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Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

In this beatitude Christ pronounces a blessing on those who are being persecuted. But the persecution that they are suffering is not for misdeeds or evil acts, their persecution is for doing righteouness.

No. not for any crimes they have done, and not for being unrighteous and committing the acts of those who practice evil such as murders, thieves, and all other acts of wickedness, but on account of their righteous and Godly conversation and Godly actions which in turn brings upon them the hatred and enmity of the men of the world. For by living righteously the believers seperate themselves from the world and profess themselves not to belong to the world. The Godly life of true believers places a brand upon them that distinguishes them from the rest of the world.

Persecution in the United States at this time, frequently comes verbally, via the tongue, usually in the form of cruel mockings and reproachful language, or by deeds such as confiscation of goods, banishment from a group, or even in the work place where one may be fired, demoted, or spoken against because of one's Christian Faith. In today's society to tell others that you are a born again Christian who has put His entire faith and trust in Jesus Christ, is to bring on smirks and laughs, rude and disgusting comments, and alienation and retaliation.

But why is their such persecution in the world, and why is God so offensive to so many? Because the word of God is a stumbling block to ungodly people. The unbelievers that don't know Jesus enjoy sinning, in fact they revel in it. They enjoy partaking in as many sins, is because of the spirit that the creator has placed within each one of us. When the unbeliever sins, The Holy Spirit is convicting the spirit of that sinner and this cause the sinner to know that he is doing wrong and that his actions are against the laws of God.

If you are not being perscuted, you should ask, "Why" And the answer just my be that you are not living a Godly life. It is our Godly life that causes the other person to get heated up, upset and unhappy. The truth is, everyone who lives a Godly life in Christ will be persecuted. If no one is persecuting you. It is because you are not living the Christian life and shing as lights in the world!


I believe these verses go beyond the world we see. Verse 11 does say "people" but if you look at verse 12 it says "for in the same way THEY persecuted the prophets who were before you." Why would "they" persecute us as they did the prophets of long ago?

I believe the "they" Jesus is talking about is the demons of the spiritual realm. Jesus said "as they did the PROPHETS..." Why would we also be persecuted as the prophets were? He did not say "as they did the Jews" or "as they did the kings." Jesus said "prophets." Because when we live our lives according to God's will others will hear the message "Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" We are prophesying by our very lives.

Our lives are under constant scrutiny from the world. But even when we are not under direct persecution from the world we are in a constant war with Satan and his demons. Yes, Satan and his demons readily use humans as a way to persecute us but he also uses other means, ie. sickness, disease, world disasters, etc. by which to persecute us.

We WILL be persecuted for simply being a child of God. But we will bring on more persecution if we actively follow God and do His will.

I agree with Tabatha if you are not feeling persecuted in some way then you need to move from where you are. God never intended for us to be comfortable in this world. He intended for us to be constantly moving. And hopefully that moving will be in the direction of Him.

I believe God allows those who are being persecuted for righteousness to inherit the kingdom of Heaven because they are already suffering hell on earth. Dr. David Jeremiah once said, "For Christians, this world is our hell. For the lost, this world is their Heaven."

  allyntown said:
I believe these verses go beyond the world we see. Verse 11 does say "people" but if you look at verse 12 it says "for in the same way THEY persecuted the prophets who were before you." Why would "they" persecute us as they did the prophets of long ago?

I believe the "they" Jesus is talking about is the demons of the spiritual realm. Jesus said "as they did the PROPHETS..." Why would we also be persecuted as the prophets were? He did not say "as they did the Jews" or "as they did the kings." Jesus said "prophets." Because when we live our lives according to God's will others will hear the message "Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" We are prophesying by our very lives.

Our lives are under constant scrutiny from the world. But even when we are not under direct persecution from the world we are in a constant war with Satan and his demons. Yes, Satan and his demons readily use humans as a way to persecute us but he also uses other means, ie. sickness, disease, world disasters, etc. by which to persecute us.

We WILL be persecuted for simply being a child of God. But we will bring on more persecution if we actively follow God and do His will.

I agree with Tabatha if you are not feeling persecuted in some way then you need to move from where you are. God never intended for us to be comfortable in this world. He intended for us to be constantly moving. And hopefully that moving will be in the direction of Him.

I believe God allows those who are being persecuted for righteousness to inherit the kingdom of Heaven because they are already suffering hell on earth. Dr. David Jeremiah once said, "For Christians, this world is our hell. For the lost, this world is their Heaven."

Thanks for this insight. It gave new meaning to the verses for me and allowed me to expand my thinking. I can totally relate to persecuation including sickness, disease and world disaster etc. Until you made this comment I was unable to relate to Tabatha's comment about "not feeling persecuted in some way then you need to move from where you are." Now I see what both of you are talking about. I can now relate this to my life. Thanks so much.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? BECAUSE WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD WE ACCEPTED HIM AND NOT THE WORLD'S WAY... BECAUSE WE BELIEVE AND KNOW OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS....BECAUSE WE LIVE FOREVER.


We should rejoice because despite what is happening to us, we know what our reward will be. Recall the story of the Jewish man who prayed everyday at Auswitch. He prayed for thanksgiving. When asked what he was thanking God for, he replied

  Tabatha said:
In this beatitude Christ pronounces a blessing on those who are being persecuted. But the persecution that they are suffering is not for misdeeds or evil acts, their persecution is for doing righteouness.

No. not for any crimes they have done, and not for being unrighteous and committing the acts of those who practice evil such as murders, thieves, and all other acts of wickedness, but on account of their righteous and Godly conversation and Godly actions which in turn brings upon them the hatred and enmity of the men of the world. For by living righteously the believers seperate themselves from the world and profess themselves not to belong to the world. The Godly life of true believers places a brand upon them that distinguishes them from the rest of the world.

Persecution in the United States at this time, frequently comes verbally, via the tongue, usually in the form of cruel mockings and reproachful language, or by deeds such as confiscation of goods, banishment from a group, or even in the work place where one may be fired, demoted, or spoken against because of one's Christian Faith. In today's society to tell others that you are a born again Christian who has put His entire faith and trust in Jesus Christ, is to bring on smirks and laughs, rude and disgusting comments, and alienation and retaliation.

But why is their such persecution in the world, and why is God so offensive to so many? Because the word of God is a stumbling block to ungodly people. The unbelievers that don't know Jesus enjoy sinning, in fact they revel in it. They enjoy partaking in as many sins, is because of the spirit that the creator has placed within each one of us. When the unbeliever sins, The Holy Spirit is convicting the spirit of that sinner and this cause the sinner to know that he is doing wrong and that his actions are against the laws of God.

If you are not being perscuted, you should ask, "Why" And the answer just my be that you are not living a Godly life. It is our Godly life that causes the other person to get heated up, upset and unhappy. The truth is, everyone who lives a Godly life in Christ will be persecuted. If no one is persecuting you. It is because you are not living the Christian life and shing as lights in the world!

What a great answer, and wonderful insight. You have raised some points that I did not even consider. Where I live, Southern United States (Arkansas), most people here are Christian, and know what it means (although they do not act like it). Our worldly attitude gets in our way most of the time.


We rejoice in persecution because Jesus was persecuted. We know we are in God's perfect will.

Our eyes are on God & not on ourselves & our feelings. We are communing with God,

The blessing for the persecuted is because they will not deny Christ--even unto death.

We need to be praying for our brothers & sisters all around the world who are living in countries & experiencing the worst kind of persecution.

A side line: the number believers are growing rapidly in these countries because of the spiritual maturity of the believers who are being persecuted right now and their witness to the unsaved.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

Persecution is a funny thing. Certainly not to trivialize it, by any means, but as horrible as it is, just as the text says, it means that we have been noticed, heard and perhaps something that God has imparted through us has struck a chord that challenges the intended's "norm". This is something to be happy about. Strangely enough! Jesus said (17 "This is my command. to love one another. If the worlds hates you,18 do not forget that it hated me first." John 15:17-18 MontgomeryNT) If the world hated Jesus for shaking things up, it will surely hate us. The world has wallowed in the mire of it's filth and sin for as long as the bite was taken from the fruit, Satan doesn't want it to change, he thinks he's won. Imagine his surprize when he finds out he hasn't...it doesn't set well with him, ergo persecution! Jesus is the King of Kings, and Lord or Lords, His kingdom is the Kingdom of Heaven, if we are persecuted for His name sake, we then belong to His Kingdom.


Q6. (Matthew 5:10-12) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?


A. Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted?

Because Jesus was persecuted. Like Peter rejoiced and felt worthy of the persecution. I heard a minister once say "if you are being persecuted, rejoice, for you must be doing something right." Satan and the world will not persecute someone who is following their way of life.

B. What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain?

Because Jesus did not say "enjoy the pain" but rejoice through the pain. And if we are truly being persecuted it will not be pleasurable. Persecution is called persecution because it is painful. Persecution is different for everyone. If it were enjoyable it would be called pleasure.

C. Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

Because they are experiencing hell on earth. And Heaven holds relief from all we will suffer down here.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

1. We should rejoice from persecution because if we are innocent and being persecuted, we are going through what Jesus did when He went to the cross for us. We are assured that if we go through persecution for Christ's sake we will be rewarded.

2. We won't be persecuted for pleasure, but for the side of righteousness. In the end, we will be reaching our goal in Heaven.

3. This makes me think about Jesus. After the persecution He went through, His Father rewarded Him by letting Him enter into Heaven. It is appropriate that we should have this same blessing as Jesus.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?


I have no idea what I did yesterday which printed my response twice...I'm just learning computers in my old age....I'm sorry!

Someone said"If you were on trial for being a Christian, is there enough evidence to convict you?"...I've thought about that over the years, and when persecuted have seen it as validation that there is enough evidence! I rejoice in that....that the Lord's Presence is seen and felt and for the privilege of entering into a tiny bit of His suffering. Jesus said "The servant is not above the Master and as they persecuted Me they will also persecute you"

Oddly, some of the most painful persecution has come from believers in the church, in the form of slander and false accusations....at the time I was devastated, but years later with better perspective, have been able to thank God for the most powerful time of spiritual growth and learning to depend upon Him which was the result of that time. Clearly, these were people being used by Satan, whose ploy was to drive me away from the church, as he has done with so many. He was unsuccessful, and I have forgiven them. Another victory was in not retaliating or seeking vengeance, which my flesh wanted very much. I can rejoice in the good He brought out of the pain....I didn't rejoice IN THE PAIN, but in the fact that He is bigger than the pain, and can enable us to praise Him through the pain, and for the pleasure of experiencing His comfort and vindication.

And while I very much wanted to get even, and didn't act upon it, (by His strength), when these folks reaped what they had sown and the Lord dealt with them, I was surprised to feel sadness for them, instead of the pleasure I expected to feel....That is another good result....my flesh had been subdued...and my reward is His promise that the Kingdom of Heaven is mine, both in the future as well as seeing and experienceing His kingdom here on earth.


Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

We rejoice when we are persecuted, for great is our reward in Heaven. This has nothing to do with masochism. It has to do with courage and standing up for the Kindgom of God in the face of presecution.

It's appropriate because the persecuted stood their ground for the Kingdom of God.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

1. Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? By looking beyond it to the goal. Men and woman of character have always done this. They have endured the pain of the moment for the fulfillment of the promise. The principal of delayed gratification is grounded by exprience in both the physical and spiritual realms.

2. What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Our laughter. When we laugh, this means that presecution has seen us. That we have been heard. That our actions have been taken note of by the powers that be and have made their mark. Sometimes that puts us in the same class as Jesus himself, who suffered persecution.

3. Why is the blessing "for their is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? We are blessed when we are persecued in that we receive a prophet's reward. No, we have not been elevated here by our own bline and selfish zeal. But by God's grace we have enabled to enjoy a wonderful privilege, to be counted among the choice ones of God. We must remember that Paul was once a persecutor, but now he counted it an immense privileged to share "the fellowship of Christ's sufferings" (Philippians 3:10), to "fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afficitions" (Colossians 1:24).


We should rejoyce because we have great faith and it is evident to those who persecute us. We know that what we believe is true and full of grace. GOD will reward us in heaven.


Because when you are persecuted, you know you have been seen and heard. At that point you are doing something just as the prophets, something that also brought them persecution. What a joy to be counted in that company!

In my mind, there is no pleasure in the pain of persecution. Nothing draws me to the pain. I only find pleasure in being counted among the prohets and ultimately will find pleasure in the fulfillment of the promise when I receive my rewards in heaven.

I believe it is the greatest because when you put everything including you life on the line for Jesus, there is no greater blessing than the kingdom of heaven.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

When we are persecuted we identify with Christ, this is not masochism, their is no pleasure in knowing that Jesus suffered and died because of 'our sin'. However stepping back Jesus identified with you and me - this is the Blessing, this is the kingdom of Heaven. We rejoice in what Christ has given us.


Q6. (Matthew 5:10-12) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

We should rejoice when we are persecuted because:

1. It takes our eyes off earthly rewards,

2. It strips away superficial belief,

3. It strengths the faith of those who endure, and

4. Our attitude through it serves as an example to those who follow.

We can be comforted knowing that God

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

The word persecute means to follow, to persue or to chase after usually with ill intent. Blessed are those who are persecuted in "My Name". Chased after because of Christ. I believe what Jesus is saying that although some will pursue with ill intent others will see something different and chase after you also.

Here are two examples of this: I work construction and what you have heard about construction workers most is true. One day four workers were passing around some papers and for a joke they called me over to look at them. These were downloads from an explicit sex site on the internet. When they showed them to me they didn't expect the recation I gave them . I simply said, " These pictures are of lousy taste. And if you don't think so go and share them with your children."

Example two. A few months later a young man called me to say that he was having trouble with drug addiction and needed my advice. I asked him why he called me he said that there was something different about me, and that the things I spoke of I lived, and he wanted part of that.

The things I do I do because there is a heaven and there is a hell and there is a reward for being obedient to God's word. A reward not here but reserved for life eternal.



Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11)

Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted?

God will bless them for remaining true to the righteous living that they stand for. They refuse to back down in the face of threats because they are sold out to God and God will honor them for it. They may have earned the hatred and malice of men, but they have earned the favor of God himself for their courage and he will reward them with possession of the kingdom of heaven.

What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain?

We are blessed when we are persecuted, because persecution means that we have been seen. That we have been heard. That our actions have been taken note of by the powers that be and have made their mark. That we have done something right enough, for a change, to deserve persecution -- something that puts us in the same class as the prophets whom Jesus so honored for their faith and courage. Something that puts us in the same class as Jesus himself, who suffered persecution.

Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

Jesus concludes this string of blessings with another amazing declaration:

"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven." (5:12)


When you are persecuted it means you have done something "wrong". Of course we know that it is only wrong in the eyes of the world. In God's eyes it is somethig worth a reward, which we wil receive in heaven. Therefore we should rejoice and carry on doing good in God's eyes.

The pleasure of knowing that we are going through what our Lord and Saviour himself went through on the cross, should make us jump for joy despite the pain. He was also persecuted for doing right, for being innocent. He set the perfect example for us, what makes us better than Him...?

If we are persecuted for the sake of God's name, He will reward us with a heavenly reward, not an earthly one. God considered the apostles "worthy to suffer for the sake of Jesus" (Act 5:41), so He cares for those who suffer for His sake. If you get persecuted for doing something wrong you gain nothing, but if you suffer for doing something good, God will bless you (1 Pet 2:20)


This means we have been seen as righteous and have done what is right and are making a difference in this gone wild world.

By being "under the BLOOD" we are showing the world our LORD and Savior.

Suffering persecution is being rewarded by rewards in Heaven. All who want to live for Christ will be persecuted. If we endure and not compromise, then we acquire the kingdom and all Heaven's Rewards..

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted?

Rejoice, because we are persecuted because we have been heard (by those who need to hear and don't yet know it). We stand up for Jesus and His righteousness, not ours. We are not loving our persecution, or our pain - we are loving God and His power and merciful love He gives us. The persecuted have been promised the reward of the Kingdom of Heaven, residing with our Lord. They endured with faith. Their persecutors have never asked for God's blessing of eternal life (although He still waits for them), and until they do, the persecuted for Christ's sake alone, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and reside with Him. Let us pray for ALL to be there.

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