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Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

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Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

God gave marriage as a gift to Adam and Eve. They were created perfect for each other. Marriage was not just for convenience, nor was it brought about by any culture. It was instituted by God and has three basic: (1 ) the man leaves his parents and, in a public act, promises to his wife; ( 2 ) the man and woman are joined together by taking responsibility for each other's welfare and by loving the mate above all others; ( 3 ) the two become one flesh in the intimacy and commitment of sexual union that is reserved for marriage. Strong marriages include all three of the aspects.

God's creative work was not complete until He made woman. He could have made her from the dust of the ground, as He made man. God chose, however, to make her from the man's flesh and bone. In so doing, He illustrated for us that in marrage man and woman symbolically become one flesh. This is a mystical union of the couple's hearts and lives. Throughout the Bible, God treats this special partnership seriously. If you are married or planning to be married, are you willing to keep the commitment that makes the two of you one? The goal in marriage should be more than friendship; it should be oneness.

Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? No! ( Ephesians 5:23, 32 ) Marriage is a living symbol of Christ and the church. Marriage is based on the principled practice of love, not on feelings. The making into one flesh can be accomplished by religious ceremony and by natural law. In different countries there are many different practices of performing the wedding. How ever it is done is still permanent for life until death do you part.

The Pharisees hoped to trap Jesus, They were trying to trick Jesus by having Him choose sides in a i theological controversy. Two schools of thought represented two opposing views of divorce. One group supported divorce for almost any reason. The other believed that divorce could be allowed only for marital unfaithfulness. In Jesus answer, however, Jesus focused on marriage rather than divorce, He pointed out that God intended marriage to be permanent and gave four reasons for the importance of marriage ( 19; 4-6 ).

God designed marriage to be indissoluble . Instead of looking for reasons to leave each other, married couples should concentrate on how to stay together. ( 19: 3-9 ).

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

:P You don't have to be christians to be joined as one flesh, but I think that you are unequally yoked if you are not both christians. You are more likely to survive if you are equally yoked.

Joined together as one is a religious act, God say that we should be joined as one.

Maybe 50 percent was joined by God.


Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Matt 19:4 'Haven't you read,' he replied, 'that at the beginning the Creator "made them male and female," 5 and said, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh"? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.'

Gen 2:24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

It says nothing about religion at all just that they be one male and one female. I see no religious cermony being need to bring about a marriage just the natural law of God and them coming togeather. All those joined in a first marriage are joined by God, but not all last of which I am one marrying young allows for mistakes along with sins of the flesh only through God can a marriage hope to survive. Christ must be the center of a marriage for it to last and be complete.


Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh?

Yes, absolutely. Christians need to become one in one union, as this is the prayer of Jesus Himself in John Chapter 17: 21-22 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: Otherwise a union joined together that is not 'joined as one flesh) would just be a combination of two people, and not considered Holy.

Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law?

Religion separates man from God. Relationship and obedience places man in the heart of God. It is by the natural law that a man and a woman are united in one, in the eye

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Yes, they sure do. This is making it into a religious ceremony. 100% I think really have been "joined together" by God.

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

6 So they are no longer two, but one. Here is the key. In order for two of anything to become one the stronger cannot be so rigid as not to break the other, or itself. The two must also be united in the same goal or all is lost in the struggle to determine the direction. This cannot and never will be accomplished by ceremony or by law.

The same love which seperates Christians from the law of sin seperates a couple from the law of divorce. The same love which gives us the desire to honor God instead of sin also gives us the desire to honor our wife or husband.

As for me a ceremony didn't do this nor a peice of paper did this, but it is the Holy Spirit which resides within me and Marie that we see as mere pebbles instead of boulders things which break up some marriages.

I wish I could recall all of a poem I read about marriages, but the core of it was that in a marriage neither leads nor follows, but the two together go. How many have chosen this way? I don't know, but I do know I am greatful that Marie and I have such a relationship.



Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24)


Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law?

God instituted marriage and made a man and his wife one flesh. It had nothing especially to do with church or religion. It had to do with God's institution of marriage, a kind of "natural law" based on God's intention for marriage and the way he made human beings.

Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Even an illicit union involves this essential unity or "one flesh" relationship between a man and a woman.

Men and women can be "just friends," but when they have sex the relationship changes significantly.

This would indicate 100 % have been "joined together" by God.


Insofar as being Christians in order to enter into one flesh when married nothing could be father from the truth. When God made the statement that the two would be one flesh Christians nor any other system of belief existed. It applies to all of mankind.

One flesh is a term used to describe the melding together of the human spirit. It is a natural occurance that happens when sexual relations occur.

In my opinion, whether in a formal marriage cerimony or not, God created us to mate so when we have a sexual relationship we are joined together so, everyone who gets married the first time is joined together. As a matter of fact, if you've have ever fornicated you will find that you are still joined together with the person, right?

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Since it is God's word and intention for man and woman to be joined in marriage as "one flesh", those who are Christian and believe in God, should be married before they engage in sexual relationships. Those who don't believe in God, are still His creation and whom He eternally waits for to return to Him, so yes, non-believers, when married, are alsojoined as one flesh, in my opinion. I believe making into "one flesh" is accomplished by both religious ceremony and natural law. To answer the last question, the divorce rate today far outweighs committed lasting marriages, so I would say much less than 50% have been joined together by God. I believe both parties to marriage should want God's blessing so they can come together in Christian faith and together live with each other and raise their families according to God's plan. They should be willing to settle for nothing less. So the problem in my opinion, begins with the reasons people get married in the first place. So many do not give God the major role, and therefore do not last. So many marry for selfish reasons - for what "being married" can do for them. When both are of this mind, two selfish people can never respect or stay in love with one another. And this selfishness, is the very element that caused them to chose to not allow God into their lives from the beginning. To let God in, is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I don't believe this sentence is ever spoken or even thought about in the greatest majority, sadly, of today's marriages.


Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh?


Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law?

The marriage covenant is seen by God, as the making of two into one, a holy union. However, when man comes together with a harlet, it is by the sexual act that they are intimately united.

Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

All of them.

As I read the scriptures about the marriage covenant and the roles the man and woman have in making it a success, I see the sexual act as the basis for two becoming one spiritually in the act of the marriage contract.

The sexual union seals the covenant, but, it is only a part of the covenant, a very important part, and this is why God wants us to understand; Sex is a strong desire, its roots are alive in the flesh, God wants us to see the beauty of the sexual act, it is far greater than just being a means to please the flesh, this is why we have a covenant, blessed by God Almighty, an honorable union, so man does not sin.

I know we are talking about the sex act out of marriage, adultery and divorce, but, we must not forget - Mat 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lus-t after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Jesus's teaching is that we would understand the importance of the sex act, its purpose and its pleasure are to be enjoyed in marriage, a good thing. -- I don't believe Jesus is teaching us, there are no other reasons for divorce. Jesus is speaking to those out to trap Him. Those who do not understand the wonders of this gift to man, of marriage and sex. Divorce for whatever reason is because of the hardness of ones heart, making the marriage bed not an honorable thing. Jesus is teaching, the importance of sex in marriage.

God teaches us, the most important part of any relationship is - "love."

If any woman, or man, should find themself in a marriage trap of abuse, sexual, physcal, or verbal abuse, I believe the scripture tells us, we are no longer held to this covenant. God has instructions to the man, he is to love his wife in such a way, she knows he would give his life for her, this also goes for the woman. For what better thing could we do, but lay our lives down for another. Abuse, is not! part of God's plan for the marriage unit.

I am so happy that God has given to me His Word for me to grow by, and the Holy Spirit to help me when I am weak; And most of all, Christ Jesus, who took my sin, sin that had a hold on me, I could not overcome it. But, it doesn't end there, now He has given to me power to put the flesh under control. I have to do it, it is a proces of my growing in Him. I am thankful that this walk in the Lord is a growing process, and just to let you know, God is not finished with me yet. :rolleyes:

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

1)No, Christianity was not a reality when God spoke about becoming one flesh in Genesis. I believe we become "one flesh" with whomever we are sexually intimate....During the deliverance process, soul ties are broken to anyone with whom sexual intimacy has taken place, be it with a prostitute or whomever, which is natural law. There is a union formed, regardless of whether or not there was a ceremony. On the news tonight, there was a report about "recreational sex" on college campuses. There seems to be no awareness among the participants, that they leave a part of themselves with each partner, and will be fragmented emotionally as a result.

2)According to what Jesus said, all have been joined together by God in the marital union. Not all marriages reflect God's desire for the couple, however. In yesterday's question, I mentioned leaving a marriage of abuse, neglect and adultery. I don't personally believe God would have us stay in a dangerous, abusive marriage, where our lives are at stake or where there is real abuse, whether or not adultery is a factor. This is where the spirit of the law comes in.


Good morning,

If people are even considering marraige these days they have to have a clue about love and if they know love they know God. You don't see true love that much anymore because people want too many different things from eachother in place of true love, but those seeking to be united and become one flesh know God and have the true spirit it takes to marry.

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

People do indeed not need to be Christians in order to be joined as one flesh. It is not accomplished by a religious ceremony. That exists as a benefit to all who witness the ceremony, not necessarily to God who is the inventor of the marriage union. This marriage union invented by the Creator is of a Natural Law. 100 % of all who have been joined into a first marriage have been joined together by God. "...what God has put together, let no man tear apart..."

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

1. No, you don't have to be a Christian tobe joined as one flesh.

2. Joining of one one flesh is when they have had sex regardless if whether they are in a religious ceremony or natural law.

3. All have been joined together once they have had sex, so even though the remarry, they would still be considered married to the first wife if they divorced for any other reason besides adultery.


My feeling is that once sexual union has taken place this is rightly considered to be marriage. It is capable of creating children and is therefore the nest that is provided in anticipation their arrival. If sexual union occurs without the permanent intention it is an abuse of the body and person for quick gratification only. Our fathers were perfectly reasonable to insist on their daughters "becoming married" to a person who so treated them (the old shot-gun weddings), because to do otherwise would be total emotional abuse of the daughter, and because no other man would want to baggage of a wife already emotionally and physically connected to another living man. (Actually, neither would she want unity with a man with similar baggage). I believe this is pretty much understood by many societies in history, and why relationship breakups are so traumatic for at least one of the parties. Sexual unions for women without the protection of marriage involve the fear of pregnancy and all the terrible decisions that involves, and is a total abuse of their vulnerability. (Even tubal ligation and other methods of pregnancy prevention do not change the basic psychological construction of the couple and the trauma that can be inflicted by casual sex.) Any man who can do this (and any women who can invite it) are desensitised to real love and over-sensitised to self-gratification and ****. We may compromise this truth with our humanitarian rulings, but anything else is just that - a compromise.

Such compromise can be forgiven by God, but we Christians had better not make too many assumptions about God's mercy. It is better to play it safe and have one's treasure in Heaven, than knowingly take chances on earth.

Of those who have entered into a first marriage I believe 100% have been joined together by God. He created sexual union, and that is what sexual union does - it joins people together. That first sexual union sets up pathways in the neurological system that can never be undone. This is why the first sexual experience is so defining. If it is an inappropriate experience it establishes permanent damage in the neurology of the participant. This creates wrong thinking, disordered reasoning, and some psychological blindness to reality (truth). Hence the church needs to do very strong teaching, because to get this right from the very start is the greatest adventure life has to offer outside of knowing Jesus intimately!

Christian marriage is a beautiful way in which to enter the state of marriage, and Father will certainly abundantly bless the commitments made and kept. This, of course, will enrich the marriage gloriously.


No people do not need to be Christians. Adam and Eve were not.

I think the natural law prevails here that the moment to people unite physically it is defined as 'one flesh'.

All were joined together in their first marriage. If adultery occurs on either side the law releases them..

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Yes, people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh

This making into “one flesh” is accomplished by natural law

Of those who have entered into a first marriage, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6, I think they have been "joined together" by God 100 percent


Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

Every man or woman will be united as "one flesh" in marriage and it does not have to be a religious ceremony because it is the natural law of God. According to Matthew 19:6 everyone joined together by God has been united as one flesh in marriage.


No, two people do not have to be Christians nor married in a religious ceremony to become “joined as one flesh”; this includes everybody who are male and female on the earth, no matter how or why they were joined together. In today’s society which is based so much on sexual themes for everything in the world including a couple simply living together instead of getting married, I think that it would be a low percentage of couples who have been actually “joined together” by God in marriage; and seems to be going lower and lower as most of the next generation grows up and does not know anything about God or His Word to us. I think that the current life-style of just living together as boy-and-girlfriends started in the mid-60s when the so-called “free love” movement started, and now those of us who were either caught up in this movement or followed later on have a heavy price to pay for the sinful life-styles we had (and still have). Now days it is very hard if not nearly impossible to keep a marriage together alive and well because of all the pressures against such happening; but God is the Author of the impossible and only He can achieve this in us if we love and obey Him and His Word to us. He still does miraculous things in our lives when we ask Him to do so with faith in Him and obedience to His Word, the Holy Bible; and marriage to become one flesh and stick together is one of many miraculous things only God can do in our lives. Amen


Whether or not they are Christians, God said when a man and woman are joined together in wedlock , they become one flesh, this is by natural law.

All are joined by God because they are no longer two but one flesh, so that would be 100%.

Q2. (Matthew 19:4-6 quoting Genesis 2:24) Do people need to be Christians to be joined as one flesh? Is this making into "one flesh" accomplished by a religious ceremony or by natural law? Of those who have entered into a first marriage, what percentage do you think have been "joined together" by God, according to Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:6?

No you don't have to be a Christian to be joined as one flesh. I believe this has to do with God's intention of a man leaving his mother and father and cleaving to his wife on both a physical and emotional level. God does the "joining" 100% of the time. Nothing is impossible with God. ...although, I believe many get married without really thinking about it...and end up making a huge decision with impure motives and are left to deal with the consequences. I do believe one needs Christ to have a successful marriage...for without Him, there is no Life...

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