June Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 To share the light so others can see. We must tell everyone about the " light" of Jesus Christ and how He lights our paths. About how He gives light to a dying world and brings salvation and eternal life with a promise of Heaven. Sure, we will be persecuted but Jesus suffered much more than we ever will. Quote
Patricia A Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? Jesus expresses care for all men. Jesus says the church, God's people, is the light of the "world." He says God's people are to give light to "everyone in the house." He says their light is to shine "before men." The church, in other words, is to give light and be light to all the world of men. These words of Jesus contradicts the practice among the Jews. For the Jews in Jesus' day only a fellow Jew counted. He was counted as a brother whereas the Gentiles were reckoned as dogs. Among the Jews, the Pharisees took this idea even a step further. The Pharisees considered only fellow Pharisees to be brothers; the rest were looked down upon as part of the multitude which did not know and practice the law. Jesus, in contrast, expresses here His love and care for all men. Christians should not only show love for one another but they are also to show love for all mankind. The church has a responsibility to be a light not only for its own members but also for those outside its doors. What is the purpose of light? Light has one basic purpose: to remove the darkness. You see, darkness cannot exist where there is light. "You are the light of the world," says Jesus. This means it is the function of the church to shine for Jesus so that the darkness is chased away. The church must allow herself to be used of the Lord to lead the world from darkness into light. Quote
Eudora Posted January 24, 2008 Report Posted January 24, 2008 In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? I like what the commentary says in the New Living Translation, Life Application Study Bible. Quote
judeshere Posted January 24, 2008 Report Posted January 24, 2008 As Christians we are to reflect our light to the world. People should be able to notice something different about as, if we let our light shine by clearly standing for Jesus, and not compromising to fit in. We let our light shine in everyday situations in our jobs, socially, and in our homes. We must always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us. I am becoming very convicted by this study, as I do not usually witness. I am so grateful that as I am doing this our heavenly Father, is showing me what I should be doing. Quote
lulu 1931 Posted January 24, 2008 Report Posted January 24, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? We should not hide our believes and christian ways form the rest of the world. Put them were everyone can see them and spread the light of the word all over the world. Quote
Gwen Bryant Posted January 25, 2008 Report Posted January 25, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? A.) Jesus was concerned about Christians making their witness clear. Jesus wants our Christianity to be visible not hidden. How else can we bring light out of darkness if we hide the light. Quote
mags Posted January 25, 2008 Report Posted January 25, 2008 Jesus is warning us of being a 'closet' Christian - and therefore ineffective for Him. He is warning of being a Christian and loving Him behind closed doors. We are called to be set apart for God - different fromt he world - in the world but not of the world! We are called to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, sould and mine'. We are called to be open and to witness of His undying love but if we are hiding we aren't obeying this simple call on our lives. Nobody wants our friendship when it suits us and only behind doors so no-one can see. We all want friends who are loving, kind, loyal and faithful - and this is what we should be to Christ. We need to be proud to be a Christian, and not hide it away! Stand tall, in order to bring the glory to God. Have the courage to be yourself - to stand apart from the crowd - and you will gain respect for just that. Quote
Craig Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? Christians are light and to hide our witness and the hope, salvation, and healing power of the gospel of Jesus Christ from the world around us is sinful and wrong. The danger of this situation is that it falls into the hands of satan and the people that would fall under my influence and ministry won't receive it from me. How will that affect their lives? Therein lays the danger. Lost souls going to hell. Quote
s8nfighter Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? I noticed something when we had candle-light service. As I touched my candle to the one lit on the alter; for that moment when the flame of one candle passed to the other there was a greater llight shining than one by itself. And as I moved my candle away from the one on the alter the light did not diminish from it's original power. Life is like that, our light should shine as an attraction, but it doesn't stop there, it also should be passed to another without the fear of losing any power. We can use church as a place to let our light shine or as instructed we can come together whith the purpose of lifting up one another (passing our light to one in need) by stoping and talking to each other and helping where we can. And that little tingly feeling you get when you lite someone elses life up is just like that brighter glow when the two candles meet. We start doing this in church and we wont't have to spend thousands of dollars to send our teens to Aquire the Fire only to watch the flame-out in two months. Two days ago a young mother took her own life afther killing one of her daughters and placing two others in the hospital in critical condition. One of her neighbors was quoted as saying that the family was a very religious family, going to church every Sunday. Another neighbor said that although they have been neighbors for almost four years they never met. I live in a small town of only 30,000 people and wonder how she could been so alone and what problems could have been so great that she could not share them with her family at church or whith her neighbors. Are we so busy letting our light shine that we do not have time to say to another, "Hi, nieghbor. How are you today?" And when we do ask that question, take the time to listen. "How are you?" is not just another form of greeting as the world does, it is, for us, a genuine question of concern. Darrell Quote
Don W Posted January 27, 2008 Report Posted January 27, 2008 Jesus is warning us against the danger of hiding our witness of Him as our Lord and Savior by hiding the reflection of His light (the light of the Word of God) in our lives, both by our deeds and by the words we use, whether at work, home, or any other place we Christians are to let our lights shine forth for Him; to God be the glory, Amen! Quote
DZION Posted January 27, 2008 Report Posted January 27, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? If we do not let our light shine, by witnessing, by living and acting as Christ did, then we are in danger of becoming as the world. By letting our light shine we have influence over others, as they see Christ in us. They want what we have. Quote
emmaus Posted January 28, 2008 Report Posted January 28, 2008 The danger would be that other people wouldn't come to know Jesus if we who have the light in us, didn't let it shine for them to see and receive. It's a wonderfull thing that we have Jesus in our hearts, but as disiples who love our neighbors as ourselves, we want others to receive Jesus (the light) as we have. Quote
love.serve.know Posted January 28, 2008 Report Posted January 28, 2008 The danger of hiding the fact that we are Christians and trying to blend in or of denying Him Quote
meandean Posted January 30, 2008 Report Posted January 30, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable?bringing glory unto ourselves. i believe jesus was telling us not to let our right hand know what our left hand was doing so others would glorify god and not ourselves. we sure have the tendacy to say "look at me or what i did". so lets be careful of who really gets the glory. Quote
Grace M. Posted February 1, 2008 Report Posted February 1, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=737 The danger, as I see it, is to be ashamed or timid about projecting the Light around us, as often can happen if we are more aware of our limitations or weaknesses than of the power of that Light. Also there is the danger of being more concerned with being accepted as Quote
Candygoo58 Posted February 2, 2008 Report Posted February 2, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? A christian that would hide his light is living in fear. Afraid of what others will think. Afraid if he speaks out for Christ that the people with think of him as a Jesus freak. Where we need to not be afraid, but to speak out for Christ and bring others into the kingdom before it's to late. Quote
KAFWEMBE Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? Our Christianity must be seen so that people around us can experience the goodness of God. But if we hide our Christianity those around us will not see what God is doing in our lives. Witnessing to others is not just by word of mouth but also through the Fruits of the Spirit in us which manifest through our transformed character as Christians. If this does not happen we will damage the Great Commission that Jesus left us "Go ye therefore and make disciples of men......" Quote
Lunga Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? the danger in the life of a christian is to be lost.as we know that darkness makes people to be lost.they will definately get lost. Quote
eddiewayne Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 Q 2A Sorry I put the wrong Question here. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 In the parable of the Light of the World,Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls.Concerning what danger in the life of a christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? It means that we should not be hiding our light but letting everyone know that Jesus lives inside of us.WE cannot be hidden like way back in the days when the lights were hidden under the bowls was to not know that they were around or lighting the paths of darkness but we should let our light shine forth in the Lord. Quote
linda bass Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 The danger in the life of a Christian disciple that Jesus warns about in this parable is allowing their faith to be hidden and not letting others know they belong to Christ. As Christians we are not to keep our faith hidden within ourselves, but to let it shine for those who are lost to see. Quote
Jenna Posted February 26, 2008 Report Posted February 26, 2008 I think it's the danger of hiding our Christianity, of not letting Christ shine forth through us for all the world to see. I know this has been a temptation of mine recently. My life is very busy and at times overwellming. I can usually think up 100s of exccuses why I can't do something for God or to serve others because of these other demands on my time. It is when I'm serving, regardless of how busy the rest of my life is, that I am truly letting Christ's life and light shine through me. It's not about trying to be superwoman, but letting my actions show and deepen my love for Christ in all circumstances and trusting in His guidance. The more I do this, the brighter my light will shine. Quote
Dana 527 Posted February 27, 2008 Report Posted February 27, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? If we hide the light that Jesus has put into our hearts, or if we let the light go out because we neglect to keep it lit, then we are of no use to God or to His kingdom. As Christians, we already have the light, and our purpose is to let it shine so that others can see the way to Jesus. A light hidden under a bowl eventually dies and goes out for lack of oxygen. I don't want the picture of a hidden, dying flame to represent my witness and my life as a Christian! Quote
carolyn bedsaul Posted March 5, 2008 Report Posted March 5, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:14-15) In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? The danger for a Christian if their light goes out is possibly loosing the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the light to the world that they might see Jesus through us. If we do not shine for the Lord how will the people know who Christ is? If we do not stay in the right relationship with God, by praying , studying His Word, and letting the Holy Spirit work in our lives, if we let our light go dim, the Lord cannot use us for His work. Our light is the way for us to be a witness for the Lord and His kingdom. We can't afford to let it go dim or even completely out. Quote
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