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Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

The people with a pure heart are able to see, know and discern God because they seek him, with all their hearts.

The "chronic" sinners can't see God because their sins cover God's face.

We obtain the pure or clean heart by confessing our sins, meditate the word of God and come boldly before God's throne and mourn.

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Because there is no sin between you and God. Chronic sinners cannot see because their eyes are blinded by sin. The way to obtain a pure heart is confession and repentance.


The pure in heart are those that seek to please God according to His words. They seek God as they wake up in the morning and ask for His guidance, strength to do His will. They seek God in whatever they do as they assess the things that they are about to do if it would please Him. Though they still commit errors, yet they humble themselves to God to admit their sins and ask for His forgiveness and grace that they may overcome their flesh.

Those who seek God desires to do HIs will to please Him, and they look forward to seeing God at the appointed time. The Lord Jesus said, "ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knowk and the door shall be opened...", therefore they have the assurance of seeing God, knowing and discerning His will.

Chronic sinners please themselves and not God, unless they repent and turn to God to change their ways. Sin is the hindrance to see God therefore they will not see God unless they repent.

David committed a great sin against God, but he humbled himself to God and admitted his error and truly sought for God

Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

Only Jesus can purify our hearts, so people who are pure are people who have allowed Jesus to work in their hearts. God is Spirit and only those who have His Spirit can see and discern Him.

Chronic sin distances us from God's presence. This is called darkness and we cannot see God in darkness.

The clean pure heart can only be made so if we allow Jesus to work on our dark hearts. Luck are those who realise the darkness of their hearts and seek the Lord for purification. That is why he came, to rescue us from the darkness back into light where we can see Him


People with a pure heart can see, know, and discern God because they actively seek the purity which allows an intimacy with the Lord. Chronic sinners block the ability to have that closeness because their repeated and willing sin is telling God that the things of the world and of the flesh are more important to them than He is. A pure and clean heart comes only from Jesus when we humbly ask him to enter our hearts, forgive our sins and be first in our lives. It is only His love and sacrifice that have provided us with this gift.


Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God?

Those with a pure heart can see, know and discern God because they are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Why can't "chronic" sinners see God?

Because their hearts have been hardened to God


Q 5a Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God?

Because if we ask, God is able to purge the corruption of our hearts

and make them pure. Once this is done Jesus has promise in the Beatitude

that we will be blessed with the ability to see, know, and discern God Himself.

5b Why can't "chronic sinners" see God?

Because they do not know God. They are filled with the sin of this world.

5c How can we Obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

Receive Jesus as our Lord and Saver. Repent of our sins. ask God to clean our hearts.


we do not have a clean heart. Only Christ can give us the pure heart. When we earnstly seek God with our heart Christ Jesus will show us the will of the Father. We are able to see because we are seeking from a right stance before Christ. We are dead to self.

Jesus said that good does not come from bad and bad does not come from good (my words).if we are sinning on a daily basis we can expect NOTHING from Christ Jesus except to be corrected.

To me Jesus gave us the Sermon on the Mount to show us HOW MUCH we need Christ Jesus in our life. Everything that he described CANNOT be done by man.


Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

The people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God because their focus is not on the world but on God and they know that their reward is in heaven. Chronic sinners can see God because when we sin we need to humble ourselves and repent to change our direction in life so He can forgive us in order for us to obtain clean heart.

In Christ,


  • 2 weeks later...
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

God and sin don't mix. Sin builds a wall in our hearts, brick by brick, until we are finally blocked off from hearing and seeing God. He is the only one that can knock the wall down. The only way to receive a pure heart is to ask God to wash it clean. I think we often fail in that we try to do the cleaning ourselves, but we wind up only surface cleaning - sweeping our sin under the rug to make us look good on the outside. God is concerned with cleaning out the deep-down dirt that gets lodged in our heart, the dirt our own self-efforts can never wash away no matter how hard we try.

Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

The people with a pure heart can see, know and discern God because they have been delivered from the power of sin by the grace of God and strive to please and glorify God and be like Him. They seek to have the same attitude of heart that God has. Their heart is in tune with the heart of God. The chronic sinner can't see God because they are to busy grumbling about the world, what's around them, and what is happening in their life. They are thinking only of self mainly, and do not know the love of Christ. We can obtain the clean heart by asking God everyday to cleanse us of our sins, the ones we know and the ones we don't know that may be hindering us, pray continually, stay in God's word.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

A pure heart allows the Holy Spirit to dwell within you allowing open communication to Christ.

As your heart becomes corrupt you drown out the "voice" of God's spirit making it impossible to hear, see, or know God and His direction.

To obtain this pure heart, you must do as Proverbs 3:3-6 has directed us:"Let love and faithfulness never leave you;bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor in the sight of God and man. Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

  • 2 weeks later...
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

People with a pure heart can see, know and discern God because the Holy Spirit within them has opened their eyes, minds and hearts to the purity of Jesus Christ.

Chronic sinners can't see God because they repeatedly ignore the Holy Spirit. Eventually God lifts His Spirit from them and leaves them to their own devices. But this is not permanent because He comes back to them to try to open their hearts and minds. If they heed His prompting, they become pure in spirit.

We obtain a pure heart by alloing the Holy Spirit to change our impurities to purity, our hardness to meekness, our sin to forgiveness.

Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

Pure hearts can see God because the only way to have a pure heart is for God to enter within us and he becomes part of us.

Chronic sinners cannot see God because there is no room in their hearts for him.


Q5. Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

a: Why can people with a pure heart see, know and discern God?

Simply because He said they would.

b. Why can't "chronic" sinners see God?

Because their eyes are clouded with worldly things, they can't "see" what is plainly right in front of them - the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

c. How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

Turn our life and will over to Him. Only then can you begin to experience a pure heart and see God.

Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?
Purity of Heart referred here is the willingness to do the will of God just as Jesus served his Father fully and always -- purity of heart with courage, purity of heart when in danger for his life. We see purity of heart in Jesus. Sinners cannot see God because their lives are filled with compromise and conformity, **** and licentiousness cannot see God. They cannot know him. We obtain purity when our hearts are cleansed and made pure by Christ himself and when we actively seek that purity that and intimacy with the Lord. Our hearts will be pure when we prefer closeness to God to the allurements of sin.

If we have the Holy Spirit working in our lives, then we will know when we have need of prayer, forgiveness-whatever it is that we need. Chronic sinners cannot discern, and they can't know God because they are not praying, studying the Word, or confessing their sins. We can't be holy or pure, in and of ourselves. This is the work of The Holy Spirit. If we don't pray or study or confess on a regular basis, then we will become chronic ourselves. Faith in the work of The Holy Sirit is vital to staying in touch with our sinfullness and our need for repentance and cleansing. It is a continuous procces, and necessary every day that we live in this life.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

The Beatitudes are riddles or paradoxes. The first part tells the spiritual condition of the person and the second the result or solution that will happen through following Jesus. The Fruit of the Spirit is expressed in the Beatitudes. Each encourages the growth and development of the other. Beatitudes behavior is a result of the Sprit's involvement if each Christian's life. Showing the Fruit in our lives directly corresponds to the behavior Christ calls us to in the Beatitudes.

Bobi Anderson


God hates sin. Its that simple. He hates sin and He wants to see His chidlren without sin - that why we have Jesus. Trying to see God while carrying around a load of sin is like trying to see through a brick wall - can't be done. God wants us to confess, repent and turn away from our sins - I suspect that is why He makes us so aware of all of them. We need to learn to forgive others as He has forgiven us as part of this process - being unforgiving can cloud our hearts, just like sin. We must look through Jesus to see God. We aer all sinners - He calls His children to move away from sin and toward Him.

Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

People with a pure heart can see, know, and discern God because the sins that hinder for them to see God no longer exist, God has taken away them

"Chronic" sinners can't see God because they still have sins that hinder to see God, because they live the lives that God do not want as his children.

We obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes in a way that reach out to God to purify and cleanse our heart, and then live our lives that devote ourselves only to God, serve God fully and always, not filled with compromise and conformity, **** and licentiousness.


Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

People with a pure heart can see, know and discern God because they reach out to God for cleansing. Of ourselves we cannot be pure in heart but God is able to purge the corruption from our heart and bring us to rely and obey Him. As we walk in faith and trust God enables us to live according to His Will and it is in living in His will we are able to see, know and discern God.

"Chronic" sinners cannot see God because their heart is filled with darkness. Only the pure in heart will see God.


Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God?

It is relatively simple Jesus is the King. Jesus is the Lord of life. Jesus is the author of life. When He is Lord over our lives all things come into order. He brings order.

When we have our heart set on the things above when we keep our eyes focused on the Lord, we see God at work in our lives. When our heart is set on the things of Heaven and we want Him more than we want our own life, the Holy Spirit begins to speak to us and minister to us and guide our steps. When God is guiding our steps we are on the right track. Sinners can

  • 3 weeks later...
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes?

1.People with pure heart can see God that they can feel his present .Jesus said in John that He and his father are one that who are accept him in his life he will live in him and dwell the .In this God is living inthe lifre of that people.

2.While sinners can not see God unless he or she repent God hears the pray of sinner calling for repentance. That means if Jesus is not in a person life is impossible to seee our Father.(God).

3.Pure hert must belive in God and must havve faith be faithfully.

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