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:D Christ proved He was worthy to take the scroll and open its seals by prefectly completeing God's plan for salvation. With His conquest of sin, death, and hell He is equipped to be trusted with the future of God's people. His blood is the ransom for us and with it He pain the complete price.
What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals?

+ The Lamb's worthiness came from His willingness to be slain for the sins of every man. His blood was used for the redeemption and/or purchase of our souls.

It becomes very personal to realize how this perfect Lamb, Jesus, died for me, stained with sins, still important to God and His Perfect Lamb. Without this sacrifice I would be lost. Hallelujah! :wub:


Jesus, the Perfect Lamb, the sinless man/God was slain for our sins so that we could come before God. It was an offering to God. The solution had been planned before man was created. God could have created us so that we would have to love Him, but He gave us the gift of free will. We have to make a choice. He took a chance that we would choose Him. Not a chance, really, because God sees future events as well as past events the same as the present. God hates sin, he cannot stand it, yet we are filthy rags and a way had to be found to broach the boundless gap between sinful man and perfect God. Jesus was that way. :D Glory, Glory! This study reminds me of a song we sing in Church. I have seen it in the Bible but off hand I cannot remember the reference. Amen, praise and glory, and wisdom and ****** and honor, and power and strength be to our God, forever and ever, Amen, :D I forget that one word. But when we sing it we go over and over it several times. It has been a while since we have sung it.

Q3. What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.)

...because you were slain

and with your blood you purchased men for God

from every tribe and language and people and nation.

Revelation 5:9

The scroll has 7 seals. The 7 symbolizes completeness or perfection. The one who opens the scroll must be whole, complete, and perfect. He must have the power of perfection and wholeness to execute what is written. Just as He has already fulfilled other prophesies, He must be able to filfill what is written on the scroll.

Jesus is the only one able to open this scroll. He has the power and perfection that is required. He sacrificed himself to save us all. Thus He is worthy to take the scroll and open it's seals.:wub:


What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? :o Jesus, the perfect, sinless sacrifice, was slain for our sins, & redeemed us by His precious Blood! John say's "And I wept much, because NO MAN was found worthy to open & to read the book, neither to look thereon" Only Jesus, the son of God, who no sin could be found in, was worthy to open the book. :o Not only did He die for our sins, He also conquered Death, hell, & the Grave! He triumphed over all! This is why we can now say "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through Him that loved us"(Romans 8:37) Because He triumphed, we do also! Praise the Lord! :lol:


By fulfilling the Lord's plan of salvation for His people, Jesus became worthy to take the scroll and open its seals. By fulfilling the prophecies that were written about the Messiah, Jesus proved that He really was the Son of God and that He was worthy to open the seals.


>REV:5: 9,pretty much tells us the answer.

~~Jesus Christ was slain for our sins,and redeamed us to God by His Blood.

~~You are worthy to take the schroll,and to open its seals'

For you were slain'

And have redeamed us to God by your blood.

Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,

Rev.5:9,The NEW SONG<celebrates the redemptive work of the Son of God.


3. What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.)

Jesus the lamb triumphed and was worthy to open the scrolls because, He was Slain and with His blood He was able to purchase the lives of men. Jesus made it possible that people from all over the world might be saved and go on to be Priests reigning on earth with Jesus. :rolleyes:


Christ was the only perfect one so He was the only one notable to open the scrolls. Christ paid the ultimate price for us with His spilled blood and His body so we'll to be with Him.


Tha Lamb was slain and with His blood He purchased man for God from every tribe, language and people and nation. They were made to be a kingdom and preists to serve the lLamb and reign on earth.


The Lamb was worthy to take the scrolls and opens its seals because He was slain and with His blood He purchased men for God from every tribe and lanuage and people and nation.


The Lamb was the only One worthy to open the seals because He was the only perfect Lamb, the only Lamb of God who died for the sins of the world and who 3 days later rose again victorious, conquering hell.

I believe it is important to remember here that no one "took" Jesus' life, he "gave" it. WORTHY IS THE LAMB!!


Even before I rededicated my life to Christ, I used to love to read the verse to which

speaks of only one Worthy to open the Book Sealed... Revelation

Because of such Worth I thought it impossible to get close to such a God because I could

never be found so true in heart. God truly understood how I viewed Him, and opened my eyes to see that no one, absolutely no one is Worthy, but His Firey, Passionate Love for us desired

a Close Encounter of the Love kind. NO ONE PROOVES TO BE WORTHY, NO ONE MORE THAN JESUS!

In His continuing proving of Himself... He knew that He himself had to Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk, and finally take to the Cross to which again proved VICTORY. Suffered, Died, Overcame, Went to hell and back for me, for you. He thought of us Before the Cross, while on the Cross, and He thinks of us Now. To think this God, my God, desires to be everyone's God... would Invision it all and He knew His Worth from the begining... and He wants to share that with us. He came to me first and took me by my heart and led me to my knees and there I am at His feet growing in Relationship with God. And when I stand... I REJOICE, My King! :lol:

:rolleyes: The Lamb became worthy to take the scroll and open its seals because He was slain, and with His blood He purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
  • 3 weeks later...

What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.)

The Lamb has triumphed by His perfect obedience to the Father--He obeyed Him to the point of death on the Cross. Because of this He made it possible for men and women to be redeemed from sin so that they could serve the Father. Jesus' perfect obedience is what won Him the victory--may we follow in His example.


What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.)

The lamb triumphed because He was slain and this reconciled us to God and made us kings and priests to reign on the earth. (Before this .. the reigning and ruling was done by satan.)

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. What has the Lamb done to "triumph" (5:5) and so become worthy to take the scroll and open its seals? (Hint: See the "for" or "because" clause in 5:9 for the answer.) Exposition

The Lamb was slain, the sacrifice was perfect. Also, the Lamb was resurrected and is in heaven on the throne. We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

  • 10 months later...

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