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Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

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Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

To help us understand this beatitude we first have to ask ourselves, what is meant by righteousness? And righteousness means being in complete accordance with what is just, honorable, and Godly. Righteousness are those things that are upright, virtuous, noble, morally right, and ethical. You could say that righteousness is a life style that is in complete conformity to the will of God. It is a lifestyle that Jesus not only finds pleasing, but one that He approves.

For the true believer, righteousness saturates every single aspect of his life. And every Godly belierver knows that he has Jesus Christ living on the inside of him leading and guiding him ( Psalm 11:7 ) " For the Lord is righteous: He loves righteousness; And the upright will behold His face."

When a believer hungers and thrists after righteousness he becomes a new man and this new man now bears the image of God.The world does not want any part of this kind of life. This new man greatly desires to do the will of God for he now has great interest in Christ and all that Christ said and promised, For those who hunger and thirst will be filled.

To Hunger and Thirst after righteousness can only be perceived by persons spiritually enlightened and who have our Lord Jesus Christ living and dwelling within them. This child of God not only has an earnest desire to fervently seek righteousness and thus lead a Godly life on a second to second basis, but he wants to be possessed by righteousness. He wants to constantly live in it, to be totally absorbed into it, to be completely saturated in righteousness, for he knows that this way of life is the Godly way of life, and a righteous life is what also is what fills the true believer with peace and joy. And because of their spiritual enlightenment they realize that nothing can be more perfect, more pure, and more pleasing to Our Heavenly Father then living a life that He totally approves of!


God's righteousness, to me, is a reflection of His character and presence. So to "hunger and thirst" denotes a certain passion toward the giver more than the gifts. This description leads me to seek Him and His ways. With the nation of Israel during the time of Moses, it was interesting to note that Israel clamoured after what God did on their behalf, where Moses sought His ways. A certain intimacy comes to life in this attitude and character of Moses. It was also seen in the life of David as he yearned for His God. This kind of Love brings obediance and devotion naturally to the one who is in a relationship with his Savior.

For one to seek true righteousness of heart will put them at odds with the situational ethics we see in our world today. True righteousness of heart holds to the ethical and moral standard set by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. True righteousness holds to the fact there are certain absolutes as set forth in the Word of God such as the 10 commandments. True righteousness is a

An intense desire for righteousness will keep us away from the moral decay that is going on around us on the tv, movies, advertisements, any activity that takes us away from serving God. It will not make us very popular with the crowd.

God wants us to be right-thinking. In other words, we need study Jeus' life and desire for the right, the clean, the pure & live for Him only--let Him change our heart.

Our thirst for righteousness will be filled.

Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

An intenst desire for righteousness puts us at odds with the world, in that the world does not hunger and thirst after this righteousness. It seeks to fill itself with instant gratification, and things that are of a selfish, legalistic nature. This indeed does not lead to righteousness. I believe Jesus was talking about His righteousness. The freedom from the guilt of sin. We are justified by Christ's Blood, washed clean, and judged without sin, and imputed with Christ's righteousness. When we accept that, we are then Justified. We are then promised that we shall be filled. As it says in Romans 3:24 (Romans 3:24 (AMP) [All] are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus, ) It is given to us without merit, and given to us freely.

Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?
Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

It's the upside down pyramid principle again....God's kindom is just the opposite of the world's values. In the world view, the strongest, most powerful reigns at the top; In God's kingdom it's the greatest servants, and the least, in the world's eyes who "are first". To pursue righteousness is like a salmon swimming against the flow of the world-view stream. The world, or the "go along to get along" mentality, grates against the idea of true spiritual seekers. It helps me to remember that we are in a spiritual battle....not against the flesh but with "powers and principalities" who are at war with Jesus and His disciples.

I liked this question because it reminds me to stop expecting to be eased along in my search for righteousness, by those who have no interest in true spirituality. The upstream swim is supposed to make me strong. Someone said a few years ago that they'd never seen a flabby salmon...

I think He is speaking of the heart attitude which longs for Christ to be supreme in my life, so that He lives His life through me. Corrie Ten Boom expressed the idea that she was striving to be the glove Jesus filled. Mother Theresa said she was the pencil in God's hand. When we live in that realm of surrender, we are promised to be completely satisfied and fulfilled...filled with Him.


Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

ANSWER: The world is full of unrighteousness. The motto of the world is also "every man for himself." By thinking about yourself and living by the flesh we will seek only what the flesh wants. This will go to the other end of the spectrum of righteousness. This is certainly contrary to what the world tells us to do...Don't get mad, get even.

The righteousness Jesus is talking about, I believe, is righteousness of God. For all to be saved. For all to come to Christ. For sin and death to be abolished and for all to attain Heaven.

They will given what they desire. A place of no sin, no hatred, no injustice, no death. They will be given Heaven.


The world scorns righteousness. Christians desires walk with Jesus, shun certain books, movies, opinions, popular trends and modern thinking are seen as narrow minded and bigotry.Jesus is talking about His righteousness. He was and is one with the Father,and He sought to do the Father's will above all else.The promise is we shall be filled. Maybe not completely, all the time till the end of this age


Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." (5:6)

It is the total reversal of worldly thinking, the world it what is in it for me, but Jesus says that we are to seek only righteous living. That take what is init for me out of the picture and says what canIdo for others even though they may not be my friend but my enemy. I must seek their good, I must live the life of Christ shareind a love that the world does not understand and seek after the Holy Spirit toget that done, always professing and seeking a knowledge of Christ that leads to righteousness.

The promise is that if we seek and keep seeking we will be filled, it time when we come before the thrown of God He will say well done and we will be filled with the righteousness of Christ our Lord and live only with the faithful.

The world doesn't understand because they have been blinded by sin. God's righteousness is being "right". God never does anything wrong. He never can sin. I want His will to by my will because when He directs me I will become spiritually mature.

good morning, intense serving of Our Lord brings forth criticisim and persecution,but though it does we as His children can smile and wave and pray . We are in the shelter of the almighty and He is our sun and shield. Our blessings are to be comforted, given mercy, claim to be His children and promise of life eternal with Him, praise God.


Rigtheousness and the world are an oxymoron. The world is immoral and corrupt while those living righteously in Christ strive to be the complete opposite.

When Jesus speaks of righteousness He speaks of good virtues, living in accordance with the Word of God. Righteous people are those who are pleasing to God.

Our promise is to receive the full blessing of complete righteousness surrounded forever with brothers and sisters just like us, the Lord by our side.


Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

The world nowadays is full of injustice, every you go people do what is opposite to the truth word of God.

Justice is part of God

Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

the world operates on compromise to get what we want. true righteousness seeks for truth and follows it no matter what the cost so to stand fast on what is right will instantly put you at odds with the worlds ways since whats right for me at this moment , what will be most useful to get me where i want to be is quite the thing to do in that circle.the righteousness Jesus is talking about here is the righteousness of God made available to us through Christ it is alien to our nature but the promise for those who truly desire it ; as a hunger and thirst needs satisfying ,God will fill them with it

Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

The world knows nothing about God's unconditional love that we cannot earn. The world operates on self, and has never trusted God for what it wants. Its a do-it-yourself world. One will be totally overlooked and stepped on in the world if they display the meekness that trusts God instead. The righteousness Jesus promises to give us is when we hate ourselves for our sins and seek to be better than we are - like Jesus - because we love Him. When we seek this kind of righteousness (His, not our own self-righteousness), it will be given to us -- a promise from Jesus.


Seeking righteousness in this world is a discouraging process. I always have to think of the hymn "This is my Father's World" part of which says: "This is my Father's world. I rest me in the thought that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet." (Done from memory so may not be exact). As a Christian I often feel like I'm in the wilderness and wonder when God will lead me to the promised land. Then I start to question why I always seem to be in the wilderness and realize that I can never enter the promised land on my own. As the people of Moses' day followed the cloud and the fire I have to follow Jesus and seek the truth and righteousness he teaches, trusting him to present me perfect before God because of his blood. Otherwise I will never make it to the promised land. When making decisions the final question has to be "Will this glorify God."


The righteousness is about being able to go to God with joy through grace. To know for sure that you have loved God and been righteous before Him and to know your sins and confessed your sins. The Blessing is access to Him. It is the desire to express your love by being righteous. This put you into a conflict with the world but it also means you need to seek the Holy Spirit to advise you. It keeps you close.


An intense desire for righteousness is the opposite of the world view. According to todays society it is 'all about me' and making sure that I am number one at all cost. Making sure that you are successful. When we have an intense desire for righteousness our focus is on God and what is just. We aren't so concerned with our own selfish desires but what the Lord has called us to do.

I believe Jesus is talking about seeking moral righteousness, but also hungering and thirsting for Him. By seeking Jesus, having a real passion for Him, the desire for moral perfection will follow - if we truely seek to be like Jesus.

This Beatitude promises that if we hunger and thirst for our Lord then He will answer that and fill us. We need to be proactive though, we can't just sit back and wait - we need to hunger and thirst. Being truely hungry and thrist means that we will search for food - get into your Bible study! - and not just wait for it to land in our laps. Jesus will meet us in our study and prayers and fill our hearts with His presence, power, glory.


Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

If you have this desire for righteousness you will be a reminder to the world of God and His standards.

Matthew Henry says "Those who contendedly bear oppression and quietly refer themselves to God to plead their cause, shall in due time be satisfied, abundantly satisfied, in the wisdom and kindness, which shall be manifested in His appearances for them."

We need to pray for each other!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

It shows the world that we tend to follow what Christ has set before us. A righteousness that changes the heart as well as the soul. That all that we have been through Christ will be there to help us through.


Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude?

An intense desire for righteousness can put one on the opposite side of what the world wants and desires because our wants and desires are that we thirst and hunger for the Lord. We live in a world that stores it's treasures here on earth rather than storing it's treasure in the Kingdom of God. Those that seek after righteousness are thought of as having the wrong idea when it comes to earthly treasures, instead we look forward to our reward which we will receive in heaven. We are given the promises in this beatitude that we will be filled with the blessing. "Those who seek righteousness will find it; those who thirst for righteousness will be filled to the brim with it". The righteousness that only one can receive once the new man in Christ is brought about within you.


Righteouness, to be morally upright and without sin, This could put you at odd s with others, one they dont understand why, dont understand the benefit, and they dont know God. Some feel that it may be a waist of time and that he forgives you of your sins anyway.

I think Jesus is saying follow my example have no sin walk upright and the good things he has promised would follow you. I use to have a problem with this a while back. I would watch those that totally followed God have so many trials and they were tough ones to. So I decided with all my wisdom that I would wait to completely follow him because I was afraid of the trials. I now know that they come either with him or not and the way I go through them is the test for me to see that God's way is better than my own.

He said if you thirst after righteousness you will be blessed with it. If you come after him he will come for you and meet you in the middle somewhere. He will fill you with righteousness to help you to morally walk upright to live like him.

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