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Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life?

Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

It must have been an arduous journey for both Joseph and Mary. More so for Mary who must have been in her early teens, late in pregnancy, and having to undertake a four day journey in the open under winter weather. I dont think pleasure is an indication that we are in Gods will; perhaps just the contrary. I know from personal experience my best times of growing and drawing closer to our Lord, have been when undergoing trying circumstances. Im sure we are often tested for our own good God preparing us for eternity. Being a Christian does not guarantee an easy life of prosperity and having all that we want. God refines us and disciplines us all for our own good. I would not have it any other way! We have to trust God in all we do and surrender all to Him.

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I think many people have covered why Mary's journey was hard. I can't imagine being pregnant and giving birth in that day, let alone compounded with all of Mary's challenges! I was terrified that I wouldn't get to the hospital in time to receive my epidural!

I think genuine Christians quickly learn the difference between pleasure and joy. Pleasure is not bad--God gives us many pleasures to show us his grace and love: fresh snowfall, a beautiful song, a good cup of coffee in the morning (while I do my JesusWalk studies). When pleasures drop off, however, and hardship takes over, joy in the Lord is what sustains us--the joy in the bigger picture of God's provision and salvation beyond this difficult earth.

A personal example. When I gave birth to my daughter four years ago, I experienced post-partum depression. It was extremely difficult at the time, and I thought there would never be an end to how horrible and anxious I felt. I remember barely sleeping and taking walks with the baby around the neighborhood at 5 am because I didn't know what else to do. My friend had lent me her Ipod with a calming playlist just for me. I listened to one Nichole Nordemann song over and over. When everything calmed down, I returned my friend's Ipod and went on with life as normal. For years, however, I have not been able to remember what the song was. Strange, I know, but something in my brain (and probably with the meds) made a lot of memories fuzzy from that time. Last night I was determined to figure out the song. I sat down with the Lala site and sampled every Nicole Nordemann song up to the year 2005. The last one I played, "Gratitiude," was the one. As soon as I heard it, I knew, and the tears came so intensely I was taken by surprise. I was immediately brought back to those desperate walks of the summer of 2005, but my emotion wasn't sadness. It was pure joy because I knew God had taken care of me and provided.

Pleasure is a gift from God, but it is not a requirement to be in his will. When we receive pleasure, we should be thankful and enjoy it. When we don't, we should listen to God's voice just the same, because he is probably trying to teach us something powerful.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? She had to take a journey, mostly on foot, ut when not on foot an the back of a donkey (not exactly luxurious comfort) in winter when she was around 9 months pregnant. On top of that, she had the issue that she was pregnant before she was married, and most people didn't belive her story of events, even assuming she had told anyone her story, which maybe she hadn't. All in all, I think it makes for a pretty uncomfortable trip!!

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? It depends what you mean by pleasure. The only real pleasure I get is when I am in God's will. Whenever I am outside His will, whatever I am doing is deeply unsatisfying and ultimately unfulfilling.

Any examples from your life? I spent very many years of my life pursuing whatever pleasures the world had to offer and wandering far away from God. I don't pretend that life was miserable throughout that period, it wasn't, but ultimately there was nothing there. Now God is the centre of my being, of my life and of everything I do. The joy and peace which I get from this is the greatest pleasure anyone can have, and I wouldn't change it for any other way.

Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistant Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow." I don't think that being a consistant Christian causes either more or less hardships, just different hardships. Going with the flow is always the easier option, at least on the surface, and that is true in our Christian lives or at work or just about in anything we do. It is the path of least resistance, and therefore at least on the surface is bound to be easier. However, what following Christ gives us is the strength, courage and peace which can only come from God and with which we can deal with any hardship. No other path can give this and therefore although on the surface it may seem harder to follow a path of greater resistance, in the end, it is the path of Christ which gives the greatest true pleasure.


Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

The journey was 100 miles and probably took a couple of weeks (at least 8 days). Even today, travelling for such a long length of time will put a strain on the human psyche. Add to that the rough terrain (a comfortable ride is out of the question), the fact that she in her last trimester of pregnancy, and the climate and elements of weather. The thing she did have going in her favor was that she was still very young.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

Not at all. Pleasure is a feeling and feeling is not what God's will is about. God's will is His Word, not what we are feeling.

Any examples from your life?

For years after I received salvation, I did not FEEL saved. Though, I knew enough to get in the Word of God and believe what He says as opposed to what I felt, there was no true pleasure for me in my salvation. The pleasure of my salvation was with God, according to His Word. Remembering this, helped me eventually to get past this feeling of 'not saved' and to find pleasure in my salvation.

Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

What comes to mind is Galatians 6:9 .. We can't allow ourselves to get tired of living the right way. Certainly, each of us will receive [everlasting life] at the proper time, if we don't give up. Well doing is a consistent lifestyle.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

1. Mary was probably in her 9th month. Traveling for 4 days on a donkey in the cold could be very traumatic.

2. It depends what kind of pleasure. We find pleasure in different things, places and even situations. I find so much pleasure in my grandson. For example: Watching him grow so fast; talking, singing, potty training, thinking, being creative and imaginative and even acting brings me much pleasure. After all he is only 2 yrs and 3 months. I find pleasure in my Bible study time and being around real friends. I find lots of pleasure sharing what I have even though I don't have.

When we do the things that pleases God and find pleasure in it as we do it then I would say that it is an indication that we are in His will. If we find pleasure in stepping over toes just to get ahead, getting drunk, committing adultery, being selfish, taking more than we need, not sharing when you're able to, not helping when some needs help and you're able to help, etc. Than I would say we are not in God's will. It always good to check your pleasures with the word of God and your motive for having it.

3. You will definitely be challenged and at times will have to endure hardship. Some of us more than others. Nevertheless, being a Christian that walks close to God by praying, studying, and applying God's word will allow God to bring about peace that surpasses all understanding through the midst of hardships. Having said that I have had the hardships of being a consistent Christian but being also on the other side (non-christian) the hardships are magnified. Why, because you have no guidance from God. But you do get guidance from so many people who are lost and don't know anything, who's life is all messed up and haven't a clue which directions they're going. Yet they want to counsel.

So being a consistent Christian does not cause more hardships but, you will have them. Going with the flow on the other hand will always lead you down a dead end.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

Clearly, a journey of several days' length, both walking and on the back of a donkey, would be a physical hardship fraught with difficulties for anyone, let alone a pregnant woman close to full term. Mary also would be experiencing tremendous emotional turmoil because of her situation. Her only hope would be her faith that God would do as He promised, and just like us, sometimes it's hard to have as much faith as you need to have.

Pleasure is not an indication of whether we are in God's will or not. God doesn't really care much whether we're happy or not as much as He cares about our obedeience. I believe that many times, His plan for a person includes lots of unpleasantness. The trials that James speaks about(James 1:2), are often the way that we become the people we need to be to carry out the jobs God wants us to do. I recently experienced a succesion of serious and life-threatening health problems which I now realize had the effect of bringing me closer to God, strengthening my faith and starting me on the path to vocational ministry. I would not be where I am now (which I believe to be right in the center of God's will), except for the experience of trials and lots of unpleasantness.

Jesus told us many times that following Him would be a hard road and we would often experience setbacks and persecution for His names' sake. We need only look at the life of the apostle Paul to see the truth of it. Paul had the courage of his convictions and stuck to his message through ridicule, stonings, imprisonment, and ultimately death for the sake of the gospel.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

Life is full of hardship. A physical journey that would involve such extensive travel , in that particular time and place in history, would be a measure of hardship on any person. Add to that, the condition of advanced pregnancy, spiritual and mental joy and apprehension ; and of course, by definition, the journey must have been a hardship. Furthermore, the fact we humans are but dust...even our righteousness is like the filthy rags that were used to wipe the lepers oozing sores. Although Mary KNEW and BELIEVED what had been revealed to her by the angel Gabriel, and she had been confirmed in her belief by Joseph and the testimony that he had heard and had shared from the angel of the Lord in his vision; as well as the witness of Zacharias and Elizabeth: Mary is still human. Still dust. Still subject to the same attacks, doubts, and fears that we all face. She has seen with her eyes, and has contemplated in her heart and soul the glory of the Lord. Because she has agreed to be a faithful bondservant of the Lord, the enemy of our souls must have been outraged. She and Joseph would have been a more heightened target of Satan's wiles as they were standing in the path of the pre-ordained plan of the Master Designer of the Universe. She and Joseph, would have had to keep their minds and hearts continually focused on the "things above," as they knelt in the cross-hairs of a vital battle in the war of the ages. All of this is hard. Hard for Mary. Hard for Joseph. Hard for Zacharias and Elizabeth. Hard for us; as we too, are engaged in our own battle against our own lusts and the same enemy of our souls. Life is full of hardship.

Does pleasure indicate that we are in God's will? In some degree, yes, and in some degree, no. It has been said that "one takes pleasure in what one treasures". So, inasmuch, as I treasure the Creator God of the Universe, YHWH , my Redeemer, and I take pleasure in the covenant relationship that I have with Him, I have pleasure. My heart is where my treasure is. However, I can treasure God; I can take pleasure in knowing His character, attributes, and rest in His care and mercy; and at the same time experience hardship. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us, "...These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world". The word here for tribulation is Strong's number 2347 and it means..."pressure (literally or figuratively):- afflicted(tion): anquish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble" . It is a given that trouble and hardship is a fact of life due to a sin filled, sin cursed world. But all is well. Jesus has overcome the world. The word for overcome here is Strong's 3528. It means to subdue (literally or figuratively):- conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory." All is well ,because Christ has overcome the world and we are in Christ.

We are still in the world. The world can affect us, inasmuch, as our loving God allows. God's ways are so much higher and above our ways. We are not assured that we will understand the reason and the purpose of each crisis ( which by its definition gives way to make a decision to choose and obey God.) ... that we face. But we are assured, that, " All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose". Being a consistent Christian will not necessarily cause more hardship, or become a ticket to spare us from hardship, ...but being a consistent, faithful, repentant, obedient, face to the ground, giving glory back to God Christian, will give us , by virtue of a life filled with the Holy Spirit, the will, power, and strength, to be and do what God desires us to be and to do.

  • 9 months later...

Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Just the physical strain would have been enough to do me in...But then that is why God chose this particular generation. They were used to the harshness of tthe weather and terrain. But what about the emotional side. The hardship of not having your family and friends around. Many people would not understand the predicament she was in. But she was a God fearing woman. She did what the Lord asked her to do without hesitation.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

No, I don't think pleasure or non-pleasure is an indication of whether we are in God's will. God only excepts those who believe that Jesus, His son, died, rose again, and is coming back at a time unknown to us, is an indication of whether we are in God's will or not...

Being a Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow.

As John quoted Jesus saying "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." People think that the more material things they have the better they feel. I believe in just the opposite. We live in an instant gratification world. I believe that if we were to place our trust in the Lord, He will provide for all of your basic needs and some of your wants. He has blessed me and my family tremendously...

  • 1 month later...

Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

First of all she is a little young teenage girl.....riding on a donkey over bumpy roads or paths.....in the end time of her pregnancy for 4 long days.....if they made good time. She has to be wondering and thining all of the time about God's plan for her....she has not yet been with her husband and she is already the subject of gossip.....WOW....I do not know if difficult is a strong enough word for her trip.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

No.....I think we can be in the center of God's will and there may be a world of hurt, chaos or grief around us....and YET HE LIVES......

Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

My life has been full of ups and downs.....but I have to tell you that if it were not for the hardships I would not recognize the blessings. My desire is to be a servant.....and that journey has led to conflict, turmoil and tears...but walking with Jesus is my love.


Journey difficult for Mary - It was late in the pregnancy, she was sitting on a donkey, there were no real conveniences, and they were poor. Additionally they had to deal with a non-typical start to their relationship which likely yielded less family support.

Does pleasure indicate being in God's will - Only if God is your pleasure. Being in God's will can have a high degree of discomfort and trial. Joseph in Genesis would say no. Job in his trial would say it was difficult. Samuel transitioning through kings and cleaning up some large people mess would say it was difficult. Acts 14:22 "Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." Even Jesus sought for a way to "let this cup pass" and clearly reveals being in God's will can be costly and painful. Before the Kings show up with gifts, Joseph and Mary have likely taken a significant financial, and social hit to walk in the will of God.

Does being a Christian cause more hardships? Yes & No! Yes - To follow the Lord has meant making choices that at times were to our hurt. My wife stayed home with young children and we went without. Over the years we faced failures and consequences when many would just avoid them. Honesty and integrity will at times make life more difficult when peers are confronted or you have to own up to mistakes. John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." No - Prov. 13:15 "Good understanding gains favor, but the way of the unfaithful is hard." I believe many more hardships are created by living outside of God's will. My adult children love and respect me as we serve the Lord together. It would be harder to live without that. I have peace in my heart and mind from making Christ-centered choices. It would be a lot harder to live without that peace.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?Any examples from your life?Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? It was difficult for Mary because she was far along in her pregnancy.She was VERY pregnant, due at any time to give birth.In those days travel was very arduous.It was either on foot or by horse, camel or donkey. It may also have been winter. She also was far way from her family and loved ones AND she was also a very young teenager.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Pleasure in a spiritual sense, as in JOY, or taking pleasure in knowing the Lord is an indication that we are in God's care. Earthy pleasures are NOT!!

Any examples from your life? Before I was baptized and took the Lord as my savior I was a dreadful, miserable, sinful, hateful,depressed, selfish person. Since being graced with Jesus in my life, my life has taken many a turn.It is completely turned around in matters of the heart and my sinful nature is now a repentant nature.While we are all sinners, and I certainly have my share of sin in my daily life, walking in repentance, and seeking forgiveness changes our priorities, our values. As we grow to know Jesus more and more, as our "personal" relationship to each other grows, our kinship to one another grows,AND we also grow in fellowship with other christians and in servitude to our Lord, our lives also begin to grow and prosper and give us a completely different kind of pleasure, JOY in Knowing and loving Christ!

I think in terms of hardship as being a relevant term.I mean what is hardship? Is it being ridiculed,unjustly for our beliefs, is it being imprisoned, or stoned, tortured? Jesus suffered HARDSHIPS,MARY ( Mary could have been stoned to death because of her pregnancy out of wedlock)and JOSEPH suffered HARDSHIP, The Apostles suffered HARDSHIP!John the baptist suffered HARDSHIP! Mosses suffered HARDSHIP, just to name a few Biblical people who suffered REAL and ENDURING HARDSHIP!! I am willing to suffer for my beliefs in our God. Fortunately I live in this free society, the United States, and we do not "suffer" a great deal because of our belief in Jesus. We may be insulted OR ridiculed, or rejected. But true suffering NO !!! However there are many people who live in countries (maybe some even on this board) where freedom and choice of speech and religious belief leads to TRUE suffering on behalf of our Lord!!


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."


1. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Mary was pregnant,and maybe in labor pains already when they travel.How many stop did they do,how slow will be the ardous Journey so as not to endanger God


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

2. a. The journey was difficult for Mary because she was in the last month of her pregnancy and had four days of travel to get to Bethlehem and who knows what kind of difficulties they encountered, being tired, hungry, thirsty and thinking where they would live and what would people think.

b. No, pleasure is not an indication that we are in God's will or not. Peace is. The Word says, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have over come the world".

c. 1. Yes, About 15 yrs. ago I had a heart attack ( that was not to pleasurable) but God was with me. I had minimal damage and have had no problems since.

2. I was going through some hard times financially and started to declare out loud what His Word said, "For my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus". He knew I had bills and I wanted to give to my church Christmas Offering this year and buy some gifts for my family. Two days later I got a letter from the bank telling me that the IRS regulations require me to take an annual distribution from my retirement account before the year is up and failure to take a minimum distribution would result is substantial IRS penalties. I went to the bank and they put over $1,000 in my checking account. I was able to give to the Christmas offering, tithe and pay on my credit card. Praise God!! He always comes through. We can't out give God.

d. Yes, we do have more hardships but we have the Lord to help us through them. The devil is always trying to trip us up (he is a defeated foe), but thank God we have God's Word to declare, just as Jesus did when he was in the wilderness. God's Word is powerful. We have to say it out loud till faith comes. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

The journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary, because she had to make a tough journey and was pregnant.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

No, pleasure is not an indication that we are in God

  • 6 months later...

Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

I believe the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary because the Lord wanted to prepare her for the difficulty of being the Mother of the Saviour of the world, who would eventually be crucified. The Lord wanted to show Mary how to follow His voice and listen to Him in painful times, for she would face many. This would also enable her to teach her Son, Jesus, to listen to the voice of His Father.

Pleasure is definitely not an indication that we are in the will of God. Many times when I have been walking in the will of God I have suffered greatly, and there have been other times of great joy in my life when I know I have been out of God's will. God gives rain on the good and on the evil. I believe that being a consistent Christian can cause more hardships than going with the flow in that the enemy is going to come against us as consistent Christians in order to take us out. However, I also believe that the reward of being blessed by God is much richer, and being close to the heart of the Lord enables us to endure trials in a manner that makes the suffering more joyful than the so-called "enjoyment" of doing our own thing would give us. I have endured many trials while following the Lord on a consistent basis, and the road has not been easy, but there is nothing I would trade for the awesome treasure and beauty of walking closely and intimately with my Lord Jesus.

  • 10 months later...

What man in his right mind takes a nine month pregnant "wife" on a long journey, either on foot or by donkey? Mary visits Elizabeth in her 1st trimester (approximately 3 months). We can assume, since they are heading to Joseph's hometown, that they continue on to Bethlehem shortly after their visit with Elizabeth, traveling when Mary is just over 3 months. Luke plainly states, "while they were there"...that DOES NOT MEAN that they arrive, her water breaks, and she immediately delivers Jesus.

Does anyone remember how important Hospitality was to the Jews? If they would welcome complete strangers into their homes, how much more would they welcome KINFOLK like Joseph and his pregnant wife? Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem several months before the birth...."while they were there" NOT IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY ARRIVE!

Has anyone translated the Greek words that Luke uses in the birth narrative and the parable of the Neighborly Samaritan that we westerners translate "INN". Luke uses TWO DIFFERENT GREEK words: one is translated "guest room" in Luke two and the other is translated "Inn" in the Samaritan parable. sINCE THERE WAS "NO ROOM IN THE guest room", Mary delivers baby Jesus in the area of a home outside the guest room nearest to the animals coralled in that part of the house with mangers carved in the floor. She was well cared for by the women from Joseph's hometown while she gave birth.

This brings a whole new light on the birth narrative...one that is more endearing to Joseph's hometown and all those poor inn keepers who have gotten such bad press over the years,


What man in his right mind takes a nine month pregnant "wife" on a long journey, either on foot or by donkey? Mary visits Elizabeth in her 1st trimester (approximately 3 months). We can assume, since they are heading to Joseph's hometown, that they continue on to Bethlehem shortly after their visit with Elizabeth, traveling when Mary is just over 3 months. Luke plainly states, "while they were there"...that DOES NOT MEAN that they arrive, her water breaks, and she immediately delivers Jesus.

Does anyone remember how important Hospitality was to the Jews? If they would welcome complete strangers into their homes, how much more would they welcome KINFOLK like Joseph and his pregnant wife? Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem several months before the birth...."while they were there" NOT IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY ARRIVE!

Has anyone translated the Greek words that Luke uses in the birth narrative and the parable of the Neighborly Samaritan that we westerners translate "INN". Luke uses TWO DIFFERENT GREEK words: one is translated "guest room" in Luke two and the other is translated "Inn" in the Samaritan parable. sINCE THERE WAS "NO ROOM IN THE guest room", Mary delivers baby Jesus in the area of a home outside the guest room nearest to the animals coralled in that part of the house with mangers carved in the floor. She was well cared for by the women from Joseph's hometown while she gave birth.

This brings a whole new light on the birth narrative...one that is more endearing to Joseph's hometown and all those poor inn keepers who have gotten such bad press over the years,


What man in his right mind takes a nine month pregnant "wife" on a long journey, either on foot or by donkey? Mary visits Elizabeth in her 1st trimester (approximately 3 months). We can assume, since they are heading to Joseph's hometown, that they continue on to Bethlehem shortly after their visit with Elizabeth, traveling when Mary is just over 3 months. Luke plainly states, "while they were there"...that DOES NOT MEAN that they arrive, her water breaks, and she immediately delivers Jesus.

Does anyone remember how important Hospitality was to the Jews? If they would welcome complete strangers into their homes, how much more would they welcome KINFOLK like Joseph and his pregnant wife? Joseph and Mary get to Bethlehem several months before the birth...."while they were there" NOT IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY ARRIVE!

Has anyone translated the Greek words that Luke uses in the birth narrative and the parable of the Neighborly Samaritan that we westerners translate "INN". Luke uses TWO DIFFERENT GREEK words: one is translated "guest room" in Luke two and the other is translated "Inn" in the Samaritan parable. sINCE THERE WAS "NO ROOM IN THE guest room", Mary delivers baby Jesus in the area of a home outside the guest room nearest to the animals coralled in that part of the house with mangers carved in the floor. She was well cared for by the women from Joseph's hometown while she gave birth.

This brings a whole new light on the birth narrative...one that is more endearing to Joseph's hometown and all those poor inn keepers who have gotten such bad press over the years,



Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Actually, this could be a very detailed explanation but we'll keep it simple.

The journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary because she was pregnant

and probably pretty far along in her pregnancy. Just walking around on a

daily basis was probably difficult for her, especially after she had already

reached her tired point, but riding a donkey all day when she was almost

due must have been a nightmare (even for a 15 year old).

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

Pleasure is not an indication that we are in God's will. In fact, it is probably

the opposite.

Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this

proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships

than just going with the flow."

I'm honing in on the word that you used “consistent”. Pray to God that we

Christians could all be consistent Christians. I would think that if you were

a consistent Christian that eventually those around you may eventually

back off and not intentionally try to ridicule your religious position. But the

world is not made for the Christian belief. We often have to decline social

gatherings or opportunities due to our Christian stand.

My example from life was after I was in my first job as a registered nurse. I

was working labor and delivery. Come to find out they started to do

abortions 2x a week-right at the start of 2nd shift, the shift that I worked.

New nurse, first job, and I wanted to either get a job someplace else in the

hospital or I wanted to leave that hospital for the Catholic hospital across

town. Did I ever take flack for that. I got lucky and was able to get a job at

the Catholic hospital but it didn't happen over night. I believe if I would

have continued to work at the first hospital I would have always worn the

title of “Nurse Who Didn't Want to Do Her Job”. I'm glad I left.

Unfortunately nursing gets put in the middle a lot for doing non-Christian



Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Just walking around is hard enough for a woman who is in the final stages of her pregnancy. To have to walk for four days would have been extremely exhausting.

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

Very often the only pleasure we feel is the peace of mind that comes from knowing we're in God's will. So I'm gonna say no.

Any examples from your life?

Doing God's will caused me many problems back when I was married. My most implacable opponent in wanting to do service for God was my wife, who was totally against my spending any time, money and effort in church activities, especially tithing. Only the knowledge that I was in the will of God made things bearable.

Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

In the 30 years I've been a Christian I've seen myself go from robust health to poor health, from being able to make a living to poverty, from being married to being divorced and alone. I don't know what my life would be like now if I'd just made my own way in the world. I try not to think about it. But often I ponder how much worse things could get if I didn't have God "looking after me". I was a Bible-believing Church-going Christian when work injuries ended my working life at just 43 years of age and I had to go on the disability pension. I prayed to God daily asking Him to strengthen and restore my marriage, then it ended in separation and divorce. I prayed over my daughter asking God to keep her safe and she ended up with a drug problem. I'm one of the best muscians in the Blues-Rock genre. yet I see people with a small fraction of my ability rocketing past me like I'm going backwards (which in fact I am) while I trust in God to aid me. In all of these situations I was doing my best to live an upright life and to please God.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

As a young maiden experiencing her first pregnancy, I think the journey to Bethlehem was very difficult for Mary. Having to leave the comfort of a home where she would have been sheltered from the cold winter night contributed to the harshness of the journey.

Pleasure is not an indication that we are or are not in God’s will. We may experience both pleasure and displeasure when we are in obedience to God’s will.

Being a consistent Christian may cause more hardship because you might take up the great commission which may take you into some places of hardship. Whereas a Christian who just go along with the flow might avoid the areas that might lead to hardship.


Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

As a young maiden experiencing her first pregnancy, I think the journey to Bethlehem was very difficult for Mary. Having to leave the comfort of a home where she would have been sheltered from the cold winter night contributed to the harshness of the journey.

Pleasure is not an indication that we are or are not in God’s will. We may experience both pleasure and displeasure when we are in obedience to God’s will.

Being a consistent Christian may cause more hardship because you might take up the great commission which may take you into some places of hardship. Whereas a Christian who just go along with the flow might avoid the areas that might lead to hardship.


Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

She was 9 months pregnant travelling on dusty dirty hilly roads with no place proper to sleep at night. It would have been exhausting.

Pleasure a not a good measuring stick to determine if you are in God's will or not. Clearly Mary's journey would not have been a vacation, however, there would be a measure of pleasure in knowing that she was serving God.

I think that being a Christian causes different hardships than going with the flow. As a consistent Christian you will sometimes stand out of the crowd which will lead some to misunderstand, hate or despise you. However, as a Christian you will avoid many of Satan's traps and will not live a life of slavery to sin. I would choose freedom from sin over going with the flow.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary?

Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not?

Any examples from your life?

Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow."

a) First Mary had to be under emotional strain from her pregnacy. She

had a four day ride- physical strain in the 9th month. Also it could have

been winter when they made the trip to Bethlehem, which would add to

physical discomfort, and she had no femal relatives or friends to help

her with the birth of Jesus.

B) It is a personal pleasure to serve the Lord, but there is also the fact

that being a Christian often causes hardships. Satin tries to make us follow

him with temptations and lies. Some Christians are persucated and ridiculed.

Our rewards are not of earth, but when we join Christ in heaven.

c) All I can say is when I really needed help, Christ was there. He provided/gave

me what I needed. I had Him with me during my car wreck, (hit a tree at 65 mph).

There is no way ANYONE can tell me He is not there for us !

If you "go with the flow" are you really following God? doing His will? I believe

by being a christian you do not allow satan to distract you from God's teachings.

Being a consistant Christian can cause us more hardships (but nothing we can

not handle) but the rewards - OH so grand to be one with Christ.

  • 9 months later...

The journey to Bethlehem would have been very difficult for Mary on several levels.  One, the most obvious she was well advanced in her first pregnancy.  She did not know what to expect or know when or what the signs were.  She was without a midwife or her mother or even a friend to assist her in her pregnancy or labor.  She really did not know Joseph.  This coupled with the time of year would have made her journey very difficult.


Our lives cannot be all happy fun events.  God is with us even when there is strife.  He is closer to us then, if we call him and place our lives in His hands. 


Being a consistent Christian causes me not one hardship.  My husband was diagnosed with advanced multiple myeloma in July.  As of this writing we are uncertain of his prognosis.  I have MS and it is in the advanced stages although I am still walking with a cane and occasionally a wheelchair.  God has a reason for everything.  Sure it would be easy to get mad and rant and rave why, but placing our faith in The Father makes it this so much easier.  I will accept whatever the outcome for my husband and I.  We are in a win win situation and He handles all the stress.

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