Pastor Ralph Posted December 20, 2007 Report Posted December 20, 2007 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? Quote
Tabatha Posted January 8, 2008 Report Posted January 8, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? A Meek person is the one who by faith sees God as great, and hinself as nothing. And because of that, He submits to the righteous will of God. A meek person is the one who proclaims , "Not my will but thine be done," He submits to the will of His Heavenly Father and does not argue with the Holy Scriptures where God's will is clearly revealed. Therefore, the meek believer that is being led by God is having this Christlike quality of meekness and humility constantly being produced within him. He is a gentle person In Psalm 37:3 it says, " Trust in the Lord and do good." Faith is trust. The meek person trusts the Lord, meaning he rests in God by entrusting his whole life to Him. His whole being is resting upon the sure foundation of the almighty God. The meek man knows that his past, present, and future rests in God. He has heard the gospel proclamation which says, " Come unto me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." The meek person who comes to Christ and trusts in Him for His salvation is always at rest in God. Jesus Christ is His rest. No matter what circumstances he is facing.He is at rest and peace, Because he submits to the Spirit of Christ, the importance of humility will show forth. The world does not understand this kind of gentleness and humility. Quote
woodslasher Posted January 12, 2008 Report Posted January 12, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? I believe that a meek person like the lesson says is considered a wimp, and probably when I was in my 20s I did too , however as I get older , now in my 40s , I see differently. I see a meek person , like christ , as someone who will endure the trials , a cool head , if you will , someone who actually probably has more courage than those around him Quote
tom.nabors Posted January 12, 2008 Report Posted January 12, 2008 The ideal of the world is not just "get even" but "don't get even, get ahead" and by any means that serves that end. And if a person "gets ahead" by "doing the right things" as the world judges it in order to bring glory only to himself, this may be the most insidious way Satan has of accomplishing his purpose. In contrast, the Christian's purpose is to bring glory to God and he or she does that by reflecting a Christlike character. One of those characteristics is gentleness or meekness which is a humbling of oneself in submissive obedience to the Lordship of Christ focusing on His worth and glory instead of one's own by reflecting and proclaiming His courageous love. Quote
VollieFireman Posted January 12, 2008 Report Posted January 12, 2008 The sort of meekness (or gentleness) is contrasted in today Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted January 13, 2008 Report Posted January 13, 2008 The world knows little or nothing of this type of gentleness. The attitude of the world is one which is all out for one Quote
Roxanne Posted January 13, 2008 Report Posted January 13, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? A MEEK PERSON LIVES BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT..HE BELIEVES IN GOD AND IN ALL HE DOES ...BY HAVING A HUNGRY HEART FOR GOD..BEING GOD LIKE...DOING HIS WILL NOT GOING OUT TO GET THINGS ..BUT WAITING ON JESUS TO TAKE WHATEVER YOU NEED INTO YOUR LIFE ..HE WILL SATISFY ALL YOUR NEEDS ..YOU JUST HAVE TO LET HIM. Quote
jjj Posted January 13, 2008 Report Posted January 13, 2008 The expectations of the time of Jesus were for a powerful, strong leader who would fight and take charge - this has only beem amplified by time. Today our heroes need to be all things (even supernatural), have a sidekick to reflect back the power and to have a dark side. We allow our leaders grace in their indiscretions if they are strong. Today we impose 'gentleness' by law - a distortion - anti abuse, no smacking of children, political correctiness etc. The gentleness of the nature of Christ is in total constrast with the world's ideal. Humility is really just honesty of who you are and the situation you are in. It is telling the truth. Puffing oneself up, boasting or self illumination doesn't leave much room for the Holy Spirit to come into a persons life. It is important to Christilikeness because it makes you open to teaching. Quote
katef Posted January 13, 2008 Report Posted January 13, 2008 The world teaches to depend on no one but yourself. Look out for number one. Jesus teaches the importance of being gentle and humble. To truely be Christian, you have to acknowledge that your works do not serve God, and that all of our gifts are both given and used by the Holy Spirit. We are but vessels. Quote
charisbarak Posted January 14, 2008 Report Posted January 14, 2008 The world's ideal is for us to be so self-consumed we think of only our needs (or wants) and how to satisfy them--no matter who we step on to achieve this. Humility/Gentleness is giving others an idea of their value to God and to us. It is a way of pointing to God and not to ourselves. I have heard that humility is "power under control." Jesus had power at his disposal, but chose to draw others to himself & to the Father with love & caring. Quote
JanMary Posted January 14, 2008 Report Posted January 14, 2008 QUOTE (Pastor Ralph @ Dec 20 2007, 02:40 AM) Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? When I thought about this, the Lord brought to mind a beautiful stallion, with powerful muscles, flaring nostrils, rearing on his magnificent hind legs...That's how the world sees strength..unbridled and wild. Conversely, that same stallion, who has been tamed, and bridled, and is now under his masters control, will allow children to ride upon his back, is I think, Biblical meekness....Strength under control. Jesus on earth was always under the control of The Holy Spirit, and gentle enough to draw babies to Himself, yet when confronted with the evil in the temple, used whips of cords and overturned the money changers tables...strength under the control of the Holy Spirit, always without sin. Humility IS Christ likeness. The fruit of the Spirit is His nature, and I'm exhorted in Scripture to allow His nature to indwell me, and to allow His Spirit to produce His fruit in and through me. My Amplified Bible, uses meekness and humility as synonyms for Gentleness. I like that! I love that Jesus is gentle and humble, able to quiet my fears and speak tenderly to me, yet has the power to hold the Universe together! To be Christ like, I don't have to be a wuss. I can rely on His Spirit to give me strength and courage when in my own strength I would cower in a corner or under the bed, then in humility, give Him the glory for the victory instead of claiming it for myself. Quote
Loisb Posted January 14, 2008 Report Posted January 14, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? 1. The world looks at the meek as being weak or as a coward. 2. Humility is important because Christ showed humility when he died on the cross for our sins. He was humble whenever He lived as a mere mortal when He was sinless. It takes being humble to live like Christ. Quote
judeshere Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Before I became a Christian, I associated gentleness with a very quiet, unassuming person. Boy was I wrong. To be meek is often seen as weak. In God's kingdom it is a trait of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I see meekness as humility and self control. Quote
Stan Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? It is a complete opposite of world thinking,the world would have you over look your neighbor when he is in need but Jesus says you must loveyour neighbor and help him even when he is n't kind to you and doesn't show you the same mercy. Being humble is an act of love that Jesus had for all people even the one who put Him on the cross,when He said Father forgive them. Humble is being loving when it hurts not just when we feel like it. It isn't a family love either it isa out pouring of fairness and giving to all without prejudice, love your enemies what kind of humble love does it take to do that. Quote
love.serve.know Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 The world considers gentleness and humility as weaknesses. Christ was humble (and He created the whole world and everything in it). He had every right to be proud. He chose humility. He is our example and He asked us to put others above ourselves. Quote
YBIC Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 This sort of gentleness that is enduring and patient is most often seen in a worldly sense as weakness. When someone with this quality succeeds publicly, they are credited with success, but viewed by most as an oddity. Humility is important to Christlikeness because I believe it reflects an inner confidence and self esteem of a child of the King. There is no need to pretend to be someone else or to depend on yourself for strength. Quote
toney Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? The world's ideal is to be agressive, taking not giving, or step on someone else if it will boost me up the ladder. Meekness is a surrender of our own rights. It is a willingness to refuse to partake of a dog-eat-dog way of dealing with our fellowman. Humility is an honest evaluation of ourselves. In Romans 12:3 it says a man should "not think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly." Humility is our access to grace and grace is our way to Christlikeness. Quote
s8nfighter Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. Being sucessful in the world is in contrast to the new heaven and new earth which we long to inhabit. The new catch thing which seems to be taught today is that nothing is required, yet Jesus teaches that 14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. The wife of a very sucessful businessman passed away two years ago and in her obituary she was quoted as saying, two years prior to her passing, "I now know the purpose of my life is to serve the Lord." Eighty-nine years of chasing stuff and two years of blessed peace. Galations 5 is either just words to make us feel good or a calling to action as to the way we treat others. It is easy to admit that idol worship will keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God and just as easy to overlook the fact that Paul also puts in jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition as equal sins which will keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God. Quote
lulu 1931 Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 I think that most people of the world want to be "king of the hill" a game we played as children. To be christlike followers we need to place Jesus as "king of the hill" and become his helpers and do this without fan fare or greed. We must trust in the Lord ! Quote
Hazeyboo Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 I think the problem with the contrast between meekness and majesty is, as Graham Kendrick put it in a recent worship song, that meekness does not sit with majesty nor manhood with deity but that these things are "in perfect harmony, the Man who is God". It is this perfect harmony of God that we need to be striving for -- the humility to follow God and the majesty to lead others to Him. So, blessed are the meek, those who are aware of their humanity and its imperfections for God loves them. Quote
JustJeff Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Christian meekness requires a lot of guts. We must be able to walk away and forgive, no matter how great the wrong done to us. While the world interprets this for weakness it is truly great strength. I favor the old saying: "When the going gets tough the tough go to Jesus." This is humbling ourselves to the Master, knowing with full assurance that He is our Sword and Shield and it is He who will fight our battles. Christ submitted Himself to the Father though greatly wronged by His people. He humbled Himself to the obedience of the cross. How much more humble shall we be? This is the humility that is required which will set us on His holy hill when He calls us home. Quote
sisterlily Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Humility is very important in being Christlike because we realize our need to have Jesus in our life. It is very difficult in the world today to be humble and call on God. As a parent of a young girl I can see the effects school and music has on our youth to be independent, defend yourself when we are praying for them to lean and depend on Jesus. I find myself telling her and praying for her to see and recognize the One who woke her up this morning, to talk to her Ultimate Father God, thank Him praise Him with a willing spirit and I see the resistance and I just keep praying for a humble heart that transforms into a heart for Jesus. Please pray with me for the youth. Quote
masika Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? Being lowly hardly seems the proper demeanor to deal with world Quote
Majestic Dancer Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 The dictionary defines meek in two ways: showing mildness or quietness of nature : showing submissiveness and lack of initiative or will So does that mean the mild quiet nature is blessed compared to the wild and loud. Or is this our response to our christ like behavior. Is it our submissiveness that gets us to the blessings or our letting go of our will thats gets us to the blessings that is mentioned in this scripture. I find that being meek sometime is taken for weakness. I also find that it would take you a long way too. I choose at times to be meek but sometimes to be the boistrous and loud. I think here they are saying be quiet in spirit and show that you will allow Gods will to over ride your own to show your Christ like behavior. Quote
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