Highohfaith Posted March 6, 2012 Report Posted March 6, 2012 Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? The persons priorities would be very mixed up. They might start out by harmlessly 'dabbling' in worldly or unwholesome thinking and doing. They may sin and make excuses for it, they may buy into the power and materialistic values of the world, by placing them in a position far above anything else. Letting worldly values poison their faith!. They lose sight of their once predominant Christian values. Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? Most definitely YES! Not only is it possible ,but I believe it to be an absolutely essential part of Christian living. We must guard against the additives, the 'poison' of the world which can render our faith ineffective, and useless in God's eyes.As Christians we must be on constant guard, standing guard, clothed in the full amour of God to protect our faith from evil doers. We MUST be able to recognize SIN ( the loss of our saltiness) and be able to walk in repentance thus adding the ZEST back into our faith! What do other Christians notice about you? I really can't say what other Christians notice about me, because I have never ask them. I have been told that many times, the things that I try to give them Godly advice about , things in which I feel I have learned from the word. That I have helped them to get a better perspective on a certain situation. I would like to think that I am looked upon as walking a righteous life and doing a righteous work for the Lord.That being said, of course being of human nature,I know I have 'issues' which might not seem to others as being Godly. I ask God everyday, sometimes several times a day to let His will be done and not mine. I want to set a Godly examples for others. But, in all honesty I really don't KNOW the answer to that that question. I only hope and pray I am a good example. Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? OF COURSE, most definitely!! By reading the word and keeping your eye directly on the cross! Many time I have felt I lost my 'saltiness' my 'zest' only to realize that it was a quiet time in which possibly God was perfecting me and drawing me back to His word. I know whenever i lose my zeal, God lets me know in one way or another. Oftentimes God speaks to us but we must be able to hear (discern) his words of wisdom. Quote
Raph Posted April 8, 2012 Report Posted April 8, 2012 Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? The symptoms of a Charistian who has lost his "saltiness" are diminishing faith and the failure to stand for Christ and Christian values. Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? Yes, it is possible. What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? The secular people notice change of life of the "de-saltified" Christian by strating siding with the earthlt values and neglecting Chritian values. What do other Christians notice about you? I try to follow Chrisitian values and I think that is what other Christian notice about me. But we are always not perfect and can fall and then I can be notice as de-saltified. Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? Yes, it is always possible to "resaltify" my life through the act of reconcilliation (confession) of our wrong doings and coming back to Christ. Quote
tgandy Posted September 3, 2013 Report Posted September 3, 2013 A Christian who has lost his "saltiness" is one who is conflicted. You cannot serve two gods. You must serve the Father and no other. We need to renew our faith, our witness daily. We must immerse ourselves in the love He first showed us. Not just read the Bible, but study the Bible. Not just pray, but be in prayer. This is not just a Sunday religion it is a life style. We must remain God Strong! I believe it is possible for a Christian to detect things in themselves that would lead to loosing their "saltiness". Not reading the scriptures or praying or the I don't give a care attitude. One can become "spiritually dead". Becoming bogged down in self pity or too absorbed in worldly things also leads to loosing saltiness. Pray! Be in prayer! If a person professes to be a Christian it is obvious by their face and actions. It can be noticed by their actions. People going through the motions of being a Christian are not effective. They lack the zest of one who truly loves the Lord and serves him freely. People have approached me in stores and ask me to pray for them. I always TRY (sometimes I admit it is hard, my plate is full right now) to smile. God will take care of everything much better that I can. I occasionally try to help Him. It really isn't needed and I get the message. I pray and study and meditate on God and nature to bring back what I lost. I don't think we would be human if we didn't sometimes try to do it ourselves. But, I try to remember to place all my cares and problems on the cross and let him take care of them. He can do it.!!!! Quote
DebLam3teach Posted October 11, 2014 Report Posted October 11, 2014 A perpetually carnal Christian would be an example of a Christian who has lost his saltiness: worldly jokes; flirting with opposite sex even if married; temper outburst; lying; cheating; stealing; etc. A lack of a desire for the Word of God or things of God. Yes, a believer can detect these symptoms in himself, especially if he is open to the Holy Spirit and is honest with himself. Secular folks would call a "de-saltified" Christian a hypocrite, for the actions would not be lining up with his professions. Other Christians would also notice a lack of fervor for God, and worldly values. This can happen to ANY Christian. If it does, we can "re-saltify" out life by repenting and seeking God anew. Quote
Eager Bver Posted November 11, 2014 Report Posted November 11, 2014 The symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness" is he doesn't stand for the right. He has an attitude of compromise, everything is alright. Yes, it is possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself in checking themselves when they should have spoken up against a wrong and didn't do it. You must read the Bible to re-enforce God's word into your heart. The Holy Spirit within an individual also is a detector to help make you aware of things in your life. Secular people notice the actions of a "de-saltified" Christian whether they represent Christ or not. I hope that other Christians notice my walk is about Christ living in me. It is impossible to resalt salt, but thank God, we can be resaltified by rededicating ourselves to Him, praying, reading his word and living each day for Him and taking a stand for righteousness and doing away with unholy ways. Quote
JoanG Posted February 16, 2015 Report Posted February 16, 2015 Symptoms of a Christian who lost his "saltyness" a) stiffness in worship. resists change and a newness to the service itself. we never did that before attitude. we can not be expected to do that now. c) prayers are said, but nothing is felt in the heart. d) attend worship on a regular basis but are very self-centered all the time. e) worry more about money than about their own soul... they strive to keep up with the "Jones" f) lack any initiative to get involved with other people and their problems unless it affects them directly. Secular people would see a hypocrit. They would see someone who claims to be a Christian but their actions do not prove it. They are all talk but there is no meaning behind what they say. Other Christians would see a fake. They might see you as a stick in the mud. They would see a very domineering person. Maybe even a dictator personality. This person is the one that is always worried about the budget in the church. They tell everyone else what to do but do not do it themselves. I feel that if people would open up their hearts to worship again, they can bring a salty flavor back in their lives. They have to get renewal of spirti. They can not be content with the status quo anymore. Quote
Old Jerry Posted April 3, 2015 Report Posted April 3, 2015 Yes, it is possible for a believer to detect that they have loss of “saltiness” in themselves. We will always have a whole in our heart that needs to be filled and we will not be able to fill it. The secular people will see that you have changed and it wasn’t for the better. It possible to “resaltify” your life if you repent of the things that you have been doing.” Quote
Karen11 Posted January 22, 2018 Report Posted January 22, 2018 On 12/19/2007 at 9:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? One who has become part of the "world" and no longer walks in the spirit. Yes, when you find yourself "hiding" your beliefs from the world. When they are going along with the world wants. They are "fitting in" and talking like crowd. Yes it is possible to resaltify your life...stay in the Word. Quote
MosesSole Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 On 12/19/2007 at 9:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? Someone who has lost his "saltiness" might have stopped praying. He/she may have become ensnared by the enticements of the world. They might no longer support Christian values, either through life experiences or through the influence of outside teachings. I think in many cases, people who were once devout recognize when they no longer have the same passion. What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? I don't know if secular people recognize this. They are secular bec they do not understand nor feel the presence God in their lives. What do other Christians notice about you? I don't think my faith is what people notice about me. In our culture, most people don't perceive one another as a "good" or "bad" Christian. I will say that over the course of my life I have been able to instill loyalty in people, and I think this has helped me to become a better and useful Christian. I think people are loyal to me because they find me honest and trustworthy. I have always been honest and faithful with everyone I met and worked with. Is t possible to "resaltify" your life? There's always room to become a better Christian. Quote
Irmela Posted October 10, 2020 Report Posted October 10, 2020 2.1 What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his saltiness? Enthusiasm for living a Christ-like life is no longer noticeable. It is like you have become luke-warm. The world has crept in and participation in "church" activities grow to a minimum. 2.2 Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? Yes. If the believer were honest and looked at himself with Christ's mirror, he would notice the lack of zeal in attending church, reading God's Word or praying. 2.3 What do secular people notice about a "desaltified" Christian? Secular people might notice that the believer is now attending places ohe would never have attended before; the talk is different; jokes are made and language is used that previously would have been an absolute no-no. 2.4 What do other Christians notice about you? Other Christians notice that excuses are made for not joining in, in activities previously enjoyed. 2.5 Is it possible to re-saltify your life? If in sincerity, you repent and with God's help your attitude and lifestyle are changed, yes, I do believe God can re-saltify our life. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted April 23, 2024 Report Posted April 23, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? ANSWER: The symptoms of Christians who has lost his or her "saltiness" are at risk of losing their effect of being able to affect the circle God has sovereignly placed them in. Your job is to influence the world around you, you may end up being influenced by them. And slowly but surely, you become the one influenced rather than the influencer. We must never forget that we are in a war. The battle is for the affections of our heart, and whether we will worship this life or the next. Let us always choose the next. Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? ANSWER: Yes, I do believe that Believer can detect symptoms of losing his or her “saltiness.” When we remove ourselves from a community of faith, we lose part of what it means to be the salt of the earth. To lose our fundamental identity as the salt of the world often comes from a lack of community. Iodine infusion for salty Christians comes by way of regular participation in worship, communal Bible study, and corporate acts of compassion. Citizens of the kingdom of God need to remain "salty" be strong in the faith. If they don't, at best they are useless; at worst they prove they aren't really Christians. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage. What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? ANSWER: The very definition of secular means it's neither sacred, pertaining to, or connected with religion. A secular Christian rejects the concept of a personal God and embraces the status of Jesus Christ, Christology and Christian eschatology as Christian mythology without basis in historical events. Those who are Heavenly minded will actually be of any earthly good. Christians who lose their saltiness are Christians who have become so consumed with the world that they forget their mission which, simply put, is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We can come to the point where we have given up our standards and now stand for nothing. We may disguise it by saying that the zeal of youth has been tempered with the wisdom of maturity, but that is only a partial excuse. What do other Christians notice about you? ANSWER: What other Christians notice about me is they see the righteousness of Christ on display through my actions and interactions with others in the world. Is it possible to "re-saltify" your life? ANSWER: YES … I think, it is possible to “re-saltify” my life. Making mistakes can be a valuable learning opportunity. You can find lessons from your mistakes that can help you improve your skills and expand your knowledge. I can turn a mistake into a positive situation by using it as an opportunity to learn and become a better person by not making the same mistakes again. It's never too late to start fresh and make positive changes in your life! However, it's important to remember that fixing mistakes and starting anew is a process that takes time and effort. Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate small successes along the way. Starting a new life is a process, but with effort and determination, it's possible to make positive changes and move forward Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted August 15, 2024 Report Posted August 15, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? We can see symptoms of a Christian who has lost "saltiness" in I John 1:6, "If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth." Walking in darkness and disobedience is never a good plan. For someone who claims to be a Christian it is devastating for the person themselves and truly devastating for the Gospel in that it leads others astray from God's Kingdom. We can certainly detect when we are disobedient because we are not that foolish. Refusing to go deeper into God's Word, pretending we have no sin, and ignoring the Holy Spirit', sin can run rampant in our lives. Secular 'Christians' are happy to see the reduced standards and jump on that: "Sure I'm a Christian. I know there's a God and I'm a good person." To resaltify can only happen because our God is a miracle working God and nothing is impossible for Him--Jesus told us that in Matthew 19:26. In Isaiah 30:15, God reminds us about repentance. Verses 12-14 give a great visual of sin as a bulging cracking wall that offers no protection. Revelation chapters 2 & 3 show the message to the churches reminding Christians to "Repent therefore..." We need to walk in God's ways. These verses in 1 John 2:4-6 speak clearly the way we need to live as followers of Christ, "We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." Full salt. Quote
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