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Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

( Matthew 5; 38-41 ) Of bearing injuries and persecutions, Of borrowing and lending,( Matthew 5:42 )Of love and hatred, ( Matthew 5:43 -46 ) Of Civil Respect, ( Matthew 5: 47 ) Christ's disciples must resemble their Heavenly Father., ( Mattthew 5: 48 )

The only example I can think of to defend ourselves is when evil attacks our country, our schools, our families for no reason. But I believe it must be done in a just way not in reveange.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

Yes, there are times when we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle, but first put on the Full Armor of God on. An example is, if someone is trying to walk up to me and just take something that I'm holding in my hand that is mine.


Yes, there is a time to defend against evil. Our servicemen & women are on the front lines fighting evil for our United States!! They need our prayers daily. I think, too, if our families are threatened we need to defend them & ourselves. We then need to let the justice system (& God) mete out the punishment. We need to forgive them, pray for them & thus love them. (hard hard hard)


Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44)

If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

There are times when in War when military are fighting to defend our free country, when people are violently attached and other situations when one needs to defind himself and help defend others. We need to strive not to develop hate for others even though we might need to attempt to defind ourselves.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

I agree with the saying, "In order for evil to succeed all that is required is for good people to do nothing." The underlying principle is not found in just these two verses but in the entire bible. What sets apart the verses of 39-42 and verse 5:44 amd 22:39 is the order in which good enters into the equation.

I am not saying that all evil can be averted by first doing good, we know that evil still abounds, but I will go out on a limb and say that most evil acts come from desparation and those desparate acts can be nullified with compassion first. We all know the difference, if someone is getting beat up and I see it I would be the first to help. If I see someone stealing from another I have chased after them and caught them. Yes this is proper action. But on the same hand I have not called nor retaliated against someone who stole from me, but I did quit helping them out, and told them that I have done all I could do and all that remained for me to do was pray for them. And I never quit praying for them. Two years later they are in church, with a year of sobriety.

I don't know too many people with a full stomach that would steal a plate of food. And when I hesitate to forgive someone because they have stolen either my time or money that I have invested in them, I remember the investment that God made in me while I was still a sinner. What a chance He took. Before we judge another we first must ask, "Was the risk that God took worth it?"


  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

1)Yes, absolutely. Thank God for our brave men and women in the military who defend our nation against outside attacks, and now for the first time, possible attacks from terrorists within our borders. The genocide in Africa, the sex slavery of women around the world....the list goes on and on. Closer to home, the police come to mind as fighting evil men. Or a citizen may have to defend his/herself against an intruder, or an abuser, etc.


Christ overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple.


Yes a physical response does sometimes need to be expressed, however often dealt with in prayer and warfare first will often lessen or eliminate certain situations. Evil is discerned and I can see many situations in defending old, young, military response etc but in total consultation with God. It is a hard one.


Self-defense to protect the lives and property of our families and others from those who have obvious evil intent would be one example of using physical response would be condoned. This should only be done to the extent the evil is restrained and turned over to the judical authority.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

there is no other way we can defend ourselves because we might sin.it is God Himself who will revenge and He is faithfull to give us wisdom on how to deal with the evil men.


Q5. If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

Yes, defending yourself is a natural idea. If someone threatens you with physical harm, you should defend yourself and your family. We should be doormats for people to tread on. But, we should be careful that we do not defend ourselves just for the right of defending. There are times that we should look at what others say, and let our pride fall to gain greater understanding of what the Lord wants us to do.

Pray for people who attack you. Instead of groveling in self-pity or anger, turn it around and pray that the Lord will convict your enemy.


We are to love our neighbors but not to the extent that allows them to do evil against us and rob us of our love for God. God's Holiness, Purity, Will and Standards are not to be compromised in our love for all people. Just show Christian love to all.

If someone breaks into the house, hurts or maims a loved one, then I think Christian love goes out the window. We are defending what God has given us and to our families.

Yes there are times we are called to defend ourselves physically against evil men - but it isn't usually a personal action. You need to, and should, stand against evil but it doesn't mean to be self-righteous, vindictive or with resentment. It should still be done in love as it is not for us to condemn or judge.

Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

Yes, I think that we are to always to be able to defend our selfs from evil. We are not to go out of our way to seek revenge but to protect ourselves and families. Jesus told the disciples at the last supper that while He was with them that they had no need for purse or sword but when He was gone they were to take their staffs and swords. He also is coming back to revenge those who have died for His name. His tongue is described as a double edged sword.

I believe examples are any that envolve protecting those we love. We also should being to help those who are being threatened due to their religious beliefs.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

Yes, there are times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle. Some examples are we must depend ourselves against ones that want to harm us, we must depend ourselves against ones that want to rape us, and we must depend ourselves against ones that want to send us to prison without a law process.


Actually I feel that God's love is tough love. Historically He had to use a heavy hand many times in an effort to bring His people back to Him. He did because He loves us. He also did this to defend and strengthen His commandments.

In an inner city mission, which is the ministry where the Lord has placed me, we deal with some pretty tough characters. We have worked with career criminals, drunks and stoned men and women totally out of control, knife wielding youths and more. I don't believe Jesus put us here to be martyred at the hands of a disillusioned kid but rather to love and give them an opportunity to gain life at the feet of Jesus. Unfortunately every once in awhile you have to use a rod to spare the child.


Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."


I personally and strongly disagree with Dr. Wilson here and feel strongly that these verses all have to do with 2 ideas: judicial authority over individuals breaking the laws (decided by Judges appointed by the Law and not us individuals); and pacificism towards the Christian’s enemies—in other words, winning them over by God’s love in you instead of by hatred and evil violence towards them. Jesus Himself was not at all interested in the politics of the day under Roman rule, but instead was busy setting up His own Kingdom of peace and no more violence or other evils, and did not oppose the cruel and wicked Romans of that age. I believe that we should do the same in our lives, and be much more concerned with winning people over to goodness, peace and righteousness; then to defending ourselves against their evil and violence towards us (and other Christians); and we do this by following Christ’s words here in this passage and the wonderful example He left us as the “Prince of Peace” to the world so we are to bring peace to the world as He did in our lives. One example would be to bring peace and prosperity instead of hatred, vengeance and violence which we are bringing presently to Iraq and other areas of the Middle East by having our American troops fighting there; and we could accomplish this by bringing our troops home first and then sending people in various Christian organizations and individuals in order to help and assist them instead of fighting against them. I believe myself that this would very much make a difference in their lives as well as their views of Christianity (which right now they don’t highly regard in favor of them). In other words, as Christians, we should be much more concerned with being as peacemakers, then of militants patrolling the world with our military might and our political views, because I am sure this is what Christ Himself would have done and wants us to do as His body the church here on earth until He comes again and brings in His Kingdom and His sovereign rule over the whole world. This view I see as an unpopular view especially among most Christian believers, but I do believe that it is the Biblical and Christian worldview of the Word of God, and especially in this passage we are studying right now. Amen!


Yes we have the right to use the force necessary to defend ourselves according to the situation. Should a person be prosecuted for the wrongful death of a loved one or should we take revenge into our own hands? We are to pray for those who persecute us and let the justice system deal with the guilty. Love your enemies? As I understand it, there's different types of love. Sometimes, not to let our lives be ruled by hate for someone is to love them.


Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

How you treat others is exactly how they will treat you, even if the person who hate you, you treat him/her in a friendly way, he/she will end up loving you, When

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast,

it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,

it is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil

but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,

always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle? What might be some examples?

Everything rises and falls against the Word of God. Yes, I believe there are times when we must take a stand against evil men in order to fulfill what God calls us to.


Q5. (Matthew 5:39-44) If the principle that underlies verses 39-42 is found in verse 44 and 22:39, are there times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men in order to fulfill the principle?

Yes definitely. We can

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