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(Paul prayed that God would open their eyes because they had been blinded by Satan (2Co. 4:4) insofar as their spiritual understanding was concerned and Paul wanted them to see and realise the mighty power of God on their (and our) behalf. This power operates IN CHRIST! The miraculous even used by Paul was the resurrection of Christ.

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Paul is referring to the Christian operating more like Jesus did on the earth. Seeing, feeling, living, acting as Jesus did with compassion and understanding. Great power comes from great living.


1a) The believers of Ephesus did not have the full knowledge or comprehension of God. Paul's hope for them was that their eyes of the heart would be enlightened so that they could 1)know the hope if His calling and, 2) know the riches of their inheritance through Christ and, 3) know the surpassing greatness of His power. His hope was that they would aquire the understanding of a spirit of God's wisdom.

1b) They were blinded by their lack of understanding of these truths. They did not understand that God has given us the power (we have it now--Jesus Christ is sitting at the right hand of God--present tense), and yet we must believe in that power to access it!

1c) Jesus crucifixion and resurrection. What greater power can we have than the power over death itself! We all have that power available to us, if we are willing and ready to use that for the glory of God. :lol:

  • 4 weeks later...

I think all the "pat" answers are here. I think we are guilty of closed eyes and not tapping into the amazing power that we have access to.

But I also wonder how I can affect my own church?

My first reaction was to be judgemental of my church body. To say "you are not unified" or something like that. And that is why Christ doesn't seem to be working in our church. I think we are like the "flat tire" that needs some Christ-filling. But how do I do that in my church without judging those there. Who am I to say that it's their faith that is not being used to its full potential?

Do I do all I can to "tap in" to Christ's power and hope that I bring a bit into the church?

What can I do to get my own church motivated with this awesome power that's all around us, but we seem to have our eyes closed to?

I know the obvious--pray till something happens, look at my own life first, but then what?

  • 1 month later...
(Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? Where does this power operate according to 1:19? Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power? Exposition

Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? He wanted them to really understand without a doubt who Christ is. He wanted them to understand His greatness and all that he has done for them (Us) through his love and God


Paul prays that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power" so they would recognize God's work among them. Their eyes are focused on the earthly instead of the heavenly. This power operates in faith according to 1:19. The miraculous event Paul uses as an example of this level and type of power is the resurrection of Jesus and his ascension to the throne.

  • 4 weeks later...

- So we may know Jesus better, through His incomparably great power, we can experience and fulfill the purpose He called us for, and to be able to desire the glorious inheritance awaits for us in heaven.

So many times we are so focused on the things here on earth, about others, or about ourselves, we forget why we are called "Christians".

The power operates through those who believes.

The same power when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.


So we may know Jesus Christ better, through His incomparably great power, we can experience and fulfill the purpose He called us for. And to desire the glorious inheritance that awaits us in heaven.

So many times we are so focused on things here on earth or about others or about ourselves we forget why we are called Christians.

The great power operates through those who believes.

The same power that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.

  • 4 weeks later...

When Paul would think the Ephesians he would often pray for them that God would open their spiritual eyes to a full comprehension of all that God has for them.His prayer is three-fold,that they might know the...

1. HOPE to which he has called them.

2. Inheritance which the saints possess,and

3. Power that is focused on believers.

And too,Paul was speaking of the eyes of their heartsmay be opened or enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called them.

The power mentioned in 1:19 operates in every willing born again believer. I say willing because every born again believer isn`t always such a willing vessel.

Good example`s of this power is.

1.The Resurrection of Christ

2.The salvation of ones soul Now this is extraordinarily humongous power

  • 4 weeks later...

Paul is referring to the "eyes of their understanding". Our spiritual understanding is returned to us as we are born again (Adam lost it, Christ repurchased us from death into Life!). We can now discern eg the hope of our calling, the riches of our inheritance, with these spiritual eyes. What an awakening!

Their eyes of understanding had been disfunctional since Adam submitted to satan - his understanding (of spiritual things deadened.

His power is operative in the believer.

It is the same mighty power that raised Jesus from the dead - operative in us. It awakens us from Adam's acquired death (of any spiritual sensitivities) into Jesus' Life! Imagine life without hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell! They are our physical senses. We'd not be living to the max without them - to put it mildly! Jesus' Life brings alive our spiritual sensitivities, gifts of the spirit,(apostles, prophets, teachers,evangelists,pastors) our own spiritual language with amazing power beyond even our comprehension,LOVE (as described in 1 Cor 13), forgiveness, graciousness, ability to discern the spirits, the whole armour of God with which to fight victoriously with the evil one, effective prayer, wisdom, corporate knowledge of where God is at, and very much else besides! These things are not at all known or understood in the normal world, nor can they be by one who is not "born again". The world is limited to carnal and some intellectual function which is powerless to deal with human nature. How mightily we are blessed!

How amazing it is that Benny Hinn had Kenneth Copeland on his program getting wildly excited over this very thing this morning and yesterday ( in Australia)! In other ways these thoughts have been bearing in on me lately. I believe this is what God wants His people to understand very clearly at this particular time. Thank you Pastor Ralph, for being there to foster this in the Spirit with this study! I believe God wants the power of His people to increase dramatically in its effectiveness at "such a time as this". We are all so blessed to be part of it!

  • 1 month later...

We need to continually see more of His great power to be encouraged to know that it is the Lord who gives us the inner strength to do what we otherwise could not.

We are people who normally live with our eyes fixed on the greatness of our problems and need to be reminded to

  • 5 weeks later...

:rolleyes: #1 So they'd know what Christ made available to us and through it they'd know his hope glory and inheritance.

#2 The eyes of their understanding needed opened. They couldn't discern yet.

#3 Towards and in us.

#4 Christs resurrection from death.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"?

Because of their lack of faith, they were unable to see and comprehend what was offered to them.

What is wrong with their eyes?

It is talking about their spiritual eyes, which are closed to the power of Christ.

Where does this power operate according to 1:19?

This power is extended toward us, God


The reason Paul prayed that GOD would open the Ephesians eyes to discern GOD's encomparable great power is because they were like so many believers in Christ today, we just don't comprehend the wonderful Power of the Holy Spirit that we have within us.

I looked up theword, "imcomparable" and the meaning is, incapable of being compared. So outstanding as to be beyond comparison; unsurpassed.

Their spiritual eyes were darkened to what they had in Christ Jesus.

That Power will work in us if we will let Him.

The miraculous event that Paul uses as an example is the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Hi, sorry to get started so late - other commitments!

I believe that Paul is saying that the Ephesians spiritual eyes are closed due to a lack of faith & need to be opened to the "IMMEASURABLE" power that God has for US, His Children, (the church). And Paul uses the glorious resurrection of Jesus as his example of this level of power. :D


"He IS Risen"


  • 1 month later...
(Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? Where does this power operate according to 1:19? Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power? Exposition

What is wrong with thier eyes,and where does their power operate,what is the miraculous event.

They don't have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and Paul wants them to have that, just as Christ wants us to have the same thing. Once we understand what Christ wants for our life and we follow through with it we will joint heirs with Him. Paul uses Christ being raised from the dead as miraculous, and it is.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q. 1) Paul prays for their eyes to be opened to God's power so they may know God better. The problem their eyes had were not being focused on God. Because of their pagan religion's they had never seen God's power before and were learning from Paul how to see it and utilize it. God's power operates for all people who believe and if we believe God is the same yeasterday, today and always then we believe the power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power today.

  • 2 months later...

It is true that the carnal eye is unable to see things in the sprit realm. For this very reason Paul's prayer is referring to the spritual eyes to open to decern His incomparable great power in the heavenly realm. This power operates in the heavenly reralm but it influences our life on earth.

The resurrection of Christ is the example Paul used to illusterate the level and type of power that will be avialable for us who believe in Him.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

(Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? Where does this power operate according to 1:19? Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power?

The first thing that we, as God's creation, need to understand is that we are just that. We were created by God and for God. We were created perfect in every way. Genesis 1:31, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." :) But like any masterpiece that is left alone it begins to decay. Not that God abandoned his chosen people; but that they abandoned God through sin that entered their lives. :(

Paul speaks of the great faith, which the church of Ephesus has in our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Paul does not give specifics of why the Ephesians

  • 1 month later...

Paul asking of their eyes to be opend is for them to not look at but to also understand what God has for them with a spiritual outlook and heart (thoughts)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry I'm so late to post this. Whenever I try to post, I ended up loosing it and having to redo it. (I'm a Newbie :rolleyes:) So here we go!

Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes?

It's obivious that the Ephesians don't all have physical eye problems, it's a spiritual problem that they have. Paul is praying that they are able to see spiritualy "the eyes of your heart" so they may learn these things which he's about to tell them.

Where does this power operate according to 1:19?

Well, the Lord gives us power if we believe in him. WE HAVE THE POWER!! In the name of the Lord! Dnynamite! Now that's some serious power!

Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power?

When Christ was raised from the dead on that 3rd and glorious day!!! You see this is such a big use of power, and this miracle is at the core of Christianty! You see, that's the kind of power Paul prays we might know.

Well, that was fairly painless, let's see if it goes through.


Ephesians 1:19) Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? Where does this power operate according to 1:19? Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power? Exposition

Being new I hope this works for it is great to study as often as we can with other believers.

This is not talking about the eyes with litterally see with but with our heart. God wants the eyes of our heart to open up. To work within the church. To use the power He has given us which is the power HE has. The same power He had/has to raise the dead!

If we can all vision this, our churches would come ALIVE

  • 3 weeks later...

Why does Paul pray that God would open the Ephesians' eyes to discern "his incomparably great power"? What is wrong with their eyes? Where does this power operate according to 1:19? Which miraculous event does Paul use as an example of this level and type of power?

Paul is praying to God that He would open the Ephesians' heart so that they could be receptive to His power. An example that Paul uses is Jesus being raised from the dead.

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