YBIC Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Scripture teaches that unless he wants to stand guilty before God as an adulterer, he must first repent and second flee from it. Perhaps the biggest help in fleeing would be get rid of temptations around you, establish an accountablility partner and come before God for help. Quote
Majestic Dancer Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 use the methods you mentioned and purpose in your heart and mind to change. It has to begin with the person. Quote
emmaus Posted February 18, 2008 Report Posted February 18, 2008 If a person is serious about changing their life they need to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness and ask God to help them. But God expects us to not allow ourselves to get into situations where we will be tempted, to have willpower and learn to use it, find other activities that are interesting and good for us. Quote
Craig Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would pray with him, counsel him to end viewing ****, and come up with ideals to remove **** from his reach. Filters will prevent easy access to **** on the internet. At the beach or poolside you just have to look away. There are filters for tv's and don't watch sexually oriented programs. Sex of some kind is advertised throughout our society. It is hard to escape it. All of us have to pray over this issue consistently. Quote
linda bass Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 As a female, I don't think it would be appropriate for me to counsel a brother who was having trouble with pornagrahy. I would recommend he talk to the pastor or church board or see a christian counselor. However, if a sister told me she was having problems with pornagraphy I would offer to pray for her, show her in scripture why it is considered sinful, and urge her to get rid of any books, magazines, movies,etc that may be feeding her problem. (Through the years I have learned that women can get off on looking at pornagraphy just as much as a man can.) Quote
meandean Posted February 20, 2008 Report Posted February 20, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? first, i would pray that god would give me the words to say, and that he would allow me to have ears to hear, that i may listen for the cry of help and be very sensitive to it. the most important bit of counceling to me is to bring them to the cross. let them see the lord beaten , bloody and bruised, crying out to the father to forgive them for they know not what they do. help them understand that jesus died for all our sins, and that if we would lay them down at jesus feet, and ask the lord to take them, that he would, and that he would also forgive us and fill us for his good pleasure. then i would warn them to remember who took their sin, and to constantly go to jesus for wisdom and understanding, and to be emptied of all self, and be refilled with the holy spirit. and also warn them about filling their minds with worldly advice or foolish material and encourage them to read and meditate on the word of god. and if they would, the trust in the lord jesus would grow and the cravings we once had would no longer would dominate us. Quote
KAFWEMBE Posted February 25, 2008 Report Posted February 25, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would concentrate my counselling on prayer. Jesus is a liberator and he washes our hearts whiter than snow. Iwould remind him that *********** should be treated like any sin and can just as well be washed away by constatnt prayer. The internet has come as one of the greates developments in communication. It can bring information right at our desk. The challenge we have is accessing the right information. The principle is never to even glance at inappropriate information lest you get hooked to it. This is true with ***********. NEVER START! Quote
RAJU Posted March 1, 2008 Report Posted March 1, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? First we have to counsel ourselves and then counsel another brother who has had trouble with pornogr*phy Cut all means of triggers which draws us into such desires Come to a firm conviction which says NO to such desire Throw away all pronogr*phy materials in possesion Never be alone - use time effectively - be busy in seeking for creative things . medidate on Gods word and /or His faithfulness Run away from sin instead of being drawn into it as JOSEPH did in Egypt !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ask phone co to block all 900 call - as Pastor Ralf has mentioned in the Bible study . Also install an adult filter for yourself - not for children !!!!!!!!! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 17, 2008 Report Posted March 17, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? I would try to explain the dangers of pornogr*phy and encourage him to get counseling. It Quote
carolyn bedsaul Posted March 20, 2008 Report Posted March 20, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would show and read with the person the scripture's concerning the sin, just let the person talk about the problem, talk to him about Jesus' love for him,. for his forgiveness, and pray with the person for deliverance. We can protect ourselves by not using those websites, block them. Don't even entertain the thought. Same thing with pool or beach or TV. Don not watch the channels on TV, do not entertain the thought and keep our eyes on the things of the Lord. Quote
MJJ Posted April 7, 2008 Report Posted April 7, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would advise him to Share with someone close to you your struggle with this sin and become accountable to this person. Ask for this person's prayer support and confess your sins to him (James 5:16). Seek counsel for your problem from a pastor or Christian counselor. Use the weapons of prayer, scripture reading, and fasting. Throw out any pornographic materials you possess. Get rid of anything in your home that triggers this ****. To prevent temptation over TV - ask the cable operator to block those channels or just disconnect cable TV. To prevent temptation over internet - use software that blocks such websites. Quote
Tina Posted April 8, 2008 Report Posted April 8, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? Firstly I would stand on the word of God and use scripture to show my brother that ***********, which is sexual **** and addiction, is wrong. I would then pray with him and rebuke these things that come against him in the Name of Jesus and ask him to ask the Lord for forgiveness. I would also adviser him to do the practical things such as getting rid of all tempting materials and objects in his home, block the 900 numbers, don't download offensive material on the net, and continue therapy with a Christian counsellor if he still finds it difficult to get through this on his own. Quote
iam4-1god Posted April 23, 2008 Report Posted April 23, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? We have to be pro-active when it comes to t. v. and other things. I purchased a swimming pool at WalMart for my daughter and her family with the understanding that my youngest daughter be welcomed to swim there, and that worked just fine. As for tv-There is an off button, and also, one can change the channel. It is getting more and more difficult to find decent channels on tv and even radio. One local station runs adds for adult male entertainment, which is a "cleaner" way of saying prostitute. Stay away from things that make you feel uncomfortable. Don't go to public places where you know that indescency will be the mo. If someone approached me and asked me about this, I would tell them these things. Avoid, stay away, run in the other direction! Now, I know these things are all around us, and they can't always be avoided. But the point is-we have a choice to make. Sometimes it isn't easy, but choose we must. And when we choose-stand firm. We won't be sorry! And pray for the one who is having a problem with this thing. Pray with that one. Stand in agreement that God is in control, and that He will have His way! Gloray! Quote
Mephibesheth Posted April 24, 2008 Report Posted April 24, 2008 We are taught that there is such a thing as heart-adultry, adulterous thoughts and dispositions, which never proceed to the act or fornication; and perhaps the defilment which these give to the souls, that is here so clearly asserted, was not only included in the seventh commandment, but was signified and intened in many of those ceremonial pollutions under the law, for which they were to wash their clothers and bathe their fleshin water. Whosoever lookth on a woman ( not only another man's wife, as some would have it, but any woman), to **** after her has committed adultry with her in his heart, ( Math. 5-28 ) This command forbids not on the acts of fornication and adultry, but. ( 1 ) All appetites to them , all ******* after the forbidden object; this is the beginning of sin, **** conceiving ( James 1: 15 ) It is a bad step towards the sin; and where the **** is dwelt upon and approved, and the wanton desire is rolled under the tongue as a sweet morsel, It is the commission of sin, as far as the heart can do it;If it prevail not in what it says; All approaches toward them; feeeding the eye with the light of the forbidden fruit; not only looking for that end, that I may ****: but looking till I **** or looking to gratify the ****, where satisfaction cannot be obtained. The eye is both the outlet and the inlet Men sin but devils tempt to sin. I would turn away from those things that would tempt and ask the Holy Spirit to help me Also cover my mind with thr blood of Jesus. Stay away from movie, shut the internet off. Get rid of the TV> I can not get the Dots out where the word **** is! Counseling a brother or sister re: *****. I would pray with them and do deliverence. Regarding my own deliverance from *********** in all forms, it never mattered to me what the scriptures said regarding **** because I was unable to understand those words until God showed me His love for the adulterous woman. When I saw His love for the woman I objectified, I was indignant with my own complicity in that which tempted the immoral woman (which of course is always praise and money). Hope that helps someone the way it helped me. Quote
Commissioned Posted May 1, 2008 Report Posted May 1, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? For the brother who has found himself drawn to pornogr*phy my counsel to him would be to remove himself from the source of the temptation. If the access to **** is through the internet, he can install software that will block pornogr*phic material. The same is also true for cable, the cable channels can be blocked. He needs to block the accesses and fill the time with positive things. As the Apostle Paul told the Philippians, think on those things that are profitable, those things that a virtuous. To maintain a heart that is pure the brother must usthe weapons of prayer, scripture reading, and fasting. The same is true for my protection against this sin. Immerse myself in the Word of God, prayer, fasting and in doing the things that He has called me to do. Quote
Ruth Xu Posted June 27, 2008 Report Posted June 27, 2008 I think it is a spiritual warfare to overcome adultery and ***********.. We need to repent for our sins and cast out the evil spirits, break the connections with them..Throw all related materials/CDs/DVDs/Movies/Books..... Besides these, I think we need to be filled with God's Word and the Holy Spirit. Devote ourselves in prayer, fight the fight until we have victory.. Pray to God and ask Him to change our inmost being.. Ask Him to give us desire to desire Himself and His kingdom, His righteousness. Whatever we gaze upon is what we are transformed into... So ask God to reveal His glory and His beauty to us, so that we will be drawn after Him and follow Him, desire Him, desire to dwell in His temple and behold His beauty.. When we are attracted by this beautiful and glorious God, all of our hearts will be filled and satisfied, all the earthly things will become rubbish to us... Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 20, 2008 Report Posted November 20, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would pray, read scripture, and talk to the person to help that person realize why they are in this bondage, and to show God's love to this person. Help them overcome this prob lem by getting rid of everything that is connected with this sin. Give them the reassurance that they can do it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If they are not a Christian, then accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior, give control of their life to Him and He will deliver them. We can protect ourselves by turning away from every temptation that the devil puts in front of us. By using God's Holy Word to overcome, let the Holy Spirit lead us in all things. Learn His voice and listen, and be obedient. Quote
hanks Posted December 10, 2008 Report Posted December 10, 2008 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with ***********? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? In counselling a brother I would advise him (in love) that we need to take radical action. I would let him read D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Quote
jr4624 Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? The first thing I would advise him to do is to pray to God and confess his sin and ask for God's forgiveness. Then I would assure him that with God's help,and a support group who loved them and wanted to see them succeed, many men have already defeated the same demons he is fighting. Next, he should ask God for the desire, and the power, and all the tools he will need to win his battle, because without God he stands no chance of success. I would advise him to try to remove as many of the temptations from his home and life as possible. Finally, I would make myself available to him for support, accountability, as a prayer partner, to help him seek professional help if necessary, or anything he might need from me. There are filtering programs available to keep unwanted content from being accessible from your computer. Putting the computer in public areas where it will be hard to view such content in privacy is also a good idea. In extreme cases interruption of internet access or removal of the computer may be necessary for a time. Praying for strength from God to see people as He sees them rather than as objects for your personal gratification is a good place to start. If a certain cable programming package is causing you to stumble, have it disconnected from your TV. With all these strategies, the most important thing is to let God take the lead and never stop trying. We need to realize that defeating some demons is very difficult and may take a long time. In some cases, it may even prove to be a lifelong battle. Quote
smithj7 Posted June 20, 2009 Report Posted June 20, 2009 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with p0rnography? If a Christian did come to me about such, I'd prayer with the person and advice them to get rid of all the temptations in their houses. Since I am a woman, I would suggest that the person talk to another man (a God fearing one) as he may have other issues with sexualuality. We also have a addiction recovery at one of the churches that has a supp0rt group for persons breking free from this type of issue. How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? This particular vice is not one I fight with. Quote
Lory Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? 1. (Matthew 5:28) How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with pornogr*phy? First of all, I have never had a problem with pornogr=phy, so I wouldn't be the right person to counsel him or her, but if I had to I would. One who all ready had understanding of the problem and has found victory over it would be better suited for the job. If we are to counsel we must realize that we are not without sin, so we are not their judge. We should lead them back to the ways of God's truth. Call on the Holy Spirit to give you guidance, you could be dealing with such deep rooted problems that it's going to take the Holy Spirit for this person to have victory and there's nothing you can do or say to change them. I have seen time and time again other addictions from people, they just can't be set free, because they love their sin way too much. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. As with any problem, we have to die to our flesh. If it were me, and I had the problem, it's important to establish a trust, ask me questions, why do you watch *****? When you ask questions you will have insight on how to pray for them. Listen and hear their story of the why's, some people just need to be validated, even when they know they are in the wrong, but listen with compassion. Some people need to be held accountable, so you would need to call them every few hours and check on them. Ask them if they would be willing. Once you establish a trust, then tell them gently your honest truth of what God's word says. Ask them if they want to change this? Ask them many questions. Let them answer and figure it out themselves. Reveal to them that God's way is to bless, and when we do our ways against God's way, it can lead our souls in the ways of destruction. Reveal to them when they indulge in such activities it can affect their marriage, or future marriage, give Satan a strong foothold into their lives, which could lead to adultery,or something worse, etc. Obviously there's a brokenness in this person's relationship with God. They need help, but don't know how to get help. Ultimately it's the question of whether or not they want to do God's will or do they love their sin more. That's something we all have to come to terms with, no matter what we do. 2.How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet, at the beach or poolside,with your TV? Every time there is a temptation to do something that you know is wrong, cast the thought out immediately, tell your flesh NO and mean it! The flesh is a lose canon, but we have been given power over our flesh. Say scripture "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Don't use the internet if you can't say no to temptations, wait until you are strong or have someone who can make you accountable. Think of Jesus on the Cross, you won't have problems at that moment when you are at the pool side or beach, switch the tv channels or put it out of the house for a week or so. If there is something that is dishonorable to God cast it out of you. Learn how to say No to everything that tempting you, remind yourself that such ways leads to death, worse things can come upon us. Don't put yourself in situations that will tempt you. If one is serious about their faith, they will overcome. God will give us strength in our weaknesses, all we have to do is ask God. Ask God to take away the cravings, etc. If you don't have love in your heart, ask God to put His love in your heart, if you don't have purity, ask God to purify your heart, if you don't have control over lus+, ask God to change your eyes, etc.. Most times we ask for the things of the world and not the things of God. We can be delivered, but we must ask God. God's blessings be with you, Lory Quote
Marloes Posted October 14, 2009 Report Posted October 14, 2009 My computer has EO Filternet. It blocks subjects like sex and violence. Yesterday, I had to make a special request not to block this topic. On my TV I can block senders or for a special time. Quote
Prayer1995 Posted April 24, 2010 Report Posted April 24, 2010 I would say stay away from TV, computer, any place people wear to little clothes. Clothes that may cover everything that needs to be covered. Don't look at the other sex with **** in your heart. If you do pray to God and ask for forgiveness. I HOPE AND PRAY I could do the same. GOD ALWAYS WILL HELP IF YOU PRAY AND ASK. He is always there. Quote
saskheather Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 Just don't go there. Watch only good shows and don't look for junk online. Quote
JimOtt Posted June 5, 2010 Report Posted June 5, 2010 Q4. (Matthew 5:28) Sex is very closely tied to our core sense of person. This means that as we are healed in our view towards sex, it goes a long way toward making us whole inside. How would you counsel a brother who shared with you that he had trouble with ***********? How can you protect yourself against temptation over the Internet? At the beach or poolside? With your TV? I would share with him that God forgives him, and help him put things in place to prevent/discourage those desires. I would want to help him rebuild a healthier outlook at/towards women. I would help him put in place things in his life that I do in mine to try and keep this from overcoming him. Quote
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