Pastor Ralph Posted December 20, 2007 Report Posted December 20, 2007 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Quote
Eudora Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? You can't use legal cover to mask a moral failure. The marriage needs repair, not torn in half. Just because the Bible say Quote
Tabatha Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? In Matthew 19: 1-12) , the Pharisees are asking their questions about divorce "to test Him", trying to put Jesus on the spot, to force Him to take a controversial stand that would alienate people. The Pharisees themselves didn't even agree on the answer. The more lenient rabbinical school of Hillel interpreted Deuteronomy 24:1 as allowing divorce for any reason, even a wife spoiling her husband's dinner. As a result of this interpretation, divorce was widespread in Jesus day. (3) But this was still an issue of debate, since the stricter school of Shammai believed that the term in Deuteronomy referred only to unchastity. Matthew 5; 31,32 ) Divorce is as hurtful and destructive today as in Jesus day. God intends marriage to be a lifetime commiment ( Gensis 2:24 ). When entering into marriage. people should never consider divorce an option for solving problems or a way out of a relationship that seems dead . In these verse , Jesus is also attacking those who purposely abuse the marriage contract using divorce to satisty their lusty desire to marry someone else. Are your actions today helping your marriage grow stronger, or are you tearing it part. ( Matthew 5 : 32 ) Jesus said that divorce is not permissible except for unfaithfulnesss. This does not mean that divorce should automatically occur when a spouse commits adultry. The word translated " unfaithfulness" implies a sexually immoral life style, not a confessed and repented act of adultry. Those who discover that their partner has been unfaithful should first make every effort to forgive. reconcil and restore the marriage relationship rather than for excuses to leave it. ( Matthew 5:33 ff ) Here Jesus was emphasizing the importance of telling the truth. People were breaking promises and using sacred language casually and carelessly. Keeping oaths and promises is important, it builds trust and makes committed human relationships possible. The bible condemns maing vows or taking oaths casually, giving your word while knowing that you won't keep it, or swearing falsely in God's name. ( Deuteronomy 24: 1-4 ) Some think this passage supports divorce, but that is not the case, it simply recognizes a practice that already existed in Israel. All four verses must be read to understand the point of the passage; it certainly is not suggesting that a man divorce his wife on a whim. Divorce was a permanent and final act for the couple.Once divorced and remarried to others, they could never be remarried to each other ( 24:4 ) This restriction was to prevent casual remarriage after a frivolous seperation. The intention was to make people think twice before divorcing. Quote
s8nfighter Posted February 9, 2008 Report Posted February 9, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? I don't believe Jesus was supporting either one of the Rabbi's positions. The first thing Jesus eluded to was the condition of the heart. The hardness of the heart was the reason God divorced the nation of Israel, The condition of the heart was the reason God regretted making mankind and destroyed the earth with a great flood. The condition of the heart was the reason He sent His one and only Son to us. The restoration of the heart is the reason He sent the Holy Spirit to guide and counsel us. There are marriages held together by the law wich are not worth two cents and there are second marriages like mine and my wife's which you cannot buy for any amount of money. Darrell Quote
jjj Posted February 9, 2008 Report Posted February 9, 2008 Marital Unfaithfulness is put forward as the exception. I don't think Jesus subscribed to either course of action, I beleive he redefined the question and made it about God not man. I think that again Jesus is pulling us from self absorption, however with the full understanding of man's heart Jesus continues to help us to come to the highest level while defining the truth. Quote
Stan Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? I don't believe that Jesus agreed with either one of them, He agreed with the Father when He said that,Jesus replied, 'Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.'" None, He says that what the Father has joined together let no man seperate. In marriage man and woman becomeone in the eyes of God and He does not allow any kind of seperation and neither does Christ. Jesus says that God meant for the law to be their guide but that Moses changed it because of the hardened hearts of the people. So Jesus was none giving an exception but stating the word of God. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 I do not feel that Jesus agreed with divorce for just any reason. It seems that he seemed to follow more the idea line of Rabbi Shammai when He said Quote
Patricia A Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? The stricter school of Shammai believed that the term divorce in Deuteronomy referred only to unchastity and this is the viewpoint Jesus taught. What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery." (5:31-32) How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? The allowable cause for the divorce, "because he finds something indecent about her" (NIV, verse 1) was hotly debated -- in Jesus' day and in ours. Literally, the word means "nakedness of a thing" and may be a technical term. We just aren't sure of its exact meaning.The stricter school of Shammai believed that the term in Deuteronomy referred only to unchastity Quote
JustJeff Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 Jesus believed, as did Rabbi Sammai that marriage could not be broken unless adultery was involved. Deut 24:1-4 seems to indicate that God allowed Moses to give a "get" or writing of divorcement for any reason. This might be because of the vast number of people that Moses had to shepherd or simply because God understood that they were under the law and could not keep it. The Lord was speaking spiritually. When married by God husband and wife become forever spiritually entwined and a joint temple of God. Fornication defiles that temple and it is destroyed. Unless both husband and wife wish to rebuild it Jesus allowed a way out. I believe that people bound together spiritually have a far better chance of making their marriage work because priorities are different. Jesus knows that and He voided Deut 24:1-4 by fulfilling the law. Quote
tom.nabors Posted February 10, 2008 Report Posted February 10, 2008 The only exception Jesus gives is "marital unfaithfulness" or "unchastity" (v.32) so He sided with Shammai. It would seem that a woman marrying a later husband is defiled because there was no grounds for divorce in the first place. Remarrying made her an adultress and the man marrying her an adulterer. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 He really didn't agree with either of them. Jesus' exception, if they absolutely had to divorce, was for marital infidelity. Deut. 24 speaks of anything indecent about the woman. It is pretty close to what Jesus proposed. Quote
Cee Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Jesus didn't agree with neither one of them. Rabbi Shammai sided with the way Jesus explained it. The exception Jesus gave for His prohibition of divorce is "if anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness. It relates to the same thing in Deuteronomy 24:1~if an man marries a woman who cause he finds something indecent about her. Quote
PATJOE Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Jesus sided with Rabbi Shammai who believed the only reason for divorce would be unchastity. Jesus said only unfaithfulness would be accepted as a reason for divorce. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 talks about uncleaness being the acceptable reason for divorce, which could refer to unfaithfulness, but to other unclean issues as well. Quote
Dar Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? Jesus sided with the teaching of Shammai, the conservative viewpoint of divorce. What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? Adultery. How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? In Deuteronomy, a man could divorce his wife for any reason, the foundation being, the condition of his heart. If his heart was in a hardened state, its foundation being "self", he could just speak the words 3 times, "I divorce you" and It was done. Jesus is making it very clear, the reason for marriage is to unite two people into one. There is a big difference between the two teachings, Hillel, liberal teaching, and the conservative teachings of the Shammai, mans teachings, and those of God. God established the marriage unit to be a strong unit, for establishing the famil. To begin this unit, God gives the marriage covenant some rules to be governed by. 1. The man is to love his wife in such a manner, he would give his life for her. 2.The woman is to love him in return, with loyalty, not just sexual loyalty, but, true loyalty to him, devoted to being a helpmate to him. Together, they would be working as one. Quote
JanMary Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? 1)He didn't really side, but leaned a bit toward Rabbi Shammai's interpretation. 2)He gave the exception for adultery. 3)The 4th verse in Deut. speaks of having sexual relations with more than one person, causes one to be defiled, which brings guilt upon the land. Thank God for healing and forgiveness...I married a man after high school who was unfaithful 3 weeks after we married...there had been no way to discern that he was a sex addict, gambling addict, etc. I didn't know to pray about marriage, as I was an unbeliever. We divorced after several years of unbearable heartache and abandonment as he stayed away more and more from from trysts with women, and gambling "trips". Then I married again, a faithful man, but he was grieving the unexpected death of his wife after one year of marriage, from melanoma. Both of us were broken, wounded young people, and we stayed together, and reared 2 wonderful children. Several years into our marriage, we both became Christians, and endeavored to have a christian marriage....God's miracles sometimes take our case, 41 years. In our 42nd year of marriage, we are experiencing the miracle God promised me in 1979, if I would stay and pray instead of leaving. (He was from a cult, and had a hard heart and many bondages from that, too) I've was in Christian 12-step for years, to work through my many issues, strongholds, etc. and the Lord changed both of us, gradually. I'm so glad the Lord gave us the courage and perserverence to stay and trust Him to heal our wounds and broken hearts. He is a faithful God!!! Just wanted to give Him glory for fulfilling His promise to me and for His power to heal even the most damaged of His children. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? I don't believe he sided with either of the Rabbi's instead he told what God intended marriage to be: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27) "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) The two shall become one so no man can separate. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 states that: "If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house...." (Deuteronomy 24:1) This was given as law because the hearts of the people were hard, but God never intended it to remain that way. Quote
sisterlily Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Good morning, what it comes to is this: Living in this world trying to please and receive from the world without Jesus is to no accomplishment, but with Our Lord Jesus, A L L things are possible. Choose Him and you will have life and life more abundantly! Pray for discernment of the Lord so people can know the love God has for us and beleive. God bless. Quote
UncleBlake Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Rabbi Hillel's view is that divorce could be given for nearly any reason, as interpreted by the word דָּבָר(dbr) עֶרְוַת (Oruth) meaning the nakedness there of...when loosely interpreted by Hillel, was taken to mean any sort of infidelity. Therefore, being that this is not what God intended, according to Jesus, (Matthew 19:3-9), then Jesus was siding with Rabbi Shammai, taking the more conservative interpretation. The only exception made by Jesus, but for the hardness of mens' hearts, is infidelity of the faithfulness of each spouse to the other. It clarifies what it said in Deut.24:1-4 about a man finding something detestable in his wife. Quote
Bonnie Nelson Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Q1: With whom did Jesus side: Rabi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus gives to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deut. 24: 1-4. I do not think that Jesus really sided with either one. In the grand scheme of things Quote
Loisb Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? 1. In my opinion, I don't believe that Jesus sided with either one. He seemed to want to go back to the original law when God said in Genesis 2:24 that man and wife become one. 2. The exception that Jesus gave for divorce was for marital unfaithfulness. Moses permitted divorce because it developed hardness of the heart. 3. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 gave men the right to divorce for any reason, so as long as they had a certificate of divorce, they could remarry. Quote
Loisb Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? 1. In my opinion, I don't believe that Jesus sided with either one. He seemed to want to go back to the original law when God said in Genesis 2:24 that man and wife become one. 2. The exception that Jesus gave for divorce was for marital unfaithfulness. Moses permitted divorce because it developed hardness of the heart. 3. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 gave men the right to divorce for any reason, so as long as they had a certificate of divorce, they could remarry. Quote
Lunga Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Jesus did not take either of the side.He was just standing on the truth. if someone divorces his wife,except for marital unfaithfullness,causes her to become an adulteress.if they do not reconcile they must not marry.they must stay like that. in detorinomi there is a contradiction. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 5:27-32; 19:1-12) With whom did Jesus side: Rabbi Hillel or Rabbi Shammai? What exception does Jesus give to his prohibition of divorce? How does this exception relate to Deuteronomy 24:1-4? Jesus sided with Rabbi Shammai To his prohibition of divorce Jesus gives exception that divorce is permitted in the case of unchastity I believe too that the allowable causes for the divorce in Deuteronomy 24:1-4, that is, Quote
Don W Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 Jesus is definitely nearer to siding with the stricter school of Shammai, but first He explains the original purpose or intention for marriage is to become “one flesh” and not to be split up by anything of man including a divorce. But then He goes on to make one exception to His prohibition of divorce, which is sexual unfaithfulness in a marriage (by either or both sides) so, I believe, that the innocent party in this unfaithfulness can in the Lord get remarried and not become adulterers. Later on, the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 adds desertion to the reasons why a divorce can happen, but also stresses that remarriage can only take place with another child of God; and it would be better if no marriage took place at all (or remarriage) because of the troubles of the world a married couple have to go through (that’s why I’m not actively seeking a wife but want to remain single and live for the Lord) in these days. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 relates to Jesus’ teaching here because it explains what Moses allowed for divorce under the Law and how Jesus narrowed it down to one or two situations as He interpreted the Mosaic words “something indecent about her” as meaning unfaithfulness or desertion of the marriage, and not for any other reason for divorce. But Jesus still thought it best that the married couple would stay married and not let anybody separate the two who became one in His eyes. Quote
June Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 RABBI SHAMMAI, as he believed only unchastity for divorce. The only exception is marital unfaithfulness. The result of human sin is divorce. Adultery back then carried the penalty of death, not divorce. Based on Biblical grounds, it is not a sin. Even God divorced Israel because of unfaithfulness and spiritual adultery. Quote
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