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The reason why the message about Jesus' birth comes to the shepherds is this: At the time of Jesus' birth, the shepherds were the lowest of the low. They did the dirty work like feeding the sheep. They people of the city would look at them as the outcast. Plus this was example that Jesus came into the world for all people not just for the rich but also for the poor.

Jesus born in a manager to show that even though He was king of Heaven, he was mankind in flesh. He came to live among man and to take on our sufferings as well as our sins.

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The message of Jesus birth came to the shepherds because they were considered the lowest of people and Jesus came to save anyone who trusts in Him even the lowest of the people. You do not have to be from the upper class.

Jesus is born in a stable with a manger for a bed because He came here to serve,not to be served,so he was born in very humble circumstances.

The point God is making is that Jesus would be a Savior for all people even the poorest and humblest,no class of people would be left out.


I didn't realize that shephards were looked down on, especially since so many "heros" in the bible were shephards. If they were indeed considered lowly, this would make the perfect type of people to tell of the Savior's birth. Just as Jesus was born in a stable and slept in a manger, just as Jesus always ministered to the tax collectors and the prostitutes, he was here to serve. For the least shall inherit the earth. Nothing but humbleness, total faith in God, and salvation.

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

God is showing us how he emptied himself for our sake (Phillipians 2:7). Even though he was King, Jesus emptied himself of all previleges as KING in order to show us the extent of his Love for us. The fact that he was born among the sherpherds shows us that he came for people even as lowly as the sherpherds. If he had been born among the rich Jesus would have been understood as the a KING of the rich in society. But Jesus came for the oppressed, neglected and poorest of the poor in society to give them hope, and he demonstrated this by experiencing a birth such people would normally experience.


The message of Jesus' birth first came to the shepherds because by that time they had an unsavory reputation. They were considered the lowest of the low, much like the untouchable caste in India today.

This shows that Jesus came to save the lowest of sinners.

Jesus was born in a stable with a manger for a bed to show that He didn't flaunt His rights as the 2nd person of the Trinity. Jesus literally emptied Himself to all the previleges to which He was heir. He took the lowest place among the poorest of the poor.

The point God is making is that Jesus came to earth, not to be served but to serve. The manger represents serving.

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

I believe the message of Jesus' birth comes to the shepherds because they represent the common, everyday sinner, whom Jesus came to save. The fact that Jesus was born in a stable with a manger(animal feeding trough) for a bed is significant and intentional. God is making the point that Jesus is the Saviour for ALL who will accept and receive Him. He took off His Glory totally and became just as mankind. He was not here on earth just to be a Saviour to the rich, the high-class, or the well-educated. Jesus was and is the Saviour of ALL who will come unto Him in faith and belief that He is indeed the son of God as well as the son of man who has come to redeem our sins.

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

The message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people because God state to his people that in Jesus God will be like a shepherd and his people his sheep that he will keep watching over his sheep, so that his sheep are safe from wandering off and injuring themselves, as well as dangers from thieves and wolves.

Jesus is born in a stable with a manger for a bed because God state that he wants to serve his people, that is, the poor. For that he had made himself nothing, being made in human likeness, in his coming to the earth, he didn

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

The act of the message coming to the shepherds is full of meaning.

-- The overarching symbolic meaning here is that as the shepherds are guardians of the sheep, likewise, the Great Shepherd has arrived to lead, defend, guide, and care for his sheep, who are the believers, the sons and daughters of the Most High God.

-- As a physical sheep is led to the slaughter for the temporary expiation of human sin the, so the Lamb of God is sacrificed for the permanent removal of sins.

-- The shepherds are in the lowest, despised rungs of human society. Jesus arrives as a prophet without honor in his own country, the adopted son of a lowly carpenter and the


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

It is to show that God cares for all people the same even the lowest. He came thatall people could find peace through His might and mercy. He is born in a manger to fulfill the prophecy that wasspoken of God years before ansos with itpeople would recognize that God has spoken truth to them andthat He is truly withHis people. He came to live the life of servant that all the poor and feearful people of the earthcould know and recognize Him as their Lord and Saviour.

God ismaking the point that He is with all people notjust those who are wealthy as the Jews had believed. He came in the flesh that al people could be saved.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?


Jesus coming to earth did not come to us as a King but came as a babe...depending fully on his parents for his care and upbringing...he did not come to a rich family who could provide all his wants...he came to a working family who would provide all his needs...physically mentally and spiritually...Jesus emptied himself of all his heavenly privileges and having the angels come to the shepards just goes along with this. Jesus came to preach to the poor ...Shepards at that time were a dispised lot...often thought of as thiefs and liars...those are the ones Jesus came for...also they were not allowed to be witnesses but they witnessed the one miracle that would save all. Also later in Jesus's ministry he would later show that he was our shepard...and from birth he understood what that exactly meant.

The same is shown with the manger...He was not rich or powerful or well known. He faced so much against him from birth. He left everything behind to become a simple man. All this shows us the pure love God has for us...to become a servant to man...one who lives in the heavens...and in the end die from each and everyone of us.

  • 10 months later...

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

There is no more disreputable occupation than that of a

shepherd."10 Philo, a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher of Alexandria (25 BC - 45 AD), wrote about looking after sheep and goats, "Such pursuits are held mean and inglorious."Jesus came to the earth to reach out to the poor and to sinners. ;)

Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Here again, we see Jesus came as a humble being to reach out to the poor both in body and spirit. We must remember this in our society when we want so many material things and when we have a tendency to want to glorify the wealthy. :P With Thanksgiving for our salvation, we glorify God.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Jesus came not in the glory that would certainly be deserved by God, but to be servile - to even the lowest of the low. The 'hired' shepherds were among the lowest class among the Jews of Israel at the time. Adding to the picture of humility, first Mary and Joseph had to endure the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census, then they could not find lodging, and were forced to stay in a barn with the animals. Their child then had to be laid in the animal's food trough, wrapped in rags. God is certainly starting out his life with a very humble begining. He is the living example that 'you who wish to be first must be last' that Jesus would teach later in life.

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Shepherds are outcasts of the World, as was Christ, the Good Shepherd. God is making the point, with the manger and the shepherds, that Christ is the King of the World, precisely because he is humble.


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

The shepherds were in many cases, the lowest of the low, poor hirelings, disreputable, caretakers of the sheep which in many cases would be offered as sacrifices in the temple nearby. Symbolic perhaps of His future role as chief Shepherd of the flock of God....I believe the message is that Jesus came to save all people in all walks of life: the fallen, the sick, the poor, the rich, the pagans, the religious...every man, woman, and child of every race, creed, and condition.

Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed?

Jesus emptied Himself of all privilege to which He was heir, and made Himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant, in human likeness. His birth was among the poorest of the poor. I think it reflects His entire life on earth. His first bed was a makeshift borrowed feed trough, and as an itinerant, He had no home or possessions, dependent upon His Father to provide for His daily needs. (Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay His head Mt. 8:20)I was stunned and comforted while whining to Him about being homeless, when He showed me that He was homeless!

This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

I believe the point is that Jesus is for everyone. That He was born into a poor, ordinary family, and must be sought after for the Spiritual life He offered, unlike the famous of history, who are sought after for the material "stuff" they can give to their "worshipful" groupies. He was "the common man", fully approachable by the most lowly and common in every society. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but laid that down to become the servant of kings... paying taxes to King Caesar, whom He created!

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

I think to shepherds of all people, because the shepherds were the low life of the day...they had very little and were humble amongst all men.

Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed?

To show that He left everything for nothing.

This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

To make sure we "got it"...it's hard to miss this ... God is making the point that Jesus is for everyone. Rich, poor, great, small...King of Kings...Lord of Lords...All in All...He is God.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

I think that the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds because they were considered the lowest of the low. Also, they could spread the good news of the Messiah. Jesus was born in a stable to show that he had come as a servant to mankind. God's point was that Jesus came for everybody. There is not one soul that Christ did not come to live and die for.

  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus was born among the poor and disreputable. He went from one end of the spectrum to the other. He came to serve and to give His life. There was no silver spoon, there were no advantages given to Him in His earthly life. He came as a shepherd to His sheep.

  • 9 months later...

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

I can't help but wonder if the message came to shepherds because Jesus is our Shepherd. Also perhaps they were the only ones who would listen. Jesus was so near to the people and yet He was so far. He might as well have been a million miles away.

Why was He born in a stable? God works in ways to catch people offguard. We are not as smart as we think sometimes and God will not be in a box that we create for Him.

Just my thoughts.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

I think the message came to the sheperds for they were God fearing and were looking after Gods creatures.They were not caught up in all the worldly happenings and pleasures.Jesus was born in a manger for there were no rooms at the inn. God sent His only Son to us in human form, He already was lowering Himself to our sense of being, He was coming to us, He humbled Himself and that is what Jesus did thru out His life. He was not only teaching us to be humble but He showed us how.Why would you not want to follow Him, He asks you to do nothing that He has not done. :rolleyes:


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

The message of Jesus' birth came to shepherds because they were lowly people. And the fact that Jesus was born in a stable with a manger for a bed shows that God placed Him in position of serving. Jesus came to be a servant of all.


Q3 King Herod was threatened by the birth of Jesus as a possible rival heir to the

throne so he gave orders to slaughter all male babies in Bethlehem. God's

message came to the shepherds because they were good guards, watchmen and protectors

so in a way God sent them to protect Jesus. As Jesus came in a humble way, God

chose the lowliest of the low (shepherds) to show the world that God has lowered

Himself to come down to their level to be with them.

Since all the inns in Bethlehem were full, Joseph had no choice but to put up in

the stable as it was late at night, in a cold winter season and Mary was very tired

after four days' journey and her time was due to deliver the baby.

God has used His son Jesus to teach us humility. As followers of Christ, we need

to have this virtue in us so that we may not be proud when we work for the Lord.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Luke 2:7-8)

Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed?

This has to be intentional.

What point is God making?

Jesus came to be our shepherd; He came in all humility to serve, to save. The conditions of His birth were intentional, so that He would be approachable by all of us, even the poorest of the poor. He came to save all who believed in Him. He died for us, ascended to heaven, and will return to earth as King of kings. Although born into poor and humble circumstances, He will rule the world and judge us individually according to our belief in Him.


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Luke 2:7-8

7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?

I think that there were many reasons why the message came to the shepherds. One would be that their occupation was not the most glamorous and the sheep totally relied on the shepherds like we should rely on Jesus. Another one would be that He called Himself the Good Shepherd in John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. God would definitely want the message to come to the shepherds because Jesus was The Good Shepherd.

Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

Yes, there was no room at the inn, because God wanted His Son to be born in the lowest of places. This insignificant place was exactly what God wanted because He wanted us to know where Jesus came from and therefore when we are at our lowest point, we can come to Jesus, our Saviour.


Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making?

The circumstances of his birth; in a cattle shed or a cave with a feeding trough for a cradle, are just about as humble and low as it is possible to get. In this, Jesus is completely emptying himself of His glory and taking on the form of the humblest. As He later said to His disciples "whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave" (Matt 20 : 26-27). Jesus came into the world amongst the lowest of the low. He is now seated at Gods right hand. The message of Jesus is for everyone just as the message of his birth was for everyone, from the shepherds in this account, to the three wise men in Matthew Chaper 2. Jesus knows no boundaries, no rich no poor, no male or female, no nationality or colour. He came to save everyone with the same message, a message of love and humility.

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