DZION Posted February 9, 2008 Report Posted February 9, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? It promotes **** which is sin. It degrades women, it causes men to sin in ****, they become adicted to it. Going to prostitutes has always been wrong. It is ****, it is adultry. The victims are everyone, men, women, children. IT IS SIN. No other way to look at it. Quote
lulu 1931 Posted February 9, 2008 Report Posted February 9, 2008 Poronography leads to many problems..the worst is using children who are not old enough to understand the cocequences ! Postitutes date back to the bibical times..I think they were wrong then as they are now. It amounts to **** and adultery..things that are against our commandments. We are all victimes of this victimless action. Quote
love.serve.know Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 A. Men are committing adultery in their hearts when they watch ***********. B. When a man and woman have sex for money, they are using something God intended to be pure and beautiful and violating it. C, The victims are many - the participants sin against God and one another and other members of their families. They also risk disease. Quote
UncleBlake Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** is one catalyst to illicit behavior that is not intended by God. Again, anything outside the marriage is not in God's plan. *********** is one of those things, and is against God's will. Going to prostitutes falls among this as well, again, outside the marriage, and against God's intended blessings. The victims here are all who participate in such activities. Quote
meandean Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? it's not love. you know pride appeals to the empty head, and sexual immorality appeals to the empty heart.there are no victims in this, that would be a cop out. those who participate in these acts are working out their own pleasure, for themselves. they made the choice to neglect god, and to reject him. Quote
YBIC Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Everything is wrong! It goes against God's design and is outside of the boundries he set. It devalues men and women, damages marriage relationships and takes advange of the young and needy. Prostitution is wrong because it also is out side of God's boundries which are confined to marriage. I believe we are all victims because everyone bears the burden as a society, and society bears the consequences of families torn by divorce, crime and disorder. Quote
Majestic Dancer Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 Its all wrong because it causes sin, its a driver for sin. The word says he who findeth a wife findeth a good thing. The woman should be your wife before you take on sexual acts. The victims of the victimless crimes are those that are raped, molested, violated. This would also include the family, friends of those who are victims. They have to assist the others in getting back right if that happens at all, It is a never ending circle. Quote
emmaus Posted February 18, 2008 Report Posted February 18, 2008 The problem with these habits is that when you open the door to the devil in one area of your life he comes in and doesn't stop there. The consequences are far reaching, not only for this generation but for the next also. Quote
Craig Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? What is wrong with viewing *********** and sleepling with prostitutes is it is sexually immortal -- sin. It goes against God's plan for healthy sexual activity. The victioms are (quoting Dr. Wilson): "The women who pose. The men who view and become addicted despite their shame. The wives who suffer isolation, shame, and assault. The children who are abused. The women who are raped. The society that bears the cumulative pain of divorce, crime, and disorder. Victims? We all are victims." Quote
linda bass Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 What's wrong with pornagraphy is that it is not the victimless crime its defenders claim it is. The more society embraces pornagraphy as a harmless outlet,the more problems are likely to increase for individuals and society as a whole. Going to prosititutes is wrong because it is sexual sin. The woman is selling her body for money while the man is willing to pay for sex to satisfy is lus+ful desires. Both are taking the God-given gift of sex and exploiting it for their own ends. The victims of this "victimless" activity are 1] the women who pose 2] the men who view pornagraphy and become addicted, 3] the wives who suffer isolation, shame, and insult 4] the children who are abused 5] the women who are raped, and 6] the society that bears the cumulative pain of divorce, crime, and social disorder. Quote
RAJU Posted March 1, 2008 Report Posted March 1, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** helps us break Gods commandment - because it makes us look at a woman with a sexually wrong motive . Going to a prostitute is wrong - it helps support oragnised crime - it takes wrong advantage of women who against their will are raped , assualted , abused , children neglected , homes destroyed , naive teens lured into this job purely iniatially with a promise of big money and lavish extravagant lifestyles and ends up in a web of crime supported syndicate from which they cannot escape !!!! And so aon and so forth !!! How could our conscience permit this ? The question to us is : Will Jesus support or approve of such a behaviour , or else , putting it in another way , will Jesus come with us to such places or into such internet cafes and be our companion . We cannot deceive our heartbeats !!! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 16, 2008 Report Posted March 16, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? It degrades women and lower the standards of everyone involved. What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Sex was given to us by God to enjoy in the confines of marriage and to give us the ability to have children. When prostitutes are involved, it degrades the act of sex, making it "something dirty," instead of the "something beautiful" that God intended it to be. Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? Everyone involved are victims. Quote
carolyn bedsaul Posted March 20, 2008 Report Posted March 20, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? Porongraphy is wrong because it involves ****, which is a sin. ***********, like any other sin, will take you futher than you want to go. Going to prostitutes is also a sin, it takes away the true meaning that God had meant for love between two people. A woman is destroying her body, which is mean to be a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. The devil is having his way by using them for sex objects. Anyone and everyone is a victim. It affects all that are involved and their families. Quote
MJJ Posted April 7, 2008 Report Posted April 7, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? There are lots of things wrong with pornogr@phy. 1. Pornogr@phy helps men view women as mere sex objects. 2. Pornogr@phy lowers moral values in individuals and society resulting in the acceptability and/or legalization of prostitution, fornication, adultery, and other sexual perversions. 3. Pornogr@phy creates unrealistic expectations of sex and sexual practices that spouses may be unable or unwilling to fulfill. 4. Pornogr@phy isolates sexual fulfillment from a caring relationship with another human being, rendering it essentially selfish. 5. Pornogr@phy exploits young women's naivet Quote
Tina Posted April 8, 2008 Report Posted April 8, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** violated the women who are used as sexual objects. Morals are lowered and this can lead to lawlessness in many other areas as for e.g. *********** is criminal. Young children are abused, women are raped and men demand more perversive *********** to satisfy their cravings. It breaks up homes, causes suffering to people with life long consequences in a lot of cases. Going to prostitutes is wrong because not only is it sex outside of marriage, but women are used as objects and **** is involved instead of the love and natural sexual desire between a man and wife., Quote
Jewell Posted April 22, 2008 Report Posted April 22, 2008 *********** has only victims - those who make it hurt all who are exposed to it, those who view it hurt themselves and those who love them, those who sell it are using others to make money, those who reap the degradation it creates are hurt by addiction, abuse, rape, divorce, and crime. Prostitutes are to *********** what adultery is to **** - of the body / of the heart. We are all victims. Quote
iam4-1god Posted April 23, 2008 Report Posted April 23, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? **** and prostitutes-hmmm. Well, we all know that God intended for man and woman to marry and build a family. We also know that prostitutes are not family orintated. They want to make money-they don't care who's toes they step on! Both of these things promote sin-they do nothing to dispell sin. They both are tools that satan uses to destroy Godly people, and to keep them bound. Lives have been destroyed-marriages ruined. Chaos and catastrophy usually are the results of such things, because this is the devil's arena. Everyone who participates, watches, looks, lures- all are victims. These things are not natural-and from what I understand, can be and are usually addictive. It's very difficult to get away from it, once you start. So, after one gets started, it gets more and more difficult to spend time with God and not be convicted of sin. Also, if one is not born again, and becomes entangled in the mess, it is very difficult to turn one toward the Master when being influenced by this sort of debachery. Victims? All envolved. Quote
Commissioned Posted April 27, 2008 Report Posted April 27, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? Pornogr*phy is wrong because it defileth a man. His heart becomes impure with sin as he lus+ and breaks the commandments of God. Goint to a prostitute is wrong because it embraces a deception of the devil, who tries to portray the sin as okay. We are all victims of the "victimless" activity, as it touches all society and we pay the price even though we are not directly involved. Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 19, 2008 Report Posted November 19, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** is wrong because it is a sin and a transgression of God's moral standard for his people and against His law. *********** arouse's sinful. **** that will eventually take place if the right moment comes along. It poison's the mind. Going to prostitutes degrades that person. It deprive's one of the moral purity that God desires for that person in order to satisfy one's own self centeed desires. They are showing no respect or real love to that person or their selves. We all are victims in some way or another. We have to learn to control our thoughts. Pray for the Lord to make our thoughts His thoughts, and our words His words. Quote
hanks Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with ***********? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? *********** is a world-wide huge industry involved in ****. It wrecks homes, destroys minds and is involved increasingly in criminal activities and substance abuse. It is degrading to all women who are seen as mere sex objects. Moral values are lowered. Gordon B. Hinckley said of ***********: "It is like a raging storm, destroying individuals and families, utterly ruining what was once wholesome and beautiful...suffice it to say that all who are involved become victims. Children are exploited, and their lives are severely damaged. The minds of youth become warped with false concepts. Continued exposure leads to addiction that is almost impossible to break. Men, so very many, find they cannot leave it alone. Their energies and their interests are consumed in their dead-end pursuit of this raw and sleazy fare." The *********** found on Internet sites is of grave concern. It is easily accessed unless rigid safeguards are put into place. John Stott has pointed out: *********** is offensive to Christians (and indeed to all healthy-minded people) first and foremost because it degrades women from human beings into sex objects, but also because it presents the eye of the beholder with unnatural sexual stimulation. If we have a problem of self-mastery, and if nonetheless our feet take us to these films, our hands handle this literature, and our eyes feast on the pictures they offer to us, we are not only sinning but actually inviting disaster. Quote
jr4624 Posted May 19, 2009 Report Posted May 19, 2009 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? p*rnography and prostitution both go against what God planned for our life to be like. They turn sex, which God intended as a mutual expression of love between married people and the means of procreation, into a basically solitary (emotionally), hedonistic method of seeking carnal pleasure. They make it easy for men to objectify women. They contribute to the moral decline of society as a whole. They exploit women, especially younger, poorer women. Theycan be linked to rising incidence of crime, especially sex crimes, and are often controlled by organized crime. They can create unrealistic expectations of sexual practices that can ruin marriages, and can also be addictive. The women who become sex workers, the husbands who purchase and often become addicted to their services, the wives and children who are neglected and alienated as a result, the victims of crimes that are inspired by it, and all of society. Quote
chuieycuzca22 Posted June 8, 2009 Report Posted June 8, 2009 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? pornagraphy is wrong because it is a form of cheating on your spouse (if married) by ******* after the person in the **** and that also cheapens the person in the **** because they are in essence selling their bodies for money. it is an addiction. going to prostitutes is wrong because again it is selling the prostitutes body for sex, ******* after someone that is not your wife/husband and giving your body for immoral purposes. everyone is a victim of pornagraphy. the person who is addicted is a victim, their family are victims, the persons in the **** are also victims. Quote
smithj7 Posted June 20, 2009 Report Posted June 20, 2009 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? The purpose of p0rnography is to make people sexually aroused. p0rnography helps men view women as things, p0rnography helps leads to other sexual perversions, it also makes unrealistic expectation, and makes sex the purpose rather than loving, it linked to rape and sex, it leads to crime, it can lead men to want unrealistic expectations and lead to addiction. Problems are created for the whole family when one member focuses on p0rnography. So victims can be women in general, family members, even society as p0rnography has a negative impact in some cases (e.g. rape, sexual unlawfulness.) Quote
Lory Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? 1. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? Pornogr=phy was created to make money by people, not by God. pornogr=phy takes your mind off of God's will for us. Anything that takes our minds and thoughts off of God is sin. Pornogra=phy poisions and pollutes the mind, opens doors to the dark side and can eventually lead you into something worse. Nothing good comes out of this, it leads your soul to death. 2. What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Going to prostitutes is wrong because it's against God will. It's sin. Again, prostitutes do what they do for the money, there is no love involved for the other person whatsoever. It's sex, without love. Many prostitiutes have diseases, they are dirty, and have had many lovers, paticipating with them will only open doors to the dark side. Remember, Satan has a job to do, to go around like a roaring lion, on the prowl, looking for someone to devour. His job is to kill, steal, and destroy your life. Satan's ways will lead your soul to death. 3. Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity? Everyone who participates in these wrongful acts are victims of Satan. Even though they get paid very well, later they are mislead. What profits a man to gain the whole world, but loses his soul? Satan deceives those who participate in these activities and eventually will lead these girls and guys in towards guilt and harder drugs, eventually death. The other victims are the innocent youngsters who get invited to watch one of those terrible movies or photos. If they don't have a strong moral background, they could potentially beome a victim of Satan for the rest of their lives. These seeds of destruction will take root in their hearts and the lus+ will take over their minds and they can potentially have a hard time in their marriage in finding a true loving relationship. God's blessings, Lory Quote
Prayer1995 Posted April 23, 2010 Report Posted April 23, 2010 EVERYTHING is wrong with street sex. A. It's adultery B. It's abusive C. You're hurted for life D. Aids E. A baby may be made EVERYBOODY is a victim. Quote
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