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  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

1. Christ, Lord, Messiah

2. Christ - anointed, Messiah / Lord - owner, lord, master / christos and kurios spoke divinity.

3. It tells us that Jesus' is true identity is divine.

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  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

Savior, Christ and Lord.

Savior means "one who rescues, deliverer." Christ is "the annointed one, messiah." Lord means "owner, master, or ruler."

He is the one we were told about. He is the annointed one of God who is come to reconcile us with the Father, save us from sin, and reign forever as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Sovereign Ruler of the Universe.

  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

...for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Savior...Strong's word 4990 which is a noun and means 'savior deliverer, preserver'. It comes from the word 4982 which is a verb that means 'to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction'. Jesus is named....has the attributes and character of the Deliverer.

Christ...Strong's word 5547 which is a noun that means 'anointed'. It comes from the word 5548 which is a verb meaning 'to anoint'...which is the consecrating and furnishing of the power He would possess to be our Deliverer.

Lord...Strong's word 2962 which is a noun that means "he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding, ...master, owner.

The Jewish people had been waiting for just such a promised One. Jesus (Jehovah is salvation) is God Himself in the flesh...our anointed Deliverer Who was to redeem...buy back from sin and slavery... that which He already owns...His creation...His people.

  • 9 months later...
  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

Saviour - Jesus will bring both salavation from enemies and from sin

Christ - means anointed or Messiah

The Lord - Person of high position - Yahweh

It tells us he will be a saviour, anointed Messiah - Yahweh (GOD)

  • 1 month later...

What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels?

Savior. Christ the Lord, Messiah

What does each mean?

Savior: one who rescues, one who delivers, preserver

Christ the Lord: anointed one, owner, lord, master, one of high position

Messiah: Yahweh....the living God

What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

He is the truth, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, He is the Beginning....He is the Christ, He is the Savior, all in a baby boy born by virgin birth in Bethlehem.


The three titles given to Jesus by the angels:

Savior - Deliverer. The translators consistently translated this word "Savior", but the root it comes from gives insight into it's meaning. The root it comes from is commonly translated: save, heal, deliver, and whole. It means the one who saves completely.

Christ - Anointed One or the Messiah. On the Day of Pentecost, the Lord Jesus CHRIST, God's anointed gave the Holy Spirit in fullness to His disciples gathtered in the upper room.

Lord - Owner, Lord, Master. This is a word the people would have associated with a high position and could be used with Jehovah God.

The meaning: To those hearing these words, it was a declaration that told them God's Anointed One to save them had just been born in Bethlehem. Jesus is the Anointed One that now anoints us to reach those that He has redeemed through the cross. Jesus is the one anointed to bring us this great salvation that restores us into fellowship with God.

In those three titles we see who He is, Lord, what he came to do, save, and how He would do it, anointed. "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"


Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?


Luke 2:11(Amplified)-For to you is born this day in the town of David a Savior, Who is Christ (the Messiah) the Lord!(B)

(KJV)-For unto you is born this the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

1. Saviour-He will save His people


Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

Christ - the Anointed one.

Lord - Owner, Master, over all the World.

Messiah - Christ and Lord are used together to the Jewish ears this meant Yahweh and implies the highest of titles.Exalted to the position of LORD AND SAVIOR! Jesus, in these three word, Christ, Lord and Messiah is given the highest possible position among the Jews and the World! JESUS is born in Bethlehem as CHRIST,LORD and THE MESSIAH of the world!


Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

1.)Savior- come to SAVE all of mankind from sin by sacrificing Himself on the cross in our place!

2.)Messiah- King of All Kings, Lord of All Lords. The messiah spoken of in the Old testament! To the Jews the coming of the Messiah meant something special a miraculous birth( the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people.

3.) Lord- The highest of all-the ruler, the master, Ruler, Chief, Authority, Power and Control over ALL! He is the sovereign King of all humanity and everything was created by Him and for Him!

  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

4. a. The three titles given Jesus by the angels are Messiah/Savior, Christ, The Lord.

b. Messiah/Savior - He came to save his people from their sins.

Christ - Anointed One.

The Lord - Owner, Lord, Master.

c. He is the Messiah - Christ the Lord, Son of God, He came to save his people from their sins and to give His life as a ransom for many, He came to seek and save the lost.

  • 5 months later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels?

The three titles of Jesus given by the angels are Savior, Messiah, and Christ.

What does each mean?

Jesus is Savior means "one who rescues savior, deliverer, and preserver."

Jesus is Messiah means the exalted One, Yahweh.

Jesus is Christ the Lord

  • 6 months later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels?

The three titles for Jesus given by the angels were (1) Christ meaning anointed; (2) the Greek christos, which means "Messiah", and (3) kurios, meaning "owner, lord, master, or any person of high authority. The implications of these names are that Jesus is the anonted of God, chosen by Him, and that He is the One long-expected Messiah coming to save the Israelited from their years of captivity; finally, as kurios, or Lord, He is the All-Powrful Ruler who the Jewish people have been looking for to bring them out of their captivity and oppression.

  • 10 months later...

The three titles given to Jesus were as follows:

1. Savior/Messiah - rescuer, deliverer, preserver

2. Christ - annointed

3. Lord - owner, lord or master

This reveals Jesus' true identity as the Annointed Master who has come to save His people.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the

angels? What does each mean?

  1. "Savior" (sōtēr) "one who rescues, savior, deliverer, preserver.

  2. Christ the Lord." "Lord" (kurios) means "owner, lord, master, a designation of any person of high position.

  3. Yahweh, which refers to divinity.

The names signify Christ

What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

That Jesus has the highest conceivable and most lofty designation.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels?

Savior Messiah Lord

What does each mean?

Savior: Literally Jesus will save people . . . from sin, death, and the power of Satan.

Messiah: This title means that Jesus is annointed by God Himself. He will rule using God's authority.

Lord: In this context, Lord is the word used when speaking reverently of God Himself, not just an important person.

What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

Jesus is our Savior who will rule the world with the authority of God because He IS God.


Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

The three titles of Jesus given by the angels are “a Savior,” “Christ” and “the Lord,”

"Savior" means "one who rescues, savior, deliverer, preserver."

"Christ" comes from the Greek adjective christos, "anointed," which translates Hebrew mashiah, transliterated in English as "messiah.

"The Lord" (kurios) means "owner, lord, master, a designation of any person of high position.

All of this tell us that Jesus is indeed Savior and Lord of the Universe.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11)

What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels?

What does each mean?

What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

a) The three titles given Jesus by the Gngel were Savior, Christ the

Lord, and the Messiah.

B) Savior a person who rescues others from evil, danger or destruction.

He saves us from our sins if we ask.

Christ the Lord the anointed one, the supreme authority, "Yahweh"

Messiah the one anointed by God and empowered by God's spirit to

deliver His people.

c) Jesus is the Messiah, the savior Yahweh promised He would send.

He is the Lord God manifested in the flesh to save us from our sins,

an humble man who refused to use the title Messiah in public.

  • 9 months later...

Jesus was given three names.  Savior, one who delivers or rescuer of His people.  Christ the Lord, or Lord and Master designator of a high position.  Messiah, a high position, the ruler of all. Each title He was given tells us He IS God's Son.  The Son of God who came to earth in human form to lead us.  He commanded authority when He came into His own.  The names tell us who He is.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?


The three titles of Jesus given to angels are: Saviour; Christ and Lord


This means Jesus is the one that saves from sin and enemy; the Messiah and master / owner- of His people.



  • 2 weeks later...

The first title is Savior who will rescue and deliver others. Next, is Christ who is the anointed messiah; and third, The Lord or God (Yahweh) himself. Thes titles,therefore, tell us that Jesus is God coming to earth to dwell with us, with a mission to seek out, rescue and deliver us from our long time enemies--sin and death.

  • 2 weeks later...

The angel  calls this baby Savior one who rescues, savior, deliverer, preserver.


The English word "Christ,"  comes from the Greek adjective christos, "anointed," which translates Hebrew mashiah, transliterated in English as "messiah.


the phrase, "Christ the Lord." "Lord" (kurios) means "owner, lord, master, a designation of any person of high position.


The angels are using these terms to indicate the divinity of Jesus



  • 1 year later...
  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

The titles given to Jesus by the angels are: Savior, Christ & Lord.


Verse 11 reads: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

  On 10/10/2007 at 2:31 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?

I am sorry I only answered the first part of the question. The three titles are: Savior, Christ & Lord. 

 Savior means that He is the Messiah, 

Christ, the Son of God came to redeem us from our sins, not to establish an earthly kingdom.

Lord,Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. While He was healing the physical illnesses, He was establishing a spiritual kingdom and delivering people from their sins. Christ paid the price for our sins and He offers us new hearts that will last an eternity.

  • 3 weeks later...

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