Pastor Ralph Posted December 20, 2007 Report Posted December 20, 2007 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Quote
JanMary Posted February 21, 2008 Report Posted February 21, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? 1) He said to pray in secret where our Father is in secret and sees in secret, and will reward us in the open, rather than to be like the hypocrites who pray to be seen as pious by others. 2)When it's done to draw attention to the pray-er, rather than to intercede for the need. 3)Flowery prayers cause others to stumble and to believe that if they don't know all of the fancy Christianese phrases and flowery words, then they can't participate, or don't know how to pray. Eloquent prayers can be beautiful, but aren't necessary in order to be heard by our Father, since He hears the hearts intent, and scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit takes our prayer and perfects it to the Father, so the most bumbling prayers are perfect by the time they reach the Father's "ear. 3/21 I'VE BEEN ASKED SINCE I GAVE THESE ANSWERS, FOR THE REFERENCE RE: THE HOLY SPIRIT TAKING OUR PRAYERS AND PERFECTING THEM TO THE FATHER.....IT'S IN ROMANS 8:26,27. "SO TOO, THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES TO OUR AID AND BEARS US UP IN OUR WEAKNESS: FOR WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT PRAYER TO OFFER NOR HOW TO OFFER IT WORTHILY AS WE OUGHT, BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF GOES TO MEET OUR SUPPLICATION AND PLEADS IN OUR BEHALF WITH UNSPEAKABLE YEARNINGS AND GROANINGS TOO DEEP FOR UTTERANCE. AND HE WHO SEARCHES THE HEARTS OF MEN KNOWS WHAT IS IN THE MIND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHAT HIS INTENT IS, BECAUSE THE SPIRIT INTERCEDES AND PLEADS BEFORE GOD IN BEHALF OF THE SAINTS ACCORDING TO AND IN HARMONY WITH GOD'S WILL." Amplified Bible .. Hope this is helpful. Quote
Tabatha Posted February 21, 2008 Report Posted February 21, 2008 1) He said to pray in secret where our Father is in secret and sees in secret, and will reward us in the open, rather than to be like the hypocrites who pray to be seen as pious by others. 2)When it's done to draw attention to the pray-er, rather than to intercede for the need. 3)Flowery prayers cause others to stumble and to believe that if they don't know all of the fancy Christianese phrases and flowery words, then they can't participate, or don't know how to pray. Eloquent prayers can be beautiful, but aren't necessary in order to be heard by our Father, since He hears the hearts intent, and scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit takes our prayer and perfects it to the Father, so the most bumbling prayers are perfect by the time they reach the Father's "ears". Injoy your time away I have enjoyed reading you reply's God Bless you JanMary May his Blessing go with you Tabatha Quote
Tabatha Posted February 21, 2008 Report Posted February 21, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Public prayer was one way to get attention, Sometimes it can be a stumbling block for new Christians who won't pray cause they feel they can't pray as good as that other person who uses all the right words led sometimes by the flesh and not the Spirit. Jesus saw through their self-righteous acts , however, and taught that the essence of prayer is not public style but private communcation with God. I love talking to God, then I have to be quiet so I can listen to Him. Sometimes He gives me directions, or wait, or no answer just His wonderful presence. There is a place for public prayer , but to prayer only where others will notice you indicates that your audience is not God. Repeating the same words over and over like magic incantation is no way to ensure that God will hear your prayer . It's not wrong to come to God many times with the same requests - Jesus encourages persistent prayer. But He condemns the shallow reptition of words that are not offered with a sincere heart. We can never pray to much if our prayers are honest and sincere. Before you start to pray , make sure your heart is cleansed before God and you mean what you say. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 25, 2008 Report Posted February 25, 2008 Jesus tells us to pray in secret--so He can change us. We are doing it for our audience of one, not to impress others! Public/corporate prayers are commanded and are wonderful, but must be led of the Spirit, not to sound good to others. Flowery prayers are intimidating to others. I used to think, they have said it right, covered all the bases, so what is left for me to pray? I am struggling here right now. I sometimes don't pray in the group when I don't feel the Spirit leading. I know I need to get my eyes off ME and onto HIM. Quote
Roxanne Posted February 25, 2008 Report Posted February 25, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? BECAUSE JESUS HEARS US ,,HE KNOWS ALREADY WHAT IS IN OUR HEARTS..WHEN YOU PRAY FOR SOMEONE YOU MUST BE LEAD BY GOD...LONG DRAWN OUT PRAYERS ARE JUST THAT ..WE SHOULD GET TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER ..BECAUSE THE LORD KNOWS ALL BEFORE WE SAY IT!!! Quote
Cee Posted February 25, 2008 Report Posted February 25, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Jesus wants pray in secret so that our Father will see what is prayed in secret will be rewared openly, this is very true, because I have done this so many times in secret to God. This is intercession on the behalf of the church and the believers. This is called a "bootleg" annointing, it will hinder the true believers in their prayers. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted February 26, 2008 Report Posted February 26, 2008 We pray in our secret closet of prayer in order that we can be ourselves before the Lord. We Quote
love.serve.know Posted February 26, 2008 Report Posted February 26, 2008 _ We won't be thinking about who is watching or what they think of us. We can focus on God and not be distracted by what we are saying. _ Public prayer is not appropriate when it's something I need to deal with between me and God. _ Flowery prayers are based on the words rather than the intent of the heart. Quote
Soomee Posted February 27, 2008 Report Posted February 27, 2008 (i) Prayer is also giving an offering to God. So the principles apply to our Quote
jjj Posted February 27, 2008 Report Posted February 27, 2008 Prayer is a communication and again the term 'An audience of One' applies - in collective prayer we are aware of those around us and our nature tend to want to please and hear and agree and sometimes even impress them with our wisdom and 'closeness to God' . When we pray alone , we tend to punctuate the prayer with a need to have the spirit guide us into prayer direction. Prayers of agreement are powerful and help unite, bond and direct a congregation - it is the body (as one) towards God. However personality can surface and sometimes it can be very empty. Flowery prayers can often just be about hearing our voices. This can drown out the soft voice of the Spirit. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted February 27, 2008 Report Posted February 27, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Jesus tells us to pray in secret so that we are praying directly to the Father and not to everyone else for show. We are to pray in secret so that the Father will hear in secret and he will reward us in public. Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? Public prayer should not be done to draw attention to the speaker instead it should draw attention to God and not to the eloquence of the speaker giving the prayer. How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? I had this problem wondering how to pray because so many others showed eloquence and used words that were grand when they prayed and my little old prayer was just simple. But through study I've learned that God wants me to communicate with him just as if he was sitting right in front of me, just like I would speak to any member of the family. He just wants to hear from me. It doesn't have to be eloquent or extradinary, he just wants to hear from me plain and simple just a message from my heart that is true. Quote
Stan Posted February 27, 2008 Report Posted February 27, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Because He wants our prayers to come from the heart not done to impress those around us. When we pray in a look at me spirit long and trying to be proper then our prayers will be contrary to the thoughts of Jesus. Flowery prayers might hinder disciples by teaching them the wrong means of seeking God and His mercy. Jesus taught the disciples to pray seeking the Father first and then asking for the help that they needed. Quote
June Posted March 2, 2008 Report Posted March 2, 2008 Pray in secret so you have the audience of One and no distractions. You have to impress no-one. Jesus hears the faintest cry. We need intimacy with Jesus. Time spent alone with Jesus will be rewarded. When The Holy Spirit is moving amongst us, we should pray silently. Simple, distinguishable, sincere words are all that's needed because Jesus knows what we need before we ask and what is in the heart. Quote
Patricia A Posted March 3, 2008 Report Posted March 3, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? The most important and the most earnest kind of prayer is that which is done privately. In Matthew 6:6, Christ states, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." This certainly shows us the importance of private prayer. However, Christ is also dealing with a particular practice of the Pharisees. They made a big show of praying so that everyone would know just how spiritual they were. They were proud and ostentatious in their prayers so that others would see them. That is, they took what should have been their private prayer life and made a public show of it so that others would be amazed at their spirituality. This is akin today to those who continually brag on how much time they spend in prayer. Christ was teaching us that our personal prayer life is not to be displayed in public. He was not teaching that there was never an occasion for public prayer. Public prayer is common in the Old Testament. Solomon prayed at the dedication of the temple (1Kings 8:22-23). Elijah prayed publicly on Mt. Carmel (1Kings 17:36-37). Ezra prayed before "a very great congregation of men and women and children" (Ezra 10:1). If public prayer is not allowed in the New Testament, it is definitely a change in what God allows. However, we continue to see public prayer practiced in the New Testament even after the teaching of Matthew 6:6. Christ prayed publicly before He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:41-42) as well as on other occasions. Paul kneeled and prayed with the Ephesian elders before he left them (Acts 20:36). And although we receive few clear statements about the order of worship in the early churches, an important piece of information is found in 1Corinthians 14:15-16, which states: 1Corinthians 14:15-16 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest? I believe the important element of prayer is that it is to glorify God and that we we are humble and do not try to impress others. We must be sincere in worshipping God and remember that we have nothing except what God has given us. Quote
JustJeff Posted March 3, 2008 Report Posted March 3, 2008 Secret prayer is an opportunity to demonstrate true faith, meditate on your toughts and be alone with God. Corporate prayer is so cool when done in the spirit of unity with one mind and one accord. On the other hand, when done for show it is empty and phoney. Flowery prayers say a lot of nothing. Prayer needs to be to the point to have meaning. Our God is a serious God and He wants to hear value. Quote
mags Posted March 4, 2008 Report Posted March 4, 2008 We are told to pray in secret for a number of reasons - spiritual growth, to illiminate pride, so that we pray fo rhte right motives for God's glory not self-glory. It is about the heart attitude - public prayer goes against Jesus' teaching when it is offered to be thorught of as better by others. When it is self-seeking and after the gratification of men. Flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples because it makes others feel inadequate. Some people can waffle and talk in many words which only makes others feel that they don't know how to pray. It is not what we say so much as if we say it - if we pray. Quote
Lunga Posted March 4, 2008 Report Posted March 4, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? because we do not do things for people to honour is for our father who is not is because when we gather we are the body of Christ.we are one and the prayer becomes powerful.flowery prayers are made by is too much fleshy. Quote
Don W Posted March 10, 2008 Report Posted March 10, 2008 Jesus tells us to pray in secret so that He gets all the glory in hearing and answering our prayers, and we don’t get prideful nor take any credit at all for our prayers because they come from a humbled heart rather then a proud and sinful one. If public prayers are done out of pride for one’s eloquence and prideful abilities to give these prayers for men’s applause, then they are wrong and will not go beyond receiving men’s approval; but if they are done out of a sincere and humbled heart for our poverty in spiritual things, then God will not only hear His own peoples’ prayers, but He will bless us with His tremendous answers to them. Flowery prayers hinder the disciples’ spiritual growth and development by their showing off their pride and eloquence, as the “pick of the litter” so-to-speak, to each other and not to their heavenly Father and for His honor and glory. We may have the same problem—especially in praying publicly in church or at a meeting—and this is something we all have to be aware of such leading to pride and showing our eloquent speech in our prayers before others. It is much easier, I think, and more rewarding (from God’s hand) to shut myself in my room, away from everyone else and other distractions, and then to make my requests be known to God our heavenly Father who answers our secret prayers with His blessings upon them; then it is to pray in public and not know whether or not I am doing so in the right attitude of spirit before the Lord so I rarely pray in public meetings. But it is not so easy for an ordained minister to choose one over the other so they have to beware of their attitude in praying in public and be very careful of the words they use in their prayers before others. We all must as Christians make sure all of our prayers, whether secret or in public, are the true heart-requests led by the Holy Spirit, and are all to glorify the Lord our God and never for ourselves. Quote
emmaus Posted March 10, 2008 Report Posted March 10, 2008 We should pray in private so that we can be alone with God, with no distractions or temptations, then he will hear us. It would be contrary to these verses if we are not praying in one accord and for all people including those over us. There would be no spiritual growth in us if we are praying for others to hear instead of God. Quote
masika Posted March 11, 2008 Report Posted March 11, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? It is because essence of prayer is not public style but private communication with God. There is a place for public prayer, but to pray only where others will notice us indicates that our real audience is not God. When we pray in public, let us focus on addressing God, not on how we are coming across to others. Flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples in that it shows that one is not honest and sincere in his/her prayer. We should make sure that we mean what we say in our prayers. Quote
linda bass Posted March 15, 2008 Report Posted March 15, 2008 Jesus tells us to pray in secret because we are not to pray in public in order to impress others with how pious we are. Although there is a place for public prayer, we are not to prayer high lofty,flowery prayers to impress everyone else. Flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples by hindering their spiritual growth. A Christian who struggles in their prayer life may feel he isn't as spiritual as someone who prays a flowery prayer. He may feel his own prayers are inadequate. Quote
swordwoman Posted March 16, 2008 Report Posted March 16, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? Secret prayer strips us of having to be "noticed"'s just me and God...alone together...together alone. Public prayer is necessary in that it creates the power of agreement...however, flowery prayers hinder the development of praying disciples in that the focus shifts from communion with God to "communion" with man...again, to be seen and heard by man...the whole "am I doing it right" thing, when God is simply interested in our heart motivation and sincere, genuine faith for Him to "git 'er done..." God is all about and Him...Co-Union. Quote
Dar Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Q3. (Matthew 6:5-7) Why does Jesus tell us to pray in secret? Jesus primarily speaking to His followers or disciples, was giving great wisdom and teaching, on the importance of prayer. The foundation of our prayers must always be of "worship" to G-d Almighty. The Jewish men, when they went into their closet to pray in secret, would bring the prayer shawl up over their head, this would become their closet, their secret place. We must never forget what an awesome privilege it is to go before G-d's throne in prayer. We have a secret place too, we have the covering of Yeshua, He made it all possible. Yeshua is my secret place, I can go before G-d in worship, in prayer, for what He has done for me. I believe we can pray in secret, even as we pray in public, as long as our prayers are given for the right reason, in worship and honor to G-d. Though public prayer in church gatherings is commanded in scripture (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 1 Timothy 2:1), in which circumstances might public prayer in a church service be contrary to the spirit of Jesus' instructions in these verses? Our prayers should not be a one time thing, given at a certain time, but they should be a continued prayer, with the purpose of devotion to G-d and to the ministry of the word. Our prayers in public must be one of unity, given in one accord unto G-d. How do flowery prayers hinder the development of disciples? How can we grow in the Lord, if we are trying to please mankind? G-d is not concerned with flowery words spoken, we don't have to come before Him with many words. He is looking for the words that speak from our hearts, words spoken in honesty, words spoken in "faith," words spoken in "praise" to Him, that make our petitions become worship, that please Him. Quote
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