal with people and make contracts. He would observe the people and know how to please them.


Jesus would have learned how to build things and how to use th4e different toold of the trade, as well as a good work habbit. He would have been exposeed to many things that men go thru on a daily occurance and seing how his father dealt with different issues.


He would have learned the business of carpentry, building,etc.. He also learned the traits of his father. He would've learned how to wheel and deal in the business, how to set boundries and the price scale of the carpentry business. He got to see how his father handled all concepts of the business for his own later use in the wood working business.


In addition to learning a marketable skill, with which he likely supported himself until he began his ministry, I think Jesus also learned what it was like to be "working class" in a profession which would have brought him into contact with many people of various stations and ranks in life. Had he been born the son of a political king, he would have been sheltered from the realities and challenges of "real life." Interesting to note that while God did not place Jesus with wealthy influential human parents, he also did not place Jesus in the absolute lowest "caste" where he would have been far less likely to come into contact with religious and community leaders at all. I hadn't really thought about that before.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus might have learned how having a skill/talent can contribute to the overall sustainability of a community, were each part is vital. He probably appreciated Joseph's work ethic, his delivering a service... Maybe he learned to appreciate the creative process of taking something flat and formless and making soeting functional and purposeful from it. He expect he developed a love and appreciation for his earthly father, Joseph also had soething to teach his son! Jesus would have respected his father's ability and witnessed how to work with focus and commitment, stick-to-itness to see the project through...

Also the satisfaction of a job well done...

Humility. Not only was it a humble trade, but the child of this tradesman would have been the one to clean up the sawdust and carry the boards and do menial tasks to help out. Today, every carpenter has laborers that carry the wood and sweep the floors and clean up. That's how a person gets started. the experience would have shown him the heart of man - as customers tried to get something for nothing or were impatient for their product to be completed.

Jesus learned two important qualities of a carpenter are customer satisfaction from a job well done and patience in making a product of such a high quality. Seeing Joseph deal with the public through his carpenter trade also taught Jesus that some humans have integrity as Joseph and that was a wonderful trait for Jesus to see on an earthly realm since he had innate intergrity from a heavenly realm. That career also showed him the hardships of being among the poor, not the elete rich.

When he grew up, he benefited from this background.


Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

As the Son of a builder Jesus would have learned: discipline, accurateness, team work and patience. He would have had to rub shoulders with all kinds of people.


Question: What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

As I thought about this, I assumed that Jesus learned some of the same lessons I learned being raised on a farm in rural Arkansas. He would have learned:

1) a work ethic --making sure that his skilled work was pure and good--and that what was promised was delivered

2) the joy of creating with one's own hands

3) the camaradarie with Joseph that comes from working closely with one's own good father

4) lessons in human nature as he watched or participated in dealing with customers.

5) since we assume Jesus' family was poor, he would have learned about not being wasteful and extravagant in his daily living

Lastly, and most important, I think, is a value system that he saw every day from a humble, honest man. I'm talking about WATCHING and DOING--I don't believe my own father ever told me not to steal or cheat someone. I don't believe he ever said to give my best or to be honest. He just never said those words, but I learned those things through his actions. Don't you think God chose his Son's earthly father just as carefully as He chose Mary as the mother?

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus would have learned about His Father's trade, how to make furniture. But he would also see His Father interact with a lot of people, some poor others rich and He sure learnt how His Father was handling these categories of people as he dealt with them. As a carpenter Joseph would have been very well organised, hard working and enduring. He would also have been a perfectionist in what he did and fair in dealing with people. Jesus must have been observing and learning all these things.

  Tracy m said:
Maybe he learned to appreciate the creative process of taking something flat and formless and making soeting functional and purposeful from it.

Those are the words I would use to describe sewing....I hadn't thought about Jesus ever really having such an experience in common with one of my own. I will be thinking about that all day today. Wow.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What would Jesus have learned as the son of a carpenter? What experiences would this have exposed him to?

Jesus would have learned how to create something from a raw material. He would have to learn patience to get the job completed and also compromise to overcome the flaws in the material.


He would have learned as a carpenter that for stability you always need to start with a solid base.

Patience - (one step at a time) each is done with the purpose of achieving a positive end result.

Integrity/honesty/reliability - (an honest days work, for an honest days pay); reliability, others depend upon a jop well done and completed on time. When putting your talents to use, use them with Integrity, honesty and reliability

Measure twice, cut once. Everything we do and say effect others so Measure what come out of your mouth and cut the judgement and ridicule.

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