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Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

That such looks and such dalliances are so very dangerous and destructive to the soul, that it is better to lose the eye and hand that thus offend then to give way to sin, and perish eternally in it.

So many do not realize the giving in to fleshly desires causes not only destruction to the body, but also destruction to the mind and the heart. Self image is destroyed. It is hard for a person to know the difference between Love and **** once they have entered in to that free sex. They lose trust of a true relationship. Once a person has come into that marriage union. after sharing their body with so many, It is hard to know the difference of what real Godly love is. Jealously becomes a part of that relationship. So sad, what could be pure has become tarnished. **** is a tool of the devil to destroy something God meant to be so beautiful.

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

We are to take this lustful spirit thing very seriously, He said that it is better to walk away from that kind of **** than to burn in hell for ever. Agape love is strong, faithful, has wisdom and know God's love and Word that is for them.

We are to take lus+ very seriously for indulgence can and will send one to hell. The answer to this is to genuinely love another person as a brother or sister in Christ. To love them as Christ loves them mean that you would not in anyway, shape, form or matter to anything to them that would degrade or defile them.

Very serious--it is sin!!

Agape love helps us to see others as God sees them, wanting the very best for them. Men are to look upon women as sisters!!

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

1. We are to take **** very seriously. If we weren't supposed to take it seriously, it wouldn't have been included in the Bible.

2. Agape love helps us combat **** by making us love one another despite the things that people are doing. We are to love each other even though we don't agree with their life style.


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

**** like all sinful desires are to be taken very seriously, any sin that seperates us from the Father of true life is serious indeed.

Agape love is the love of God poured out to each one of us as we seek Him and the Saviour He sent us. We are to love in the same way and not allow the sinful desire of the flesh to corrupt that love. A love that comes from God is pure and Holy. It is to shared with everyone not just immediate family but our church family and friends it is a forgiving love that holds no grudges and shares all that we have as the first church in Acts had all things in common weto through the love of God must do likewise and not let the **** of the world contaminate it.

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

We are to take lus+ very seriously as it can cost us our gift of eternal life if we succumb without correction. When we look at all people through Christ's eyes, we will love them with His love and respect them for the beautiful people they are in Christ, inside as well as out. We would therefore not be able to even entertain the thought of harming them or debasing their God-given character, as well as our own.


We are to take **** very seriously! I like the note next to this passage in my Bible. It says "No sacrifice is too great to avoid total destruction in Gehenna." We are to make sure that within ourselves, we are examining our motives and situations doing our best to not fall prey to **** and everything it can lead to. I don't think that means everyone has to go off and live on an island somewhere in panic because of fear of temptation, but there are certain situations we need to be very aware of what God is saying to us and when to exit and when to stay. The Holy Spirit helps us with that and we can be submitted to His guidance. We need to look at our heart and motives daily and act accordingly.

People who are lost and in darkness that practice sinful things readily and willingly are going to be judged on them and there is a hell. There is also salvation to be had and that is where agape love comes in.

God loved me before I loved Him..so obviously He called me while I was in a depraved state. He took me and lifted me out of it and His love won my heart. He saw me in sin and wanted me anyway! That is a profound experience. It is knowing a deep gratitude and love that comes from deep within for someone so good as to see us as we were and want to help us. There were many lifestyle changes to be made....and still some I work on..... but because the sin I was in was destroying me, I needed to change. But His love was unconditional for me. I hoped once I accepted Him that I was not only saved from eternal destruction but I also became aware of knowing that I owed a debt I can not pay. So I try in every way to live better and in His way for this wonderful Savior called Jesus who is still working miracles today. It's a matter of the heart. Like David....who wasn't perfect. Far from it! But He had a heart to do it right and He was sorry when He found out He didn't. Even in **** and adultry!!

I trust in God's unfailing love...... most times :unsure:....... I keep thinking sometimes His goodness to someone working through so much like I have will surely run out at the next revealing of the next area of cleansing. But...... as I journey with Him....I find Him faithful every time. So my love and my commitment to Him grows also. That to me is how agape love works in helping in everything we overcome. When we offer that to others....love really does cover over a multitude of sins and love wins hearts to Christ and we must speak truth to be sure but guarding in love and in trusting the leading of the Holy Spirit.


According to Jesus it was serious enough to talk about gouging out the eye or cutting off the hand when evil was done. Male & females are both responsible for their actions. Purity was a life style in Jesus' time, today it means nothing.

We are to look on each other as brothers and sisters with love. Agape Love....God's Love.


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of ****. According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take ****? How does agape love help us combat ****?

We are to take very seriously because it is sin. Although Sinful actions are more dangerous than sinful desires, and that is why desire should not acted out. Nevertheless, sinful desires are just as damaging to obedience. Left unchecked, wrong desires are just in wrong action and turn people away from God.

Agape love help us combat **** in that

-Love is patient, **** requires immediate satisfaction.

-Love is kind, **** is harsh.

-Love does not demand its own way, **** does.

**** may feel like love at first, but when physically expressed, it results in self-disgust and hatred of the other person. If you can not wait, what you feel is not Love.


James 1:12-15 is the summation of Jesus' discourse on ****. If you dwell upon a desire long enough the temptation will eventually prove too great to resist. The end result is spiritual death, that is conceived sin that will separate you from our Beloved. How awful! How much more serious can it be?

I have to go through the fire in crucifying my flesh, for the rest of my pilgrimage here. The only hope is in Jesus and that by His strength I will learn to allow the Holy Spirit to have dominion over my spirit, overriding the sinful flesh and, sending the agape love of Christ to all. Since my God given instincts are fully functional and as I have committed myself to Christ as in Matt 9:12, it is a battle in an incredibly promiscuous society.


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

According to Jesus' words we are to take seriously the crime of ****. He did not mix words when he said we should love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. As Christ has loved us we are to love one another and obey the Greatest Commandment of all: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:36-40).

We are to train the inner man to filter out all the "trash". Agape love can help us in cleaning the inner man putting on the new skin so that we can build a better relationship with God. We must look at each other through rose colored glasses and use the lens filters to filter out all the unclean, anything that threatens to corrupt us.


Take the relationship into a different level. Think of what you **** after and redefine it according to God's bigger picture rather than the focus of your desire. By taking our thoughts captive and putting them under the light of Jesus and praying for help in glorifying the Father we can overcome.

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

1) Jesus was telling us to be IN the world but not OF the world, because the world is almost always in opposition to His values. The advertising industry appeals to our lus+s because we all have a fallen human nature susceptible to the lure, but which can be controlled by the Holy Spirit( if we will yield to Him after we have been redeemed.) The serpent got to Eve by drawing attention to the one thing God withheld from she and Adam, and convincing her she would be more complete if she went after it.

The Super Bowl is a predominantly male venue, but Victoria's Secret spent 3 million on a 30 second ad banking on the lus+ of the flesh to score them huge sales for Valentine's Day. We're told every hour practically, "You need to buy or eat this to make your flesh happy", "you don't have this and you NEED it to feel good about yourself", "You need this car or house to feel superior to your neighbors or co-workers". To continue to yield to "The lus+ of the eye, the lus+ of the flesh and the pride of life", leads to a downward spiral toward depravity & hedonism, whereas Jesus calls us to "be consecrated, separated and set apart for pure and holy living: that we should abstain and shrink from all sexual vice, and lus+, that each one us us should know how to possess, (control, manage) his/her own body in consecration, (purity, separated from things profane) and honor. Not to be used in the passion of lus+ like the heathen, who are ignorant of the true God and have no knowledge of His will". He is our way out of the pit of lus+.

1 Thess. 4:3-5

2)The love of God drew me to Himself when He redeemed my life from the slimy pit of sin, and continues to draw me, to rely on His strength to "Shun youthful lusts and flee from them and aim at and pursue righteousness (all that is virtuous and good, right living, conformity to the will of God in thought, word and deed): and aim at and pursue faith, love, and peace in fellowship with all Christians." 11 Tim.2:22

I still slip at times, but thank God we have a Savior who convicts, comforts, & counsels, His beloved children.

I was advised as a young believer to send Jesus to answer the door when Satan knocks, and that has "saved my bacon" countless times when my eyes were beginning to be drawn toward temptation.


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+?

As we look backwards, we see lus*t has always been a problem with society. God has given us the law to live by, it is His standard of living for us. We are to take very seriously all warnings God gives to us, for Satan is out to take away our hope, our joy in the Lord. Look back, are we any different today, are we learning from past mistakes as seen in the scriptures?

I would say, yes! take it SERIOUSLY! As we Look forward, to whom is the Bridegroom coming back for? A spotless bride. YES, take it seriously!

How does agape love help us combat lus+?

Our agape love for God Almighty should touch our hearts, our whole being, with such desire to please Him, that we would use rigid self denial against sin. We must keep our minds, our thoughts away from impure desires. I donot believe we can have agape love for our neighbor, until we have it for God Almighty first.

This walk of faith takes action on our part, beginning with, loving God with our whole being, trusting in the Holy Spirit to help us fight, the fight, and Live each day with a thankful heart to our saviour, Christ Jesus; For He reconciled us to Father God, and He did not leave us in the world, all alone. With the Three in One, we can do it! We can relate that positive note to others, Let love rule our hearts, although sometimes, that love has to be TOUGH LOVE!

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

According to Jesus' words, we are to take **** with utmost seriousness, because **** can lead us down the road to hell itself. According to Galatians 5:19-21 those who live in sexual immorality and impurity will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Seeing our brothers or sisters with agape love means we see as God sees the love with which God loves, we no longer look with ****. We have to train my eyes to see with that way. It is difficult, but with the Spirit of God in us, we can do it.


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of ****. According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take ****? How does agape love help us combat ****?

Matthew 5:27-30 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to **** after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

**** is something that begins with the eye. We really have to always be on guard. Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Look what happen to Eve when she just looked at the forbidden tree. She


Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of ****. According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take ****? How does agape love help us combat ****?

What God says about ****: **** is sin (Matthew 5:28) and sin is death (Romans 6:23). Jesus said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to **** for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28 NKJV). When we entertain fantasies through ***********, masturbation, voyeurism, adultery, fornication, phone sex, etc., we sin with our minds. According to Jesus, that's the same as committing the act

If I can train my eyes to see as God sees with the love with which God loves, it is hard to look with ****.


We are to take **** seriously - it is a sin and we are to repent from it and avoid it - just as with all sins. **** is particularly dangerous as it can lead to other sins: - lying, adultery etc

If we look at people as brothers and sisters then **** won't be prevalent. If we share the same love that Jesus had then we would look at everyone differently.

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

Yep you are right, the spirit of our age is very accepting of poor behavior. And as long as the news continues to give the poor actions of our so called selebrities top billing it is only going to get worse. There seems to be more coverage of wealthy women who's claim to fame is nudity, drugs, alcohol, divorce, child abandoment than there is of any good deed ever done. These things were done in the dark just twenty years ago, now we have "My space" where these types of behavior are lauded, seemingly with parental concent.

Agape love can combat evil only if it rewards good and does not ignore evil. This does not mean turning our backs on the sinner but with love, and God's words of instruction the sinner is helped to overcome the sin which dwells within.

When God took away my desire to drink, which I did plenty of, He didn't stop there. There was a lot of sin which I had to overcome, and I am not perfect yet, but there is a goal to which I strive because of my love for Christ.



We should take **** as a very serious sin..one of the 10 commandments. We think that it can not lead to any thing but most of the time it does.

We need to look at people with a "brotherly love" not as something sexual...look at them as God's creation and a part of our

"Christian family"

I liked one reply that stated "Send Jesus to answer the door when Satin knocks". We all need to practice this in our daily living.


We are to take **** very seriously and if we are tempted to **** after someone we should pray to love them as Christ loved them

Q5. (Matthew 5:27-30) The spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of lus+ According to Jesus' words, how seriously are we to take lus+? How does agape love help us combat lus+?

Indeed, the spirit of our age is very accepting and approving of ****. Jesus is very clear about **** and adultry. If even in hyperbole, Jesus states that it is better to enter heaven maimed than hell with everything intact, it must be pretty important, and of a serious nature. Of course, God doesn't want us to maime ourselves, but in getting the seriousness of the offense across, Jesus uses this analogy in illustration. "agape" love is that which is of a collective nature, as Christians should love each other (and even our unsaved fellow man), just as God loves us. If we look on our counterparts with this kind of love, as it states in the text, it is hard to look on another with ****.

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