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  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

God-given sexual desire is for marraige, not out of marraige.

The forbidden **** is out of marraige, out of God's will.

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Sexual desire is natural and should happen naturally between a husband and wife. **** is not, generally, between a husband and wife, and is usually for someone we can't/shouldn't be with for one reason or another. Sexual desire is God given and a wonderful part of a marriage. **** is from Satan and doesn't leave us feeling whole and at peace.
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

Forbidden **** is anything outside the marriage. I believe we will have sexual desires before marriage because that is how we are made. However, we must learn to push them down and not act upon them or even keep them in our minds. The time for acting upon them is after the marriage vows have been taken. Society today has too liberal a view on sex. Any and everything is acceptable. This must be changed, discouraged. We must get back to God's Word, His way.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

The good and natural sexual desire is what you save for your future husband or wife. If you desire, like Adam and Eve, that is bad desire. This is the type of desire that God wishes for us to stay away from. But sometimes that is so hard, because that "bad" desire is all around us. In the music, movies, and even on the radio, we are surrounded. The best way that I can tell you to avoid these temptations is to pray, and let that prayer be your one and true. Believe it, and it will happen.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

Natural sexual desire is distinguished between forbidden **** as something that is given by God, and is a gift to man within the boundries of what God intended it to be. Anything other than that is not what God intended to be, and considered outside of God's will, therefore forbidden.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

i believe it starts with our love for god. we can still have **** in our marriage if our relationship with god is amiss. we must hand over all our desires unto god, otherwise we are gonna love, but not really love, and we will be let down emotionally and blame each other because we first didn't hand over the very seat of our emotions.


God given sexual desire within the boundries of marriage is good and natural. Outside of these boundries, sexual desire and **** are forbidden. It is not gray, but black and white.


Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

Sex outside of marriage is forbidden ****. God has a plan to focus sexual drive into a pleasurable and productive channel and that is marriage. Outside of marriage sex is responsible for broken homes, children without both parents, diease, broken hearts and spirits, murder, economic hardship, etc.


We distinquish between God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+ by exercising the boundaries that God has set.

A man and woman need to be bonded together in marriage in order to have a healthy sexual environment.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

The sexual desire God created us with was meant to be shared in marriage. **** is of the Devil because the Devil wants to pervert everything nice that God ceated.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

Using our sexual desire with the strict marriage boundaries is Ok . marraige is honourable in all - and the bed undefiled -

Forbidden **** always breaks the tenth commandment . It means to aspire something which the heart forbids - and leads to stolen fruit which may taste sweet but - at the end of such a journey is deceit , lies and hypocrisy and double standards . God is very clear - no relationship outside marraige

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden ****?

God gave us sexual desires to enjoy, but only in the confines of marriage. When that happens it brings a man and woman closer together and they are in God

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

We can distinguish between the two because God given will be in marriage only between husband and wife. The forbidden **** will be out of the will of God. Even in a marriage, if the couple stray, their marriage is in trouble. Keep our hearts and minds on the Lord and the one He had provided for us.

  • 3 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

The sex drive is a good thing given by God, but only good when it is exercised within the boundaries God has set, namely, marriage. Natural desire for the opposite sex is normal and necessary. Men desire women and vice versa, families are formed, children produced. That is what God intended. Outside of marriage, sex may "feel so right" but bring a harvest of bad fruit.

We read in Genesis 2 about a man and a woman.

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife [literally, "woman"], and they will become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)

This unity of husband and wife is the basic unit.

Like any good gift, however, Satan is quick to pervert or twist it into something God didn't intend - like ****, prostitution, unchastity, fornication, homosexual behaviour.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

God-given sexual desire is natural when it involves a married man and his wife.

Forbidden **** is wrong because it is adultery or sexual immorality outside of marriage.

  • 2 weeks later...

The God-given desire bonds a man and woman in marriage, creating the "one" that is the God's purpose in their union. Forbidden lus+ breaks that union apart.


Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

Check out what The word says. Pray and ask The Holy Spirit to guide you. Whatever the issue is, the Bible has the answer! Also, we know what is good and right by what we have looked at, or listened to. If we look at the wrong things, then our heart will cause us to go after the wrong things. Like I said in the last answer, we must guard our eyes and heart. Comes down to watching what we expose ourselves to. If we know it's wrong, then we need to stay away from it.


Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

The distinction of a good and natural sexual desire and a forbidden desire revolves around the sacred bond of marriage between a man and a woman. When the desire is within the marriage it is good and natural, anything else is forbidden.

  • 1 month later...

God-given desire is within marriage.. But is every desire within marriage God-given? I don't think so.. If a husband and a wife practise what they see from pronography, their desire is also not God-given, it's forbidden ****...I think if we engage with God, we'll identify the source of our desires.

  • 4 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

We can distinguish because we will have the love for our marriage partner and our eyes and heart will not wander because of the love shared between the two. There wil be fulfilment and a satisfaction that will be felt by both. The respect of treating each other as a person and considering their feelings is a part that is in a marriage.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden ****?

Our Lord Jesus has told us that it is not enough to avoid certain sinful behaviours, but we also need to honour God with our thoughts, our motives, and our attitudes

  • 5 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. God purposely created us with a good and natural sexual desire. How do we distinguish between that God-given sexual desire and forbidden lus+?

If your desire is a manifestation of God's plan (involving marriage,building a family,etc.) it is given by God. If you are pursuing lusts that do not promote marriage, family, and healthy community you are falling victim to Satan's perverted depiction of what sexuality is. Often in these types of situations you will be able to see many more possible negative consequences than positive ones if you are taking an honest, objective look at things. If you find yourself rationalizing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that tell you that sex outside of marriage, or promiscuity, or other types of fornication are okay, you can be sure it is forbidden **** that is inspired by Satan and is to be avoided.

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