Craig Posted March 27, 2008 Report Posted March 27, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I give to the poor because I love Jesus Christ and I'm striving to love my neighbor as myself. Jesus teaches that ministering to the poor is ministering to Him. I have been practicing this concept in several different personal ministries that I am involved with that provides food, clothes, money for bills; free day camp for kids, etc. to the poor and marginal. My church is always looking for ways to bless others in real ways. I give away about everything I have. I love it. It has changed my heart and life -- my complete perspective of life. Quote
KAFWEMBE Posted April 24, 2008 Report Posted April 24, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? The teaching that comes out is that when you help the poor you are doing it for Jesus because Jesus has a very high regard and love for them. I now see giving to the poor and needy as an important undertaking as a Christian and I want to do it to the "odience of one" I think what prevents us from giving to the poor is mainly the fact that we seem to blame them for being in that situation. We see them us a burden on our resources. Such reasons do not take away the fact that they need help. We must help whatever the circumstance. Quote
Tina Posted April 28, 2008 Report Posted April 28, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I need to give to the poor with a heart of love, understanding and a willingness to help them wherever I can. In other words, I need to treat the poor as I would treat the Lord. I prefer not to give money as I'm not sure if some of the poor would use this to buy alcohol, for instance. I would rather buy them something to eat, and more,,,,spend time with them, witness and pray for them. Sometimes we don't give to the poor because we feel they should be doing something to earn money. We often neglect to think about their possible circumstances that may have held them back from doing this, e.g. ill health, addictions, out of work, etc It's not a good enough reason. If we don't try to help them until their problems can be sorted out, we will be witholding giving something to God as well. Quote
Commissioned Posted May 10, 2008 Report Posted May 10, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? In this teaching I can see that Jesus expects that we should be generous with what He has blessed us with and giving to the poor is an act of unselfishness. Now I can give knowing that this is the Will of God. Pride and selfishness prevents us from giving to the poor. There is no good reasons not to give to the poor. Quote
iam4-1god Posted May 11, 2008 Report Posted May 11, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? It doesn't really matter why they are poor-does it? I always ask myself (and God) why are they poor? Maybe I have just been looking for excuses as to why not give, when really, I have just been greedy. I need to re-think giving to poor people. What I have been doing differently is asking God to show me who needs help-individually. Also, there is a program in my town that takes all kinds of donations for poor people. I want to start where I live. Also, I ask for forgiveness in being selfish and greedy. God is just-if I confess, He will forgive! Thank You Jesus! Gloray! If the heart is in the right place, good things will happen! Gloray To God Almighty!!!! Quote
iam4-1god Posted May 12, 2008 Report Posted May 12, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I know I already answered this question, but I wanted to add to what I said before. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I think the reason I don't give more is because I look at what I need instead of what others need. I need to trust God for what I need and just give. Now, that doesn't mean give everything I make on my paycheck-it means being willing and able to give something. Whatever The Lord lays on my heart, I should be willing to give. Trust God to take care of my needs so that I can give to those in need. Pray about it, and let God direct. Quote
Jewell Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 It gives us a different perspective of the poor and how they should be treated. It is our judgement of them that taints our perspective, and this judgement is based totally on unknowns about their situation. Life's circumstances could put any of us in the same position. Many things can keep us from giving more to the poor - insecurity in our own situation and the need to make sure we have enough for ourselves (which usually means more than enough), uncertain that the money will go where it needs to go (will the guy on the street use it for alcohol or drugs? will a non-profit organization have such high administrative costs that the people who really need it won't get it?), or just lack of money. Some are good reasons, some are not. Quote
meandean Posted July 10, 2008 Report Posted July 10, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? its not so much as giving to the poor as it is giving back to the Lord. if i am holding on to a blessing from God, i must hurry and give it back to him before it turns to leftover manna. this way it will glorify him and not puff me up. i am blessed to be in his care and this frees me to share his grace with others still struggling to make ends meet. besides, i am not here to build store houses for myself, nor a mansion, i am just passing through, until i am called home. Quote
servant for Christ Posted December 9, 2008 Report Posted December 9, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? We are to treat the poor like our brother's and sister's. We are to help them at all times. It is our duty. God expects it. It is for the love of Christ. What God has given us, we are to give to the poor. We are not to be prideful or selfish. I look on it differently from a respective point. I know whin I lost my job and I was out of work for 6 months, I did not know how I was going to pay my bills or even eat. Praise God for friends and church family that was more than willing to help. They provided food and money and I praise God that He used that situation to get me closer to Him and opened my eyes to a lot. What keeps us from giving more is selfishness and pride. The attitude, well, somebody else will take care of them. We, as individuals are suppose to do above and beyond to take care of the poor. There is never a good enough reason not to help the poor. Quote
Lindap Posted December 16, 2008 Report Posted December 16, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I need to pray to God to fill my heart with his love so that I can share this love with others who do not have as much as I do. I do not have a lot but I have never gone hungry and I should be helping people who have less than I. Love the poor as I love the Lord. A sense that I myself am poor. No it is not good enough. I have a home and food. Although I do not have any money left after the bills are paid, I still need to share at least some of my non-perishables with oothers. Quote
hanks Posted December 29, 2008 Report Posted December 29, 2008 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? I think it is good to cultivate the habit of giving. However, we have to be cautious not to encourage laziness and not to give unnecessarily to someone who is able to work. Then again it is perhaps better sometimes to give to an undeserving person than to turn away one who is really in need. We must never send away those that are hungry or ill, a widow, or an orphan. What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I will try not to be so obsessed with material goods and possessions and try to concentrate on the treasures of heaven and be content with the necessities like food and clothing. I know that such behavior is impossible on my own and only a person controlled by the Holy Spirit can live a self-sacrificing life. Quote
jr4624 Posted June 9, 2009 Report Posted June 9, 2009 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? He tells us to help each other, and I try to do as much as I can without being judgemental. The only thing I will do differently is to try to give as much as I can, of my money, time, talents, and labor. I am also studying for the ministry at present, and I really have no idea where that will ultimately lead me to serve. I only know that I will continue to do the best I can with God's help and pray that He will use me as He sees fit and that I won't be found too terribly lacking. I lost my job of twenty-five years over a year ago, and still don't have a new one, but I know that that is probably not a good reason to not do more. I tell myself that I and my family do what we can, but that is probably not always true. I know that there are many who are in worse shape than we are, and we can help, sometimes more than we do. I'm fairly certain that most of us, if we honestly evaluate or circumstances and excuses could probably say the same things. Quote
smithj7 Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? 5:42 tells us to give to the poor. 6:1-4 tells us what attitude to use when giving. It is important that we who have share those without. I wish we could live in the day were we could leave harvest to be harvested. Allowing such helps ensure there is some pride in receiving. Today at food shelters and places, people must complete forms that identify who they are. Some who are embarassed by their situation may not even ask for assistances. In your lesson, you brought up that many who are poor or homeless are war vets or have mental illness. I find this to be true. Better mental health programs could provide people with great help. I will see what I can do in this particular area. I find that many people don't mind giving to the poor, but it is seasonal. Thanksgaving and Christmas seems to brings out such good will. We need to remember that people are in need thoughout the year. Quote
royk Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? In church we were reminded to "ask God to break our hearts" every day. We are called to die to Christ that he can renew us each day.When our heart is in the right place, we can give more, when we let God love us and feel his healing, then we can be more available to others who are needy. They might be needy for things other than money. Broken hearts can be healed when he gives us him power to share with others who are broken. We have to take care of our family, and our community. Our church is organized in benevolence to help the needy, but we must be careful what we enable in give to others that are broken. We need God to show us how to do it, or it might be done wrong and be of little service to the other person. Quote
Paul H Posted August 17, 2010 Report Posted August 17, 2010 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? The passage in chapter 6 1-4 is dealing with how we should give; in a spirit of love and for an audience of one (i.e. God)and I certainly strive when I am giving to follow Jesus' teaching on this. What is more difficult, as is evident from a read of the various previous postings on this subject, is Jesus' teaching in 5:42. Here Jesus is saying that we should give to whoever comes and asks us. In practice, I find that it is very rare for a person to actually come and ask for something (individuals I am talking about, not big charity appeals). However, I think that in the unusual circumstances when someone actually asks, then I am sure that what Jesus is saying here is that to the extent that we can, we should give without question and with no strings attached. Of course, humankind being what it is, there are going to be occasions when people take advantage of this. However, I think that if we are careful this is going to be a very rare occurance and in any event, I think that Jesus' message is clear, we should give when asked. As to what prevents us from giving more to the poor, this is an even more difficult question because it begs the question of what is your definition of poor. There are some very poor people in the country in which I live, but by comparison to people in some other parts of the world they are not poor. Generally though I would say that what prevents me from giving more to the poor is greed. That's not to say that I am greedy in the traditional sense of that word and in the way that we all understand it, but more that I overestimate what I need and therefore hoard up sufficient amounts to deal with my perceived needs. There is always a balance between the needs of the poor (and my giving to alleviate those needs) and my own needs. If I give everything which I have to the poor, then by definition, I become one of the poor! However, I suspect that the balance is more often tipped in my favour in this analysis rather than in favour of the needs of the poor. Maybe it is that balance which I need to look at. Quote
Vaiden Rochelle Posted August 28, 2010 Report Posted August 28, 2010 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitude toward the poor? In 5:42, it is always good to give to the poor because if we love God and others, we will have compassion for them and help them. Now, whenever I help the poor, I end up being blessed because I was able to help someone. I wouldn't want anyone to call attention to what I did for someone because it would take away my joy. What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Sometimes, it is because we think that others will donate to them. Also, if we don't have the extra money to help them, we don't do it. I am guilty of this too often. Many of us are not into sacrificial giving. Quote
home4ed Posted September 1, 2010 Report Posted September 1, 2010 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? Giving to those who ask is not a problem as long as I have it. We live pretty tight wih 4 kids on one income but God always provides but sometimes I wonder about wisdom and if Im using it. However I would rather error on the side of generosity because I know God honors that rather than stingyness.I'm not sure what I will do differently other than look for more opportunity to help. What keeps me from giving more is busyness and how that makes it easy to avoid the poor. It's no reason to not give and so I will look for more opportunity to give. Quote
Highohfaith Posted April 7, 2012 Report Posted April 7, 2012 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason? I have always had a good attitude towards the poor. The Holy Spirit has blessed me with the gift of compassion. I guess having been in a situation which rendered me financially insecure for years ( divorce and illness) I can relate to being poor. Even before that though, as a child I was very compassionate about the poor and needy. But, I don't believe anyone in this country actually knows real 'poorness' certainly, myself included. I remember reading a story about little African boys running behind the train for a whole day just pick up the beans or pieces of rice that dropped from the bags being shipped on the train. Sometimes it would take them all day to get enough for one bowl.Or about children in Guatemala whose mothers were making them mud cookies in hopes that the dirt would give them enough nutrition to survive for one more day. This is true poverty that the people of the U.S. cannot understand. I'm not saying there are not underprivileged, hungry children in America, I am saying I don't believe we have million starving to death. And I thank God for a gov. who cares enough for it's people ( no matter how corrupted) to care for them, feed them, that because of gov. and many other charities we do not have mothers making mud cookies in this wonderful, blessed country of U.S.A . I am blessed to live here. I will never look down on the poor, whatever reason they are poor, they need help. To many are overlooked, judged and condemned,it amazes me how affluence can affect peoples judgment.. Sometimes I may give in public and for the right reason, out of love for the needy, but THEN this other part of me, the human, sinful, prideful part says I want others to see me doing this. I want to be recognized as a good Samaritan. I will seek an audience of one-that's what I will do differently from now on. Sometime I spend money on needless things, which I then feel guilty about, because not only is my own financial situation not very secure. I feel I could have given that to someone really needy instead of spending it on some foolish, little, earthly "trinket" which I certainly don't NEED - I just think I "need" it at the time! AND, NO, spending money on foolish, earthly things is selfish and is not a good enough reason. Quote
Raph Posted May 14, 2012 Report Posted May 14, 2012 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? Jesus' teaching here an in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence me and my attitude towards the poor by knowing that, I am supposed to help the poor as I could and I should do that not for the purpose of being seen by other people. What will you do differently as a result? I will try my utmost to give to the poor and encourage others to do the same. What keeps us from giving more to the poor? What keeps us from giving more to the poor is our own expenditures. Is that a good enough reason? No. That is not good enough as some of the expenditures are not really necessary. One cna leave them out and instead add to the portion to give to the needy. Quote
johnj Posted July 11, 2012 Report Posted July 11, 2012 In my case, giving more is limited becasue I really don't know who to or how to, and yet remain a 'good steward'. I frequently see people at street corners with signs: 'homeless please help'. Same people, same corner week after week. Is this really a needy person? I wonder every time. Through church, I see so much waste and glitter that I can't believe they have or serve needs. There are a few shelters where I both help and serve. But even here there are many resources for these places. And the people who control the resources are not beyond abusing them. When there are ways I can touch someone really in need, I help. My heart goes out to others. However, even in thie endevor, I have loaned money to people I thought I knew, when they expressed need, only to find I was cheated. If I have such little discernment, how should I manage the Lord's resources? He has seen fit to take much of the material wealth for which I worked most of my life. Sometimes I wonder if it's due to my lack of discernment. Or more likely to get my attention. These days my giving is limited to family who I know first hand to be in need, and also giving of my talents to help non-financial needs where ever the opportunity arises. It seems to me this is a place to which the Lord has led me. Quote
tgandy Posted October 13, 2013 Report Posted October 13, 2013 Jesus' teaching says to me that giving is part of my Christian discipline. When giving I think that maybe my gift may go to help the Father Himself. When I help I am serving the Master. Sometimes I think we do not give more because we are afraid we will not have enough to support our families. I know we go through hard times, but God always takes care of us. He feeds the birds, the wild animals and the lilies of the field. He will take care of me. Quote
DebLam3teach Posted November 14, 2014 Report Posted November 14, 2014 I liked how this verse (5:42) talks about giving a loan to the poor to help them save face. How thoughtful of Jesus! Matthew 6:2 tells us that giving to the needy is our obligation. It's easy to get self-righteous and critical when you see so much inefficiency, abuse and waste. But, we are still commanded to give to the needy. So we must find the best possible ways to give, even though imperfect. We are only stewards of what God has given us, including our money. We must use it the way He directs. Quote
Eager Bver Posted December 16, 2014 Report Posted December 16, 2014 Q2. (Matthew 5:42 and 6:1-4) How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitudes towards the poor? What will you do differently as a result? What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Is that a good enough reason?  We are to be a blessing to those in need.  It could be us in need of help.  Scams and con-artists causes us to shy away from giving more to the poor.  If we remember Jesus' words "pray for those who despitefully use you", we would obey him knowing it is in his hands. Quote
JoanG Posted March 23, 2015 Report Posted March 23, 2015 I have been poor most of my life. I know what it is like to struggle. I know what it is like to be homeless and to live in a car with my kids for 10 days. However, I also know that God did take care of us. He kept us safe and helped me get out of it all. I still have a bit of a struggle but I am working very hard to get back on my own feet completely. I give praise for all the things that I do have. I do give to people what I can. I do share but I share with those that really need it. I really do not help those that don't help themselves. I go out of my wat to try and help them, but I will not do it all for them and I will not enable them to take advantage of myself or others. I am not sure if this makes me a horrible person but I have worked hard myself to get where I am and I expect others to want to work to help themselves. Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 11, 2015 Report Posted May 11, 2015 When we give to the poor in secret that means that we are being influenced by attitude toward the poor. It helps to remind us that maybe someday we may need that help also. It will change our attitudes as the result of giving to the poor. The thing that keeps us from giving more to the poor is that we want to have more things for ourselves. Quote
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